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China HSR News And Information: Original Translation

Researchers fast-track a train for all systems
By ZHAO LEI (China Daily) Updated: 2016-06-06 07:12

China working on next step in high-speed rail transport, says innovation expert


A next-generation high-speed train is being tested in China. The train can run at 400 kilometers per hour and is suitable for cross-border services. DOU XIN/XINHUA

China is developing a next-generation bullet train that can run at 400 kilometers an hour and is suitable for cross-border services, a senior researcher with the nation's high-speed rail program said on Sunday.

"The train, to be developed in the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-20), will have wheels that can be adjusted to fit various gauges on other countries' tracks, compared with trains now that need to have their wheels changed before entering foreign systems," said Jia Limin, a professor at Beijing Jiaotong University and head of China's high-speed rail innovation program.

"Once the new bullet train is put into service, it will operate on China's rail network as well as on the Moscow-Kazan high-speed line in Russia, which is designed for 400 km/h trains," he added, referring to the 770-km link that connects Moscow and Kazan, a metropolis on the Volga River. The rail line is a joint venture between China and Russia.

According to an agreement by Chinese and Russian authorities, the Moscow-Kazan line is likely to be extended to Beijing, which will significantly reduce rail travel times between the two nation's capitals.

Wheels on trains now traveling between China and Russia have be changed before crossing the border because the gauges are different. The new bullet train will not require this procedure, saving time and money, Jia said.

He was speaking in Beijing on the sidelines of the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-15) Technology and Innovation Achievements Exhibition.

Currently, high-speed trains in China run at speeds ranging from 250 to 300 km/h, although their maximum speed can reach about 350 km/h.

With the aim of exploring new concepts, Jia said China has developed and begun to test an ultrafast bullet train that is potentially able to travel at 600 km/h. The train has been made by CRRC Qingdao Sifang Co, a subsidiary of the country's largest train maker, China Railway Rolling Stock Corp, in Shandong province.

The ultrafast train is being used to trial cutting-edge technologies, advanced materials and to test operational limits, the professor said, adding that its development means China is now able to design and manufacture trains that can travel at least 500 km/h.

However, Liu Youmei, a bullet train expert and academic at the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that under the current conditions, the maximum speed for high-speed railways cannot exceed 400 km/h because higher speeds will incur much higher operation costs.

He said the ultrafast train should be used only for demonstrating new concepts and technologies rather than commercial operation.
Newly-built Urumqi High-speed Rail Station to put into service

2016-05-27 14:18


Photo taken on May 26, 2016 shows the interior view of the waiting hall of the newly-built Urumqi High-speed Rail Station in Urumqi, capital of Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region. The new station will put into service on June. [Photo/Xinhua]


Workers walk past the ticket entrance in the waiting hall of the newly-built Urumqi High-speed Rail Station in Urumqi, capital of Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, May 26, 2016.[Photo/Xinhua]


A journalist takes video in the waiting hall of the newly-built Urumqi High-speed Rail Station in Urumqi, capital of Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, May 26, 2016. [Photo/Xinhua]

All countries in developing shall learn from China.
Careful. In the late 19th-century newly-united Germany had much the same attitude about its new rail systems. That pride in technology and culture subverted liberal democracy and grew into a monster that plagued the world with war and terror for two generations and cost Germany millions in gold and lives.

That said I look forward someday to riding these lines myself. I'm just wondering which cities shall I visit? Hangzhou was famed for its beauty in imperial times but I imagine it's overpopulated with tourists now.
Careful. In the late 19th-century newly-united Germany had much the same attitude about its new rail systems. That pride in technology and culture subverted liberal democracy and grew into a monster that plagued the world with war and terror for two generations and cost Germany millions in gold and lives.

That said I look forward someday to riding these lines myself. I'm just wondering which cities shall I visit? Hangzhou was famed for its beauty in imperial times but I imagine it's overpopulated with tourists now.
Such attitude is more popular in Americans I think.

Back to topic
I guess Kunming will be a good choice. (the city mentioned in my last reply)
It is Southwest China's third largest city.
Temperature is great all the year around (dubbed as the Spring City), and very near to some of China's most charming natural wonders. Plus, Kunming is actually quite international (gateway to several ASEAN countries), and local food and multicultures are another reason for a visit.

屏幕快照 2016-06-08 22.36.52.png
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屏幕快照 2016-06-08 22.36.27.png
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屏幕快照 2016-06-08 22.38.57.png

@Solomon2 Scenery around Kunming in Yunnan Province see
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I guess Kunming will be a good choice. (the city mentioned in my last reply)
It is Southwest China's third largest city.
Temperature is great all the year around (dubbed as the Spring City), and very near to some of China's most charming natural wonders.
Doesn't Kunming have an issue with coal dust and pollution?
First let me copy the news one year old posted in Page 3 of this thread.

7 March 2015
Live from the construction site of China's first HSR that traverses Qin Mountains-Daba Mountains


Xi'an-Chengdu HSR is the first high-speed railway line which traverses mountainous regions of Qin Mountains and Daba Mountains, due on 30 November 2017.

The geologically complicated landforms makes this line the most complex standardised modern railway so far.

Engineers introduced that the trans-Qin-Mountains section was 135km and thereinto 127km were tunnels. The bridges and tunnels constitute 98% of total railway length in Ningxia County with investment of nearly 5 billion yuan for 40 kilometre. The longest tunnel (Mount Tianhua Tunnel, 15.9km) is also located in this county, setting a new record of all HSR tunnels in China. Qin Mountains' tunnels are desgined with the sharpest railway slope(25%) so far and the continuous slope is 46km in length, which is the first trial within standard mountainous HSRs in China.

屏幕快照 2015-03-14 22.09.04.png
屏幕快照 2015-03-15 01.59.46.png

Now, the longest high-speed railway tunnel is ready!

Let's wait for December of 2017
when the distance of Chengdu-Xi'an is cut into 3 hours from 11 hours!


By the end of 2015, the total length of expressways(motorways) opened to traffic in Mainland China exceeded 120,000 km: :coffee::D

1 广 东 (Guangdong) 7018
2 河 北 (Hebei) 6333
3 河 南 (Henan) 6305
4 湖 北 (Hubei) 6204
5 四 川 (Sichuan) 6016
6 湖 南 (Hunan) 5649
7 山 东 (Shandong) 5348
8 贵 州 (Guizhou) 5128
9 陕 西 (Shaanxi) 5093
10 江 西 (Jiangxi) 5088
11 山 西 (Shanxi) 5028
12 福 建 (Fujian) 5001.6
13 新 疆 (Xinjiang) 5000
14 内 蒙 古(Inner Mongolia) 5000
15 江 苏 (Jiangsu) 4600
16 黑 龙 江(Heilongjiang) 4347
17 广 西 (Guangxi) 4289
18 安 徽 (Anhui) 4246
19 辽 宁 (Liaoning) 4195.7
20 云 南 (Yunnan) 4005
21 浙 江 (Zhejiang) 3932
22 甘 肃 (Gansu) 3600
23 吉 林 (Jilin) 2629
24 重 庆 (Chongqing) 2525
25 青 海 (Qinghai) 1781
26 宁 夏 (Ningxia) 1527
27 天 津 (Tianjin) 1350
28 北 京 (Beijing) 982
29 上 海 (Shanghai) 825
30 海 南 (Hainan) 803
31 西 藏 (Tibet) 299







Still a long way to go. :china:

It seems that,
A new standardised CRH350 (China South Railway edition) is underway!
View attachment 309362

View attachment 309363

@cirr @ahojunk @JSCh et al.

I'd like to say hello to CRH250 as early as possible. :azn:
By the end of 2015, the total length of expressways(motorways) opened to traffic in Mainland China exceeded 120,000 km: :coffee::D

1 广 东 (Guangdong) 7018
2 河 北 (Hebei) 6333
3 河 南 (Henan) 6305
4 湖 北 (Hubei) 6204
5 四 川 (Sichuan) 6016
6 湖 南 (Hunan) 5649
7 山 东 (Shandong) 5348
8 贵 州 (Guizhou) 5128
9 陕 西 (Shaanxi) 5093
10 江 西 (Jiangxi) 5088
11 山 西 (Shanxi) 5028
12 福 建 (Fujian) 5001.6
13 新 疆 (Xinjiang) 5000
14 内 蒙 古(Inner Mongolia) 5000
15 江 苏 (Jiangsu) 4600
16 黑 龙 江(Heilongjiang) 4347
17 广 西 (Guangxi) 4289
18 安 徽 (Anhui) 4246
19 辽 宁 (Liaoning) 4195.7
20 云 南 (Yunnan) 4005
21 浙 江 (Zhejiang) 3932
22 甘 肃 (Gansu) 3600
23 吉 林 (Jilin) 2629
24 重 庆 (Chongqing) 2525
25 青 海 (Qinghai) 1781
26 宁 夏 (Ningxia) 1527
27 天 津 (Tianjin) 1350
28 北 京 (Beijing) 982
29 上 海 (Shanghai) 825
30 海 南 (Hainan) 803
31 西 藏 (Tibet) 299







Still a long way to go. :china:

I'd like to say hello to CRH250 as early as possible. :azn:
Yes, breaking into mileage of each province, then we can understand the huge distance from the goal!
Yes, breaking into mileage of each province, then we can understand the huge distance from the goal!

We need at least 250,000 - 300,000 kms of motorways in order that densely populated provinces like Shandong, Jiangsu and Guangdong may achieve motorway densities comparable to those of European countries such as Germany and France.
We need at least 250,000 - 300,000 kms of motorways in order that densely populated provinces like Shandong, Jiangsu and Guangdong may achieve motorway densities comparable to those of European countries such as Germany and France.
Yes, especially in urban agglomerations.

@cirr It's a classic photo of comparison among village road, highway and controlled-access expressway!
From right to left
Controlled-access national expressway
village road


@cirr @TaiShang @ahojunk @JSCh @Tiqiu @S10


South Xinjiang and Tibet looks bereft of HSR.

I know the terrain there is not easy but what the heck, this should be the in the plan.


By the way, not only is your HSR network extensive and beautiful, but so are your expressways.

The pictures of the expressways are fantastically beautiful,

However, I think expressways should not be in this thread. Maybe start a new one!
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