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China-India Geopolitics: News & Discussions

You do know that yours is an Indian religion too, right?

He is being a bit too harsh. Though I do need to point out China has been secular more than two millennia ago. Chinese Buddhism is also nothing alike India Buddhism and by world standard, Chinese have been atheists for a long time.
We do not need Chinese goods or the goods from Chinese dominated regions, GOI should take care of domestic industry.

The trade imbalance is because the end product is. coming from china, most of the profits are going to mncs also Chinese stats are fake.
Indian members in this forum show zero knowlage of industries.
Isn't it that English speaking Indians are considered more educated?
Too agrarian a country they are living in?
Such as?
Never seen any make in India finished products here.

I do not know how India will manage industrialization. They have too many and more able (and with equally cheaper labor and better management and logistics/infra) competitors right next to China -- most of which share a more open border with China.

Perhaps India needs to find a niche, instead of dreaming of premature super-powernes. It needs to act as a small country (that it is) and seek where its strength lies and manipulate it.

Taiwan province did this way from the 60s and it worked. Taiwan is a small province-region with several strength points.

India cannot be a US or China; an all-round great power.
I do not know how India will manage industrialization. They have too many and more able (and with equally cheaper labor and better management and logistics/infra) competitors right next to China -- most of which share a more open border with China.

Perhaps India needs to find a niche, instead of dreaming of premature super-powernes. It needs to act as a small country (that it is) and seek where its strength lies and manipulate it.

Taiwan province did this way from the 60s and it worked. Taiwan is a small province-region with several strength points.

India cannot be a US or China; an all-round great power.

i appreciate your suggestions.

But let's be more realistic. Small countries or regions can develop their niche markets in one or two fields.

However, for a country with more than one billion people?
No, they have to have everything, from feeding people to manufacturing everything they need.
The existence of any poorly performing sector means a strategic loss and a potential threat to national security in the future.

That's why we're gonna try everything and invest billions of yuan into researches on new-energy technology, setting up ALMOD and chip bases at all cost, spending years of hard time for making our own compressors.

Why do we have to break western monopoly in a variety of technological areas?
Because any area where we are weak could make us lose the economic war in the future.

China develops 20,000-watt fiber laser


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We do not need Chinese goods or the goods from Chinese dominated regions, GOI should take care of domestic industry.

The trade imbalance is because the end product is. coming from china, most of the profits are going to mncs also Chinese stats are fake.
1, India manufacturing has just started, lack of competitiveness.
2, the root cause of trade imbalance is the problem of industrial structure in India.
3, India statistics in the economic development after 3 years to reach.7.5%. hope you believe him.
1, India manufacturing has just started, lack of competitiveness.
2, the root cause of trade imbalance is the problem of industrial structure in India.
3, India statistics in the economic development after 3 years to reach.7.5%. hope you believe him.
India is an agrarian country.

However, as a primarily agrarian country, India has quite an uncompetitive and inefficient agricultural sector.
NEW DELHI: China’s official media on Thursday warned India to stop behaving like a “spoilt kid” and learn lessons from how China handled Donald Trump after the US president-elect challenged ‘One-China’ policy.

“Sometimes, India behaves like a spoilt kid, carried away by the lofty crown of being ‘the biggest democracy in the world.’ India has the potential to be a great nation, but the country’s vision is shortsighted,” an article in the state-run Global Times said.

NDTV quoted the article as saying India “should draw some lessons from the recent interactions between Beijing and Trump over Taiwan.”

“After putting out feelers to test China’s determination to protect its essential interests, Trump has met China’s restrained but pertinent countermeasures, and must have understood that China’s bottom line - sovereign integrity and national unity — is untouchable,” the paper said.

While the article did not elaborate on counter measures, China besides protesting to Mr Trump over his phone call to the Taiwanese President and his comments questioning One-China policy, also seized an “unmanned underwater vehicle” in the disputed South China Sea, the first such incident in the area, NDTV said.

The drone was returned subsequently after protests from US and Mr Trump, an incident seen as an attempt by China to flex its muscles ahead of the President-elect taking over office next month.

The drone operated by a US survey vessel in the South China Sea was seized by a Chinese navy ship.

“Even the US would have to think twice before it messes with China on such sensitive problems, so what makes India so confident that it could manage?,” the article said.

Published in Dawn, December 23rd, 2016
Come on China....You have better things to worry about like USA and other global powers..Allow us to entertain ourselves in our own world...
This is the quoted article:-

"New Delhi overreaches to meddle in China’s core interests"
By Wen Dao Source:Global Times Published: 2016/12/21 23:43:40"

My advice - don't believe everything that Global Times says.
This is the quoted article:-

"New Delhi overreaches to meddle in China’s core interests"
By Wen Dao Source:Global Times Published: 2016/12/21 23:43:40"

My advice - don't believe everything that Global Times says.

Global Times is like an open forum. Anybody can submit their OpEd to the editor and you may get published if you have a strong and "related" argument.

So, timing is very important. They will not accept outdated OpEd even if it is a very good one.

By keeping the comment section open (and probably one of the least moderated, as compared to Fox or CNN), the newspaper actually invites more heated rhetoric from the international readership.

The Chinese version is much more scholarly and less sensationalist.
We are just starting to take care of our interests in our region.

I pity the Chinese who are made ignorant by the Chinese media clowns and morons.

This news paper is meant for the Chinese audience in china and this article is for laughs to the rest of the world.

Personally when I read this sort of articles I get the impression that Chinese media and cpec are ignorant and needs to mature. India is a good example for them.
We are just starting to take care of our interests in our region.

I pity the Chinese who are made ignorant by the Chinese media clowns and morons.

This news paper is meant for the Chinese audience in china and this article is for laughs to the rest of the world.

Personally when I read this sort of articles I get the impression that Chinese media and cpec are ignorant and needs to mature. India is a good example for them.

Global Times is for international readers, hence in English. Unlike ToI, which is legendary in terms of declaring India a superpower every ten year, few people in China bother to read Global Times in English. There is already a much active social media which dwarfs that of India - for example, about pollution.

India has been a good example from every aspect of what China should not do. In that sense, India remaining India is only a good news to China.

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