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what I do know is that China is soon going to face 4 front war soon.

Infact I wouldn't be surprised if Indians needled China deliberately on the border to create a reason to attack China...

so u never know what game is being played behind the scenes... I think China is trapped like a mouse.

India needling China. Its China moving its troops into India territory. And its India being indecisive as of now. Are you aware of the same facts as everyone else or you are in your own fictional Bharat Rakshak Ballywood fantasy.

The ball is in the Indian side now, lets see what India can do with it. So far, they are failing.

Maybe China is, to India, the #1 enemy. But India doesn't even begin to register on China's radar. Simply too irrelevant.

But Indians make the most noise in here. And they also brag the most. So this is the #1 issue in this forum. So far, India is not doing jack.
Wars with Pakistan, scuffles with Bangladesh, strained relations with Sri Lanka, blowing hot and cold with Nepal and now China considered as enemy No 1.....no guessing which country has issues with all it's neighbours. :pop:

India is a major problem in South Asia, I think it is imperative regional countries involved commission a joint task force specially designated to resolve the India problem. Member states such as Pakistan, China, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka all can cooperate together in solving the India problem. India needs to be suppressed and divided into multiple states, otherwise it will resort to it's aggressive behavior of occupying territory of regional states.
India was already bragging how the next time China does something, Indian military will crush China as India is much stronger than 1962. But when given the chance, Indian military is doing the same thing they did in 1962.....running away.
We are inside India camping and partying and India is powerless to do anything about it. It must be humiliating to know your military is too weak to defeat the PLA. Indians are timid and meek, it's why everyone treat India like a rug to scrape the crap out of their boots.

What's the point of spending billions of dollars on fighters, missiles and helicopters if you are too scared to use it? The PLA called India's bluff and now India don't know what to do.
India is a major problem in South Asia, I think it is imperative regional countries involved commission a joint task force specially designated to resolve the India problem. Member states such as Pakistan, China, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka all can cooperate together in solving the India problem. India needs to be suppressed and divided into multiple states, otherwise it will resort to it's aggressive behavior of occupying territory of regional states.

It look like all the countries in South Asia regard India as enemy #1. India regard China as enemy #1. But China do not have India in the radar.
It look like all the countries in South Asia regard India as enemy #1. India regard China as enemy #1. But China do not have India in the radar.

India is too weak, meek and timid to be taken seriously. Why would we consider India as an enemy when we are ahead of India in everything.
India number 1 drama queen :coffee:

This article is written by a Pakistani and you are telling India is the drama queen here.When mutual trade reaches 100bn mark an irresponsible Kargil is the last thing to happen between these two countries.
India is too weak, meek and timid to be taken seriously. Why would we consider India as an enemy when we are ahead of India in everything.

But Indian Prime minister said in 2004 that India will build up Bombay and everyone will forget about Shanghai in 5 years. Their leader would even shameless brag about being better than China just to irk China. Don't you think this will get China's attention. If not, why would China move soldiers into India?
India was already bragging how the next time China does something, Indian military will crush China as India is much stronger than 1962. But when given the chance, Indian military is doing the same thing they did in 1962.....running away.
We are inside India camping and partying and India is powerless to do anything about it. It must be humiliating to know your military is too weak to defeat the PLA. Indians are timid and meek, it's why everyone treat India like a rug to scrape the crap out of their boots.

What's the point of spending billions of dollars on fighters, missiles and helicopters if you are too scared to use it? The PLA called India's bluff and now India don't know what to do.

Chill out. You are going to stop most Indians from coming to this this forum. We know that India can talk the talk. but so far, they can not back up their talk. But they still have time. I have been encouraging India to do something about the Chinese soldiers. But they have not and are proving you right.
Chill out. You are going to stop most Indians from coming to this this forum. We know that India can talk the talk. but so far, they can not back up their talk. But they still have time. I have been encouraging India to do something about the Chinese soldiers. But they have not and are proving you right.

I think Indians have abandoned this forum to escape from utter humiliation. They thought India was a mighty 21st century superpower that can bully around everyone. But a few PLA soldiers proved India is still the big mouth weakling it always was. Nothing has changed.

Indians have left this forum, the Indian threads are so quiet.
blah blah blah......freaking armchair maggots (inidian n chinese) troll about their superiority .
lesser maggots cheerleading them (pakistanis n Bdeshis). ill informed maggots (other than the above) trying to get a share in mudslinging.
fJ$king maggots.
To be really honest Nehru was India's first ENEMY, Honestly there have been very few selfless leaders in India. Look at Gandhi the so called Father of the nation he is a politician cunning to the core and seeking personal glory at the nations expense look at what they did to Subhash Chandra Bose.

It was Nehru's ambition to potray himself as a champion of third world countries that cost us the debacle with Chou En-Lai .

We need good and moral leaders not politicians.

1962 was India's fault. To be honest it was a failure of the political class who were daydreaming to be world class leaders when they were only ****** politicians.

Personal glorification and ego clashes coupled with overestimation of capabilities led to 1962

This is an oversimplification of history. Gandhi, Bose & Nehru - were all selfless and really not corrupt. Gandhi was cut from a different cloth but both Bose and Gandhi shared mutual respect - infact one of the brigades in the INA was the "Gandhi Brigade" ; another was the "Nehru Brigade". Nehru was naive and pompous - I remember reading that he didn't think much of Kennedy. It was the next generation of Nehru-Gandhi who screwed up India completely.
Really? That's why? Expansionist ideas? You know it's disputed territory right, which means you claim some lands controlled by China too.

You have bigger disputes with Pakistan, why do you not hate Pakistan but only laugh?

The comments on this issue is just like China japan, where China is discrediting Japanese navy as self defense only and no threat, what kind of a true self defense force has a budget that is just a billion less than UK and more than France, a security member.

Some members resort to calling Japan a colony of America, and some Indian members call Chinese forces, like you, expansionist.

Why didn't you call some of the others with border disputes with you expansionists?

India does not crave others land unlike china - you have disputes with practically everybody, china does have expansionist policies and are overconfident that they can take on multiple countries all at once, but their aggression towards India is way sooner than expected and foolish to begin with. Indian army does not and will not take this lightly - Chinese troops will eventually be forced to back out but then the doubt of chinese intent has already crept in and India will do its best to make sure that China is not in a position to do these kind of stunts in the future. Our present goal is to shunt out these troops atm and later to consolidate that area so these pansies don't come in and put up tents in our area again.
Maybe China is, to India, the #1 enemy. But India doesn't even begin to register on China's radar. Simply too irrelevant.

Chinese have a long way to go before they sort out both technological and quality issues in their radars.

Nobody expects any improvements, soon, anyways.
Chinese have a long way to go before they sort out both technological and quality issues in their radars.

Nobody expects any improvements, soon, anyways.

If India continues to be as irrelevant as it is, even radars from 3000AD won't be able to detect it.
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