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China mocks India's democratic system

yes we are still very small economy and we have very long way to go. but we are developing under democracy(though very slow than China). there are many problems with our system but it does not mean we should change our whole system. rather we must try to solve problems with our system.
we are poor, backward but we are very happy in our democracy. for us Freedom is more valuable than money because we know what is slavery. we have lived in slavery for nearly 1000 years.
Its true British gave us democracy but it is also true that we wanted democracy. our many generations have dreamed and struggled for this freedom which we are enjoying.
you are happy with communist regime and we are happy in our democracy. we both should achieve our goals with our own ways. its true you are gone far ahead of us but for us our freedom is more important than economic growth. and we are happy with it.
I have something to say, it is not about hatred, but it is some Indians' attitude towards their own people. "Freedom" is just confined in limited population of India, and this type of election-oriented democracy has excluded those voices that commercial media and incompetent politicians dislike. Yes, they have some sort of freedom to throw eggs to politicians and fight with each other in the parliament, then what is the consequence?

When we didn't know what the world was like, we felt quite content and happy too. And then if this status of self-centered ignorance proceeded, Chinese would still feel that kind or "happiness" which was meaningless since they couldn't even make ends meet and suffered from malnutrition.

For centuries, Chinese reckoned themselves as the centre of the world, politicians and emperors looked down upon any outsiders and thought them as primitive and uncivilised barbarians. Then came the lesson, a century of semi-colonizaiton of the nation. And later, some trials of so-called the best solution to society, "democratic" Republic of China. After 1949, obscurantism dominated with tons of tragedies. All of a sudden, the bubble broke since 1978.

For Chinese who were traveling in India, it was not property, but a general spirit-driven ignorance that shocked them.The same shock came when I discussed with my Indian friend, a fully educated engineer who spends his entire life working outside india. He kept saying that even the poorest Indians were fairly distributed with food and other necessities, that Indian peasants were so happy whilst I was reading some UN's reports on rural India and poor regions in the city. Which India is the real one? The one where 10% Indians get access to "freedom" and claim every Indians are happy enough? Or another one where farmers commit suicide, city dwellers in some "s*** regions" live a nearly primitive life and they keep being imposed by some Indians a coat called We are all happy?

I am getting more and more confused by incredible India.
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Absolutely .That western taste can be see even in the life style of Chinese :sarcastic:.
But we just used their democracy in our own way.You copied their entire lifestyle ,dress code and their all systems.
poor is a moment
yesterday China was poor too
The Indeed problem is “democracy” India
Western-democracy-magic brainwashed average person into crazy believer

western-democracy-magic just like perpetual motion machine
The best option, and best illusion.
western kidnaped the TRUE meaning of democracy

Kshtriyas and Brahman
and other two feet animals…
China is not a dictatorship country, so we won't force other country to transform its society system.
But it doesn't mean we can't compared two different society systems.Like we shouldn't force somebody to use gun instead of bow, but we can compare gun and bow.
Democracy is a spirit, a ideology,not a society system form.In Chinese we called democracy 民主, the first word 民 means people, and the second word 主 means dominate or master.
Our society system just like modern company form, we people are shareholders and CCP is a professional CEO, we put forward demand, and CCP try to meet our conditions.
BTW, I remember Indian will do socialism in Indian constitution.
The culture difference is big ,why you people always debate the political system with foreigners? This activity seems very rude and offensive. We donot like the USA discuss our political system,so why we do this to other country? Are you GOD ? We never have the RIGHT to judge others, Show some respect and Mind our own business .
Absolutely .That western taste can be see even in the life style of Chinese :sarcastic:.
But we just used their democracy in our own way.You copied their entire lifestyle ,dress code and their all systems.
could you recognized the different between socialism and Liberalism?
Socialism borned in west, but nowadays it play the “devil” part when western-democracy-magic is The mercy God at the same time.
The culture difference is big ,why you people always debate the political system with foreigners? This activity seems very rude and offensive. We donot like the USA discuss our political system,so why we do this to other country? Are you GOD ? We never have the RIGHT to judge others, Show some respect and Mind our own business .
I can remember last time an Indian told me that India is in the FREE WORLD and China,dictatorship,human rights BLABLA
Western-democracy-magic hegemony forced us to selfdefense
Forgive my unjustifiable self-defense ,and the best wish for your system construction

Dude, You make absolutely no sense. :blink:
I know, explaining why God is not exist to a believer is nonsense
Never go full retard.
could you recognized the different between socialism and Liberalism?
Socialism borned in west, but nowadays it play the “devil” part when western-democracy-magic is The mercy God at the same time.
1. Chinese in absolute majority do not care about India. In this forum, we refer to India as an example of a failed (so called) democracy which is taken to its extreme and used as a facade to hide the ugly and horrible side of the real Indian social development. In a sense, for those who are interested in India, the regime serves only as a reminder of what not to become.

2. There is no mocking of India as there is no interest. We simply do not care as we are focused inwardly for a national revival. The OP thread title is somewhat aimed at agitation; but the Xinhua news-report is in no sense a mockery of India. Not at all. China respects Indian people's choice and never interferes in its internal business or their choice of regime. In this respect, I did not like this thread at all.

3. It is hard to give a solid name to China's governance except "governance in Chinese characteristics." Unlike India, China's model is evolving; hence, it is neither Soviet style politics, nor US style economics. And it keeps changing. Remember, like liberalism, Communism is essentially a Western ideology -- although, without naming them, I am sure, each civilization-nation had their own communism or liberalism in the past in one form or another.

4. Comparing regimes is nonsense. No regime cannot be replicated successfully in another historical and geographical context. Each nation has their own dynamics. The best course of action is to respect each other's choice and mind our own business.

5. In the end, numbers will judge what system is better. Our personal feelings and passions mean nothing. India's and China's achievements in socio-economic development over the past six decades can speak for themselves.

6. Many Indians speak their own passionate hatred of China by mocking its system of governance. They should be aware that we have our own judgement of India just as as they have of us. They might be living in fantasy-land; maybe those we communicate with are a bunch lucky few; but, the chant of democracy won't deter people from seeing through the propaganda. Just because we do not speak of them does not mean we do not know of them.

But again, we do not care. In fact, Indian hatred of China is not a bad thing (although I cannot generalize but it is the feeling on this thread). This means China is doing better.
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These are the opening words of the preamble to the Indian Constitution

“ WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;

LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;

EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;

and to promote among them all

FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;


Preamble to the Constitution of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Where is your comprehension and communication skills?
Oh, forgive my poor grammar
I mean, how old are you?
Can't image what kind of child this sort of father can nurture. Happy to know even an Indian who has access to Internet(clean tap water??)would say like, "And we refer to china as chinky natzi state". Once again, I have some sympathy for Mr. Modi, who is competent btw, but with these sort of people, how will he fulfil his dreams when some Indians are dragging him down like what has happen in Delhi's local election. When will the society come to understand that their problems have nothing to do with some sort of ideology? If not, we are lucky enough!

They can just go outside their fancy homes and figure out the majority's misery which as they call happiness. However, most of these 10% well-off Indians will ignore and no matter how dirty it is outside and how miserable their servants are, they will say, those from the lower class have no right to touch their hands and it's a shame for them to do labour work or cook for their wives and children.

Those are what I get from some Indians who are working in China, no matter how higher education they get, they won't care for the rest 90%Indians. And when they have to offend for their country, they will simply say, they have freedom and democracy, and even underprivileged children have free food and medicare. Or it's all thanks to Italian Sonia and the colonisation of Britsh. The most hilarious thing I've ever heard in human history.

Let me show you what "evil dictators" and "human rights defenders" did when they wanted to move houses.
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I don't think it was a mock but rather truthful--numbers do backup the editorial.

First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they attack you. Then you win. - Mohandas Gandhi.
yes, that's exactly what happened to India in 1962. Nehru should have heed Ghandi's advice.

But having said that, India is still a great country.
North Korea says same things about USA. They call USA a rapist country and a gun ridden violent country. Are Americans losing sleep over it?

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