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China issue a open warning to India on Modi recent visit to Laddak

You seriously think India will "trust" Pakistan?

We have seen you backstabbing us numerous times.

We will use Chanakya Neeti of Saam, Daam, Dand, Bhed to deal with you.

Saam-politely ( everything understand normaly, kindly)

Daam - rate, brought (if anyone or anything not understand politely than use rate/daam .it puchase to a fixed or unfixed rate)

Dand - penalty,punishment and chasten: ( if anything not understand to politely and rate/brought than use punish or chasten:)

Bhed-Distinction,variance (if anyone or anything are not understand by politely , brought and chasten than use bhed/variance)

Where is the trust, equality, sincerity, pluralism in it....talking about Saam, Daam, Dand, Bhed.

The trust deficit will always be there with these tactics which reeks of power and pelf.

And it is not about India Pakistan relations, India has problems now with all its neighbors. It is more about controlling when collaborating is required.

And this old Chanakya Neeti doesn't works in nation states and in today's world, at that point in time with Raja's, Maharajas, Emperors and Kings ruling, it could have worked, albeit still coercive than friendly.
Hilarious!! Coward Chinese Soldiers ran away from an United Nation Mission, when Sudan’s Militia attacked them
August 22, 2017


China is World’s biggest economy which possesses one of the strongest Army, actually that’s what they claim. For last 2 months China has been confronting India on Doklam issue and has been sending repeated threats of Military actions against India. China has said this many a times that their Forces are supreme and can beat India anytime if they want.

However today we will be sharing news with you, which will expose the hollowness of so called Powerful Army of China. We have got news that Chinese troop who were working in Sudan and attached with the local United Nation’s mission there, ran away from their positions and abandoned their posts when local militia attacked them.

Initially it appeared to be fake news or a rumor, however this has been confirmed by Indian intelligence agencies as well. However this has also been confirmed that this news if of October 2016, when Chinese Army was serving in Sudan as a part of United Nation Peacekeeping force.

Chinese Army was ordered to be stayed in their base instead of protecting civilians during the outbreak of fighting. However in the event of a militia attack Chinese Army shown their irresponsible behavior and cowardice and abandoned the post and put the life of many civilians in jeopardy.

This news was rarely covered by International Media, however “The Guardian” did cover it under the headline- “UN peacekeepers refused to help as aid workers were raped in South Sudan – report”

The Guardian Report Link (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...p-south-sudan-rebels-raped-aid-workers-report)

This report also mentioned that Chinese UN peacekeepers in the capital Juba abandoned their posts when tens of thousands of civilians were being attacked by a militant force in Sudan. It has also mentioned that Ethiopian troops came to help wounded civilians from another base and also tried to provide a security cover to locals, on the other hand the Chinese troops remained hidden in their shelters.

It is also mentioned that 2 Chinese soldiers were killed in this incident and 2 of the UN bases were severely hit in the action by the local Militia group. More than 300 people died in the fighting while rebel group managed to save the majority of their militants from casualties. A number of government soldiers from the SPLA were also killed.

Apart from that thousands of women were raped, many within the view of UN bases which was evacuated by the Chinese troops. International aid-workers were gang-raped and at least a dozen others were sexually assaulted during the attack.

Few reports also claimed that it was the Indian Army who saved the people from militants, but doesn’t mention the irresponsibility of Chinese troops. It was learnt that troops also secured the perimeter which was smashed by the IDPs and ensured the armed militiamen were weeded out.

Manish Sharma

LOL I'm surprised that you didn't show us this picture & say "this is the moment 100 Chinese soldiers were killed in Galwan", after all since the clash at Galwan happened the Indians have been sharing names & pics of Chinese soldiers who were killed during the Korean war claiming this is from Galwan.
You miss quoted, Chanakya said IF your neighbor is your natural enemy, then your neighbors neighbor is your friend. It's kinda true, isn't it?

Read further up....

The Mandala Theory
The theory of Mandala is based on the geographical assumption that the immediate neighbor state of a given state is most likely to be an enemy and a state next to the immediate neighbor is likely to be one’s friend. Thus, after a friendly state comes an unfriendly state (friend of the enemy state) and next to that a friendly state (friend of a friendly state) and so on. Thus, this form circles of friends and foes with the central point being the King and his State.

According to Chanakya, the states which are one’s neighbours and are also neighbours of one’s enemies are neutral and should always be treated with respect.

Read further up....
I did, he's simply giving options. Not saying, 'make your immediate neighbor your enemy'. Your immediate neighbor is likely to be your enemy. If the Kingdom of Magadha was following that policy then they would've crumbled with enemies in their neighborhood ganging upon them.
If the Kingdom of Magadha was following that policy then they would've crumbled with enemies in their neighborhood ganging upon them.

Ironically this is happening with India right now, all it's neighbors are ganged up against the country, something to do with India following a misplaced and covert Chankaya Neeti.
just add now this timeline in your new schedule.

Nahi na bro sirf J&K nahi chahiye ab, itna bara India hai tou thora kuch aur bhe tou milna chahiye na ab, because this will be a final war (It's already on our heads, we are just waiting for India to initiate this simply so that we can end this)

Yeh Bangladesh walay wapis nahi atay Pakistan kay sath?

As far as Modi's visit to Leh etc is concerned,

HAHA soon after India banned 55 Chinese apps, they are now gonna get hit very hard on the technology level by China too, seems like the Chinese are in no mood to give any kind of roam to the Indians. Indians are so scared of Pakistan and China that their news channels have started new propaganda of spreading false news that along with Chinese troops, there are Pakistani troops in Laddakh too.

Ironically this is happening with India right now, all it's neighbors are ganged up against the country, something to do with India following a misplaced and covert Chankaya Neeti.
Did they really? Tell me who's really "ganged up"? Two threats mainly China and Pakistan. It's been there for decades, only now a policy is being actively pursued. Besides I am glad China and Pakistan are ganging up if they are. This is particularly not the time to be on the Chinese camp.
Neither President of China nor Chinese top military officials visited the conflict zone as we speak because they are not worried and they have a upper hand and they do not consider you their equivalent. This is the Indian top military and civilian hierarchy which is badly shaken after Chinese incursion and the more they speak the more it becomes visible.

This is a good summary of this entire topic.
The Chinese, even if they lost ten times more soldiers than India at Galwan two weeks ago, are most certainly holding more ground--reportedly about 60 KM2-- and are in a far better position to bargain than India is. While Modi may have been technically correct that no 'Indian' territory has been taken by China two weeks ago, that is because the Line of Actual Control (the LAC) is not a recognized international border. And China is going to bargain hard to give back what its soldiers have taken on the ground.

Anyway--it was Modi who tried his 'muscular' foreign policy by grabbing the Indian held Kashmir in August 2019 and even publicly put a claim on Aksai Chin. It's the same Modi--the strongest Hindutva leader of the modern India--who has made the only officially Hindu nation in the world, Nepal, to start yet another border dispute with India. It's the same Modi who went so far to embrace Washington that even Russia doesn't come out all guns blazing for India these days.

The tables have been so much turned on India. In Afghanistan, unless 9/11 attack is traced to that country, it's a lost cause for India. Almost two decades of investment is being drained down the drain. The talk of 'isolating' Pakistan seems so distant, so absurd, that no one ever talks about it anymore in India. On the contrary, there's a a palpable sense of despair even in the usually jingoistic Indian media occasionally. I almost feel sorry for the Indian hawks. Almost. I totally understand that historically India was invaded and wronged. But a great civilization doesn't repeat the mistakes of the past afflicted great civilization.
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