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China is after our inventions? Who are we kidding?

I am not tired of your inferiority complex or lack of education or knowledge. It merely amuses me.

Perhaps it is difficult for you to get sarcasm - let me spell it out for you - I was being sarcastic about the teepees.

The only one embarrassing himself is you. When you done with the latest lynching, perhaps you can visit the local library or look it up online - the Indian civilization did invent these things.

Only a Klansman with little knowledge would confuse nation-states with civilizations. I don't blame you really - your ranting is expected. If you are comparing nation-states - then compare the US to India after 66 years of independence. Heck I'd be generous and give you a handicap. You can compare the first 100 years of American independence to India's 66. We would still be way ahead. For 100 odd years you had slavery when the civilized European world had long ago abolished it. For almost the first 200 you had segregation which wasn't too different from the apartheid in South Africa. That by the way is a nation - I doubt you have heard of it or of Nelson Mandela. You imprisoned your own citizens of Japanese descent in WW2 for no rhyme or reason. Should we talk of the communist witch hunt? Or perhaps Operation Paper Clip where you gave refuge to mass murderers? LOL - I am sure you have learnt more in this one post about your country then in your life long attendance of KKK meetings.

In our 100 years we went to the Moon, invented the internet, aeroplane, computer, chemotherapy, and countless other things that are casually taken for granted you street-sweeping Indian. What have you done? Other than take dumps on your highways and rape your fugly women?

And don't try to pull that on me, your caste system was a de facto slave system for millenia. Till this very day you are the most racist people in the world.

Btw, I never confused a civilization with a nation-state you illiterate monkey; it was you who did. Here I am comparing Western civilization to Indian civilization, and now you respond by saying we should compare India's first 66 years as a new nation instead. You are a moron.

Can you tell me, which year America got Independence?

Let me try in your own numeral system: MDCCLXXVI

Always remember it.. you should never forget the year in which you earned Independence.

And your "civilisation" owns copyright to these numerals too... so nobody will accuse your of stealing. :laugh:

1776 in roman numerals - Google Search

And no point telling you about Ramanujan, CV Raman, Jagdish Chandra Bose, Vinod Khosla ... eh .. am I not wasting my time talking to KKK.

I'm referring to everything you've ever done, all of your contributions to mankind since the beginning of time. Who cares about this particular nation-state or not? How about everything you've contributed, in which I can hold in my hand and say "wow, if Indians never existed we wouldn't have x or y".

Your excuses won't cut it. It's typical of Indians to state that they can't contribute because they've only recently been given freedom. Before the British humiliated you, you had all the time in the world to dominate. You didn't.

Learn about the Silk Road, moron. I'm getting tire of a white supremacist like you

Hey genius, try not to copy-paste stuff you've not even read. Try using your own responses instead of just looking it up on the internet.

I clearly won the argument. You have no idea what you're talking about, and oooohhhh, am I supposed to cry and beg forgiveness for your accusation of my White supremacy? I'm proud of being White! I'm happy about it! If I was born a Chinese, I would have ended my own life long ago.
In our 100 years we went to the Moon, invented the internet, aeroplane, computer, chemotherapy, and countless other things that are casually taken for granted you street-sweeping Indian. What have you done?

Now c'mon.. don't pretend what you really imply --- that nobody would have ever invented the steam engine, if the English hadn't? We would have invented it ourselves.

(That's the logic you gave, when you said, that if Indians hadn't introduced the zero and the number system, Europeans would have invented it anyway).


1. If there is an Euler, there is also a Ramanujan.
2. If there is a Marconi and Tesla, there is a Jagdish Chandra Bose (IEEE calls him one of the fathers of radio waves).
3. Find out after whose name, the fundamental particle called Boson is named after (and why). Read about Satyendranath Bose and Bose-Einstein statistics).
4. Nobel Prize in physics to CV Raman for discovering the Raman effect.
5. Vinod Khosla inventor Intel pentium processor.
6. Sabeer Bhatia inventor of http protocol based email service hotmail.

Other than take dumps on your highways and rape your fugly women?

And don't try to pull that on me, your caste system was a de facto slave system for millenia. Till this very day you are the most racist people in the world.

Are some your folks, still "niggers"?

And so far you didn't allow a woman to be your president.. is that so?

Btw, I never confused a civilization with a nation-state you illiterate monkey; it was you who did. Here I am comparing Western civilization to Indian civilization, and now you respond by saying we should compare India's first 66 years as a new nation instead.

So, what did the "white civilization" achieve up to 1500 AD .. eh let me talk in your numerals ..up to the year MD AD !!

You burnt witches, ill-treated serfs and believed that earth was in the center of the solar system?? -- congratulations on those "achievements".

I shan't be surprised within my own lifetime, the world is moved by the way India guides it forward, like we did for a large part o fhuman history.

It's already no longer a white man's world, but a multi-polar world.
I don't blame them, China is recently rich.

Did you know for a while, and even now, the newly rich are not accepted by the old families. It's a matter of prestige, and prestige takes time.

A simple example, when the American stealth bomber, the one before B-2 crashed, it was blamed on poor maintenance, which is probably true. However, as you read it you sort of expects this and believes it.

When Chinese J-10 crashes for the same reason, the people automatically assume bad quality. Even though it is not so. Even after reading the reason, most would pass it off as communist propaganda.

Can you imagine how much crap we would have gotten if our J-20 gets as delayed and over priced? Just look at our engine program if you don't believe there is a difference in perception.

Bottom line, it'll take at least another 2-3 decades for this to fade and China to truly be a technological and economic giant.

it takes a generation to change perception, those who are born into new world order will accept it as a norm, old hogs dont change their views. Muslims will be terrorists for next 50 years even if there is not more terror attack after today.
In our 100 years we went to the Moon, invented the internet, aeroplane, computer, chemotherapy, and countless other things that are casually taken for granted you street-sweeping Indian. What have you done? Other than take dumps on your highways and rape your fugly women?

And don't try to pull that on me, your caste system was a de facto slave system for millenia. Till this very day you are the most racist people in the world.

Btw, I never confused a civilization with a nation-state you illiterate monkey; it was you who did. Here I am comparing Western civilization to Indian civilization, and now you respond by saying we should compare India's first 66 years as a new nation instead. You are a moron.

I'm referring to everything you've ever done, all of your contributions to mankind since the beginning of time. Who cares about this particular nation-state or not? How about everything you've contributed, in which I can hold in my hand and say "wow, if Indians never existed we wouldn't have x or y".

Your excuses won't cut it. It's typical of Indians to state that they can't contribute because they've only recently been given freedom. Before the British humiliated you, you had all the time in the world to dominate. You didn't.

Hey genius, try not to copy-paste stuff you've not even read. Try using your own responses instead of just looking it up on the internet.

I clearly won the argument. You have no idea what you're talking about, and oooohhhh, am I supposed to cry and beg forgiveness for your accusation of my White supremacy? I'm proud of being White! I'm happy about it! If I was born a Chinese, I would have ended my own life long ago.

Sure Klansman. Just how daft are you? HAHAHAHAHAHA. Make up that trailer trash mind of yours before you get into a debate. It is so much fun to see your utter ignorance. India and China controlled over 70% of world trade before colonialism. Of course, if you were educated and not a high-school dropout working in a Wal-Mart selling "Made-in-China" products and sweeping floors between lynchings and attending KKK meetings, you would know that.

Going to the moon - LOL - piggybacking on German achievements led by the Nazi von Braun. So the Soviets and the Brits won WW-2, the Americans slyly gave refuge to some mass murdering Nazis who helped you in rocket technology. Speaking of rocket technology - the earliest rockets were actually developed by Tipu Sultan - an Indian king. hahahahahaha - I guess it must be difficult to get to a library when you work on minimum wage and live off social security and food stamps. hahahahaha
Now c'mon.. don't pretend what you really imply --- that nobody would have ever invented the steam engine, if the English hadn't? We would have invented it ourselves.

(That's the logic you gave, when you said, that if Indians hadn't introduced the zero and the number system, Europeans would have invented it anyway).


1. If there is an Euler, there is also a Ramanujan.
2. If there is a Marconi and Tesla, there is a Jagdish Chandra Bose (IEEE calls him one of the fathers of radio waves).
3. Find out after whose name, the fundamental particle called Boson is named after (and why). Read about Satyendranath Bose and Bose-Einstein statistics).
4. Nobel Prize in physics to CV Raman for discovering the Raman effect.
5. Vinod Khosla inventor Intel pentium processor.
6. Sabeer Bhatia inventor of http protocol based email service hotmail.

Are some your folks, still "niggers"?

And so far you didn't allow a woman to be your president.. is that so?

So, what did the "white civilization" achieve up to 1500 AD .. eh let me talk in your numerals ..up to the year MD AD !!

You burnt witches, ill-treated serfs and believed that earth was in the center of the solar system?? -- congratulations on those "achievements".

I shan't be surprised within my own lifetime, the world is moved by the way India guides it forward, like we did for a large part o fhuman history.

It's already no longer a white man's world, but a multi-polar world.

Hahahaha - you gotta love this daft trailer trash guy's ignorance. Apparently Britain humiliated India by colonizing it - in his warped little trailer trash KKK world the USA was a colony of the Martians perhaps? Hahahaha
Now c'mon.. don't pretend what you really imply --- that nobody would have ever invented the steam engine, if the English hadn't? We would have invented it ourselves.

(That's the logic you gave, when you said, that if Indians hadn't introduced the zero and the number system, Europeans would have invented it anyway).

You've invented practically nothing, so no I don't think that you would have invented it anyway, while we have invented everything that surrounds you today, so it's not difficult to see why we could have invented a simple numeral system.

And all your inventors are unknown for the simple reason that their contributions are minuscule in comparison to Western civilization. Every time you list a Vinod I can list a thousand other individuals who invented ALL of the other processors by Intel (with Intel itself being invented by us).

So, what did the "white civilization" achieve up to 1500 AD .. eh let me talk in your numerals ..up to the year MD AD !

What did the Indian civilization achieve? You really want to compare?

You burnt witches, ill-treated serfs and believed that earth was in the center of the solar system?? -- congratulations on those "achievements".

Am I to take this dumb a$$ statement as implying that you did not do any of these things, and that you already knew as common knowledge that the Earth was not the center of the solar system? You are an idiot. Anything that happened in the West should be multiplied x100 to get a grasp of what's happening in India.

I shan't be surprised within my own lifetime, the world is moved by the way India guides it forward, like we did for a large part o fhuman history.


I hope your joking! India has a smaller economy than Italy, a smaller R&D budget than Canada or Australia, and a smaller GDP per capita than Nigeria. India is a 4th world joke, leading the world in poverty, misery, and stupidity. This isn't wishful thinking, this is not even a joke; there is no word to describe the incompetence you are displaying. India will never surpass anyone, your idiocy will not allow it.
Sure Klansman. Just how daft are you? HAHAHAHAHAHA. Make up that trailer trash mind of yours before you get into a debate. It is so much fun to see your utter ignorance. India and China controlled over 70% of world trade before colonialism. Of course, if you were educated and not a high-school dropout working in a Wal-Mart selling "Made-in-China" products and sweeping floors between lynchings and attending KKK meetings, you would know that.

Going to the moon - LOL - piggybacking on German achievements led by the Nazi von Braun. So the Soviets and the Brits won WW-2, the Americans slyly gave refuge to some mass murdering Nazis who helped you in rocket technology. Speaking of rocket technology - the earliest rockets were actually developed by Tipu Sultan - an Indian king. hahahahahaha - I guess it must be difficult to get to a library when you work on minimum wage and live off social security and food stamps. hahahahaha

Are your "hahahahas" an attempt to hide your poor emotional stability? You should take a look at the facts before spilling your emotions on the internet - Britain and Germany are both European nations, and a part of Western Civilization. They belong to the same people as the United States, we being descended from them in the first place. We absolutely took contributions from ethnic Germans, and I don't mind that one bit, seeing as how my last name (Stossel) is German-descended, this does not exactly hurt me. :)

Btw, I already admitted to being a KKK White supremacist so that we could continue the conversation without having to continue to resort to your attempt to illicit my sympathies for your dumb and dim-witted people. Calling me a racist and a supremacist don't make me jump into defense mode like all of the ashamed White liberals. Try and refute the facts poop man, instead of crying 'racist'.

It was the West that brought the world the modern era, without which Indians would still be living in caves, raping their own children, while defecating on their unpaved roads... oh wait... :woot:

haha you arguments are funny sometimes esp your obssession with the world "third world countries":lol:

u kno i read all ur replies here from first page to last to have som fun:P
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haha you arguments are funny sometimes esp your obssession with the world "third world countries":lol:

u kno i read all ur replies here from first page to last to have som fun:P

Only responding to the a-holes on this forum, which seem to be disproportionately consisting of Indians, and a small minority of Chinese.
Last edited by a moderator:
Only responding to the a-holes on this forum, which seem to be disproportionately consisting of Indians, and a small minority of Chinese.

good as long as you dun bash Pakistanies,everything else is fine
You've invented practically nothing, so no I don't think that you would have invented it anyway, while we have invented everything that surrounds you today, so it's not difficult to see why we could have invented a simple numeral system.

Till 1500 AD it was a par. (at best .. but India was the highest GDP, and technologically better than Europe, a lead we maintained since bronze age civilization).

If you challenge this, then prove it... (with facts and logical sense).

And all your inventors are unknown for the simple reason that their contributions are minuscule in comparison to Western civilization. Every time you list a Vinod I can list a thousand other individuals who invented ALL of the other processors by Intel (with Intel itself being invented by us).

Anything notable invented in USA prior to 1800 AD ? ... Just one thing .??

What did the Indian civilization achieve? You really want to compare?

Am I to take this dumb a$$ statement as implying that you did not do any of these things, and that you already knew as common knowledge that the Earth was not the center of the solar system? You are an idiot. Anything that happened in the West should be multiplied x100 to get a grasp of what's happening in India.

You have taken it upon yourself. that everything invented from Russia to England goes to your credit !!! -- and that includes Russian and East European Jews, Poles, Germans, Swiss, Dutch, French.. right up to English.

However, unwilling to give the credit for Algebra to Arabs (yes, bloody "whites" would have invented it themselves !!), Numeral system to Indians (oh yeah. high almighty "whites" would have invented it themselves) !!), gun powder, paper and printing press to chinese (.. again almighty "whites" could have done it themselves).

Then, Fukkk the HELL, Do It.

We can invent our own steam engines of future.


I hope your joking! India has a smaller economy than Italy, a smaller R&D budget than Canada or Australia, and a smaller GDP per capita than Nigeria. India is a 4th world joke, leading the world in poverty, misery, and stupidity. This isn't wishful thinking, this is not even a joke; there is no word to describe the incompetence you are displaying. India will never surpass anyone, your idiocy will not allow it.

I wish you live till 2100 ..... and get to eat your words.
Are your "hahahahas" an attempt to hide your poor emotional stability? You should take a look at the facts before spilling your emotions on the internet - Britain and Germany are both European nations, and a part of Western Civilization. They belong to the same people as the United States, we being descended from them in the first place. We absolutely took contributions from ethnic Germans, and I don't mind that one bit, seeing as how my last name (Stossel) is German-descended, this does not exactly hurt me. :)

Btw, I already admitted to being a KKK White supremacist so that we could continue the conversation without having to continue to resort to your attempt to illicit my sympathies for your dumb and dim-witted people. Calling me a racist and a supremacist don't make me jump into defense mode like all of the ashamed White liberals. Try and refute the facts poop man, instead of crying 'racist'.

It was the West that brought the world the modern era, without which Indians would still be living in caves, raping their own children, while defecating on their unpaved roads... oh wait... :woot:

Of course you aren't ashamed of being a trailer trash KKK guy - do you know of any of your other KKK members who are ashamed?

"They belong to the same people as the United States" - I guess in your opinion your President is clearly Nordic. Hahahahaha. You are really amusing. Keep making a fool of yourself. I wouldn't have expected to read up on Nalanda or Taxila anyway. I have given you facts - about Indian - about the Indian economy and Indian inventions historically. All I have heard from you is inane rants. But I didn't expect anything else. Now back to selling those "Made-in-China" products - attaboy.

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