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China must recover territory ‘looted' by neighbours, said PLA General

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only teenage girls use this kind of words. you have been exposed to me Mr Military Professional. a professional thanks to some Wiki and other sources.

no longer going to take you seriously.

You totally missed his point. its not how its spelled...but how its pronounced ... but whatever. You are wrong on both counts.
Good that the Chinese finally exercised their 'high IQs' and realized that communism was a spectacular failure. Took decades but you finally realized it. And spare me the Confucius argument nonsense. I would like to see any China-VN diplomatic ties based upon Confucius pithy...:rolleyes:..Viet Nam will continue to press other countries to work in Asia to deny the region a China-centric age as long as China continue to express sentiments like the PLA general under discussion.

Dont you love the IQ comments? :D
only teenage girls use this kind of words. you have been exposed to me Mr Military Professional. a professional thanks to some Wiki and other sources.

no longer going to take you seriously.
Gosh...Am heartbroken...:lol:...As if YOU had anything I considered to be 'serious' in the first place.
Good that the Chinese finally exercised their 'high IQs' and realized that communism was a spectacular failure. Took decades but you finally realized it. And spare me the Confucius argument nonsense. I would like to see any China-VN diplomatic ties based upon Confucius pithy...:rolleyes:..Viet Nam will continue to press other countries to work in Asia to deny the region a China-centric age as long as China continue to express sentiments like the PLA general under discussion.

Wow, my dear viet-commie, are your out of your mind? supporting a pure bleed "communist vietnam"? so you finally exposed your "true colour" an undisputed "Viet-commie" eh? :lol:
Where the heck was your so-called organized ambitious of over throw the vietnam communist state inorder to reclaim "Saigon"'s glory of the vanished "South-vietnam"?:hang2:
Communists chinks will be crushed by Indian power backed by America and Israel!

And this guy still hasn't been banned yet. :rolleyes:

So many Indian suicide trolls these days.

Maybe they should bear in mind this notice from the moderators:

Dear Indian members,

Using racist and offensive terms to address anyone on the board is strictly prohibited! Some of the Indian members are casually using the term "C***ks" to address our Chinese members on the forum. In future, anyone found using these pathetic terms will be banned immediately. Your cooperation in this regard will be appreciated!


^^ stop quoting his message, it does not contribute to the debate.
^^ stop quoting his message, it does not contribute to the debate.

Debate? will you still be in a mood for debate when you were being racially name calling on a daily basis? seriously will you still like to debate with me if i keep calling you dot......or push-b......?
Good that the Chinese finally exercised their 'high IQs' and realized that communism was a spectacular failure. Took decades but you finally realized it. And spare me the Confucius argument nonsense. I would like to see any China-VN diplomatic ties based upon Confucius pithy...:rolleyes:..Viet Nam will continue to press other countries to work in Asia to deny the region a China-centric age as long as China continue to express sentiments like the PLA general under discussion.

So sad, it's still the PEOPLE'S republic of china and the SOCIALIST republic of vietnam and will remain so for at least the next century; not sure if the US will survive the next century, maybe missing 10 or so stars if it even exists by 2100, probably will go the way of south Vietnam, hopefully canada and britain let americans in as refugees. the flag of south vietnam will never fly again except in the backyards of wannabes far away from Vietnam, much like KKK flies confederate flag. Both southerners, both lost the civil war, both discarded to the trashbin of history.
Debate? will you still be in a mood for debate when you were being racially name calling on a daily basis? seriously will you still like to debate with me if i keep calling you dot......or push-b......?

Point taken but sometime you have to take the high road and REPORT IT TO MODS instead to helping him pollute this forum. You are not alone here, we have been called worse things than that here but you just have to grow thick skin and not help the trollers.

TROLL:In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion:cheers:
So sad, it's still the PEOPLE'S republic of china and the SOCIALIST republic of vietnam and will remain so for at least the next century;
Consider the last spat the two had where Chinese troops got a beating, never mind that 'socialist' tag. China divorced the Soviets and shook hands with US, remember? Sad indeed.

not sure if the US will survive the next century, maybe missing 10 or so stars if it even exists by 2100, probably will go the way of south Vietnam, hopefully canada and britain let americans in as refugees.
More like Puerto Rico will be the 51st star, Canada the 52nd, and Mexico the 53rd.

the flag of south vietnam will never fly again except in the backyards of wannabes far away from Vietnam, much like KKK flies confederate flag. Both southerners, both lost the civil war, both discarded to the trashbin of history.
Years ago...I was on a bus from Th&#7911; &#272;&#7913;c and asked how to bus from H&#7891; Chí Minh City to <anywhere>. The whole bus erupted in laughter, including the driver, who was a state employee at that. Turned out that no one but party propagandists called Sài Gòn -- H&#7891; Chí Minh City. Ordinary people still called the city -- Sài Gòn. Today, conservative estimate has %50-something of the population borned after the war. More generous estimate has over %60. That mean the population no longer has any emotional ties to the Vietnam War. Vi&#7879;t Ki&#7873;u like myself continues to undermine communism at the people's level with our ideas, remittances that help alleviate the poverty brought on by centralized planning for so many years, and criticisms of communism in general. Just like how the Soviet Union collapse in my lifetime, North Korea will disappear from China's grip, and there will be a Sài Gòn again. You boys will be around to see it all...:D
More like Puerto Rico will be the 51st star, Canada the 52nd, and Mexico the 53rd.

Wow, that is some hefty expansionism!

When exactly... is America going to conquer Puerto Rico, Canada, and Mexico?
Wow, that is some hefty expansionism!

When exactly... is America going to conquer Puerto Rico, Canada, and Mexico?
Conquer? :lol: Puerto Rico was given the choice to select, aka vote, for independence or remain a US protectorate. Guess what Puerto Rico is STILL today? Would China care to do the same for Taiwan or Tibet? Mexico? What a mess...Either there is a wall between the two countries where the world will see another spectacular collapse of another country...Or eventually Mexico admit that it cannot survive on its own and might as well be another US state. Canada? It is already another US state -- unofficially...:D
Consider the last spat the two had where Chinese troops got a beating, never mind that 'socialist' tag. China divorced the Soviets and shook hands with US, remember? Sad indeed.

More like Puerto Rico will be the 51st star, Canada the 52nd, and Mexico the 53rd.

Years ago...I was on a bus from Th&#7911; &#272;&#7913;c and asked how to bus from H&#7891; Ch&#237; Minh City to <anywhere>. The whole bus erupted in laughter, including the driver, who was a state employee at that. Turned out that no one but party propagandists called S&#224;i G&#242;n -- H&#7891; Ch&#237; Minh City. Ordinary people still called the city -- S&#224;i G&#242;n. Today, conservative estimate has &#37;50-something of the population borned after the war. More generous estimate has over %60. That mean the population no longer has any emotional ties to the Vietnam War. Vi&#7879;t Ki&#7873;u like myself continues to undermine communism at the people's level with our ideas, remittances that help alleviate the poverty brought on by centralized planning for so many years, and criticisms of communism in general. Just like how the Soviet Union collapse in my lifetime, North Korea will disappear from China's grip, and there will be a S&#224;i G&#242;n again. You boys will be around to see it all...:D

the soviets collapsed not because they were communist but because they were stupid. the same reason for south vietnam's collapse. Shaking hands with the US was a pragmatic choice of the time, times change, US is a backstabbing nation and our leaders knew it, the US got lucky with 1 spineless traitor Jiang in the 90's.

And in a century, Vietnam will still be firmly under communist party management if it doesn't become a colony of China much as Mexico is the colony of the US. Next time you visit it may be to "Vietnam Province, PRC". It may very well be in your lifetime. Vietnam's a great place for investors, unfortunately Vietnamese expats are usually too poor so they need investors from China, both mainland and Taiwan.
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