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China issue a open warning to India on Modi recent visit to Laddak

last time they went little ahead of warnings and lost 50 (more actually, this is conservative estimate). sitting in bejing and issuing threats ....
LOL.. We issue warning and you dont heed then we crack the head of your 23 jawans with not a Chinese killed.

Next time, hundred thousand of shell will land in India, killing hundred thousands. Indian need a big spanking.

China will open multiple front to liberate Kashmir, cut off chicken neck, liberate nagaland and reclaim South Tibet. :enjoy:
Boycotting China

انڈیا کے اخباروں میں آ رہا ہے کہ بھارت میں پوجا کے لیے گھروں اور مندروں میں رکھے گئے سبھی بھگوان چین سے درآمد شدہ ہیں. چائنہ کے بھگوان کوالٹی میں بہترین اور انتہائی سستے ھوتے ہیں. یہ دیکھنے میں بہت صفائی سے بنے ہوئے نظر آتے ہیں اور ان کی پائیداری بھی بیمثال ھے اتنی آسانی سے ٹوٹتے بھی نہیں اور خراب بھی نہیں ھوتے. لیکن اب بھارت میں پنڈتوں کی جانب سے یہ دعویٰ کیا جا رہا ہے کہ چین کے بھگوان دو نمبر ہیں اسی وجہ سے ھندوؤں کی دعائیں قبول نہیں ھو رہیں.. حکومت سے مطالبہ کیا گیا ہے کہ فوری طور پر چینی بھگوانوں کی درآمد پر پابندی عائد کی جائے اور بھارت میں چین کی طرز کے اعلیٰ کوالٹی کے اور سستے بھگوان بنانے کا سلسلہ شروع کیا جائے جبکہ دوسری جانب یہ کہا جا رہا ہے کہ بھارت میں اتنی کم قیمت میں اعلی کوالٹی کے اتنے پائیدار بھگوان بنانا ناممکن ھ

Google translator is amazing...

Boycotting China According to Indian newspapers, all the deities kept in houses and temples for worship in India are imported from China. The gods of China are the best in quality and extremely cheap. They look very neatly made and their durability is unparalleled. They do not break easily and do not deteriorate. But now pundits in India are claiming that China's gods are number two, which is why the prayers of Hindus are not being accepted. The government has been demanded to immediately ban the import of Chinese gods. The process of making high quality and cheap gods in the style of China should be started in India while on the other hand it is being said that it is impossible to make such high quality sustainable gods in India at such a low price.
just add now this timeline in your new schedule.

Initially I was not in favor of Balkanization of India as we have so many common elements w.r.t to history and culture related to 1200 years of Islam in India.

-But having said that this now seems the only way how marginalized, disenfranchised Muslims in excess of 200 million and Dalits(untouchables/achoot) will get emancipation and power and get the equal rights which upper to middle caste Hindus are enjoying.

-Currently according to India reports(Sachaar Committee) Indian Muslims are worst than Dalits, and they are oppressed, Lynched at will and can't get any higher education and hence can't get any good Jobs.

And that will help Indians actually, It is more about development of the common man than it is about the rich government or few pockets of wealth and a sea of poverty which is India now.
How on earth can India follows the teachings of Chanakya religiously and enact laws as state policies as many of his(Kautilya/Chanakya) teachings are based on falsehood, deceit and deception...about time India revisits and retrospect the satanic policies of Chanakya which Indian govt. follows.

Indian state laws and diplomacy is based on religiously following Chanakya 'Arthashastras' or the well laid plans how to deal with countries. He taught Indians the art and science of duplicity and deception.

"Your neighbour is your natural enemy and the neighbour's neighbour is your
friend"; Kautilya(known as Chanakya) said.

For those who are coming across this name
for the first time: Kautilya, also known as Chanakya, was born in 4th
century BC in eastern India.


@Soumitra @Naofumi
LOL.. We issue warning and you dont heed then we crack the head of your 23 jawans with not a Chinese killed.

Next time, hundred thousand of shell will land in India, killing hundred thousands. Indian need a big spanking.

China will open multiple front to liberate Kashmir, cut off chicken neck, liberate nagaland and reclaim South Tibet. :enjoy:

lol.... not a chinese killed :lol::lol::lol: you must be still counting.... all those broken necks and backs....you had enough heli sorties to pick them up?

while you talk on pdf we control Sikkim and Arunachal.... soon we will get back the rest of Laddakh.... xi will be sent to prison just like his father.... :lol::lol::lol:
How on earth can India follows the teachings of Chanakya religiously and enact laws as state policies as many of his(Kautilya/Chanakya) teachings are based on falsehood, deceit and deception...about time India revisits and retrospect the satanic policies of Chanakya which Indian govt. follows.

Indian state laws and diplomacy is based on religiously following Chanakya 'Arthashastras' or the well laid plans how to deal with countries. He taught Indians the art and science of duplicity and deception.

"Your neighbour is your natural enemy and the neighbour's neighbour is your
friend"; Kautilya(known as Chanakya) said.

For those who are coming across this name
for the first time: Kautilya, also known as Chanakya, was born in 4th
century BC in eastern India.


@Soumitra @Naofumi
What is wrong in this?
Not 50, just say 5000......
Endian government and media is famous for making up fake stories. Why don’t you tell the world that you have captured land on planet Mars?

Easy boy.... we can understand how you feel when 1 India is such a big opponent for 2 nuclear powers with one being a so called Hyper power..... ask your Hyper power friend to DO SOMETHING MORE if they really want to be called a Hyper power :lol::lol::rofl::rofl:
What is wrong in this?

How is it possible that your neighbor is your natural enemy which according to Chanakya is true.

-It means India can never have good relations with its neighbor.

-And India will use neighbors neighbor, like in the case of Pakistan India is using Afghanistan soil and people for terror acts in Pakistan.

-Your neighbors neighbor is your friend means you(India) are following a sinister design, just as we are taught about the rights of neighbors(Hamsaya kay huqooq) the same is true of countries.

-India is a following a different path of duplicity and shrewdness and what is required is trust and confidence.

Oh boy oh boy, If you thought this is crazy then check out this one:-
One single Indian soldier was able to kill "at least" a dozen Chinese soldiers.

India is a vedic technological supa powa, after all they managed to create a real world version of the Matrix and live in their own alternate reality.
Now I just I want to imagine how will the next Bollywood movie look like.. they will show us a movie in which this single soldier starts jumping all over the place evading all club attacks and using two knives slashing every one left right & center while simultaneously dodging their attacks before finally someone manages to get him, and then as he falls he looks at the sky & shouts *with the roar of a lion* "JAY HIND".
But in the end reality is different.
How is it possible that your neighbor is your natural enemy which according to Chanakya is true.

-It means India can never have good relations with its neighbor.

-And India will use neighbors neighbor, like in the case of Pakistan India is using Afghanistan soil and people for terror acts in Pakistan.

-Your neighbors neighbor is your friend means you(India) are following a sinister design, just as we are taught about the rights of neighbors(Hamsaya kay huqooq) the same is true of countries.

-India is a following a different path of duplicity and shrewdness and what is required is trust and confidence.
You seriously think India will "trust" Pakistan?

We have seen you backstabbing us numerous times.

We will use Chanakya Neeti of Saam, Daam, Dand, Bhed to deal with you.

Saam-politely ( everything understand normaly, kindly)

Daam - rate, brought (if anyone or anything not understand politely than use rate/daam .it puchase to a fixed or unfixed rate)

Dand - penalty,punishment and chasten: ( if anything not understand to politely and rate/brought than use punish or chasten:)

Bhed-Distinction,variance (if anyone or anything are not understand by politely , brought and chasten than use bhed/variance)
How is it possible that your neighbor is your natural enemy which according to Chanakya is true.
You miss quoted, Chanakya said IF your neighbor is your natural enemy, then your neighbors neighbor is your friend. It's kinda true, isn't it?
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