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China increases troop deployment near Lipulekh Pass

diversion tactics.... very easy to decipher. as i said before this news is coming from Indian media.... who gets it from Indian army sources... so we are well aware of the troop deployment.....

the more it stretches, the more it goes deeper in its pockets. we have already crossed point of no return... its upto to xi to save face now or later..... how long, only time will tell..
ok got it. so it safe to assume, that whatsapp message of 40 odd chinese casualties along with their names, must have been provided by the chief himself? or that news channel tat was live and quoting Su30MKI loss must have also gotten the news from same source? indian army or airforce. right? so please elaborate. one thing no dumb Fcuk anchor or media house is gonna flag such big news unless army or airforce passed on the info. but u have already complimented the same. so i wonder. please elaborate a lil
In the wet dreams of @drumstick and other delusional Indians :rofl:
Indian bravery is depicted in this cartoon.
those who laid down their lives for India achieved Veergati.

and they sent 43+ enemies packing in body bags.... you can see the calm on the border because of it. even the mengshi was not able to protect chinese...

but this is not the end of it.... this will go long way. a bigger war is coming in next month or so..... china still has not lost its face and we will make sure it does

Two prong war talkers cant even take their 20km area in one prong war...
China has increased its troop deployment near Lipulekh, the place that became a trigger for strained relations between New Delhi and Kathmandu.
Lipulekh is tri-junction between India, Nepal and China situated atop the Kalapani Valley in Uttarakhand.
Sources said that China has deployed 150 Light Combined Arms Brigade. The brigade was moved in two weeks ago from Tibet towards the Lipulekh tri-junction in China.
The Indian authorities have came to know two weeks ago that Chinese troops were reinforced in Pala, around 10 km from the border.
In July itself, around 1,000 troops were deployed near Pala and a permanent post was built there by China. “A fortnight back, 2,000 more additional troops were deployed at the post,” sources said.
India’s road construction to Lipulekh lake at 17,000 feet had sparked a diplomatic row between the India and Nepal as Kathmandu claimed the area to be its territory. The road will shorten the travel time for pilgrims visiting the Kailash Mansarovar. Nepal also brought out a new political map showing the contested area as its own.

India and China are locked in a more than three-month-long standoff at multiple points, hitherto unprecedented along the border.
China had changed the status quo on the Line of Actual Control at various places, moving inside Indian territories. India has objected to it and is taking up the matter with China at all levels.
China has built up troops, artillery and armour in three sectors of Line of Actual Control — western (Ladakh), middle (Uttarakhand, Himachal) and eastern (Sikkim, Arunachal).
The border tension between India and China has not been resolved despite several rounds of military and diplomatic talks. China’s commitment for disengagement at the border in Eastern Ladakh remains unsatisfactory and India has directed its armed forces to prepare for a long haul.

Looks like India are getting fucked from behind without lube, by the Chinese little worms. Hope the Indians are enjoying it.
if china has any self respect left, they will attack very soon. already lost so much of face and cost of war escalated too much.

xi will have to give answers in beidaihe meeting and justify all these actions....

problems that china have to work
1. flood
2. virus second and third wave
3. food shortage
4. internal ccp divisions

and people here talking about Lipulekh :lol::lol::lol::lol:
if china has any self respect left, they will attack very soon. already lost so much of face and cost of war escalated too much.

xi will have to give answers in beidaihe meeting and justify all these actions....

problems that china have to work
1. flood
2. virus second and third wave
3. food shortage
4. internal ccp divisions

and people here talking about Lipulekh :lol::lol::lol::lol:
If the problems you mentioned were extremely severe, I have no doubt China will seek war with India to divert from these problems. Thus if you are right (not that I believe you are right even 1%), then your precious country threatens to lose J&K, AP, Sikkim, and Ladakh under a pre-emptive joint Chinese Pakistani attack. As they say, the best way to divert from internal problems is to cause an external problem, which in this case would be a war. Once India is at war, your :lol: will turn into this :cry: within a matter of days.
if china has any self respect left, they will attack very soon. already lost so much of face and cost of war escalated too much.

xi will have to give answers in beidaihe meeting and justify all these actions....

problems that china have to work
1. flood
2. virus second and third wave
3. food shortage
4. internal ccp divisions

and people here talking about Lipulekh :lol::lol::lol::lol:
wah Modi g wah!!!
If the problems you mentioned were extremely severe, I have no doubt China will seek war with India to divert from these problems. Thus if you are right (not that I believe you are right even 1%), then your precious country threatens to lose J&K, AP, Sikkim, and Ladakh under a pre-emptive joint Chinese Pakistani attack. As they say, the best way to divert from internal problems is to cause an external problem, which in this case would be a war. Once India is at war, your :lol: will turn into this :cry: within a matter of days.
we are waiting for war and given taste of it on 15th June, since then chinese are going back from all places.

news like this and chinese putting missiles on some place dont bother too much.... we too have missiles and no news coming on where they are actually :lol::lol:

so if we know chinese deployment and they dont know ours then its good..... we know our advantage and there are many to count.... and chinese know them as well.

so taking Arunachal and Sikkim is a dream inside a dream like Inception :enjoy:

for J&K and Ladakh, well lets try that... if we can hold on to Siachin without any significant fight since the day we captured then this is not even a thing to worry about.

if pakistan attacks, it will face severe consequences ... since we thrown nuclear out of window nothing bothers us. also preemptive joint strike is just a dream, pakistan may attack after chinese then its acceptable and we know what to do in that case.

most important aspect of your reply, diverting attention from internal to external.... then it will be a bigger mess to china. xi wont even lose his seat but will see his country breaking into many... ccp wont exist anymore. you see its not a political party, its a propaganda party... and you need to read their long march days .. (i dont want to get into it too far)

till now the baidaihu summit must be over for ccp as usual, and xi got severely reprimanded for his actions on all the above once... let me put it one more time,
problems that china have to work
1. flood
2. virus second and third wave
3. food shortage
4. internal ccp divisions

so figure that out and then talk about war.... we are waiting:lol::lol:
we are waiting for war and given taste of it on 15th June, since then chinese are going back from all places.

news like this and chinese putting missiles on some place dont bother too much.... we too have missiles and no news coming on where they are actually :lol::lol:

so if we know chinese deployment and they dont know ours then its good..... we know our advantage and there are many to count.... and chinese know them as well.

so taking Arunachal and Sikkim is a dream inside a dream like Inception :enjoy:

for J&K and Ladakh, well lets try that... if we can hold on to Siachin without any significant fight since the day we captured then this is not even a thing to worry about.

if pakistan attacks, it will face severe consequences ... since we thrown nuclear out of window nothing bothers us. also preemptive joint strike is just a dream, pakistan may attack after chinese then its acceptable and we know what to do in that case.

most important aspect of your reply, diverting attention from internal to external.... then it will be a bigger mess to china. xi wont even lose his seat but will see his country breaking into many... ccp wont exist anymore. you see its not a political party, its a propaganda party... and you need to read their long march days .. (i dont want to get into it too far)

till now the baidaihu summit must be over for ccp as usual, and xi got severely reprimanded for his actions on all the above once... let me put it one more time,
problems that china have to work
1. flood
2. virus second and third wave
3. food shortage
4. internal ccp divisions

so figure that out and then talk about war.... we are waiting:lol::lol:
Ya keep waiting. Soon no one will question the new LAC.
we are waiting for war and given taste of it on 15th June, since then chinese are going back from all places.

news like this and chinese putting missiles on some place dont bother too much.... we too have missiles and no news coming on where they are actually :lol::lol:

so if we know chinese deployment and they dont know ours then its good..... we know our advantage and there are many to count.... and chinese know them as well.

so taking Arunachal and Sikkim is a dream inside a dream like Inception :enjoy:

for J&K and Ladakh, well lets try that... if we can hold on to Siachin without any significant fight since the day we captured then this is not even a thing to worry about.

if pakistan attacks, it will face severe consequences ... since we thrown nuclear out of window nothing bothers us. also preemptive joint strike is just a dream, pakistan may attack after chinese then its acceptable and we know what to do in that case.

most important aspect of your reply, diverting attention from internal to external.... then it will be a bigger mess to china. xi wont even lose his seat but will see his country breaking into many... ccp wont exist anymore. you see its not a political party, its a propaganda party... and you need to read their long march days .. (i dont want to get into it too far)

till now the baidaihu summit must be over for ccp as usual, and xi got severely reprimanded for his actions on all the above once... let me put it one more time,
problems that china have to work
1. flood
2. virus second and third wave
3. food shortage
4. internal ccp divisions

so figure that out and then talk about war.... we are waiting:lol::lol:
images - 2020-07-31T084641.957.jpeg

We have killed you over 20 soldiers without fire 1 shot. We are waiting Indian's get your revenge if your Indian still has balls. :chilli::cheesy:
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we are waiting for war and given taste of it on 15th June, since then chinese are going back from all places.

news like this and chinese putting missiles on some place dont bother too much.... we too have missiles and no news coming on where they are actually :lol::lol:

so if we know chinese deployment and they dont know ours then its good..... we know our advantage and there are many to count.... and chinese know them as well.

so taking Arunachal and Sikkim is a dream inside a dream like Inception :enjoy:

for J&K and Ladakh, well lets try that... if we can hold on to Siachin without any significant fight since the day we captured then this is not even a thing to worry about.

if pakistan attacks, it will face severe consequences ... since we thrown nuclear out of window nothing bothers us. also preemptive joint strike is just a dream, pakistan may attack after chinese then its acceptable and we know what to do in that case.

most important aspect of your reply, diverting attention from internal to external.... then it will be a bigger mess to china. xi wont even lose his seat but will see his country breaking into many... ccp wont exist anymore. you see its not a political party, its a propaganda party... and you need to read their long march days .. (i dont want to get into it too far)

till now the baidaihu summit must be over for ccp as usual, and xi got severely reprimanded for his actions on all the above once... let me put it one more time,
problems that china have to work
1. flood
2. virus second and third wave
3. food shortage
4. internal ccp divisions

so figure that out and then talk about war.... we are waiting:lol::lol:
There is flooding in India, locust attack and also 4 mil infected. Millions unemployed and starving and you are worried about China? Lol

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