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China hits back at US on rights !

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Mar 20, 2006
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China hits back at US on rights

China has accused the US of double standards over human rights in response to an official US report which labelled Beijing an authoritarian regime.
Beijing calls Washington's rights record "tattered and shocking".

The Chinese report cites rising violent crime in the US as posing a serious threat to the lives, liberty and personal security of its people.

The foreign ministry said the US should stop posing as a rights watchdog and concentrate on its own problems.

"Stop exercising double standards on human rights issues and wrongly meddling in the internal affairs of other countries," said ministry spokesman Qin Gang.

He added that China's achievements on human rights had been "widely recognised by the international community".

The Chinese report accuses the US of arrogance and is particuarly scathing about the Iraq conflict.

"The invasion of Iraq by US troops has produced the biggest human rights tragedy and the greatest humanitarian disaster in modern world," the document said.

Beijing's report, gathered from US and international news sources, quotes crime statistics and cites particular incidents such as the Virginia Tech massacre to back up its claims.

The report comes in response to the US State Department's annual survey of human rights across the world.

Although the report accuses China of denying its people basic freedoms, the country is not listed as one of the world's most systematic rights violators.

Story from BBC NEWS:
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China hits back at US on rights

Published: 2008/03/13 08:43:49 GMT

China would be the loser!

Waste of time.

They must let Tibet Uprising die down.

Well, does it really matter? Most countries of the world have commited humanitarian crimes aganist the people. All the way from the old USSR to Kampuchea, then to Peru, and finally all the way back to South Africa.

The "so-called" Countries of today should protect the rights of the people, rather than exploiting or harming them any way.

Allah Hafiz
just a note: it is not an uprising but a riot...similar to the '92 Los Angeles black riot.
there should be human rights in every country.
none of the rights preachers can prove his own country to be crystal clean.
therefore no surprise there should be accusations everywhere.
and no surprise accusers should get themselves a$$ cleaned at first.

are these real human rights confronts? I doubt it, morelikely political no winner games.
but there would be loser if some US a$s kissing hypocrites forget the sh!t of his own country.



Allah Hafiz
WARNING some pictures may be disturbing. Only above 25 years should open the link.

Thats what happens when you raise white flags instead of fighting. Muslims have become really pathetic.:tsk:
After things like waterboarding and Abu Ghraib the US is the last nation that should criticise others for human rights.
just a note: it is not an uprising but a riot...similar to the '92 Los Angeles black riot.

It is actually both a riot and uprising let me explain:
ri·ot /ˈraɪət/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[rahy-uht] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. a noisy, violent public disorder caused by a group or crowd of persons, as by a crowd protesting against another group, a government policy, etc., in the streets.
2. Law. a disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons acting together in a disrupting and tumultuous manner in carrying out their private purposes.
3. violent or wild disorder or confusion.
4. a brilliant display: a riot of color.
5. something or someone hilariously funny: You were a riot at the party.
6. unrestrained revelry.
7. an unbridled outbreak, as of emotions, passions, etc.
8. Archaic. loose, wanton living; profligacy.
–verb (used without object) 9. to take part in a riot or disorderly public outbreak.
10. to live in a loose or wanton manner; indulge in unrestrained revelry: Many of the Roman emperors rioted notoriously.
11. Hunting. (of a hound or pack) to pursue an animal other than the intended quarry.
12. to indulge unrestrainedly; run riot.
–verb (used with object) 13. to spend (money, time, etc.) in riotous living (usually fol. by away or out).

up·ris·ing /ˈʌpˌraɪzɪŋ, ʌpˈraɪzɪŋ/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[uhp-rahy-zing, uhp-rahy-zing] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. an insurrection or revolt.
2. an act of rising up.
3. an ascent or acclivity.


note in riot statement 1 which is says protest against gov't policy.
note in uprising 1,2 which is revolt and people rising up.:agree:
there should be human rights in every country.
none of the rights preachers can prove his own country to be crystal clean.
therefore no surprise there should be accusations everywhere.
and no surprise accusers should get themselves a$$ cleaned at first.

are these real human rights confronts? I doubt it, morelikely political no winner games.
but there would be loser if some US a$s kissing hypocrites forget the sh!t of his own country.

There is a big difference between human rights for freedom, and human rights for suppression. I bet you. you probably do not know the difference between the two i just mentioned. if you want i can explain.
"The invasion of Iraq by US troops has produced the biggest human rights tragedy and the greatest humanitarian disaster in modern world," the document said.

I tend to agree :agree:
China would be the loser!
How so - could u elabrate

going back on topic

THis is why I can't appriecate the Tibetans uprise simply because the western potraying of the whole issue especially China.

How about the illegal camp of guantanamo bay proven by the supreme court of US of A.

Or the Illegal war in Iraq where thousands upon thousands of Iraqi suffered from Us occupatient

This "West is right" will not go well in the 21 century
please do explain

human rights
–noun fundamental rights, esp. those believed to belong to an individual and in whose exercise a government may not interfere, as the rights to speak, associate, work, etc

Suppression of human rights is where a Chines gov't interfear with rights to speak, associate, and work, etc...,

contrast that where iraq's are forming there own gov't trying to defend themselves and freedom to live. I just took the meaning of human rights from the dictionary, now knowing the meaning of human rights you explain to me how human rights in china works, ok. Thank you.
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