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China-India Tensions Put New Delhi at the Margins of the SCO

The only reason SCO invite India is because of Russia, now it is about time to kick pretenders like India out of the organization before it can become a meaningful organization in world stage.
The only reason SCO invite India is because of Russia, now it is about time to kick pretenders like India out of the organization before it can become a meaningful organization in world stage.

Not exactly a powerful contingent of participating states to be called meaningful. Not a single country in the list below has gained developed nation status.

The SCO currently comprises eight Member States (China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan), four Observer States interested in acceding to full membership (Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran, and Mongolia) and six “Dialogue Partners” (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Turkey).
Not exactly a powerful contingent of participating states to be called meaningful. Not a single country in the list below has gained developed nation status.

The SCO currently comprises eight Member States (China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan), four Observer States interested in acceding to full membership (Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran, and Mongolia) and six “Dialogue Partners” (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Turkey).

Remove India and the GDP per-capita of SCO rise more than 30%, so a good step towards the right direction I guess
The question people really should ask is why is Pakistan in sco? It's not even a regional power anymore, it's china's puppet with no independent views so why even bother giving membership


Where is the statement from the Government of India?
Remove India and the GDP per-capita of SCO rise more than 30%, so a good step towards the right direction I guess
You can try (you need all participating members to vote to remove them), but that tells me you don't know the claimed mandate and functionality of a group founded by China.:no:
China never wanted India to be part of SCO to start with.

India joined SCO because of Russia's support.

At that time Russia and China were equal partners.

When China pushed Pakistan's case, Russia pushed India's case in return to retain Russia's influence in SCO and on Central Asian nations.

Today, Russia has become weak and a junior partner of China.

So China+Pakistan will keep pushing India to the margins with the hope that India will quit SCO.

Once India quits SCO, Russia's position in SCO would become even weaker and China will dominate Central Asia and kick Russia out of former Soviet Republics.

That is exactly what we will do. Great reading between the lines. Time for the Russian bear is over.
China never wanted India to be part of SCO to start with.

India joined SCO because of Russia's support.

At that time Russia and China were equal partners.

When China pushed Pakistan's case, Russia pushed India's case in return to retain Russia's influence in SCO and on Central Asian nations.

Today, Russia has become weak and a junior partner of China.

So China+Pakistan will keep pushing India to the margins with the hope that India will quit SCO.

Once India quits SCO, Russia's position in SCO would become even weaker and China will dominate Central Asia and kick Russia out of former Soviet Republics.

Do you find it bit odd, with this narrative, that while all the leaders of SCO countries were speaking over video link, Pakistan and Russian special forces are conducting their exercise on Pakistani soil?
Not exactly a powerful contingent of participating states to be called meaningful. Not a single country in the list below has gained developed nation status.

The SCO currently comprises eight Member States (China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan), four Observer States interested in acceding to full membership (Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran, and Mongolia) and six “Dialogue Partners” (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Turkey).

Yes, and in NATO or EU, we see a lot of developed countries, the likes of Greece, Portugal or Turkey.

If you judge a country "developed" just by GDP per capita, then Qatar or Brunei were more "developed" than the USA for quite a long time.

Russia army alone (together with its nuclear arsenal) can crush the whole of Europe, I believe, although it is not a "developed". Even during Soviet time, the USSR was not a developed country in the sense of high GDP per capita.

The Qin state, which conquered and united the remaining six states during Spring-Autumn period in China, was the poorest and most culturally backward state, but it had the will, together with a disciplined people and army. The others (all the six) were much richer, but because of their wealth, they became lazy and less-disciplined.

The same to many other Western civilizations who were destroyed by their own weight.

Seeing Western people behaviors during pandemic, I've developed the feeling that perhaps even several North Korean divisions would be enough to conquer NATO's Europe.
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Yes, and in NATO or EU, we see a lot of developed countries, the likes of Greece, Portugal or Turkey.

If you judge a country "developed" just by GDP per capita, then Qatar or Brunei were more "developed" than the USA for quite a long time.

Russia army alone (together with its nuclear arsenal) can crush the whole of Europe, I believe, although it is not a "developed". Even during Soviet time, the USSR was not a developed country in the sense of high GDP per capita.

The Qin state, which conquered and united the remaining six states during Spring-Autumn period in China, was the poorest and most culturally backward state, but it had the will, together with a disciplined people and army. The others (all the six) were much richer, but because of their wealth, they became lazy and less-disciplined.

The same to many other Western civilizations who were destroyed by their own weight.

Seeing Western people behaviors during pandemic, I've developed the feeling that perhaps even several North Korean divisions would be enough to conquer NATO's Europe.

Thank you for the Qin dynasty's historical perspective, but the grouping outside of China and India (economy/market opportunity) is still not meaningful given their influence and economy. This is not about armies or military power. :rolleyes1:

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