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China Joins Russia, Orders Military To Prepare For World War III

India will/have to join the Russia+China front for sake of its own existence.

US bogey and hegemony will eat India next after sino russia downfall.

Millitarily also we are in direct range of chinese and russian missiles and cant be an easy target for them just to satisfy US ego and undying aspirations.

You Ess Ae = 21st century N az i Germany.
It's right here.

The author presents this in such a way that even if he doesn't believe it himself, he leaves it open and worded in such a way that 90% of what I would call the uneducated readership, would in fact believe it.

The article is cleverly constructed so that taken as a whole, it appears the USA is ready to annihilate people by the hundreds of millions with viruses via drones.

It is worse than "many flaws", it is grossly inaccurate, paranoid, cheap propaganda. I see zero in it that even has the slightest basis in reality. It's irresponsible, inflammatory fiction... designed to be accepted as plausible by many people.

I can find all sorts of similar propaganda about Iran. Torture chambers, secret weapons programs, secret terrorist armies financed by Iran, etc. I don't post them here because they are junk.

We have different mindsets/ eyes to see the truths and you are right on what you say. Few things are propagandas for you and the same others also think. And its of no doubt that US and her allies are trying to find good reasons to attack Iran as they are not going to be financially capable enough to pay for the energy after 6 – 7 years from now and they believe if not Iraq then at least Iran can be a success on ‘War for Oil’. Iran’s president is wrong in front of you as he doesn’t says that P5s would have nuclear weapon but not the rest of the world, but he in fact demanded the whole would become nuclear weapon free including Russia, which was appreciated by that Russian newspaper also.
The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad, declared on Sunday in a meeting with the Indonesian Foreign Minister in Teheran that nuclear weapons pose a threat to the security of the international community. Rather than trying to develop nuclear weapons, The Islamic Republic of Iran stands against them and in favour of a nuclear free world.

Ahmadi-Nejad: Nuclear Weapons Threaten the World - English pravda.ru
And Iran believes, they would be allowed to develop nuclear techs in the same way like Canada, Australia, Italy, Spain, Japan etc as if they have signed NPT and accepted that only P5s would have nuclear weapons but not rest of the world, then why cant Iran develop nuclear techs at least for electricity, other energy needs and on environmental/ economic issues like other NATO allies? US and its other western allies believe, “either a country would support/ follow their all the rights or wrong or it is against the West.”

Just read a recent ‘fake’ claim of US and it’s prime newspaper NYT about Iran and response from other countries. You are like ‘Kris’ among the respondents in this news/ newspaper and see how other people, (belonging to now western, non-Christian and non NATO ally group) talk to him about this “half truths and half outright lies” news of NYT, as per ‘aswin’:-

It no doubt that US and their media are trying to create an environment so that good reasons may be discovered to attacks Oil/ gas rich Iran to fulfill future energy needs of West.
Wow ... pretty long post but meaningless.

If i didn't touch someone nerve then there will not a bunch of garbage words coming from your reply! :lol:

The bottom line you want Vietnam just turns itself be an enemy of US.

which part did i say that or just....YOU? :rolleyes:

China so many times invaded Vietnam should Vietnam treats China as its enemy?

why don't you ask yourself that how many times you have invaded China?

French invaded Vietnam should Vietnam treats French as its enemy?

of course your country once declare they are your enemy but is not happen now anymore, your people love to lick the white axx because they have dollars!!! just ask your viet women who dream of being shipped as a mail order brides to western countries! don't swear anybody, swear yourself because of your materialism?

Japan invaded Vietnam should Vietnam treats Japans as its enemy?

they did, those people not only invaded your viva vietnam but also killed over 3 millions of your people but vietnamese today still loving and flattering the japanese as if they are your grandfather!

I never exaggerate anything here, that is real, people if have a chance to go to vietnam you must be realized that those locals here having extreme sympathy to the japs, everything non japs made will be viewed as a low quality products; even the guilty which what japs did to china the viet also views that as a proud of themselves!

japs have been dropped in vietnam so many low quality products and sell them as a high sky price but stupid viets still love to buy and flatter those **** as if they just picked a god bless gift!

ungrateful viets decades ago don't even have enough pants and shirts to wear, all they could do is waiting for the "cheap" donation products supported by China, but nowadays many viets declare that vietnam now is rich, no need to import or buy cheap chinese product anymore, stuck up viets drive german cars on the shitty roads in a messy traffic and rise their cocky face up high to the sky with overconfident attitude!

US invaded Vietnam should Vietnam treats US as its enemy?

ok read back at the line i wrote about the french, this is not different, the only different things are the u.s having more dollars than the france and they left orange poisons and bombs in vietnam the most, which still cause your people to death and suffering til today. but viets still loving the yank, viets are dreaming of bringing back usa to help protect vietnam axx from china justice stick! ridiculous?

Cambodia attack Vietnam should Vietnam treats Cambodia as its enemy?

you dare to say that to a real cambodian and you have your intact body to go home to see your mom I will pay you? i dare you say that!

from my cambodian friends, i have heard the absolutely opposite stories which i really trust! Not the ones from lying viets!

as a neutral observer i do see through your viets greedy! there are nothing belong to you vietnam out there, only your self-claim, there are many asean nations have been waiting to tear your viet thief to pieces if your little punk attempt to rob their sovereignty!

your greedy vietnam has no justice at all, all anti china tesion in your country now is just a fake campaign created by your greedy viet cong leaders to fish for more interests from the west. here we can see how nasty your viets when you choose to sell your friend (also your benefactor) for your benefits! shame enough?

[If] all of countries listed above are Vietnam enemy what else Vietnam got left?

yeah i don't say anything about that yet but only you do the perfect self accusation! honestly in world today nobody care who the hell is your vietnam and nobody care if you love them or not, they don't need you but YOU need them! fairly say, who the hell is stupid to help such an ungrateful and cunning little punk like vietnam! sorry don't want to be rude but china don't give a damn care if you choose to side with them or not, they still (and will) kick your axx well until your whole vietnam being assimilated!

Dude, you made me fall off a chair. Whatever you been smoked I would love to share it too.

I don't smoke anything, stop that shitty clownish slang, try to learn better english then come back here to yell me! FOOL!

PS: Caused you been smoked that made you forgot to take out American flag. Can you remove it before you starting "hates" Amrica.

CHEAP FOOL is such a CHEAP FOOL! even amarican can't say that to me but who need your viet boy speak up for them? living in the u.s. is not mean i have a bow down my head and agree to everything the u.s. does to world, how many times i have been under attacked by that shitty reason from jealous looser around me! the must thing your viets need to do is to watch of your own axx, the yank never view you as human being, keep that blatant whining defending for your master usa! sock puppet!

Well said, bro. I don't know why that kid just came here ranting his ignorant mind and diss Vietnamese. Haters gotta hate.

It's funny how everyone here are experts in this forum about world war. Haven't you all heard the phrase "love your enemies"? Yeah, it's not that simple.

wow, such a professional self-axx-licker! viets little punks got high reputation on this forum these days!!!:azn:

those viets here love to lick each others axx is nothing suprise to me but why there are so many indian love to do the same? just look how they 'thank' each others! ridiculous? :lol:
we cannot close our eyes and assume that there is no ww111 it is going to happen sooner or later .......... and we should have our preparation well in the end ....... otherwise there will be no us.................we cannot deny Armageddon is going to happen very soon as far as my knowledge is concerned it was started when USA invaded afghanistan in 2001 and now it is going towards its peak .
which part did i say that or just....YOU? :rolleyes:

why don't you ask yourself that how many times you have invaded China?

of course your country once declare they are your enemy but is not happen now anymore, your people love to lick the white axx because they have dollars!!! just ask your viet women who dream of being shipped as a mail order brides to western countries! don't swear anybody, swear yourself because of your materialism?

they did, those people not only invaded your viava vietnam but also killed over 3 millions of your people but vietnamese today still loving and flattering the japanese as if they are your grandfather! I never exaggerate anything here, that is real, people if have a chance to go to vietnam you must be realized that those locals here having extreme sympathy to the japs, everything non japs made will be viewed as a low quality products; even the guilty which what japs did to china the viet also views that as a proud of themselves!

japs have been dropped in vietnam so many low quality products and sell them as a high sky price but stupid viets still love to buy and flatter those **** as if they just picked a god bless gift! ungrateful viets decades ago don't even have enough pants and shirts to wear, all they could do is waiting for the "cheap" donation products supported by China, but nowadays many viets declare that vietnam now is rich, no need to import or buy cheap chinese product anymore, they drive german cars on the shutty roads and rise their ******* faces up high to the sky with so confident attitude!

ok read back at the line i wrote about the french, this is not different, the only different things are the u.s having more dollars than the france and they left orange poisons and bombs in vietnam the most. but viets today still loving the yank, viet is dreaming of bringing back usa to help protect viet axx from china justice stick!!

you dare to say that way to a real cambodian and you have your intact body to go home to see your mom? i dare you say that!

from my cambodian friends i have heard the absolutely opposite stories which i really trust!

as a neutral observer i do see through your viets greedy! there are nothing belong to your vietnma out their, only yourself claim, there are many asean nations been waiting to tear your viet thief to pieces if your little punk vietnam try to rob their sovereignty!

your greedy vietnam has no justice at all, all anti chian campaign in your country now is just a fake diplomacy created by your greedy viet cong leadership to pawn for more interests from the west. here we can see how nasty your viet is when you choose to sell friend for yourself benefits! shame enough?

yeah i don't say anything about that yet but only you do the perfect self accusation! honestly in world today nobody care who the hell is your vietnam and nobody care if you love them or not, they don't need you but YOU need them! fairly say, who the hell is stupid to help such an ungrateful and cunning punk like your vietnam!

I don't smoke anything, stop that shitty clownish slang, try to learn better english then come back here to yell me! FOOL!

CHEAP FOOL is such a CHEAP FOOL! even amarican can't say that to me but who need your viet boy speak up for them? living in the u.s. is not mean i have a bow down my head and agree to everything the u.s. does to world, how many times i have been under attacked by that shitty reason from jealous looser around me! the must thing your viets need to do is to watch of your own axx, the yank never view you as human being, keep that blatant whining defending for your master usa! dumb sock puppet!

such a professional self-axx-licker! viets little punks got high reputation on this forum these days!!!:azn:[/QUOTE]

Hi brother!Only words I can say are...what a magnificent style of writing!
WHAT? These armchair generals are still fighting the next world war based on a BS article making outlandish claims written by a non existent Sorcha Faal???



The bears in Alaska would come out of their winter hibernation and these armchair generals will still be fighting, I hope commonsense prevails :disagree:
Having read and understood all I just cant understand one thing here ...why no body mentioned that 1948 UN resolution on Kashmir which waas unanimously adopted by all of the members countries then...How can any one in his right mind assume that Kashmir is a lost cause for Pak when in reality still there is 7 lac indiain army in that little place with a population of 6 million only means one armed soldier for every 9 innocent civilians excluding women and children the ration comes to one soldier to 3-4 adult men ...what kind of democracy is that LET THEM DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES ...follow the UN resolution beside that we have no issue with india they are humans like us who likes to be happy n satisfied among their families...As for as A'stan is concerned let people say whatever thay want to but let me remind you to thats a land that has never been occupied by anyone in history and with the required help pf pakistan and its people all the Yanks and Hindus will be thrown off with bleeding a***s sooon....and future is all of pakistan let us just get rid of corrupt politicians ....There is no other country in the world with such potential and great strategic location...If we together with Iran close the hormuz strait alone all the US ,EU and Indian industry will be closed coz of no fuel or we can just impose tax on every crude carrier as that area comes within our range of international waters according to international laws....ALL WE NEED IS UNITY AND THE REALIZATION OF OUR STRENGTH....

Hey man, didn’t India with Russia & China also even voted against Iran around 3 years before on nuclear issue in favor of West? But it was the case that there was a power balance in the world and every country was thinking for personal gains on the international platform. But whenever BRICS get united, there it is not about personal benefits but about the global power balance. And here, Arabs are nothing but pigs who first create environment against Israel, something like Israel did very bad with all the gulf countries, and when Iran also make few statements against Israel, these pigs of Gulf get united against Iran and then Iran again gets its old friends like Russia/ India back to maintain global power balance. First Arab enjoy with comments of Iran against Israel and at the same time they negotiate with West to sell/ destroy Iran also…..…………….

I have seen many Arabs in the western countries who mainly find themselves superior because they have oil but if you meet someone from Iran, he/ she mainly has very good knowledge in their field and migrated under high skill category. Iran not only has earned hate in the Gulf because of being Shia, but also most of the Arabs know that if they allow Iran’s nationals to grow, they may develop better techs/ perform much better than Arabs. Like, how Arabs mainly beg for techs in front of West while Iran try to develop techs by itself, including nuclear Tech.

US with West is doing mistake from beginning. Either whole world would be made nuclear free or everyone will try to have this defense. Even if western countries are happy with having nuclear umbrella of US and UK as a NPT signatories, US has allowed many western countries like Canada, Australia, Italy, Spain, Germany etc to have nuclear techs, whose main identity is being Western and background is Christian religion. (with allowing Japan also as even if its not a western country with Christian religious background, it would use its strengths against China, West expect.). but if Iran also develop nuclear techs with also considering that they would be able to make nuclear weapons within 2-3 years, if they are attacked by any nuclear armed country like Israel, then West finds Iran wrong as Iran is neither a Western country nor has Christian religious background.

Iran’s president is absolutely right to say that the world would be made nuclear weapons free and if not, we are dealing this nuclear shits sometimes by ‘this’ and sometimes by ‘that’ way……………….. every country has its enemy/ competitors. India has with China, China has with West, Russia with EU/ US, Japan with China, South Korea with North Korea etc. and in the same way, Iran also has threats from nuclear armed Israel who is fully supported by whole West, (at the same time Iran have to deal with many other pigs…………..)
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