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China is after our inventions? Who are we kidding?

WTF is wrong with Bhartis? Fighting with Americans over which civilization is better? I agree Roman & Greek was not North Euro civilization. But the thing is in last 300 years North Europeans have transformed the world like no civilization before. Its a fact no matter where Northern Europeans went they prospered in last 300 years. One example is difference between north american and south america. Argentina for example is 95% white but South Europeans, hence its not as developed.

While all Indians ever do is claim how great Indian civilization used to be, but when you go deeper then one realize those people were not actually related to current day Indians which is 98% austroloid. But but we invented "zero", more like discovered "zero". When American says they went to Moon, Indians will respond with but we invented first rocket? wtf

It is not a question of which civilization is better. It is a matter of belittling the civilizations whose achievements are extraordinary. Most Chinese posters will tell you here, that I have always criticized their opaque form of Government but that does mean that the Chinese civilization is not great.

Of course North European achievements are phenomenal in the last 300 years. But human civilization is a lot older. And I am curious - as a Pakistani, which civilization do you think you belong to?
Of course North European achievements are phenomenal in the last 300 years. But human civilization is a lot older. And I am curious - as a Pakistani, which civilization do you think you belong to?

Didn't you get by his comment that he is wannabe Gora Pakistani.

While all Indians ever do is claim how great Indian civilization used to be, but when you go deeper then one realize those people were not actually related to current day Indians which is 98% austroloid. But but we invented "zero", more like discovered "zero". When American says they went to Moon, Indians will respond with but we invented first rocket? wtf

Coming from wannabe snowwhite. :omghaha:
Of course North European achievements are phenomenal in the last 300 years. But human civilization is a lot older. And I am curious - as a Pakistani, which civilization do you think you belong to?

As a Pakistani i belong to Indus Valley Civilization, Vedic & Gandhara when it comes to ancient civilizations. Human civilization is a lot older but no one transformed the world like North Europeans.

Didn't you get by his comment that he is wannabe Gora Pakistani.

Coming from wannabe snowwhite. :omghaha:

And here comes another aryan wannabe :lol: Thats why i have your ancestors in my avatar, to keep remind wannabe aryans Indians their origins.
And here comes another aryan wannabe :lol: Thats why i have your ancestors in my avatar, to keep remind wannabe aryans Indians their origins.

We had a long discussion, no comments. :rofl::rofl:
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