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China is after our inventions? Who are we kidding?

Ancient Romans weren't Nordic or Germanic. :cheesy: Indians are too called as Asian. We had centuries of cultural interaction with people of Asia, see their religion and you will know what I mean. So tell me can I claim the heritage of other Asians. :omghaha:

Ancient Romans were of European descent, which is the entire point of the argument. They belong to the same people, the European people, and all Europeans west of Poalnd probably share significant ancestry to them.

And as much as Indians want to associate themselves with the "Asians", it's too bad they'll never be considered in the same fold as Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, et. al.

Sorry budd, but the term Asian usually refers to East and Southeast Asians. You don't have anything to do with these people.

A better example would be that there is no such thing as an Indian people, because you don't exist. For what reason? Who knows, just because.... That's your entire argument in a nutshell. You know 100% what people mean when they say White or Western or European, you just pretend to be dumb-founded because you hate seeing us united.
I was replying to the guy who said we were colonized by the Brits. If you can't tell the difference between the formation of the US and the situation with the Raj....yes...you are retarded. As far as bringing up the black citizens....you prove my point. Even the descendants of our slaves do better than you. As far as the bible belt, I have lived everywhere in this country, was born and lived in Europe for 9 years. Far better travelled than you I am sure. As far as Romans trading "with India"....as has been beaten to death in this forum, there was no "India" in Roman times.

I sincerely doubt you are better traveled than me. African citizens do better than us? LOL. Says who? Tell that to the poor black citizens in Florida who were denied the right to vote so that an election could be fixed Bush jr. You had segregation till the 1960s for crying out loud. For almost 200 years as an independent nation and you could not even give equal rights to your own citizenry.

Of course there was India in Roman times. Your argument is absurd - on what basis do you say there was no India?
Actually in Britain "Asian" usually refers to people from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka etc. But it is strange he would claim non-existant Chinese prowess when Indians and Chinese are so different, Yet divide Rome from her neighbors when they are the same (by looks alone I can tell a Chinese from an Indian, Italians and Germans not so much....unless a Scicilian from a Berliner) I lived many years in Trier, a Roman city in Germany. Ever heard of Lombardy? Research were this Italian region got it's name. And the Romans weren't Germanic, but closely related to Gauls (celts)...who were in turn closely related to Germanics. How closely related are Indians to Chinese? Starngely enough, Indians would be more related to Celts than Chinese (even linguistically)

Buddy, trust me, he knows we are hard to tell apart and that we are all of common descent and share a common history and culture going back centuries (and a genetic lineage going back millenia), he's just too angry to give this thought the acceptance it deserves, due to his feelings of infeirority.

Otherwise, he wouldn't care what we call ourselves, and he wouldn't go to such lengths to try and disprove we exist as one people. It would be like some random loser went up to a couple he barely knew and started begging them to understand that they don't belong together - you would easily surmise that this person is jealous and has some pretty serious insecurity issues.
The first thing these jealous losers will do is deny our people even exist. They become rabidly racist at even the slightest comment regarding their people, especially when the race war does not involve Whites, but when some White guy intervenes in the conversation they become like little kittens and start screaming racism and supremacism.

We really fked them up when we made them our servants. Now, centuries of animosity and admiration for Whites has mixed together to create a mentally confusing picture in their minds, full of contradictions and double speak.

Yea - keep saying that as you do the dishes in the Asian takeaway.

LOOOOOOOLL!! No one considers you Asian. No one uses the term Asian as a reference to the continent; it's used to refer to the people of East and Southeast Asia.

I can see VERY clear differences between your people and the Japanese for instance, while the genes, ancestry, heritage, common values, wealth and prosperity, common unity and culture, and physical appearance of the people of the West is not in dispute.

You are so insecure that you have to find a way to pretend to ignore the legitimacy and existence of my people, or else you feel too inferior to even want to live this waste of a life of yours. What a sad sad life you must have :(

The emoticon rage proves it...

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA - this has to be jewel in the crown - hahahahahaha.
Yea - keep saying that as you do the dishes in the Asian takeaway.

Here we go again, I'm going to keep repeating this until it's ingrained into that tiny Indain brain of yours.

India GDP per capita - $1,000

USA GDP per capita - $50,000

With all holding true, with an average American and an average Indian coming together to speak on the internet, the American would be 5,000% richer. Actually, these numbers are income figures, when ascertaining wealth we could take a look at household net worth.

India - $5,000

USA - $250,000

So really, keep wiping my infant son's bum, slave.
Actually in Britain "Asian" usually refers to people from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka etc. But it is strange he would claim non-existant Chinese prowess when Indians and Chinese are so different, Yet divide Rome from her neighbors when they are the same (by looks alone I can tell a Chinese from an Indian, Italians and Germans not so much....unless a Scicilian from a Berliner) I lived many years in Trier, a Roman city in Germany. Ever heard of Lombardy? Research were this Italian region got it's name. And the Romans weren't Germanic, but closely related to Gauls (celts)...who were in turn closely related to Germanics. How closely related are Indians to Chinese? Starngely enough, Indians would be more related to Celts than Chinese (even linguistically)

Firstly, I don't know what stereotype of "Indian" you have in mind. A person from North East India is closer in appearance to a Chinese than to a Tamilian from South India.

Here we go again, I'm going to keep repeating this until it's ingrained into that tiny Indain brain of yours.

India GDP per capita - $1,000

USA GDP per capita - $50,000

With all holding true, with an average American and an average Indian coming together to speak on the internet, the American would be 5,000% richer. Actually, these numbers are income figures, when ascertaining wealth we could take a look at household net worth.

India - $5,000

USA - $250,000

So really, keep wiping my infant son's bum, slave.

LOL - I am not disputing those numbers - I am merely stating that you are nothing but trailer trash working on minimum wage who doesn't even know that Indians are Asians. Hahahahaha. Now back to the aisles.
I sincerely doubt you are better traveled than me. African citizens do better than us? LOL. Says who? Tell that to the poor black citizens in Florida who were denied the right to vote so that an election could be fixed Bush jr. You had segregation till the 1960s for crying out loud. For almost 200 years as an independent nation and you could not even give equal rights to your own citizenry.

Of course there was India in Roman times. Your argument is absurd - on what basis do you say there was no India?
As a unified nation genius. Much as North America existed....but no US.
Firstly, I don't know what stereotype of "Indian" you have in mind. A person from North East India is closer in appearance to a Chinese than to a Tamilian from South India.

LOL - I am not disputing those numbers - I am merely stating that you are nothing but trailer trash working on minimum wage who doesn't even know that Indians are Asians. Hahahahaha. Now back to the aisles.
I am aware that Indians have variable looks, and I am sure near the Chinese border there are many Indian citizens with "mongoloid" appearance, And that the further south you go the people are darker and more "Dravidian". But most have a typical look....somewhat between Afghans and Dravidian....central areas. You know as well as I do that if you were on a street in Germany you would usually be able to pick your countrymen. (or at least from your region....Pakistani, Bengali, etc.) And there is a chance you are as well-travelled....but doubtful. All over North and Central America....Asian fringe...(Korea, Phillipines, Australia, etc.) Most of Western Europe (The Iron Curtain was still in existence...so not so much Eastern Europe). Even Antarctica.
PS....don't take all this too personal....just having fun in a thread that has gone full troll. And to give you an idea of how long ago I lived in Europe....the Phantoms still made the bulk of our fighter force.
Firstly, I don't know what stereotype of "Indian" you have in mind. A person from North East India is closer in appearance to a Chinese than to a Tamilian from South India.

LOL - I am not disputing those numbers - I am merely stating that you are nothing but trailer trash working on minimum wage who doesn't even know that Indians are Asians. Hahahahaha. Now back to the aisles.

"hahahaha" and "hahahaha" and more "hahahaha", what are you hiding? The fact that you don't even make the minimum wage in my country? Like I said, I come from a wealthy family, though you expect that I have 3rd world emotions and would be hurt by a disparaging remark related to wealth. You're projecting your peoples' inferior personality onto me.
As a unified nation genius. Much as North America existed....but no US.

Genius - The Roman Empire was not a nation-state either - the concept of nation-states came about in Napoleon's time.
I am aware that Indians have variable looks, and I am sure near the Chinese border there are many Indian citizens with "mongoloid" appearance, And that the further south you go the people are darker and more "Dravidian". But most have a typical look....somewhat between Afghans and Dravidian....central areas. You know as well as I do that if you were on a street in Germany you would usually be able to pick your countrymen. (or at least from your region....Pakistani, Bengali, etc.) And there is a chance you are as well-travelled....but doubtful. All over North and Central America....Asian fringe...(Korea, Phillipines, Australia, etc.) Most of Western Europe (The Iron Curtain was still in existence...so not so much Eastern Europe). Even Antarctica.

I don't think the Pakistanis or the Bangladeshis would be very happy to be bracketed as "my countrymen".
Most don' have a "typical look" - it is entirely possible that a Tamilian could be significantly fairer than a Punjabi. You can tell people are from South Asia from the accent, their way of dressing etc.

Not been to Antarctica - don't intend to either - but I have lived for 6 years in the USA, 2 in Europe and travelled all over North/Central America, Western Europe and a lot of Asia. I had taken special permission from my university to take non-military ROTC classes. I really like the US - more than I like Europe. I find the people friendlier. You seem to know what you are talking about, but your countryman posting here is a complete buffoon with zero knowledge of the world.

"hahahaha" and "hahahaha" and more "hahahaha", what are you hiding? The fact that you don't even make the minimum wage in my country? Like I said, I come from a wealthy family, though you expect that I have 3rd world emotions and would be hurt by a disparaging remark related to wealth. You're projecting your peoples' inferior personality onto me.

LOL - sure. That is exactly what I am doing.
To be honest many of my travels were military related (my pops or myself)....such as Antarctica (Australia was on the way etc.). But you must understand the side I took in a troll-fest. How can I take another?
WTF is wrong with Bhartis? Fighting with Americans over which civilization is better? I agree Roman & Greek was not North Euro civilization. But the thing is in last 300 years North Europeans have transformed the world like no civilization before. Its a fact no matter where Northern Europeans went they prospered in last 300 years. One example is difference between north american and south america. Argentina for example is 95% white but South Europeans, hence its not as developed.

While all Indians ever do is claim how great Indian civilization used to be, but when you go deeper then one realize those people were not actually related to current day Indians which is 98% austroloid. But but we invented "zero", more like discovered "zero". When American says they went to Moon, Indians will respond with but we invented first rocket? wtf
To be honest many of my travels were military related (my pops or myself)....such as Antarctica (Australia was on the way etc.). But you must understand the side I took in a troll-fest. How can I take another?

Of course you can. There are times when I have had arguments with Indians on this board. I don't think supporting your country in all matters in a sign of patriotism - sometimes, opposing your country's views is the right thing to do. I have no qualms in admitting that India is an extremely corrupt society governed by a bunch of selfish people who have taken its citizenry for a ride.

But coming from a military background, I can see where you are coming from.
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