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China, Japan tensions flare up once again

a lot of earthquakes hit Japan recently,not a good sign.Japan should pay more attention to the very issue of their future survival if this seismic trend persists.

if the siesmic trend continues .. you should be worried walking in beijing. try crawling, if it comes to you.
if the siesmic trend continues .. you should be worried walking in beijing. try crawling, if it comes to you.

anywhere people are more worried about earthquakes than Japanese?their whole country lies in an earthquake active zone.some day last week 5 major earthquakes hit Japan in one day.
Warning is good and i have been keeping eye on what China does for a long time,it warns and then goes to sleep:alcoholic:
I remember China saying that an attack on Pakistan will be an attack on China and then US killed 26 Pak soldiers for nothing and China said we condemn it :P
Btw,China is making more enemies than friends,certainly not good for you!

Atleast we had the balls couldnt say much of splineless india
china is trying to piss everyone off aren't they?

japan should send its own ships in response.... china is trying to muscle control by passive force..

this cannot be allowed to happen or the islands will slip form japans hands

they are japanese islands.... china claims over 80 percent of sth china sea are illegitimate... just because they had it on maps 500 years ago doesnt meant they own it all??... dutch people found and mapped australia first, does australia belong to them??

fact is japan owns the islands.. china needs to take its ego and fk off back to china
Australia belongs to Indonesia or China, because the European emigrants who killed off the aboriginal peoples are invaders who have no rights. It is Indonesians or Chinese who must avenge the aboriginals.

Japan belongs to China too. Because Japanese showed in WW2 they are invaders who have no rights. Now the tables have turned and China is invading Japan :)

We will not stop at Diaoyu Island. Now that we have control over Diaoyu Island, we can use it to attack Okinawa. Then after we take Okinawa, we can launch a final assault on Japanese home islands.

has china ever occupied the islands?? no.. what chinese artifacts have been found there?? none??

just because you had it on your maps does not mean it belongs to you... that is common sense...something chinese people obviously do not have... instead you have ego's bigger then americas and think the whole world belongs to you....
Of course China has bigger ego than America. America is only 300 years old. China is 5000 years old. We were the most powerful country in the world for most of the past 5000 years. Now we are back after a brief period of relative decline.

Before, the British Empire colonized india and sucked out all its wealth. Now, it's China's turn! Not only is China invading Japan, we are also invading Vietnam, Philippines and india too! But they can do nothing, because China is strong and we can claim any territory we want as the biggest and strongest country in East Asia! Even USA is so scared they stay away.

regardless.... the islands were annexed over 100 years ago.. they belong to japan ever since
Wrong. China annexed the islands this week by patrolling it with our warships and naming them officially and putting them in our official atlas. I'm glad to see Chinese territory growing bigger and bigger!
you're weak in history ... or well it's the CPC history which you are taught.

in any case .... china is on a track to misery. There is a saying in Hindi:

विनाश काले विपरीत बुद्धि

which translates to: "when ones time to self annihilate nears, the mind starts playing the wrong way"

even if we try to tell.... chinaaa.... don't move towards self-destruction.
it's going to fall on deaf years... for the "time to self annihilate nears ...."

In the past when did China ever claim mainland Japan as part of China? If I'm weak in history I must say that you've flunked miserably because you've been reading the history book written by the CIA operatives. BTW, I'm not the type of guru who sits under the banyan tree and predicts the destruction of his neighbours but I can sense that soon somebody is going to teach another bitter lesson to mother india.
The US war criminals divide and rule policy and neo colonialism rule in Asia using muppet nations such as Japan. Its better for the Japanese to aoplogize for the war crimes and atrocities committed by the Japanese Imperial Army during the invasion of China, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong etc. when millions of women and children had been massed killed, raped, torture and murdered. Also all the experiment, vivisection, etc committed by the Japanese Imperial Army,
Atleast we had the balls couldnt say much of splineless india

Better to remain silent and be away from needless attention than beat all the drums and get egg smeared all over your face the very next day. :D

There's a reason why they say "silence is golden". You communists will never understand logic behind history's sayings because you never had any history to remember.

The US war criminals divide and rule policy and neo colonialism rule in Asia using muppet nations such as Japan.

I would agree with that but war criminal term cannot be applied to an entire country. Japan hardly has any say in Asia contrary to how you claim them as a gateway for Asia to be ruled. Despite their meek constitution, Japanese have benefited a lot from US just like Koreans have.

But I agree with you on one thing; Japan could do with a bit more independent thinking.

Its better for the Japanese to aoplogize for the war crimes and atrocities committed by the Japanese Imperial Army during the invasion of China, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong etc. when millions of women and children had been massed killed, raped, torture and murdered. Also all the experiment, vivisection, etc committed by the Japanese Imperial Army,

Well what they did in the past was terrible. But it is not the same generation and cannot be blamed for what people living then, did. It is like saying that entire Central Asia should be nuked by us because Timur and Ghauri invaded and committed horrors at that time.

Japan of today cannot do anything about those dead people. The Yasukuni shrine that was built for WW2 was to honor the pilots who fought against Allied forces for their nation and for their patriotism. Not to glorify the killing of common civilians that IJA troops did during that time.
... and now chinese trollers will come and convert this into an India-related topic. :laugh:

Anyway, it will be interesting to see how this plays out ..... looks like "sudetenland of the 21st century".

Normally, it takes at least more than five or six arguments and counter-arguments till Godwin's law set in. Indian fascism fanboys don't even need one. On the one hand our Indian friends glorify and praise Japanese fascism, on the other hand they use Japan's former fascist ally Nazi-Germany to project China as some kind of a new Third Reich. You couldn't be more schizophrenic. :lol:
Götterdämmerung;2708315 said:
Normally, it takes at least more than five or six arguments and counter-arguments till Godwin's law set in. Indian fascism fanboys don't even need one. On the one hand our Indian friends glorify and praise Japanese fascism, on the other hand they use Japan's former fascist ally Nazi-Germany to project China as some kind of a new Third Reich. You couldn't be more schizophrenic. :lol:

Well we learn well from you isn't it? On one hand you're just another Red here harping anti-India nonsense and yet you continue to wield a German flag (ironically talking about Nazis and all) and think that people are still buying your nonsense. :lol:

Seriously mate, grow up.
Well we learn well from you isn't it? On one hand you're just another Red here harping anti-India nonsense and yet you continue to wield a German flag (ironically talking about Nazis and all) and think that people are still buying your nonsense. :lol:

Seriously mate, grow up.

Didn't I attest you cognitive dissonance before?

Anything substantial to counter what I wrote or all you have is ad hominem and what I wrote was right. Look, who needs to grow up? :)
Götterdämmerung;2708349 said:
Didn't I attest you cognitive dissonance before?

Personal attacks is the best you can do, Red. Enjoy your free gift here. Cheers.

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