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China Interfere's in other countries Affairs?


Apr 29, 2009
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China looks to export censorship

By Michael Bristow
BBC News, Beijing

Fears about ethnic tension could be motivating China's censorship efforts
A few days before the start of this year's Melbourne International Film Festival its executive director received an "audacious" telephone call.

An official from China's consulate in the city called him to "urge" the festival to withdraw a film about the Chinese activist Rebiya Kadeer.

Beijing then tried to persuade the organisers of the Frankfurt Book Fair not to allow two Chinese writers to attend an event.

China says it does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.

But some see these acts as an attempt by China to use abroad the tough censorship measures it constantly employs at home.

Intimidation and threats

Richard Moore, the Melbourne festival's executive director, said he was astonished to receive the call from the city's Chinese consulate.

"It came down to [the consular official] saying we need to justify our decision to include the film in the programme. It was a remarkable display of confidence and arrogance," he said.

The festival decided to ignore the advice and go ahead with the film - about an activist who campaigns for better rights for China's Uighur minority - but that did not end the issue.

The festival organisation was subjected to an intense campaign of threats, intimidation and disruption, although it is not clear who - if anyone - orchestrated the campaign.

The festival e-mail address received insulting messages, there were waves of annoying phone calls and the fax machine was jammed with callers.

Chinese officials objected to writer Dai Qing speaking in Frankfurt
Some notes to the organisers contained messages threatening Mr Moore's family.

Internet hackers managed to break into the festival's online booking site, making it appear that session tickets had been sold out.

Hackers also managed to post a Chinese flag on the main website and Chinese film-makers withdrew their movies from the festival.

The film at the centre of the controversy - called The 10 Conditions of Love - was finally shown at a larger venue, partly because the publicity surrounding the row increased interest.

Its subject, Rebiya Kadeer, was also invited to take part in a talk at the festival, which took place in July and August.

But Mr Moore admits that the event organisers will look hard at how to showcase controversial films at future festivals.

The Chinese government was just as direct with the organisers of the Frankfurt Book Fair, an annual event that bills itself as a "worldwide marketplace for ideas".


China was the guest of honour at this October's fair and Beijing funded a series of events to showcase its literature and culture.

But Chinese officials were angry when they found out writers Dai Qing and Bei Ling had been invited to a symposium connected to the fair.

"China is using its economic influence to threaten its trade partners in order to censor what they don't like"

Dai Qing, author

Anger over web censorship
China seeks 'open' control
According to Juergen Boos, the fair's director, China asked the organisers to ban the writers, a request they initially agreed to carry out.

The two Chinese writers were then allowed to speak at the symposium, but when they stood up to make a speech some of the Chinese delegation left the room.

"We did not come to be instructed about democracy," a former Chinese ambassador told the event organisers.

China often asks foreign governments and organisations not to do something that it perceives to be against its interests. It recently complained to Japan when Tokyo allowed Ms Kadeer to enter the country.

But it says this does not contravene its policy of non-interference.

"I believe the Chinese government has not violated the principle of interfering in others' internal affairs," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu recently in response to a question about this policy.

But writer Dai Qing, who is also an environmental campaigner, believes China's increasing economic muscle has emboldened the country's leaders.

"China is using its economic influence to threaten its trade partners in order to censor what they don't like," she said.

David Zweig, of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, is not so sure the Chinese are doing it from a position of strength.

"Sometimes we cannot tell whether it's confidence or concern," said Mr Zweig, the director of the Centre on China's Transnational Relations, based at his university.

He said China's attempts to prevent Ms Kadeer from speaking publicly, for example, could be linked to concerns about ethnic tension in Xinjiang, where most Uighurs live.

Hundreds of Uighurs rioted in July, killing scores of Han Chinese people.

Mr Zweig added that there could also be another reason behind the pressure - the Chinese government and its people are often quick to take offence at opinions they do not like to hear.

And he said ordinary people were sometimes more sensitive than officials - forcing the government to take a tougher stance internationally.

That could be why China is now trying to censor critical opinions abroad.

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China looks to export censorship

For a country touted on this forum as "peaceful", "policy of non interference in others affairs", "no hegomonic ambitions", its proving pretty aggressive.

Has any other country ever done stuff like this in the last two years?

Even the US President (chicken) did not see the Dalai Lama.
Upto some extent Every country tries to create influence to meet its long/short term goals.
I dont think, China has time and energy like US to waste, they are far more creative and focused.
Besides, does US have any competitor in this context?
^^^ Sure we had to go to war, but I don't remember the US ever boycotting, threatning, or harassing events or their organizers because we did not like a participant.

I am wondering what will happen when China becomes even more powerful.
^^^ Sure we had to go to war, but I don't remember the US ever boycotting, threatning, or harassing events or their organizers because we did not like a participant.

I am wondering what will happen when China becomes even more powerful.

Nah, the US (or Zionists really) just installs dictators and when they don't like them they assassinate them ---> take for instance during the War against people of Vietnam, US installs dictator in south and then murdered him. Take for instance Iraq, US installed Saddam and coax him to attack Iran then murdered him. Take for instance the recent coup-de-tat in Honduras. There are many such instances.

(power to zion...) :woot:
Nah, the US (or Zionists really) just installs dictators and when they don't like them they assassinate them ---> take for instance during the War against people of Vietnam, US installs dictator in south and then murdered him. Take for instance Iraq, US installed Saddam and coax him to attack Iran then murdered him. Take for instance the recent coup-de-tat in Honduras. There are many such instances.

(power to zion...) :woot:

China won't grow more powerful than what it is right now. Even as a weak opponent to the US, it is spreading venom about everyone else. For e.g Dalai Lama, Tibet etc. I think the next decade will bring about a fall of China economically, militarily and socially.
Funny, coming from an American.

Aiding and abetting criminals who are out to harm China threatens China's national security is obviously going to warrent a sharp rebuke.
China won't grow more powerful than what it is right now. Even as a weak opponent to the US, it is spreading venom about everyone else. For e.g Dalai Lama, Tibet etc. I think the next decade will bring about a fall of China economically, militarily and socially.

Don't worry, India still has a far higher chance of falling apart than China. :]
Funny, coming from an American.

Aiding and abetting criminals who are out to harm China threatens China's national security is obviously going to warrent a sharp rebuke.

Do you really think a semi-educated American would write something in the form of "China Interfere's in other countries Affairs?" Some thought a while ago that s/he was an NRI. But I don't think I have ever come across an Indian-originated person who didn't know where to place not one, but both apostrophes - in one single line of six precious words.

I suppose he could be the first. But I doubt it.

Never mind. But where is that Seeker of the Truth - my dedicated ESL tutor when some charming Bedouin needs him desperately for a lesson?

If he is an "American" - then how can "Amrika" go anywhere but down? You know, I generally don't mind the Yanks. But it sure seems that Hugo Chavez has got nothing to worry about. And if he's not worried, then why do you worry your pretty little head across the ocean? Word on the street down south is that "La Raza" will fix his ilk, whatever his ilk is, in due time ... :coffee:
:rofl:White supremicist, zionist abeter of criminals, amerika goes down, touch a nerve a little there Nomad

Perhaps those that dont agree with the article would be better showing examples of freedom of speach that China promotes rather than just calling names.

Most countries that object to a speaker at a conference would word a polite letter of protest and leave it at that, the reaction of China over the festival in Australia was ham fisted and over the top. It gave the impression that Australian's were regarded as another province of China that should do what they are told not a soverign nation.
China has less habits of interfering in other country's affairs. For this very reason, we can see the prosperity of China today. Soviet Union collapsed just after a bloody war, Britain lost its major hold from the world due to the extended colonization which Britain itself wasn't able to control. US's time will come.
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China won't grow more powerful than what it is right now. Even as a weak opponent to the US, it is spreading venom about everyone else. For e.g Dalai Lama, Tibet etc. I think the next decade will bring about a fall of China economically, militarily and socially.

That doesn't make sense to me.

To break the monopoly of China in the global market is merely tough -- more than tough. I don't see China getting collapsed in anyway, until it doesn't convolute itself in some war-like-chaos or even a cold war. I can smell a mansion house full of overjealous-smoke :eek:
Do you really think a semi-educated American would write something in the form of "China Interfere's in other countries Affairs?" Some thought a while ago that s/he was an NRI. But I don't think I have ever come across an Indian-originated person who didn't know where to place not one, but both apostrophes - in one single line of six precious words.

I suppose he could be the first. But I doubt it.

Never mind. But where is that Seeker of the Truth - my dedicated ESL tutor when some charming Bedouin needs him desperately for a lesson?

If he is an "American" - then how can "Amrika" go anywhere but down? You know, I generally don't mind the Yanks. But it sure seems that Hugo Chavez has got nothing to worry about. And if he's not worried, then why do you worry your pretty little head across the ocean? Word on the street down south is that "La Raza" will fix his ilk, whatever his ilk is, in due time ... :coffee:

Trying to grab a bite to eat while answering the phones, and being a lousy typist is toxic combination. So the apostrophes got crossed, and I did not get time to review or edit, so sue me.:cool:

By the way let me in on the gossip in this forum, I feel like i am missing out.

However using personal attacks is a sure sign of someone who has no logic to defend or express ones point. I am sure the US will not live or die by me.

First of all the article is from the BBC.

Secondly I do not deny China's right to pursue any foreign policy it chooses.

However when it ignores the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of muslims in Darfur to invest in the govt that is murdering them, and makes deals with all kinds of tin pot murderous dictators, the standard party line has been "we do not interfere in the internal affairs of other nations". I may not agree but I can accept that philosophy. Then how would you explain the above article?

Now if the Chinese Govt came up with a party line "We do not interfere in the internal affairs of any country that advances our cause, but we will crush even a small gathering that threatens to destabilize our peaceful perceived Utopian way of life", I will not agree but I will not have much choice but to accept it. At least it will be accurate.

By the word from the street up north is "you will get down on your knees.......". I will let you finish the rest.

By the way my "vatos", they got my back.
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:rofl:White supremicist, zionist abeter of criminals, amerika goes down, touch a nerve a little there Nomad

Perhaps those that dont agree with the article would be better showing examples of freedom of speach that China promotes rather than just calling names.

Most countries that object to a speaker at a conference would word a polite letter of protest and leave it at that, the reaction of China over the festival in Australia was ham fisted and over the top. It gave the impression that Australian's were regarded as another province of China that should do what they are told not a soverign nation.

If it doesn't get a reaction, its not worth it. I have no intention to flame, but to add to the discourse in this forum. I have been to many a forum, and am yet to see one with as wide array of diverse but intelligent posters as the PDF. This is the first and only forum I have joined.

It is amazing to see light dawn in the eyes of some trolls (if they survive long enough).

Even more amazing is the pearls of wisdom I have seen from the most unexpected places (that includes even some of what oceanx has written).

For it is only when we remove the shackles of what we have been taught, we see that we live in a wonderful world.
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... so sue me.:cool:

:smitten: - now you are taking me for an Amrikan. Hey why not? "Race traitor", "Brownie", "Hindoo Joo" - I am all for equal-opportunities and heartily welcome all labels! :usflag:

However using personal attacks is a sure sign of someone who has no logic to defend or express ones point. I am sure the US will not live or die by me.

In fairness and with introspection - my innuendos went overboard. Instead of editing it - I will hereby apologize.

However when it ignores the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of muslims in Darfur to invests in the govt that is murdering them, and makes deals with all kinds of tin pot murderering dictators, the standard party line has been "we do not interfere in the internal affairs of other nations". I may not agree but I can accept that philosophy. Then how would you explain the above article?

First of all - can you quote one single instance where I apologized for the CCP and its antics? Amrikans love "democracy" as they love their bombs. Yours truly actually hoisted a banner on June 5, 1989 as a high school student in Shanghai.

I am not one to :blah: holider-than-thou double-speak. However, ever since Kosovo, followed by Iraq, without going over too wide a tangent - let's just say my "understandings" changed - rather drastically I might add.

By the way my "vatos", they got my back.

:cheers: to your "vatos".

We'll pick this up another time, if you are game - and I suspect you will be.

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