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China is back to stapling visas to Arunachal travellers

I dont know abt tht but an indian friend of mine whose dads is in the indian army told me abt it........ lol tht was entertaining watchin midgets fight.....anyways...... i heard only fags(sodomites) and traumatised fatherless kids or just sissys watch oprah.

Thank god i aint indian,white or american.:rofl:

P.S=Generalisation is always bad.......... its like sayin all indians drink urine,indian women often have affairs with men and give birth to kids who end up acting tough on internet and live in usa......

or the good ol garlic smell........etc B.S to be precise.

Hope u get the idea my indian american friend...:rofl:

People like you make Internet interesting.
Or else many people would on PDF would not get their source of entertainment.
Go on...
We tolerated Hindus for some hundred years. I think it will be ok.:pakistan:

Whoa were you not one the guys lecturing the mods here- saying that blasphemy law should stand and were all happy about Taseer's death?

So I guess you should be hanged next for promoting prophet insulting shows... done by Jews, showing no morals, sexual and promiscuous content. :cheers:

tsk tsk I guess you are not the good Muslim now, yeah?
I say Great MOVE by China!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :tup::tup::tup::tup:

since India doesn't have any balls to do anything!!!!!!!

check wikipedia for 1967 chola incident, 1971 Indo-pak war, kargil war, just to mention a few and you will change your mind about India not having balls to do anything.
now i understand the indian mentallity, i take it when we kick assssss badly in 1962 also good for india....loool , so glad we china could help.

Then why did you chinese retreat during the 1967 chola incident? was it because we were better equipped this time unlike in 1962?
If you china were so strong then you should have kicked our assssss badly again. Try to take arunachal pradesh by kicking our assssss badly again, what is stopping china? why issue stapled visas to people from arunachal pradesh?:sniper:
We tolerated Hindus for some hundred years. I think it will be ok.:pakistan:

where did you learn this? In your madrassa? The syllabus of the history textbook provided by your madrassa needs to be updated in accordance with the facts rather than continuing with imaginary stories.
:lol: wat pressure..
Will those 2 guys die if u don't give visas...
Or will u get Arunachal pradesh if u issue stapled vissa..
It's just to satisfy ur frustration..

Nothing changes if u issue stapled visas..

Move on...

No tallboy he is right. These type of actions will put pressure on our politicians to strengthen our military at a faster pace. so that we can be better prepared to defend our country and also inflict unacceptable damage on the enemy in case of a war.:D
why are so you obsessed with India? do you get paid by the post or per day?

---------- Post added at 01:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 PM ----------

why are you so obsessed with India? do you get paid by the post or per day?

Those who are bitten by the anti-India bug resort to such behaviour. you will find many on this forum with this problem.
check wikipedia for 1967 chola incident, 1971 Indo-pak war, kargil war, just to mention a few and you will change your mind about India not having balls to do anything.

oh, yea no doubt in that. but a lot has changed since then.
now i understand the indian mentallity, i take it when we kick assssss badly in 1962 also good for india....loool , so glad we china could help.

China was lucky that the Indian Airforce was't used.....otherwise the story could've been very different! By the way, what did China achieve. if they won and beat India, wouldn't they have A.P.? I guess there is a lot more to the story than you and I both know..
Then why did you chinese retreat during the 1967 chola incident? was it because we were better equipped this time unlike in 1962?

using the SAME EXACT logic that Indians use for the 62 war,

oh india weak, cant supply themselves, no ballz or supplies to chase a retreating enemy and take back lands lost before, big strong chinese army just waiting mere miles away for indians to come into trap but india scared and couldnt pursue further and opted for peace. oh and to add to this logic used just above: lucky indians that china didnt use its big air force or Indians bombed back to stone age.

now using more normal thoughts,

its a small skirmish involving a hand full of troops, how much better equipped could you be, handful of small arms and bullets? china lost that skirmish, we admit it unlike some other country who still refuse to believe they had lost and instead blame things on backstabbing(even though they started forward policy first), bad supplies(and whose fault is that).
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using the SAME EXACT logic that Indians use for the 62 war,

oh india weak, cant supply themselves, no ballz or supplies to chase a retreating enemy and take back lands lost before, big strong chinese army just waiting mere miles away for indians to come into trap but india scared and couldnt pursue further and opted for peace. oh and to add to this logic used just above: luck indians that china didnt use its big air force or Indians bombed back to stone age.

now using more normal thoughts,

its a small skirmish involving a hand full of troops, how much better equipped could you be, handful of small arms and bullets? china lost that skirmish, we admit it unlike some other country who still refuse to believe they had lost and instead blame things on backstabbing(even though they started forward policy first), bad supplies(and whose fault is that).

Don't even bother, Chola and similar incidents were on a platoon patrol scale, so I failed to see how the PLA could have been intimidated into retreat.

1 dead and several wounded on the Indian side, several wounded on the Chinese side. Does this sound like an incident of any importance?

No it's not, though we can see the logic of playing such events up, at time when the IA and Indian government would have seized upon any opportunity to reassure the nation and erase that terrible feeling of vulnerability it had when IA melted away so easily against a minor action by the PLA.
oh, yea no doubt in that. but a lot has changed since then.

Yeah the wikipedia article sources back to BR. Nuff said. I have been trying to track down a source for what happened in the supposed Indian victories in 67 and 87 (?) but there are just no histories that writes about it other than Indian ones, which in itself should be a clue as to its relevance to history.
On topic.

I am not surprised that the Chinese government withdrew it practice of stamping visas. It was done as a good will gesture prior to Wen official visit and while that visit was a success commercially, the Indian government proved obstinate on any of the issues China wanted settle. Since there was no concessions or willingness to cooperate on the Indian side, I see little reason for keeping the policy of recognizing either AP or IO Kashmir as an integral part of India.
China will have to pay big price, Pak started a proxy war with India in form of terrorism and paid heavily in form of devastating nation, China will also pay somewhat same sooner or later.

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