It is not communist or democracy system that matters, what matters is the system can solve the countries problem and make the people live better.
All Chinese people were peasants 50years ago, peasants problem is the national problem of China. Who can handle the peasants’ problem will be legitimate to lead the country. Chinese communist party gives the answer, by mobilizing majority poor, to deprive the minority owner of farm lands, and redistribute the lands to all. This is the same in the Chinese history, when a new dynasty replaces the older one by force, and farm land redistributed.
The communist party distributed the land to poor peasants after the establish the new China, but in the 1950’s when China begin to industrialize the country, then the party have to push for collective economy by forming “people’s commune”, and establish factories by the government, because in China, too much people very little land, so people very poor, and had almost any industries. The first tractor factory make one large size model(because this factories prepares make tank), no peasant can afford a tractor. Only the collective economy helped China to industrialize.
Democracy should be the result of the development not the reason. In china, each peasant is entitled to have a piece of farm land, no matter how small it is, and is entitle to have a piece of land to built up his own house, the cost to live in the village very low, so a peasant can left his family in the home village and go to a city to work in factory or for any other works for a little pay. China is the largest manufacturer and no slums in the city.
but India’s elected government can not do what the Chinese communist have done to develop the country, and also Chinese people vote to elect the three or four persons to run the village, such as the head of village, the village accountant, and the head of villager’s assembly, the election is real, the strong men with more relatives and friends get the most votes, so the ordinary people not like to vote, the candidates have to invite the people to restaurants. I know that two brothers had a physical fight in their won garden between themselves for supporting different candidates.