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China muscles US in Pacific

3 US battle-groups will be minced by the Chinese Navy two decades from now.

US "pivot" will become meaningless once China becomes a superpower.

may be in chinese dreams but not in real.USA is too strong to beat,and there is still time to China become a superpower,if they become a superpower of course...nobody should underestimate its enemy,especially when powerful enemies are grouping against it..neither of Japan,SK and Australia is puny countries,let alone USA..each of these countries have very powerful airforce,Navy and Army.What China's capability is,nobody knows yet,thanx to their shadowy weapons program.beating these countries is,well,just over optimistic,even for China..remember Germany during WW2??Even they couldn't win against Britain and USA..These countries are not only powerful,they are well prepared as well.
lol by the time China has a blue water navy capable of challenging anything, America will have masses of unmanned supersonic bombers with ranges equal to that of the circumference of the planet

good luck occupying the highly resilient vietnam and island nations
lol by the time China has a blue water navy capable of challenging anything, America will have masses of unmanned supersonic bombers with ranges equal to that of the circumference of the planet

good luck occupying the highly resilient vietnam and island nations
With the threat of sequestration and budget cuts in America, are you kidding me?!
With the threat of sequestration and budget cuts in America, are you kidding me?!

No, I'm not kidding. They are already in development, and China isnt really that close to a blue water fleet yet. Besides, if the carrier programs are reduced, that frees up ridiculous amounts of money.
Dreaming,Right??Pushing 2 US Battle group(+1 in the future),not to mention army and airforce presence in Guam,Okinawa,SK out of West Pacific???Pure Nonsense.

What China is doing is creating an "Asian NATO" against itself and looks like it is going to be successful.Thanx to their "Warning Department",USA is pivoting Asia again. :rolleyes:
We spanked Phiippines and grabbed Scarborough Shoal. We spanked Japan and grabbed Diaoyu Islands. We spanked India and built 3 dams on Brahmaputra before India had any clue.

After so much spanking..... where is Asian NATO? :rofl:
We spanked Phiippines and grabbed Scarborough Shoal. We spanked Japan and grabbed Diaoyu Islands. We spanked India and built 3 dams on Brahmaputra before India had any clue.

After so much spanking..... where is Asian NATO? :rofl:

Tell me one thing, how many insurgencies have you successful funded or how many separatist movement has China been able to rose against USA inside USA? I am not pro USA but the fact is US plays clever game and we call it cold war. US is master of proxy war. You will be busy building weapons and they will be busy studying your psychology.
I think China is playing a game of Wei Qi. And the world is the Wei Qi board. When US leaves A'stan, China move in. Where US is not. China is there like in Central Asia. The moment US takes its eyes off Africa or South America, China will be there. When US is there, China waits. China avoids a head on against US strenght but attacks its weakest link.
Tell me one thing, how many insurgencies have you successful funded or how many separatist movement has China been able to rose against USA inside USA? I am not pro USA but the fact is US plays clever game and we call it cold war. US is master of proxy war. You will be busy building weapons and they will be busy studying your psychology.
First we practice against India with our Maoists :)

When the time comes, we arm Latin America including Mexicans against USA domination.
We spanked Phiippines and grabbed Scarborough Shoal. We spanked Japan and grabbed Diaoyu Islands. We spanked India and built 3 dams on Brahmaputra before India had any clue.

After so much spanking..... where is Asian NATO? :rofl:

hahahahaha one we still have patrols in the shoal and thank you for saying shoal not island its only 123 miles from zambales Luzon and Japan just embarrass you by kicking your sorry chinese @$$ off Senkaku a million times so who are you kidding with your lies and propaganda and this show china's aggression and should be condemn.

China is the New Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan
It must be VN and japan, because only weak nations are dogs. You VN need bones from the US, got it?
Wrong answer,pls see the confession from Bruce Lee,and it really happend in ur history.

Sanchez, u r Not allowed :lol:
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hahahahaha one we still have patrols in the shoal and thank you for saying shoal not island its only 123 miles from zambales Luzon and Japan just embarrass you by kicking your sorry chinese @$$ off Senkaku a million times so who are you kidding with your lies and propaganda and this show china's aggression and should be condemn.

China is the New Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan
Keep deluding yourself :)

China has de facto control over Panatag Shoal, says former DFA senior official | News | GMA News Online

We are the new Chinese Empire :china:
Bcz they have to eat and drink the worse: toxic foods plus melamine milk :lol:
You got sprayed until your eyes popped out! We muscle USA but they have our support to spray you again :lol:
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