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China makes Italy buy back its personal protective gear during coronavirus pandemic


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
China reportedly forced Italy to buy back its own personal protective equipment after the communist country said it would send medical gear to the Mediterranean nation during the coronavirus pandemic.

Italy donated medical equipment to China at the onset of the coronavirus, but when the virus hit the European nation, China put a price tag on the same PPE and forced Italy to buy it back, according to an unnamed senior Trump official who spoke with the Spectator.

"Before the virus hit Europe, Italy sent tons of PPE to China to help China protect its own population. China then has sent Italian PPE back to Italy — some of it, not even all of it ... and charged them for it," the Trump administration official said.

China said in March it would donate medical supplies to Italy, which has faced more than 130,000 cases of the coronavirus and over 16,500 deaths.

The official continued, “It’s so disingenuous for Chinese officials now to say we are the ones who are helping the Italians or we are the ones who are helping the developing world when, in fact, they are the ones who infected all of us. Of course they should be helping. They have a special responsibility to help because they are the ones who began the spread of the coronavirus and did not give the information required to the rest of the world to plan accordingly.”

China has sold nearly 4 billion face masks to other countries grappling with the coronavirus, according to Agence France-Presse. The outlet detailed that China has exported 3.86 million masks, 37.5 million pieces of PPE, 16,000 ventilators, and 2.84 million testing kits since March 1. The orders were shipped to more than 50 foreign nations, and customs official Jin Hai told Agence France-Presse the exports were valued at about $1.4 billion.

Some of the medical supplies were even rejected for inadequate standards by the foreign nations, including thousands of test kits sent to Spain that were found to be faulty and 600,000 face masks in the Netherlands that were recalled.

“The disinformation that China has put out is crippling responses around the world. We were a month behind because the Chinese did not share information,” the official told the Spectator. “It’s hard for the world to accept that even the information that they’re putting out now is accurate and acceptable from an epidemiological standpoint. We’re operating on some level with a hand tied behind our back.”

China was the first country to identify COVID-19, when the virus was being misdiagnosed as the flu around the world:

Has Covid-19 been in humans for years?
Leading scientists tell CNN that it's possible the virus didn't just come from bats in the past months, but that it may have existed in humans many months or even years before it grew into a deadly pandemic. CNN's Nick Paton Walsh reports.Source: CNN

GIUSEPPE REMUZZI: "That they remember having seen very strange pneumonias, very severe, particularly in old people, in December and even in November. It means that the virus was circulating at least in Lombardy before we were aware of this outbreak occurring in China."

We are months ahead because Chinese doctors first identified this when others didn't.

Seems like CCP is in race to be the most hated regime on the planet.

This did not make news for RAI News, I could not spot a story on this, so :confused:

There are several things that could have happened if an event happened like this. China could have already distributed and used the Italian PPE at hospitals. I don't known how trump could know that they were not already distributed among Chinese hospitals (do they have spies in China tracking PPE). And if Italy wants the same PPE sent, they would have to order them new. There has been lies before.

This is what we Italians remember:

China sends essential coronavirus supplies to Italy
China steps in to help Italy in its time of need as wealthy businessman Jack Ma offers to donate supplies to the US.

A planeload of medical supplies, including masks and respirators, has arrived in Italy from China to help the European country deal with its growing coronavirus crisis.

The coronavirus outbreak began in China late last year, but has since swept the globe.

Italy is now the worst-affected nation in the world after China, since the contagion came to light there on February 21.

The outbreak risks overwhelming Italian hospitals, and some key supplies are running low.

In contrast to China, Italy's partners in the European Union earlier this month refused Rome's requests for help with medical supplies as they looked to stockpile face masks and other equipment to help their own citizens.

A batch of medical supplies have arrived in Belgium; 1.8 million masks and 100,000 reagents are on the way. The supplies will then be delivered to Italy & Spain and to the frontline. pic.twitter.com/AZJLz4G6A6

— Hua Chunying 华春莹 (@SpokespersonCHN) March 11, 2020
A team of nine Chinese medical staff arrived late on Thursday with some 30 tonnes of equipment on a flight organised by the Red Cross Society of China.

"In this moment of great stress, of great difficulty, we are relieved to have this arrival of supplies. It is true that it will help only temporarily, but it is still important," said the head of the Italian Red Cross, Francesco Rocca.

"We have a desperate need for these masks right now. We need respirators that the Red Cross will donate to the government. This is for sure a really important donation for our country," Rocca said.

In a separate development, Chinese businessman Jack Ma, who is the founder of the Alibaba Group and among the world's richest people, offered to donate 500,000 coronavirus testing kits and one million masks to the United States, which on Friday declared a national emergency over the outbreak.

In a statement on Twitter, Jack Ma said: "Drawing from my own country's experience, speedy and accurate testing and adequate protective equipment for medical professionals are most effective in preventing the spread of the virus."

"We hope that our donation can help Americans fight against the pandemic!"

Over the past weeks, Ma's organisations have helped provide similar supplies to virus-hit countries such as Japan, South Korea, Italy, Iran and Spain.

"The pandemic we face today can no longer be resolved by any individual country," Ma said. "We can't beat this virus unless we eliminate boundaries to resources and share our know-how and hard-earned lessons."


If the story is true, this reflects worse on Conte's negotiating skills in not demand them back. Conte already took free stuff from China in exchange for the free stuff given to China months ago. We already helped each other out. If China wants Italy to remain OBOR, Conte has to be reelected in 2023. Getting help from China again for free PPE would help Conte look like he governs well.

We Italians are already grateful for the help of the Chinese. As are the Chinese grateful for the help of the Italians.
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Well according to two unnamed senior Trump officials who spoke with my dog this senior Trump official is lying.

Not even an "anonymous" Italian official :disagree: About as much effort put into this fake news as for "Iraq WMDs".

Meanwhile, real Italians:

China reportedly forced Italy to buy back its own personal protective equipment after the communist country said it would send medical gear to the Mediterranean nation during the coronavirus pandemic.

Italy donated medical equipment to China at the onset of the coronavirus, but when the virus hit the European nation, China put a price tag on the same PPE and forced Italy to buy it back, according to an unnamed senior Trump official who spoke with the Spectator.

"Before the virus hit Europe, Italy sent tons of PPE to China to help China protect its own population. China then has sent Italian PPE back to Italy — some of it, not even all of it ... and charged them for it," the Trump administration official said.

China said in March it would donate medical supplies to Italy, which has faced more than 130,000 cases of the coronavirus and over 16,500 deaths.

The official continued, “It’s so disingenuous for Chinese officials now to say we are the ones who are helping the Italians or we are the ones who are helping the developing world when, in fact, they are the ones who infected all of us. Of course they should be helping. They have a special responsibility to help because they are the ones who began the spread of the coronavirus and did not give the information required to the rest of the world to plan accordingly.”

China has sold nearly 4 billion face masks to other countries grappling with the coronavirus, according to Agence France-Presse. The outlet detailed that China has exported 3.86 million masks, 37.5 million pieces of PPE, 16,000 ventilators, and 2.84 million testing kits since March 1. The orders were shipped to more than 50 foreign nations, and customs official Jin Hai told Agence France-Presse the exports were valued at about $1.4 billion.

Some of the medical supplies were even rejected for inadequate standards by the foreign nations, including thousands of test kits sent to Spain that were found to be faulty and 600,000 face masks in the Netherlands that were recalled.

“The disinformation that China has put out is crippling responses around the world. We were a month behind because the Chinese did not share information,” the official told the Spectator. “It’s hard for the world to accept that even the information that they’re putting out now is accurate and acceptable from an epidemiological standpoint. We’re operating on some level with a hand tied behind our back.”

Not used and resold? We gave Italy back what they donated multiple times more. Propaganda machine starting again and one dime drones are spreading it.

From your own source:

“We raised the flag of that nation as a way of saying thank you, but there was no mention of blaming the EU for anything. Just thanking the country which helped. Unfortunately this photo was used by extremists for their own purposes” – a company employee told Atlatszo reporters.

Flag-raising to show gratitude to China happened. The fact that "Hungarian far-right website" used it to discredit EU doesn't make it fake news.

Next time try reading the body of your article, and not just the sensational title :P
China screwed up big time re Covid-19 but they are not this stupid. This is probably fake news
From your own source:

Flag-raising to show gratitude to China happened. The fact that "Hungarian far-right website" used it to discredit EU doesn't make it fake news.

Next time try reading the body of your article, and not just the sensational title :P

The Former Italian Prime Minister and main opposition leader Matteo Salvini said China committed crimes against humanity so I doubt the Italians are feeling grateful.
The Former Italian Prime Minister and main opposition leader Matteo Salvini said China committed crimes against humanity so I doubt the Italians are feeling grateful.

Fake News. Salvini has never been Italian PM. He could never hold that office because he doesn't represent majority views of Italians.
ffs, f22 at least do something for your country for once during the crisis, stop spreading your fake news and stop your obession with China, what an ugly soul.
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