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Why is China trying to bully its neighbors?

Don't you stupid cold-blooded bastard try to divert the topic, YOU are a arrogant racist stupid idiot in this forum, it is a FACT you stupid animal~:cheesy:

Those who call themselves slaves (yet they did sign the contracts and keep coming to work as maids for earning more $$$), stole other country's islands, killing other country's innocent people, invaded neighbor's land (RIP to those Malaysian who were killed by those crazy "Pinoys from the south"~) and murding their own "brothers & sisters" for many decades (free Moroland~) are acting as victims (such stupid fool)~:smart:

Again question did the Philippine government supported those groups the Answer is no other about the moro question not true tell what part of our history beside the jabida (which if a failed military mission by former president marocos) did we advocate for the killing or of our moro countrymen? the Answer is again no no program exist so again twisting our history which is a popular tactic of imps is again base on nothing just like your claims just like everything you have to say is again base on lies and programs by your one party masters to make you for
Don't you stupid cold-blooded bastard try to divert the topic, YOU are a arrogant racist stupid idiot in this forum, it is a FACT you stupid animal~:cheesy:
Those who call themselves slaves (yet they did sign the contracts and keep coming to work as maids for earning more $$$), stole other country's islands, killing other country's innocent people, invaded neighbor's land (RIP to those Malaysian who were killed by those crazy "Pinoys from the south"~) and murding their own "brothers & sisters" for many decades (free Moroland~) are acting as victims (such stupid fool)~:smart:

Ha is that the best that you can do imp? One did the Philippine Government advocated support to those groups? No in fact it was condemned second about your accusation about us advocating for moro extermination? the Answer is no again why should we do that while their moros here even in Luzon majority of them are now part of known business especially commerce which brings millions to local industries? and majority of them are studying in institutions like UP (which has an Islamic studies center) UST, La Salle and other Catholic yes Catholic institutions and other institutions which is they are one of the largest populations for non Christians besides our tribal countrymen? and many does service in the military and the police force as well and through out main stream society as a whole? if we had a extermination program for them why is that possible?

Face it imp you and your fellow chinese imperialist have no more lies to tell your country's created this new problems along with other problems you people have created as of now is testing the world limits and your racist behavior is not becoming of a any nation and you have the balls to talk about my country as if your prefect ha that laughably the accusations you accuse my country of doing is basically what you been doing in decades for non hans like Tibetans, East Turkmenistans, and other non han immigrants who should have protection of the law of course you have no programs for this activities but this been done with governments silent approval (meaning they know but they are not doing anything about it or secretly advocating for it) so save your rants for those who don't know and if you wanna prove your accusations come here and collect data.
The Chinese medical aid team had helped over 5000 patients in Phillipine disaster area(some are HIV carriers and Pneumonia patients, even tumor/CA. we do free surgery to them) Why you always say China is some bully and avoid to mention the help we extend to Philippine people? Are you a human of conscienciousness or just selected ignorance?
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Yeah appreciate your good sides. Try to do as many as you can the good things to humanity
Before Song collapsed, it defeated Yuan for thousands of times. Even Yuan's emperor, Mongke Khan was killed by Song in battle field. Three times defeat only proves that Yuan was not so interested in Vietnam jungles.
Nó, it prove that Mongol's IQ is low coz they were humiliatelly defeated 3 times by Đại Việt, and Chinese's IQ is even lower coz they're ruled 100 year by those low IQ Mongol :pop:
Again question did the Philippine government supported those groups the Answer is no other about the moro question not true tell what part of our history beside the jabida (which if a failed military mission by former president marocos) did we advocate for the killing or of our moro countrymen? the Answer is again no no program exist so again twisting our history which is a popular tactic of imps is again base on nothing just like your claims just like everything you have to say is again base on lies and programs by your one party masters to make you for

Ha is that the best that you can do imp? One did the Philippine Government advocated support to those groups? No in fact it was condemned second about your accusation about us advocating for moro extermination? the Answer is no again why should we do that while their moros here even in Luzon majority of them are now part of known business especially commerce which brings millions to local industries? and majority of them are studying in institutions like UP (which has an Islamic studies center) UST, La Salle and other Catholic yes Catholic institutions and other institutions which is they are one of the largest populations for non Christians besides our tribal countrymen? and many does service in the military and the police force as well and through out main stream society as a whole? if we had a extermination program for them why is that possible?

You people are violating other countries' sovereign both in your ugly tongue and violence, yet you still wanna act like you are innocent. You are really the best example of playing vicitim~:cheesy:
The Sabah Claim: A Thorn in Malaysia-Philippines Relations (PART 2) | Din Merican: the Malaysian DJ Blogger
‘Don’t call Sabah part of Malaysia’ | Headlines, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com
Tell me what the Martial law is.
You the true imperials are those who destroying Moro people's culture, murdering them for over a century (with the US), stealing their land by immigrating and forces, and you dare to give us normal people a freaking NO? How shameless you are you retard~:disagree:
[Indonesia and the Muslim World] by Anak Agung Banyu Perwita
[Countering Terrorism and Insurgency In The 21st Century] by James J. F. Forest
Oh and of course they must be all liars from the one-party-masters~ :D
Let me tell you who is the one calming everything but totally base on lies and nonsenses, it is the evil, arrogant country which invaded Moroland and enslaves the people, invaded and claims Malaysia's Saba and China's islands~
There were a lot of Korean studying in Japan while the whole Korea was captured by Japanese, so what? Besides the whole Luzon was belongs to Muslims before your Spanish and America masters had you to believe another whole new religion, Christian~

Face it imp you and your fellow chinese imperialist have no more lies to tell your country's created this new problems along with other problems you people have created as of now is testing the world limits and your racist behavior is not becoming of a any nation and you have the balls to talk about my country as if your prefect ha that laughably the accusations you accuse my country of doing is basically what you been doing in decades for non hans like Tibetans, East Turkmenistans, and other non han immigrants who should have protection of the law of course you have no programs for this activities but this been done with governments silent approval (meaning they know but they are not doing anything about it or secretly advocating for it) so save your rants for those who don't know and if you wanna prove your accusations come here and collect data.

You idiot really need to go back to Kindergarten to learn back some logical thinking, basic reading ability and stop being such a scumbag~:lol: Nobody says such thing like which country is prefect, since every country has their dark side~ However, YOU scumbag are the only one who is being racist in this forum and the one who dares to criticize my country while yours are not better than any countries in the world~
Idiot, Tibetan and those people in Xinjiang are always part of the Chinese ethnics group~ Unlike some greed country which dare to clam those lands gave by former masters must be belongs to them~ They dare to claim and rule those lands which were/are NEVER under their rule~:D Yet Xinjiang and Tibet is always recognized a part of China from long time ago. Not to mention many of these people like Kazah, Inner Mongolian and Manchurian were standing on the side of and loyal to their country China when the invaders were up to something~ And of course the CCP has done something bad to Tibetan people (to all of us actually) such as during the cultural revolution some temples were destoried. But the CCP has already apologized~
Program? The CCP has been building schools, (they even help Tibetan to write a Tibetan-English-Mandarin Physics and Chemistry dictionary in order to hepy them meet modern knowledge easier) hospitals, (which there were had none) improving the quality of transpiration and living style for minorities in these decades~ Most of the minorities don't even need to pay for health and educational fees and they can even get bonus marks by writing their exam in their mother languages. Also their rate of birth (even higher than Han) and life expectancy are improving yearly. What about yours, what do you people have apart from hunger, wars, bullying, chaos, catastrophe and other shxt~:haha:

You try really hard to divert attention, idiot~ But you can never ignore the fact that:
YOU are a arrogant racist stupid idiot in this forum, YOU are the true freaking imperial, YOU love to see dead people~

so you are a dog's dog?

Some people always forget the descendant of Genghis Khan, the Golden Family, are minority (Inner Mongolian) of Modern China.
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Don't know why these Vietcongs love calling us dogs of Mongolia just because they have ruled China for a short period of time in comparison to Vietnam being ruled by China for over a 1000 years. They fabricate stories of China being ruled by the British and the Japanese as well but history proofs neither of these 2 countries have ever ruled China. But when you look at Vietnam it was ruled by China, the French, the Japanese. When they call us dogs, they also unintentionally referring the Pinoys dogs as well because the Philippines have been ruled by the British, the Spanish, the Japanese and even the Americans.
So is India sane now or still crazy?
Neither, just stupid and paranoid

Don't know why these Vietcongs love calling us dogs of Mongolia just because they have ruled China for a short period of time in comparison to Vietnam being ruled by China for over a 1000 years. They fabricate stories of China being ruled by the British and the Japanese as well but history proofs neither of these 2 countries have ever ruled China. But when you look at Vietnam it was ruled by China, the French, the Japanese. When they call us dogs, they also unintentionally referring the Pinoys dogs as well because the Philippines have been ruled by the British, the Spanish, the Japanese and even the Americans.
Unfortunately Vietnam and Philippines are sperm recipients for foreigners.

We have never bullied anyone. We are the most peaceful country on earth. We only go to war to defend ourselves.
We should change that mentality. Expansion=survival.
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Don't know why these Vietcongs love calling us dogs of Mongolia just because they have ruled China for a short period of time in comparison to Vietnam being ruled by China for over a 1000 years. They fabricate stories of China being ruled by the British and the Japanese as well but history proofs neither of these 2 countries have ever ruled China. But when you look at Vietnam it was ruled by China, the French, the Japanese. When they call us dogs, they also unintentionally referring the Pinoys dogs as well because the Philippines have been ruled by the British, the Spanish, the Japanese and even the Americans.

just because when Yuan dynasty attacks Vietnam, there's Mongol together with former Song gen and soldiers in Yuan force.
china the "superpower"? a country which copies the military hardware of other countries(chinese f7= russian mig 21, jf 17 = french mirage etc) and has built its economy on cheap rubbish goods ant that too is smuggled to the market in India without paying any taxes
Chinese people seem to be more aggressive than others.

A Korean colleague of mine come Vietnam after a criminal to Vietnamese wife in Korea,
he worried about any harmful act to him in Vietnam by angry crowd, but no, we never have that silly act to nonsense and non-related person.

He could be true if he come China after a fight between KCG with Chinese fishermen.
And Chinese did some damage to Japan-made vehicle, clearly a nonsense object.
Quit using a Vietnam made translator.

The Chinese medical aid team had helped over 5000 patients in Phillipine disaster area(some are HIV carriers and Pneumonia patients, even tumor/CA. we do free surgery to them) Why you always say China is some bully and avoid to mention the help we extend to Philippine people? Are you a human of conscienciousness or just selected ignorance?
ignore the Philippines, Vietnam, Nippon and continue our economic and military advancement
China didn't want to start a war with India. There was no other choice because Nehru cornered China by his "forward policy". China started a war to calm down India from crazy.
chines victory in 1962 was a mistake, result of poor leadership of nehru and menon who together created worst strategic and diplomatic blunders in the history of India, just because a fool named manmohan singh is in power in India, doesnt means u will succeed this time also. moreover we r desperate to return favor ; to settle old scores
just because when Yuan dynasty attacks Vietnam, there's Mongol together with former Song gen and soldiers in Yuan force.

You are avoiding the subject, look macaca when you are calling us dogs you failed to see who the real dog is which is yourself.
Do you think it's normal calling China dog of Mongolia but you are forgetting you are insulting plenty of countries at the same time as well?

Mongolian Empire
File:Mongol Empire map.gif - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

British Empire

Now look carefully at both Empires, so by referring China as dog of Mongolia you are also calling the Russians, Iransian, Turkish, some East Europeans and other countries part of this empire dogs.

And when it comes to the British Empire, you are insulting Indians, plenty of African countries, Aboriginals, Burmese etc. by simply calling them dogs of the British people.

Next time use your tiny brain before calling China dogs of Mongolians cause you are also insulting plenty of other countries at the same time dickhead.
Quit using a Vietnam made translator.

ignore the Philippines, Vietnam, Nippon and continue our economic and military advancement


Chinese made damage to Japan made vehicle, and murder the Chinese owner of it
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