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China:It’s up to India, Pak to resolve LoC tension

Well done China.

Well done China.

Well done China.

Well done China.

Well done China.

Well done China.

Well done China.

Well done China.

Well done China.
Actually, Chinese don't have enough option. India knew these type of incidents occur regularly in Indo-pak relationship.

What is different from earlier times is china didn't supported all weathered friend ally this time against India. Thanks to medicines of IN to China in SCS. :azn::azn:
Allow me to do this favor for you. I think what the Chinese government believes, for the time being, is that it is only a small, isolated accident on the line of control. So neither side should/could be able to make any change out of it.

I know you (and many of your countrymen in India) may throw your hat in the air that China does not "back" Pakistan up, for the time being of course. That's because we have faith in our ally that India will not get what you want from Pakistan. Should Pakistan need our help the help will come.

i was waiting for chinese comment on this issue :D

M sure that pakistanis ran to them for support in U.N ;)
Actually, Chinese don't have enough option. India knew these type of incidents occur regularly in Indo-pak relationship.

What is different from earlier times is china didn't supported all weathered friend ally this time against India. Thanks to medicines of IN to China in SCS. :azn::azn:

Wow, you are already so confident, yet just a moment ago the Indians on this forum were yelling that India was incapable of responding to the killing/mutilation of two Indian soldiers by Pakistan.

So, which one is it?
who idiot botherd to take view of China… An unethical country which is involved in land/sea boundary dispute with almost all its neighbours...China needs counselling to behave itself and not suggestion in global affairs..!!!!

Well great idiot is the one who is bothered by this post and still bothering to comment and discuss on this thread which is bothering him...:D
well sir China is becomming a global power soo it have to play it roles in World affairs....
and this Kashmir dispute is a key dispute b/w it's two neighboring nations soo how can u expect it to ignore such a keen issue??
well plzz take ur a$* away if u don't have sense to realize such important political matters....
it will be ur great affection to all knowlede lover here...:)
Out of all neighbors of india,indians respect china most even we dont understand your language.
Leave aside the trolls here and even have not joined western camp against china.
and its good that chinese never interfered in the local issues of india.

Yeah thanks to the all mighty India!

Look at your neighbors. Sikkim annexed. Bhutan manipulated. Bangladesh invaded. Nepal and Sri Lanka threatened many times. Pakistan? What a country that DARE not yield to the power of India?!!
Actually, Chinese don't have enough option. India knew these type of incidents occur regularly in Indo-pak relationship.

What is different from earlier times is china didn't supported all weathered friend ally this time against India. Thanks to medicines of IN to China in SCS. :azn::azn:

Pakistan can take care of itself. We didnt go to China when 2001, 2008, and this incident of shooting on the border happened.

All those dates were followed by numerous threats by India.

You think Pakistan is scared of you guys ? :disagree:

U guys cannot even keep your promise after so many big talk.. Remember surgical strikes, how quickly they turned into dossiers ;)
Wow, you are already so confident, yet just a moment ago the Indians on this forum were yelling that India was incapable of responding to the killing/mutilation of two Indian soldiers by Pakistan.

So, which one is it?

Yes short term policy failed but long term policy succeeded, hence turning situation to India's favor
Pakistan can take care of itself. We didnt go to China when 2001, 2008, and this incident of shooting on the border happened.

All those dates were followed by numerous threats by India.

You think Pakistan is scared of you guys ? :disagree:

U guys cannot even keep your promise after so many big talk.. Remember surgical strikes, how quickly they turned into dossiers ;)

It were you who called US, saudies, chinese and every one in afraid of India after mumbai attacks. This was the statement of the then US secretory
Yeah thanks to the all mighty India!

Look at your neighbors. Sikkim annexed. Bhutan manipulated. Bangladesh invaded. Nepal and Sri Lanka threatened many times. Pakistan? What a country that DARE not yield to the power of India?!!

Sikkim annexed ? Bangladesh invaded ? and finally Pakistan have not Yielded ? :rofl::rofl:

I have not met a chinese more Idiotic....

EDIT : sorry my bad, i have met Sino challenger...:lol:
Yeah thanks to the all mighty India!

Look at your neighbors. Sikkim annexed. Bhutan manipulated. Bangladesh invaded. Nepal and Sri Lanka threatened many times. Pakistan? What a country that DARE not yield to the power of India?!!

even in all cases and scenarios, Indians are much better than china. Chinese annexed peaceful nation of Tibet, cleaning their culture. Vietnam Invaded. Laos, combodia and Indonesia threatened. S.Korea was challenged many times. Japan? what a great country that not only dare but thought a good lesson to chinese despite having fractional area size comparable to china :azn:
Pakistan can take care of itself. We didnt go to China when 2001, 2008, and this incident of shooting on the border happened.

All those dates were followed by numerous threats by India.

You think Pakistan is scared of you guys ? :disagree:

U guys cannot even keep your promise after so many big talk.. Remember surgical strikes, how quickly they turned into dossiers ;)

"I called back again. No response. By now the international phone lines were buzzing with the news. The Pakistanis were calling everyone--the Saudis, the Emiratis, the Chinese. Finally Mukherjee called back. I told him what I'd heard," Rice wrote.

"The Pakistanis were at once terrified and in the same breath dismissive of the Indian claims. President Zardari emphasised his desire to avoid war but couldn't bring himself to acknowledge Pakistan's likely role in the attacks," Rice writes.

Post-26/11, Mukherjee's words rattled Pakistan: Condoleezza Rice - Times Of India

:rofl: :rofl:

Still you asked europeans ambassador to take care of this issue :oops:

and in kargil,mushy begged to nawaj sharif to beg clinton to save pakistan.

i dont know from which mouth you claim that we dont need any one even during 26/11,you requested TTP commander behtullah mehsud to side with pakistan.

After the 26/11 attacks on Mumbai, Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan’s Baitullah Mehsud and Fazlullah declared they would fight India together with the Pakistan Army, an offer that, the book says, was welcomed by ISI chief General Shuja Pasha.

‘Al Qaeda, not Lashkar-e-Taiba, attacked Mumbai’ - India - DNA

now tell me :oops:

and surgical strikes are still going on.Why would we invade direct war when some rag tag militants can do it in less cost.
Allow me to do this favor for you. I think what the Chinese government believes, for the time being, is that it is only a small, isolated accident on the line of control. So neither side should/could be able to make any change out of it.

I know you (and many of your countrymen in India) may throw your hat in the air that China does not "back" Pakistan up, for the time being of course. That's because we have faith in our ally that India will not get what you want from Pakistan. Should Pakistan need our help the help will come.

You Ally was beated back in argil , lost one Peak after another in front of Wold media and Camara. where was you that time?
Pakistan can take care of itself. We didnt go to China when 2001, 2008, and this incident of shooting on the border happened.

All those dates were followed by numerous threats by India.

You think Pakistan is scared of you guys ? :disagree:

U guys cannot even keep your promise after so many big talk.. Remember surgical strikes, how quickly they turned into dossiers ;)

During Kargil , Mushf travel to China for support, But china brushed Mush , because they don't want to offend India .

From China to PAK, India intercepted Telephonic conversation between Mush and PAK commander which then listen by whole world, so some voice analysis .

At last Mush Send Nawaz sharif to US fro bail out PAK, as only a week fuel left in PAK because of Indian Navy blockade, If war goes for ONe week more , entire PAK will came to stand still and and after 15-20 days PAK army because no Fuel left to run trucks also.

Do you really think world and all Pakistani believes that PAK politician make foreign polity ? and without PAK army nodal Politicians can take any decisions?

All decisions taken by PAK Army and executed by Politicians, Have many examples where politicians said anything which were vetoed by army and things goes as per Army wishes.
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