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China increases troop deployment near Lipulekh Pass

and they sent 43+ enemies packing in body bags.... you can see the calm on the border because of it. even the mengshi was not able to protect chinese...

Sure they did, just like when IAF shot down an F-16 or when they said Kulbashan was just an innocent businessman. Indian govt and media have proven one thing and that is they are habitual liars who should never be taken seriously.

Unless credible evidence is provided, the only fact of the matter is that India lost 20+ troops and China lost none.
These troops are the real victims. Its sad to see India building roads on Nepali territory, which will lead to more Indian death as Nepal will not tolerate India bullying. India need to stop these second hand imperialist activities.
This thread is turning into an Indian mating page. Indians want to bond together

This thread is turning into an Indian mating page. Indians want to bond together

exactly what i said, the moment you put your first post you are done.... your second post is always pathetic :lol::lol::lol:

such an easy profiling.... lets do it: A person with no self respect, a person who is too ashamed to show its true country, a person who has no intellect and finally a person who has a fetish of getting kicked :lol::lol::lol:
Looks like PLA is very keen in this sector as well.
diversion tactics.... very easy to decipher. as i said before this news is coming from Indian media.... who gets it from Indian army sources... so we are well aware of the troop deployment.....

the more it stretches, the more it goes deeper in its pockets. we have already crossed point of no return... its upto to xi to save face now or later..... how long, only time will tell..
exactly what i said, the moment you put your first post you are done.... your second post is always pathetic :lol::lol::lol:

such an easy profiling.... lets do it: A person with no self respect, a person who is too ashamed to show its true country, a person who has no intellect and finally a person who has a fetish of getting kicked :lol::lol::lol:
Don't get triggered by those pictures. lol
Don't get triggered by those pictures. lol
cant even reply me .... you will go on ignore list now. talking to you is utter waste of time... dont ever reply me....

for one last time i'll put your profiling here...
such an easy task.... lets do it: who is this poster @GamoAccu --> A person with no self respect, a person who is too ashamed to show its true country, a person who has no intellect and finally a person who has a fetish of getting kicked :lol::lol::lol:
Don't get triggered by those pictures. lol
cant even reply me .... you will go on ignore list now. talking to you is utter waste of time... dont ever reply me....

for one last time i'll put your profiling here...
such an easy task.... lets do it: who is this poster @GamoAccu --> A person with no self respect, a person who is too ashamed to show its true country, a person who has no intellect and finally a person who has a fetish of getting kicked :lol::lol::lol:
cant even reply me .... you will go on ignore list now. talking to you is utter waste of time... dont ever reply me....

for one last time i'll put your profiling here...
such an easy task.... lets do it: who is this poster @GamoAccu --> A person with no self respect, a person who is too ashamed to show its true country, a person who has no intellect and finally a person who has a fetish of getting kicked :lol::lol::lol:
wow those pictures must triggered you so badly that you are threatening me with your ignore list.
If there is one thing that you pakistanis shouldn't do is making prophecies. You people suck at this trade.


Muslims said Pakistan will be born and born it was. History proves that we will be proven correct again.

Pakistan always bets on the right horse.

Pakistan bet on British and Pakistan was born.

Pakistan bet on the US and the USSR collapsed.
Now Pakistan is betting on China and India is toast. :chilli:

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