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China is now The World's Biggest Producer

It surprises me how much China has moved up the value chain in 15 years. In 1996, textiles were 60% of our exports. Now they're 6%, yet their profits have gone up. The less of your supply chain that is in the hands of foreigners, the more money your country makes. Our petrochemical industry used to be poor. It started off just refining oil. Then we moved up into polymer materials and fibers, using imported equipment. Now we make the equipment, and recently, control the entire supply chain of a shirt, from the exploration of the oil that comes out of the ground to the processing of the fiber to the actual weaving of the shirt.

While what you say is true, this is only temporary. It is not a matter of ability, we can manufacture anything the West can, some of them might have lower yield strengths, lower lifetimes, etc. but we still have them. Just that people have gotten used to importing, and that the western companies already control the market in many things.

Yes a very creditable achievement. Most people didn't know that USA was still the largest manufacturer even after so much noise about the manufacturing moving to China.

I especially like the focus on building the basic sectors. India has that but to a much smaller degree. Again it is not a matter of capability. We have very capable private companies that can do extremely complex projects and structural work. It is a matter of national priorities and building the domestic capabilities.

I am sure we will get there. It is easier than ever to get your hands on the needed technologies and build those capabilities. A lot of Chinese companies overnight started making mobiles after a Western firm released the reference design. Many such technologies are easy to get now.
I think it is only a matter of time before China manufactures their own B-747 or A380 version of aircraft.

They already are

Its named ARJ21
great... still china lacks Branding !! do it guys....
I used to think China was alrdy world's largest producer

I have hardly seen any Made in USA things except food and weapons :D

Made in US, only junk food full of cholesterol, salt and sugar in view of putting cardio vascular disease, diabetes and cancer on you while the weapons are hitech and WMD in view of killing those who are against the West. Now the West is bombing Libya for the petrol.
But US is doing Quantitative Easing 2.0 which technical way of printing money, since Yuan is pegged, Yuan will also be kind of de-valued. There will be tension over currency for quite sometime and it is not just US some of the asian countries are taking a hitting for their exports, because of RNB dollar peg.

China will ultimately have to do it, especially since there is inflation in commodities, which kind of came to halt with Japanese earthquake

In response to U.S. Quantitative Easing, China has not done that as well???
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