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China must recover territory ‘looted' by neighbours, said PLA General

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Disagree; Vietnamese and Chinese have intimate connections going back 1000 years and we have less disputes with Vietnam than with India. China is one of the biggest investors and supplier of capital goods to Vietnam as well as the second largest export market for their goods. When issues are settled and FTA is signed, eventually the Guangxi-Vietnam border will be completely open for free movement and Vietnam would be completely economically connected to China. Eventually a FTA for the entire east asian area would be signed, once the US is kicked out of the region.
You may be able to perpetuate this lie somewhere else but not here with me. The relationship between China and Viet Nam have ALWAYS been one of racism, condescension, contempt, conquest, and conflict.
Disagree; Vietnamese and Chinese have intimate connections going back 1000 years and we have less disputes with Vietnam than with India. China is one of the biggest investors and supplier of capital goods to Vietnam as well as the second largest export market for their goods. When issues are settled and FTA is signed, eventually the Guangxi-Vietnam border will be completely open for free movement and Vietnam would be completely economically connected to China. Eventually a FTA for the entire east asian area would be signed, once the US is kicked out of the region.

That is most certainly not what the Vietnamese think. They seem to resent all your claims of connections(intimate or otherwise) about culture & especially about language. The fact that they don't use Chinese characters & prefer the roman alphabet should tell you something. In my limited interaction with a few Vietnamese(& I stress on limited), I got the feeling that they were far more relaxed about the Americans than they are about the Chinese.
China aint going to wait for 10 years if the goi keep provoking them. the best strategy is take out india first the rest of the others will hand back our territory without a single bullet fire.
The correct way to deal with "India"is to follow closely that CPC strategist's view not that long ago, namely to dis-intergrate it into 30 tiny pieces, as it was before the colonial Brits put them together. Think Sun Zi...
Think no further than 100s of millions of Indian souls that go to bed with empty stomachs everyday. Some are so hungry that they start hallucinating by bullshitting "India designs FGFA, etc. " whenever they sneak into PDF on borrowed time. :hitwall:
Yes, India must be split into many states for China to be recognized globally as a true superpower on the order of Soviet Union. It's also the best thing that can happen to the poor Indian low castes (even though it harms those high caste Indians who have computers and internet). A massive land redistribution is exactly what India needs.

I want to emphasize power projection is crucial -- this is what turns our "wars of defense" into "wars for colonization and plundering." When New Delhi collapses, China must have PLA, PLAN and PLAAF bases in Pakistan, Nepal, Burma, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka so our troops can establish a pro-China government for India.

a war that leads to enemy's disintegration is what I have been talking about.
you see, a good military strategist should avoid doing some great blunders. one of them is that a good military strategist should avoid making and defeating a wrong enemy, no matter how easily he can defeat and boost his self ego. a good military strategist must not select an enemy on the basis on the 'perceived' enemy's military strength. there should be sound reasons for going to war against any country. we just can't select weaker countries as our enemies since we can easily defeat them. this is what Hitler couldn't understand.
Excellent analysis! In a scheme to contain China, India is the weakest link.

China can break through containment by defeating India in a war, install pro-China governments in India and gain control over Indian Ocean Region and Malacca Straits. That would make China a true equal to the US as a superpower.

Indeed I don't understand why CMC and CPC ( those dimwits) wanna make Vietnam a national "enermy". There're a significant ethnic CHinese population in Vietnam.
Vietnam today seems to me a bit like late-Mao era of China, too paranoid. Reformers in Vietnam should get close together with China instead. This is a logical and smart conclusion which many Vietnamese and Chinese elites could agree, I reckon. I am confident, therefore, that Vietnam becomes China's friend and a strategic ally in the forseeable future. It's win-win.
In the past there was a lot of intermixing between Han Chinese and Siamese because part of northern Vietnam today was a part of China. But when wars broke out, the pro-independence Siamese drove out the pro-China Siamese and sent them into Guangxi or Guangdong. So what you are seeing in Vietnam today is perhaps people with some slight bit of Chinese blood who generations ago totally rejected that side of their origins.

Many Vietnamese hate Chinese today. They are definitely our enemies, at least not our friends.

And would this be 'consistent' with you boys' oft repeated self-righteous claims that China do not meddle in other countries' internal affairs? Looks like China's rise in Asia may not so 'peaceful' after all, eh?
We can offer "peace" but nothing will stand in the way of our rise!

What insult...??? Unless...You are offended by the implication that Pakistan's alliance with China is nothing more than economic and PR reasons. Show everyone a credible source that such an alliance is so powerful that Pakistan will shed blood and treasure for China's sake over Taiwan.
Nobody asked for Pakistani blood and treasure except you. Pakistan already supports China in a reunification war because it supports the One China Policy! :china::pakistan:

It would also be great when chinese help freedom fighters in Kashmir, my innocent kashmiri brothers being slaughtered in their own homeland, they are refugees in their own homeland. They need support from countries like china.
Yes, if China proliferates nuclear weapons to Kashmiris, it would help their struggle against India.

You would think India would end up like Yugoslavia, but India is still here! With a cultural diversity matching Africa. India is a miracle!
But now that India is a hostile country to China. It will inevitably be attacked and destroyed. So, India cannot be expected to remain one country for very long.

China must work with Pakistan on this.

We Pakistanis believe that 1962 was a missed opportunity for us.

Next war, China must work with Pakistan against india.

Then Pakistan can get India Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and China can get India Occupied South Tibet and other parts of Chinese territory india occupies in its north-east.
I think Pakistan should get the whole Indus valley, including Punjab State and most of Northern India. Then you can move the capital from Islamabad back to Delhi. Then "India" will only be "South India."

I believe China can defeat india in a matter of minutes and with Pakistan on its side, China can destroy india in a matter of seconds.
I agree. A hypothetical attack with 100 DF-25 missiles on all Indian military and industrial sites would send that country into chaos, rebellions and civil wars. Each DF-25 can carry 400 kt yield MIRV (not sure how many each missile... 3? 5? 10?).
I agree. A hypothetical attack with 100 DF-25 missiles on all Indian military and industrial sites would send that country into chaos, rebellions and civil wars. Each DF-25 can carry 400 kt yield MIRV (not sure how many each missile... 3? 5? 10?).

Its just astonishing that mods and admins are doing nothing and morons like the one above are just running amok here.
Its just astonishing that mods and admins are doing nothing and morons like the one above are just running amok here.

You can't blame a moron for behaving like one,can you now?

Its best to ignore him.

Sadly with trolls,mature members won't contribute anymore.
Why this thread is still running. It looks some childrens from school are using censored internet. I am sure if it would have been anti-******** than surely closed forever. And mubarak to our lovely ajtr for flaming once again.

Ok. I know my politicians are corrupt but I am one of the lucky person who knows that India's politicians are corrupt since lot in this world can't know what is real and what is dump.

Omar Sahab, hum aapka intazaar kar rahe. Aap kab hame is bhukhe naghe India se bachoge. (kind of A Roy). Kripya hume bux dena.
Hey is only India allowed to plan for Cold Start against Pakistan but China cannot plan for Cold Start against India?

India and Pakistan don't have economic treaties or relations. But India-China do have. Moreover, India doesn't feel any problem coming from china because there are no terrorist camp there. Ya, whatever politicians say is just political matter and I don't give damn to it.

But ya I forget, you are one, who had my day. Your writings wonderful. One should make monument for service rendered by you on PDF.
After going through the24 odd paages of pure cr@p, the only thing that comes to my mind is that I should take Voluntiary Retirement from defence.pk. It has brewed some pure nonsential teenager members who can go on an on with pure cr@ps. I am especially disapointed with some members who I thought were saner but are now fully infested with cr@p (thanks to the influence of the endless teenaged trolls from all countries).

I'm too old for these cr@ps!!

After going through the24 odd paages of pure cr@p, the only thing that comes to my mind is that I should take Voluntiary Retirement from defence.pk. It has brewed some pure nonsential teenager members who can go on an on with pure cr@ps. I am especially disapointed with some members who I thought were saner but are now fully infested with cr@p (thanks to the influence of the endless teenaged trolls from all countries).

I'm too old for these cr@ps!!


tell that to yours high ranking millitary personels when they are talking abt china going to attack india in 2011, 2012, 2015.
india hypocracies is incredible when is it c oming from yr side is it completely valid and construtive. but when others said it is it cr@ps.
Excellent analysis! In a scheme to contain China, India is the weakest link.

China can break through containment by defeating India in a war, install pro-China governments in India and gain control over Indian Ocean Region and Malacca Straits. That would make China a true equal to the US as a superpower.

there are a number of weaknesses in india, if used skilfully, india can be defeated even without firing a shot from the Chinese side. but I am afraid, it seems our last hope, the CMC itself has been hijacked by Delhi and Moscow. I wonder why the Chinese media is not allowing the mainland Chinese to be aware of the indian threat, why they are publishing pro-india positive reports which are not true. Chinese media now seems to be india media.
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Hey is only India allowed to plan for Cold Start against Pakistan but China cannot plan for Cold Start against India?

dont you think china is only one in the world if they can

then what ou say about


buddy china is grwoing but no powerful fact is china cant
there are a number of weaknesses in india, if used skilfully, india can be defeated even without firing a shot from the Chinese side. but I am afraid, it seems our last hope, the CMC itself has been hijacked by Delhi and Moscow. I wonder why the Chinese media is not letting the mainland Chinese be aware of the indian threat.

China is biting its time we need an excuse for war with india, the way things are going it shouldnt be long now, we see provokation coming from india frequently and more often than before. china will never tolerate any country interfrer in our internal matters particula in our one china policy, we dont interfer in yours so dont you dare to interfere in us. but sadly india is not smart enough to see it . Tibet and the dalilama is good enough excuse for china to completly destroy india.
addressed to my chini bhai......

why will china loose the battle if fought with India?
and india will liberate tibet
imp one IAF bases and military bases are more near to the border contrary to chinese counterpart......
IAF bases are more in no. on border and throughtout the sino-indian border..from j&k to AP.
Though u hve spent heavily on rail and road but it could be easily sabotaged with Tibetan support... which they will ..............

Indian side of the border is populated so we have civilian support too .....
and if u think that we are sitting duck..............
then ur fooling urself

we are working to aggressively working on missile interception......... which is way ahead of urs...buddy

now about nuke?
i told yesterday also u have signed ctbt and npt...
we havn't signed any of them...

so it wud be easy for us to nuke u dear.....
now u will say u don't have missiles........ to cover china..........
beta jab moon pe rocket pahuncha diya to china to paas hi hai.....
(when we have send rocket to moon then china is nearby only)
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