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China must recover territory ‘looted' by neighbours, said PLA General

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Now i am definitely convinced,your historical as well general knowledge is a product of rupeenews articles.

Not really i do frequent the website but everyone iin pakistan knows bhartis wasnt to occupy the whole subcontinent and cant live with its neighbour, To be honest Dr Israr ahmed was the first person from where i came to know about the mentality of indians, He was my idol he died last year, may god bless his soul. My entire history knowledge is due to him. He said hinduism exterminated every religion in bharat except islam, Islam stood like a rock wall, Hinduism exterminated buddhism, jainism, several smaller cults, but couldn't exterminate islam.
remember 1971? Nixon and Kissinger both urged China to send troops deep into India with assurances that Marines and USAF would provide all types of support.

that is why I said China missed 1971 opportunity.

Exercising restraint in 1971 by China was the wisest thing to do.

1971 was fought in december ,the high altitude passes were snow bound thanks to Himalayan winter.

Commencing an attack then would be like climbing Mt.Everest and attacking the enemy well entrenched on the top.

Had PLA attacked,they would have become sitting ducks for the IA NE divisions there.

Also China didn't posses aircraft capable of flying at such high altitudes to provide air support.(i believe China didn't have MIG-25s back then)
A Kashmiri women split your nation in two in 1971..............:tup:

And you created for yourselves two eternal enemies, Pakistan and China, who together make up around 80% of your land borders.
And you created for yourselves two eternal enemies, Pakistan and China, who together make up around 80% of your land borders.

Thats fine, let it be.

Nothing is eternal, I have faith when me and you are long gone. Nations like Pakistan,China, India will cooperate like France, England, Germany.
Not really i do frequent the website but everyone iin pakistan knows bhartis wasnt to occupy the whole subcontinent and cant live with its neighbour, To be honest Dr Israr ahmed was the first person from where i came to know about the mentality of indians, He was my idol he died last year, may god bless his soul. My entire history knowledge is due to him. He said hinduism exterminated every religion in bharat except islam, Islam stood like a rock wall, Hinduism exterminated buddhism, jainism, several smaller cults, but couldn't exterminate islam.

Ohhh! You"ve qualified to be in my ignore list.

Damn! and i actually taught you knew what you were speaking.
This is where you boys' study and understanding of history, vis-a-vis inter-states relations, is lacking. The US-UK-Euro analogy I presented is applicable only up to a point. Great Britain and the European countries can only resort of colonialism to assert themselves on the global stage. The young US continued to expand and grow on its own continent and over time grew a geopolitical prominence that eclipsed Great Britain and Europe.

Viet Nam can never be like post-Revolutionary US with plenty of room and resources to exploit, grow and possibly eclipsed larger countries. Viet Nam, if wishing to assert some measure of independence on the world stage in general and in Asia in particular, must take after post WW II Japan, where the people and the country's leadership abandoned imperialism and concentrate on economic prowess. Japan has nowhere the natural resources as the three 'Indochina' countries and Japan eclipsed China in many ways, from economic prowess to geopolitical stature, in Asia in particular and the world in general. The UK is a member of UN Security Council, a group whose membership is based largely upon nuclear arms. Japan, alongside South Korea, would be members of an economic 'security council' on a global scale, if there is such an official organ, and past economic rescues done by either countries reinforce that perception. Unable to emulate the young US after a bloody severance from Great Britain, Viet Nam will not look to China but to the West for a geopolitical severance from a condescending and contemptuous China.


I suspect that it's people with you kind of mindset in Vietnam who have completely misjudged the current geopolitical and econonomics mega trends, thereby lead Vietnam to a developmental cul-de-sac.

The West is on the way down, almost irreversably due to leftist multiculti BS. looking for West as the padrón ally would be long term suicidal for Vietnam.

CHina average IQ of 105 and her sheer size decide, assuming SD=15, that China's >130 high IQ pool would be larger than the US, Japan and the EU combined. Thus provided that the domestic policies are further fine tuned as she has been doing, China would elapse both the US and Japan ( needeless to say the tiny Korea for that matter) in High tech in the long run, granted!

Economicaly, Vietnam can hardly become "another Japan or Korea", due to average IQ unfortunately, and the timing, for the foremr two were the `welfare children` of the West (had enjoyed wrorry-free economic developemnt plan for decades) due to the unique historical Cold War alliance. Yet Vietnam can become a rather wealthy and prosperous nation nonetheless for her size and capacity, if adopts the correct development path. The cash hungry West with its "Marriots men" would strip the current Vietnam´s shirt off in a potential full-on economic "co-op", as it did many times over in S America and SE Asia. Vietnam should forge economic and strategic special relationship with her next door incoming superpower China instead, particularly given the same Confucius culture (for that matter the same with Japan and Korea, who are in China´s current economic `allaince` already, like it or not ). In such a scenario, Vietnam will have abundant tech, finance, knowhow, a text-book development East Asia sample , and a huge end-market right in front of her main door! It is the most efficient way for Vietnam and , as I said, a win-win.
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Leaving your childish little insult aside, Pakistan and china has been friend for almost 3000 years, Our realationship dates back to Qin dynasty, We traded using silk road, Chinese were frequent visitors to Taxilla, Pakistan and China together saved buddhism after it was exterminated from its place of birth in Bharat.
In simple words pakistan and china has been enemies of Ganga Valley for thousands of years, It is natural for pakistan to help china than america when it is needed.
Taiwan is an integral part of china, i have many taiwanese friends who proudly call themselves chinese unlike kashmiris who consider it an insult to be called indian.


This thread has some real gems...but this one would give hongwu's posts a run for their money!

And you created for yourselves two eternal enemies, Pakistan and China, who together make up around 80% of your land borders.

Not exactly!

We made Pakistan more paranoid then they already were.

They supported the Taliban in Afghanistan even after the Soviets left.

And we can see whats its impact is on news every week.

Ohhh! You"ve qualified to be in my ignore list.

Damn! and i actually taught you knew what you were speaking.

He was a frequent visitor to Bharat, He was not some two bit professor, he used to give lectures in various top institutes in USA and west. Man this guy was encyclopedia.
Not really i do frequent the website but everyone iin pakistan knows bhartis wasnt to occupy the whole subcontinent and cant live with its neighbour, To be honest Dr Israr ahmed was the first person from where i came to know about the mentality of indians, He was my idol he died last year, may god bless his soul. My entire history knowledge is due to him. He said hinduism exterminated every religion in bharat except islam, Islam stood like a rock wall, Hinduism exterminated buddhism, jainism, several smaller cults, but couldn't exterminate islam.

not surprising...you are brainwashed. Knowledge does not come from parroting the views of one person but by listening to many, doing your own research and arriving at your own conclusions.

you sir, are a prime example of what one should Not do if they seek true knowledge.
He was a frequent visitor to Bharat, He was not some two bit professor, he used to give lectures in various top institutes in USA and west. Man this guy was encyclopedia.

I have read your posts on a Pakistan related thread, you seem to be very knowledgeable in history and social anthropology. I liked reading your posts.
He was a frequent visitor to Bharat, He was not some two bit professor, he used to give lectures in various top institutes in USA and west. Man this guy was encyclopedia.

your encyclopedia professor had some interesting remarks about jews.

"He compares Jews to parasites, calls the Holocaust "Divine punishment" and foresees the "total extermination" of Jews at the hands of Muslims.
Read more at: FBI's Latest Outreach Outrage :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism
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