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China muscles US in Pacific

China is not able to control tiny Japan, forget US.

Is usual

Dragon fart..
First we practice against India with our Maoists :)

When the time comes, we arm Latin America including Mexicans against USA domination.

yes on 30th feb. Meanwhile Mexico is a different country and USA is different. First learn that. Plus similar can be done in Tibet and West China.
3 US battle-groups will be minced by the Chinese Navy two decades from now.
Sure...When the US sells those carriers to China to be minced because we can nullify the aircraft carrier as a weapon. :lol:
3 US battle-groups will be minced by the Chinese Navy two decades from now.
US "pivot" will become meaningless once China becomes a superpower.
LOL so we will see China to invade Hawaii? Good luck China!

Keep deluding yourself :)
We are the new Chinese Empire :china:
yeah a new center of evil
These three countries are the real dogs of the US, the Americans would love to station their troops on Vietnamese properties. Weak pets needs to combine their forces, alone facing China is suicide. You are not so dumb as niceguy :d
We are brave but not dumb. You can take on someone similar to your size such as India, Russia or America. GO GO!
These three countries are the real dogs of the US, the Americans would love to station their troops on Vietnamese properties. Weak pets needs to combine their forces, alone facing China is suicide. You are not so dumb as niceguy :d

Oh please tell us how many opium did you have today to come with that conclusion
Oh please tell us how many opium did you have today to come with that conclusion
How much opium did Aquino III smoke when he decided on a military showdown with PLAN over Scarborough Shoal? :rofl:
How much opium did Aquino III smoke when he decided on a military showdown with PLAN over Scarborough Shoal? :rofl:

Ok thanks again for calling a shoal and not an island you people always makes mistakes between islands and shoals anyway yup the Instruction of your people in our EZZ is a bit of a pain but no amount of dicking around is going to convince the world of your so called peaceful rise. The Chinese threat is real but thanks to PSG and the PN we are running around on your ships to prevent further intrusion by your kind and soon with the Arraval of new ships like the soft loan ships from Japan, France we be blowing you people with water cannons and if you ships fire on us we would have the Missiles, Ships, And Planes to counter your lawless threat to our Peace plus the whole world will be marching with us so its a lose lose to you and your arrogant fascist Nazi Regime your so called peoples republic which is for the elite party members only republic and finally the Tibetans and the Ugyers and the others you have wrong will be free. But it all blows down to you doing the righting (following the International rules and standards) or continue on your stupid warmongering Arrogance? Your Choice!
Asian countries should sort out all their problems amongst themselves like men without letting Great Satan interefere, which will only bring disaster to the region. That is what they want, divide and conquer!
Asian countries should sort out all their problems amongst themselves like men without letting Great Satan interefere, which will only bring disaster to the region. That is what they want, divide and conquer!

If this was the true i would agree with you but the truth is china want to be a super power and copying the old model for being one by screwing everyone so this evil west thing is not the case here
Asian countries should sort out all their problems amongst themselves like men without letting Great Satan interefere, which will only bring disaster to the region. That is what they want, divide and conquer!
Sure...Except that China want to be the Great Satan of Asia. Actually started acting like one already...
We all know who is going around killing people in Muslim countries. You think they are blind?
If this was the true i would agree with you but the truth is china want to be a super power and copying the old model for being one by screwing everyone so this evil west thing is not the case here

Do you mean copying the western model of aggressive imperialism?

Sure...Except that China want to be the Great Satan of Asia. Actually started acting like one already...

I don't think that China can be as Satanic as western states, even if they wanted :D
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