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China issue a open warning to India on Modi recent visit to Laddak

why did you get my reply deleted?
you can threaten Pakistan with your delusions but "we" aren't allowed to mock them delusions.

another strange thing is that those with Pakistani flags who make Pakistanis look retarded are allowed but those (with any flag) that make bharat maata look bad by exposing its fantasies are censored, why?

then again it might have been me who done it, dunno, can't remember :(
What are you blabbing about?

I am not a mod to delete posts. I also don't report posts. I didn't get your reply deleted. And given your history, it must have been a troll post
News Anchor is so Pretty. Woah

Aap kee shaadi kaa waqt aa geya hai... :lol:


Aesop relates - Once upon a time a lamb was drinking water on the bank of a river.
A hungry wolf reached there. Seeing the lamb, the wolf's mouth began to water.
He shouted at the lamb,"Why are you making the water muddy?"
The lamb replied,"Sir, you are higher in the stream than I am. The water is coming from you to me."
The wolf snarled,"Now you are abusing me. You did the same last year."
"I was not born last year."
"Then your parents might have abused me," said the wolf, and he killed the lamb and ate it.
lol.... not a chinese killed :lol::lol::lol: you must be still counting.... all those broken necks and backs....you had enough heli sorties to pick them up?

while you talk on pdf we control Sikkim and Arunachal.... soon we will get back the rest of Laddakh.... xi will be sent to prison just like his father.... :lol::lol::lol:
You are deluding yourself. Answer me how many Chinese killed and show me the photo or hard evidence?

Maybe in your dream. I give u a day to answer me. If not, you just agree with me for India as loser. :enjoy:
last time they went little ahead of warnings and lost 50 (more actually, this is conservative estimate). sitting in bejing and issuing threats ....

the same way India shot down an F-16: through Hindu nationalist fantasy pipe dream.
It seems to be Some conference room converted for making mamu to Modi and also Modi seem to be duplicate , look his stomach...........


LOL.. We issue warning and you dont heed then we crack the head of your 23 jawans with not a Chinese killed.

Next time, hundred thousand of shell will land in India, killing hundred thousands. Indian need a big spanking.

China will open multiple front to liberate Kashmir, cut off chicken neck, liberate nagaland and reclaim South Tibet. :enjoy:
Amen to your words. I am hoping it will come true.
last time they went little ahead of warnings and lost 50 (more actually, this is conservative estimate). sitting in bejing and issuing threats ....

PLA didn't lose any soldiers but bhartis certainly have lost their marbles.:rofl:
Can you imagine the poo coming out of their heads while being battered
India resembles Yogoslavia of old 90's it is only matter of time before it needs to be split
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