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China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

What the hell? so you're not a Christian Democracy guy? boooo. :tdown::tdown::tdown:

And that HK guy got hipster hair and glasses. Rural backwards Confucian farmers like you can never understand his fashion style. Cute girl not thinking right. :tdown:

SO you are a Christian?


90% of democracy countries fail! :lol:

All Confucian states, even Confucian community pocket around the world are successful. :-)

What is your opinion about this?

US needs China's massive market which many of their multinationals depend on. If those multinational lose their major source of revenue, there margins get hurt big time and their stocks get crushed.

Large amount of US jobs depend directly and indirectly on trade with China.

Federal Reserve depends on China absorbing dollars through reserve accumulation to keep US inflation low. China is the biggest absorber of US dollars which helps maintain the high marketshare of the dollar.
Then tell ur Govt to stop the protest supported by US now, u will see US sanction will come after that :pop:
Then ,
1. China will get sanctions from US
2. Chinese will lose their jobs in Foxconn
3. ALIBABA stock in US will go to hell, Jack Ma will go broke.
4. More Chinese kids starve to death due to their parents lose jobs.
Well, I don't know where do you find the strength send the above comments. Because you know, although we now are the factory of the world, but we also become the world market. The next stage will make efforts to upgrade our industry. We are investing heavily in the introduction of technology and the development of technology, when these seed blossom sprouting, like today like Japan, you will see a 'China manufacturing' change. If you want to know who is the world's most astute leadership group with the diplomatic community, can observe carefully China national policy, I believe you will get a satisfactory answer. Now what hasn't happened, you this as a small countries took the lead in the climax, true let me some obscure. Competition among great powers, remind you of national Ministry of foreign affairs, to speak in a low voice. Please do remember
SO you are a Christian?


90% of democracy countries fail! :lol:

All Confucian states, even Confucian community pocket around the world are successful. :-)

What is your opinion about this?

US is Christian.

US is the number one superpower today.

All Confucian states are successful you say? then why did they fall before Communist powered CPC and Christian powered KMT? Even Confucian VietNam fell before the communist powered VCP.

In fact, Taiwan today is not 100% successful because there are still pockets of Confucian spies,like you, hiding in the country.

But Kami-sama has already chosen his loyal servants in the KMT to protect their country against these Confucian spies.

Be warned, Kami-sama has eyes and can see everything, you cannot hide forever. Once all the Confucian spies like you get burnt, Taiwan will finally fall into the saving arm of Christ. Then, Taiwan will finally be successful 100%.

All democratic states like US and EU countries who originated from Christian kingdoms are successful. Japan and Taiwan today still rely on protection of these countries.

What is your opinion on this?
US is Christian.

US is the number one superpower today.

All Confucian states are successful you say? then why did they fall before Communist powered CPC and Christian powered KMT? Even Confucian VietNam fell before the communist powered VCP.

In fact, Taiwan today is not 100% successful because there are still pockets of Confucian spies,like you, hiding in the country.

But Kami-sama has already chosen his loyal servants in the KMT to protect their country against these Confucian spies.

Be warned, Kami-sama has eyes and can see everything, you cannot hide forever. Once all the Confucian spies like you get burnt, Taiwan will finally fall into the saving arm of Christ. Then, Taiwan will finally be successful 100%.

All democratic states like US and EU countries who originated from Christian kingdoms are successful. Japan and Taiwan today still rely on protection of these countries.

What is your opinion on this?

It seems you are very true!

So US is not a democracy?

Which one better between Jewish Christian and Muslims?

It seems Jewish people beat out Christian in US by large margin?
Well, I don't know where do you find the strength send the above comments. Because you know, although we now are the factory of the world, but we also become the world market. The next stage will make efforts to upgrade our industry. We are investing heavily in the introduction of technology and the development of technology, when these seed blossom sprouting, like today like Japan, you will see a 'China manufacturing' change. If you want to know who is the world's most astute leadership group with the diplomatic community, can observe carefully China national policy, I believe you will get a satisfactory answer. Now what hasn't happened, you this as a small countries took the lead in the climax, true let me some obscure. Competition among great powers, remind you of national Ministry of foreign affairs, to speak in a low voice. Please do remember
China cant even make a good car engine now, so pls face wt the truth that Talented men dont wanna work for ur corrupted Govt., even 17 years old HK kids like Joshua Wong hate ur corrupted Govt. so much too.

So, China never can make a good car engine when the leaders only use corrupted and dumb people in their administration.
US is Christian.

US is the number one superpower today.

All Confucian states are successful you say? then why did they fall before Communist powered CPC and Christian powered KMT? Even Confucian VietNam fell before the communist powered VCP.

In fact, Taiwan today is not 100% successful because there are still pockets of Confucian spies,like you, hiding in the country.

But Kami-sama has already chosen his loyal servants in the KMT to protect their country against these Confucian spies.

Be warned, Kami-sama has eyes and can see everything, you cannot hide forever. Once all the Confucian spies like you get burnt, Taiwan will finally fall into the saving arm of Christ. Then, Taiwan will finally be successful 100%.

All democratic states like US and EU countries who originated from Christian kingdoms are successful. Japan and Taiwan today still rely on protection of these countries.

What is your opinion on this?
Please forgive my ignorance, you which eyes see USA is successful? What is success? Everywhere provoked the war? Spreading hatred? The America taxpayer money to build and not in the world military base? The soldiers with the life of a futile battle, and then use the more massive arms needs to satisfy the arms dealer appetite, let arms dealers to spend more money to help the next time someone in the election?:ph34r:
China cant even make a good car engine now, so pls face wt the truth that Talented men dont wanna work for ur corrupted Govt., even 17 years old HK kids like Joshua Wong hate ur corrupted Govt. so much too.

So, China never can make a good car engine when the leaders only use corrupted and dumb people in their administration.
My poor friend, had not Chinese, please don't talk nonsense. We are in the world the number of the first, you go Google. We do a nuclear bomb, spacecraft, manned submersibles, satellite, ships, aircraft, super computer, there are numerous senior talent to support products. If you think I Chinese no talent, please consult the International Olympic math competition results in 1990 after their. By the way, do you have a strong local Vietnam what can let you have the qualification to underestimate Chinese?I have to give you a China name-----渣渣!:china:
Beijing should just ignore these protesters, who may or may not instigated by the west, and let HK authority deals with them. Their aims are peaceful protests and try to draw more supports from the populace at the same time. They're unlikely to get them because HK has no unions--NO WORK NO PAY. As people know money is king in HK.Their protests clog up the central districts and eventually will draw peoples' irks. Soon or later the pro Beijing crowd will have enough time to organize and smother this group.

If they're allowed to pick their own chief, which never happened during their entire history and yet they never complained out loud, independence will probably be their next call.

If these protesters are smart and think of themselves as Chinese they'll get better results if they wave the Chinese flags while they march. I haven't seen one so obviously either they think they're too good to be under Chinese rule or their intentions are insidious.

On a second note, at least this time around, they didn't raise the Union Jacks and the colonial flags.
It seems you are very true!

So US is not a democracy?

You should not ask if US is democracy or not. What you need to ask first is, can you make easy money in the US or not? Ma Yun answered this question a few weeks ago.

Which one better between Jewish Christian and Muslims?

Who is better? you decide. Some Muslim countries invite Christian countries to send their fighter jets to bomb their neighbourhood. So far, I haven't heard any Christian countries invited any Muslim countries to come over and bomb them. You decide who is more clever.

It seems Jewish people beat out Christian in US by large margin?

Jewish and Christian worship the same Kamisama. Is just that Jewish people don't know the proper name of their Kamisama. Jewish people sometime forget how to spell "God", thats why they just write G-d.

Please forgive my ignorance, you which eyes see USA is successful? What is success? Everywhere provoked the war? Spreading hatred? The America taxpayer money to build and not in the world military base? The soldiers with the life of a futile battle, and then use the more massive arms needs to satisfy the arms dealer appetite, let arms dealers to spend more money to help the next time someone in the election?:ph34r:

Friend, you need to ask a US person for all those answers. I'm not from the US so I can't answer on behalf of them.

When I see US kids playing with their IPhone 6 and I play snake on my Nokia 3310, I feel they are more successful than me. :(
no, it is you who is ugly. despite living in a western country, you failed to swallow basic common sense. repeating insulting does not make you smarter, idiot.
talking about common sense``lol you little viets are really amazing creatures, I just used the same mechanism you applied to draw a hideous conclusion in post #7, do you want me to tell you more stories i heard in the U.K regarding viets`? :D
talking about common sense``lol you little viets are really amazing creatures, I just used the same mechanism you applied to draw a hideous conclusion in post #7, do you want me to tell you more stories i heard in the U.K regarding viets`? :D

I heard they are very good and strong in the agriculture business. Is that true?

Some people say, if VN have real democracy and capitalist like the west, then VN may become very developed like South Korea.

If the Vietnamese people are doing well in democracy-capitalist country like UK, and dominate the agriculture business, then they must be right, VN has potential to become developed like SK in the future.
You should not ask if US is democracy or not. What you need to ask first is, can you make easy money in the US or not? Ma Yun answered this question a few weeks ago.

Who is better? you decide. Some Muslim countries invite Christian countries to send their fighter jets to bomb their neighbourhood. So far, I haven't heard any Christian countries invited any Muslim countries to come over and bomb them. You decide who is more clever.

Jewish and Christian worship the same Kamisama. Is just that Jewish people don't know the proper name of their Kamisama. Jewish people sometime forget how to spell "God", thats why they just write G-d.

Friend, you need to ask a US person for all those answers. I'm not from the US so I can't answer on behalf of them.

When I see US kids playing with their IPhone 6 and I play snake on my Nokia 3310, I feel they are more successful than me. :(

Very smart answer! :tup:

I hope more members like you here. :D
I heard they are very good and strong in the agriculture business. Is that true?

Some people say, if VN have real democracy and capitalist like the west, then VN may become very developed like South Korea.

If the Vietnamese people are doing well in democracy-capitalist country like UK, and dominate the agriculture business, then they must be right, VN has potential to become developed like SK in the future.
are you kidding right``:D the successful vietnamese I met in the U.K were ethnically Chinese, and they didnt want to be called viets```except the first Summer vacation job I had in Briton like 15 years ago, the owner was very nice, and he told me he was Chinese, but on the last day, before i was moving to London for Uni, i found out he was vietnamese, really nice person though
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