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China is after our inventions? Who are we kidding?

Till 1500 AD it was a par. (at best .. but India was the highest GDP, and technologically better than Europe, a lead we maintained since bronze age civilization).

If you challenge this, then prove it... (with facts and logical sense).

No you idiot, YOU prove the statement you just made. One is not called upon to prove or disprove the statement of another. India was NOT the most technologically advanced in the world, not at the time or any other, but you are so unbelievably stupid that you think this does not even deserve support. You expect others to attempt to disprove such a ridiculous statement. It's like asking for proof that Africans did not rule the world. In who's mind would such a notion even come up to be refuted? You won't find any articles on the subject because it's just too hilarious and stupid to fathom.

YOU prove your dumb argument. India has always been a civilization of retards, and I 100% guarantee that this will never change.

Anything notable invented in USA prior to 1800 AD

LMFAO!! So now we are reducing Western civilization to specific countries, AND specific time periods. Is this the only way for you to win? Compare all of Indian civilization to one small Western country, and do so while limiting them to a 24 YEAR TIME PERIOD?

Yea, sorry we didn't invent the computer or the jet engine in the first 24 years of our existence as a nation, but take a look at what we have done in the last 200 years, vs. what you've done in the last 2,000. You have not even accomplished the feats of a Bulgaria or a Serbia, let alone a Britain, let alone an America, let alone the entirety of Western civilization (which is the most accurate comparison seeing as how we only have 1 billion people, and you are rapidly surpassing that.)

I wish you live till 2100 ..... and get to eat your words.

Overconfidence in ability (even after lack of past performance) is a trait widely regarded to be present in inferior populations.

Of course you aren't ashamed of being a trailer trash KKK guy - do you know of any of your other KKK members who are ashamed?

"They belong to the same people as the United States" - I guess in your opinion your President is clearly Nordic. Hahahahaha. You are really amusing. Keep making a fool of yourself. I wouldn't have expected to read up on Nalanda or Taxila anyway. I have given you facts - about Indian - about the Indian economy and Indian inventions historically. All I have heard from you is inane rants. But I didn't expect anything else. Now back to selling those "Made-in-China" products - attaboy.

You've given nothing except a tirade against racism.

Obama has f***-all to do with this, you can't even stick to the topic.
No you idiot, YOU prove the statement you just made. One is not called upon to prove or disprove the statement of another. India was NOT the most technologically advanced in the world, not at the time or any other, but you are so unbelievably stupid that you think this does not even deserve support. You expect others to attempt to disprove such a ridiculous statement. It's like asking for proof that Africans did not rule the world. In who's mind would such a notion even come up to be refuted? You won't find any articles on the subject because it's just too hilarious and stupid to fathom.

YOU prove your dumb argument. India has always been a civilization of retards, and I 100% guarantee that this will never change.

LMFAO!! So now we are reducing Western civilization to specific countries, AND specific time periods. Is this the only way for you to win? Compare all of Indian civilization to one small Western country, and do so while limiting them to a 24 YEAR TIME PERIOD?

Yea, sorry we didn't invent the computer or the jet engine in the first 24 years of our existence as a nation, but take a look at what we have done in the last 200 years, vs. what you've done in the last 2,000. You have not even accomplished the feats of a Bulgaria or a Serbia, let alone a Britain, let alone an America, let alone the entirety of Western civilization (which is the most accurate comparison seeing as how we only have 1 billion people, and you are rapidly surpassing that.)

Overconfidence in ability (even after lack of past performance) is a trait widely regarded to be present in inferior populations.

You've given nothing except a tirade against racism.

Obama has f***-all to do with this, you can't even stick to the topic.

hahahahahahahaha - again the Klansman is confusing the nation-state with a civilization. These in-bred trailer trash posters really deserve every bit of ridicule. We thought you were talking about civilizations, not nation-states. Now you say what could you have done in the first 24 years? We are not talking of independent USA you village buffoon - we were discussing Western Civilization - unless in your warped world Western Civilization began in 1776. hahahahahaha - But when we say India - the nation state is only 66 years old - you have a problem. Clearly, you are out of your depth here.

But please continue - regale us with more of your "wisdom". hahahahahaha

I really wish to know if you think Obama is American?
hahahahahahahaha - again the Klansman is confusing the nation-state with a civilization. These in-bred trailer trash posters really deserve every bit of ridicule. We thought you were talking about civilizations, not nation-states. Now you say what could you have done in the first 24 years? We are not talking of independent USA you village buffoon - we were discussing Western Civilization - unless in your warped world Western Civilization began in 1776. hahahahahaha - But when we say India - the nation state is only 66 years old - you have a problem. Clearly, you are out of your depth here.

But please continue - regale us with more of your "wisdom". hahahahahaha

I really wish to know if you think Obama is American?

Your illiteracy is killing me. You are the one always changing your mind.

I quote:
Anything notable invented in USA prior to 1800 AD

Isn't that what you said? Yea, I thought so.

I don't think you could even tell me the difference between a nation and a civilization, seeing as how you change your mind as to what you are arguing about in every other comment.

I must have pissed your little Indian brain off, seeing as how you had to start "hahaha'ing all over again.

I'll say it again:

You have not even accomplished the feats of a Bulgaria or a Serbia, let alone a Britain, let alone an America, let alone the entirety of Western civilization (which is the most accurate comparison seeing as how we only have 1 billion people, and you are rapidly surpassing that.)
Your illiteracy is killing me. You are the one always changing your mind.

I quote:

Isn't that what you said? Yea, I thought so.

I don't think you could even tell me the difference between a nation and a civilization, seeing as how you change your mind as to what you are arguing about in every other comment.

I must have pissed your little Indian brain off, seeing as how you had to start "hahaha'ing all over again.

I'll say it again:

You have not even accomplished the feats of a Bulgaria or a Serbia, let alone a Britain, let alone an America, let alone the entirety of Western civilization (which is the most accurate comparison seeing as how we only have 1 billion people, and you are rapidly surpassing that.)

LOL - hahaahaha - man, you are a riot. After hijacking the European civilization now you have the gall to come the Indian civilization to once again - nation states like Bulgaria and Serbia - hahahahahaha - good, now back to sweeping floors at Wal-Mart...attaboy....hahahahaha
LOL - hahaahaha - man, you are a riot. After hijacking the European civilization now you have the gall to come the Indian civilization to once again - nation states like Bulgaria and Serbia - hahahahahaha - good, now back to sweeping floors at Wal-Mart...attaboy....hahahahaha

My goodness, you have extended this conversation far beyond it's worth. You are too dumb to argue with.

Consider this debate over, you're not worth anyone's time Mr. Supapowa!
Commie Propaganda I don't trust you :devil:

On topic General Americans are stupid
All brown People are Arabs
All Koreans,Vietnamese,Filip one,Chinese,Japanese are Chinese

Btw i think 1-2 decades is more realistic your Govt is already spending Billions on Tech so 1-2 decades is achievable

I wouldn't call Americans stupid though, we tend to give them a lot of **** for the ignorance of a few. The problem is that they tend to put stupid people on the stage and expect them to say something smart and when they don't...well, that's why people can Americans stupid.
My goodness, you have extended this conversation far beyond it's worth. You are too dumb to argue with.

Consider this debate over, you're not worth anyone's time Mr. Supapowa!

Gee - you think this is a debate? LOL - that is optimistic. There was no debate because you did not have anything to say expect a few rants which merely reaffirmed your trailer trash status. Now go back to work - shine those aisles.
I wouldn't call Americans stupid though, we tend to give them a lot of **** for the ignorance of a few. The problem is that they tend to put stupid people on the stage and expect them to say something smart and when they don't...well, that's why people can Americans stupid.

It would be pretty daft to generally about such a diverse nation. America is the superpower on the planet - no one disputes that and you don't get there if you are populated exclusively with stupid citizens. However, there are those like this buffoon posting here who merely reinforce the stereotype of the trigger-happy, trailer trash, wife-beating idiot who are not very highly educated and work on minimum wage - probably for an Asian and see this the only way to vent their frustration.
Gee - you think this is a debate? LOL - that is optimistic. There was no debate because you did not have anything to say expect a few rants which merely reaffirmed your trailer trash status. Now go back to work - shine those aisles.

I'll shine those aisles while you defecate on the street and beg my nation to let you in so you can escape your 3rd world hellhole of a 'country'.

US per capita GDP - $50k

India per capita GDP - $1k

So really, I don't know what the hell you're talking about 3rd worlder!
I'll shine those aisles while you defecate on the street and beg my nation to let you in so you can escape your 3rd world hellhole of a 'country'.

US per capita GDP - $50k

India per capita GDP - $1k

So really, I don't know what the hell you're talking about 3rd worlder!

LOL - no one is denying USA is superpower and decades ahead of the Republic of India. First you confuse civilizations and nation-states and now your little trailer trash brain can't process this - we were talking about historical contributions. Hahahaha - you really are amusing. Come on Klansman, come up with something that amuses me even more. You are a riot. Hahahahaha.
LOL - no one is denying USA is superpower and decades ahead of the Republic of India. First you confuse civilizations and nation-states and now your little trailer trash brain can't process this - we were talking about historical contributions. Hahahaha - you really are amusing. Come on Klansman, come up with something that amuses me even more. You are a riot. Hahahahaha.

Exactly, historical contributions 82 IQ genius, so why do you keep bringing up AMERICA's conributions?

When I say Western civilization, street-defecating, trailer trash Indian, you say America, when I say America, you say let's talk about the West.

You should get your sh$$ straight in that tiny cranium of yours before you insult others. Indian civilization has given practically nothing to the world, as I've already repeated to that little brain of yours multiple times. I fail to see how comparing your entire history to WESTERN civilization, instead of just America (like YOU wanted when you asked me how many contributions we had in our first 50 years; forgot so quickly retard?) is going to help the case of your failure of a people?

The history of India vs the history of the West. Go ahead and surprise us with your knowledge.

All I know is that I'm getting to you, the "hhahahahahahahah" are getting longer so you must be just two or three steps away from an emotional outburst with emoticons and exclamation marks.
Eh? What's going on here?

This man, American_millennium seems to have achieved the impossible: Put fellow Indians and the Chinese on the same page.

Sure Klansman. Just how daft are you? HAHAHAHAHAHA. Make up that trailer trash mind of yours before you get into a debate. It is so much fun to see your utter ignorance. India and China controlled over 70% of world trade before colonialism. Of course, if you were educated and not a high-school dropout working in a Wal-Mart selling "Made-in-China" products and sweeping floors between lynchings and attending KKK meetings, you would know that.

Going to the moon - LOL - piggybacking on German achievements led by the Nazi von Braun. So the Soviets and the Brits won WW-2, the Americans slyly gave refuge to some mass murdering Nazis who helped you in rocket technology. Speaking of rocket technology - the earliest rockets were actually developed by Tipu Sultan - an Indian king. hahahahahaha - I guess it must be difficult to get to a library when you work on minimum wage and live off social security and food stamps. hahahahaha
Von Braun piggy-backed of Goddard....but as they are both European...what was your point? Many Americans have German blood. Even the Allied Supreme Commander was "Eisenhower"...."Nimitz" was in charge of the Pacific Fleet etc.
Hahahaha - you gotta love this daft trailer trash guy's ignorance. Apparently Britain humiliated India by colonizing it - in his warped little trailer trash KKK world the USA was a colony of the Martians perhaps? Hahahaha
Are you functionally retarded? Americans are Descendants of the colonizers....not the colonized.
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