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China HSR News And Information: Original Translation

I do really love the propose Fujian-Taiwan tunnel project. I would be dead for that to happen. Bohai Tunnel project itself is 10 years.
The fastest EMU arrive in Guiyang this morning
for the final test of Shanghai-Kunming HSR
(Guiyang-Xinhuang section)

国内最快动车今晨抵达贵阳, 将参与沪昆高铁联调联试

本报讯 今晨5时许,两列CRH380A型动车组从山东抵达贵阳。据悉,该动车为国内时速最快的动车,即将参与沪昆高铁贵长段联调联试,也将成为贵长段正式用车。
At 5am today, two sets of CRH380A EMU arrived in Guiyang from Shandong. It is said that, these EMU trains, the fastest type in China so far, will participate in the final test of Shanghai-Kunming HSR’s Guizhou-Changsha section, and be the operating trains of this line.


According to Chinese Railway Corporation’s order, these two trains which have just been manufactured in CSR were connected as one 16-cars 406-metre-long train. It took 17 hours for more than 3,000 kilometres from Jimo Railway Station in Shandong to Guiyang North Railway Station.



Guiyang-Xinhuang section will undergo the final test before the official operation which is scheduled in June this year.

CRH380A at Guiyang North Railway Station
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The fastest EMU arrive in Guiyang this morning
for the final test of Shanghai-Kunming HSR
(Guiyang-Xinhuang section)

国内最快动车今晨抵达贵阳, 将参与沪昆高铁联调联试

本报讯 今晨5时许,两列CRH380A型动车组从山东抵达贵阳。据悉,该动车为国内时速最快的动车,即将参与沪昆高铁贵长段联调联试,也将成为贵长段正式用车。
At 5am today, two sets of CRH380A EMU arrived in Guiyang from Shandong. It is said that, these EMU trains, the fastest type in China so far, will participate in the final test of Shanghai-Kunming HSR’s Guizhou-Changsha section, and be the operating trains of this line.


According to Chinese Railway Corporation’s order, these two trains which have just been manufactured in CSR were connected as one 16-cars 406-metre-long train. It took 17 hours for more than 3,000 kilometres from Jimo Railway Station in Shandong to Guiyang North Railway Station.



Guiyang-Xinhuang section will undergo the final test before the official operation which is scheduled in June this year.

CRH380A at Guiyang North Railway Station
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When are they gonna start building the bridge that connects Hainan Island to the Mainland?

I for one am certainly attracted to the idea of being able to take a high-speed train all the way from Shanghai/Beijing to Sanya!!:D
When are they gonna start building the bridge that connects Hainan Island to the Mainland?

I for one am certainly attracted to the idea of being able to take a high-speed train all the way from Shanghai/Beijing to Sanya!!:D
It is under serious discussion, I hope it is included in 13th 5-year plan.
But you can have the idea of taking HSR from Shanghai all the way to Kunming first!

When are they gonna start building the bridge that connects Hainan Island to the Mainland?

I for one am certainly attracted to the idea of being able to take a high-speed train all the way from Shanghai/Beijing to Sanya!!:D
Recent news is they will first use a ferry for HSR(now only ferry for slow trains).
Third and fourth railway of Lanzhou-Zhangye start construction this year
with an investment of 44.51 billion yuan

兰州至张掖三、四线铁路年内开工 约投资445.1亿元

According to Lanzhou Railway Bureau, the third and fourth railway of Lanzhou-Zhangye will start construction this year. The total length is 449.33 kilometre with an estimated investment of 44.51 billion yuan.

The new line is a major infrastructure project to assure transport capacity and quality along Silk Road Economic Belt, mainly responsible for passenger transport between Lanzhou City to Hexi corridor.

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Lanzhou West Railway Station
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Lanzhou-Xinjiang HSR, open in Dec. 2014
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Tunnels through Qilian Mountains, Lanzhou-Xinjiang HSR
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Zhangye Danxia National Geological Park
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CRH380 has a design speed of 380 km/h, any idea when BJ-SH Line (京沪高铁) will raise from their current speed of only 300 km/h?
No plan at least this year. Slowing down was a policy from today's PM's clan, a clan in pursuit of privatisation of key sectors and national capital,and in favour of foreign consortiums.
No plan at least this year. Slowing down was a policy from today's PM's clan, a clan in pursuit of privatisation of key sectors and national capital,and in favour of foreign consortiums.
privatisation of what sector? I hope it does not happen
privatisation of what sector? I hope it does not happen
Railway. Like Guangzhou-Shenzhen intercity line, a listed company, intercity train 50% pricier than other intercity HSR. It's PM's group that made those policies after 2011 and also their media spread hatred towards HSR along with supports from airlines. Because of them, a lot of HSR are constructed with lower technical standard under the name of "don't waste money", but it turned out the same.
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Wuhan Railway Bureau: A new Wuhan-Beijing HSR train from 20 March
The number of Wuhan-Beijing HSR services increase to 28

武汉铁路局透露,从今日起,该局对列车运行图进行微调,增开了一对武汉至北京西G586/5次高铁。 调图前,武汉站上午8点至10点间始发开行至北京方向的高铁,仅有一趟逢周五、周日开行的G510次,调图后,增开的G586次每天在武汉站9:17始发,10:00到信阳、10:42到漯河,经停郑州东、安阳东、石家庄等站,15:21到北京西站。该趟列车有1000多个席位,运力较为充足,旅客乘车出行有了更多选择和便利。
Train G586 leaves Wuhan Railway Station at 9.17am and arrives in Beijing West at 3.21pm, providing more than 1,000 seats.
Train G586
Wuhan(9.17) - Xinyang East(10.00) - Luohe West(10.42) - Xuchang East(11.13) - Zhengzhou East(11.42) - Xinxiang East(12.11) - Hebi East(12.29) - Anyang East(12.52) - Shijiazhuang(13.49) - Baoding East(14.34) - Beijing West(15.21)
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Wuhan Railway Station, Wuhan City, Central China
283 bullet trains per day
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lol, yes, all your mentioned been blocked for years. Use Yahoo, Line, Bing or Chinese tools.

Your post is quite insensitive. If I had known Chinese tools, I might not be asking for help here buddy.

Viber? An internet telephone APP?
I remember my Indian friend has managed downloading an APP called Viber with help from his colleagues.
U should first ask one of Chinese about the VPN.
I never use them so I can not help.
Youku.com has all free English soapies you may like.

Yes and it is really good. It offers low rates of call. Like 22 cents per minute to India.
Railway. Like Guangzhou-Shenzhen intercity line, a listed company, intercity train 50% pricier than other intercity HSR. It's PM's group that made those policies after 2011 and also their media spread hatred towards HSR along with supports from airlines. Because of them, a lot of HSR are constructed with lower technical standard under the name of "don't waste money", but it turned out the same.

I am opposed to privatization, like you said, of sensitive sectors. I guess railway transportation is one oft them. To inject some vitality, public-private consortium might be given "time-limited" rights to operate lines.

As for foreign control (even in the capacity of a consortium), I would be wholly against.
I am opposed to privatization, like you said, of sensitive sectors. I guess railway transportation is one oft them. To inject some vitality, public-private consortium might be given "time-limited" rights to operate lines.

As for foreign control (even in the capacity of a consortium), I would be wholly against.
Privatisation of sensitive sectors is a total threat to national interests, we can't beg them to build strategic railway lines in the west and have a mercy on us passengers like keeping the ticket fares of HSR stable since 2008, or normal trains the same price since 1995!!! Railway is not airlines, it's either zero or total monopoly.
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