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China hits back at US on rights !

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Did we asked for your so called 'helped'? Who made Ho Chi Minh to speak for all of Viet Nam? No one. The Chinese communists abused the North Vietnamese with impunity. The Viet Minh, including Ho himself, were too frightened to protest. And the Chinese committed the great atrocity of imposing land reforms that ended in famine in a land rich with soil, water, and agricultural knowledge. China had no business in Viet Nam.

1. in your slavery mindset you are all too happy to have france or usa to be your master
2. We have no business in the soil of your land or people. Did we take a centimeter of it and keep it our own? Have we sent any one of our people to rule over your people? How could you say anything that we impose anything on you?

For a further understanding of how we have helped you people in everything againt the colonialists:

Read this:Military History Online - Chinese Support for North Vietnam during the Vietnam War: The Decisive Edge

The north vietnmese drove the south puppet vietnamese out of business. they are the ruling vietnamese government now, whether you like it or not!
Bullsh1t... :lol: It was the US who proposed to put Indochina under UN administration towards independence. Then it was France, Vietnamese communists, and Chinese communists who started the Vietnam War.

But that is fine with me whatever propaganda 'The Party' want you to believe. You cannot help it. That is all you know.

Bullshi1t! we didnt want to get involved until the north vietnames begged us for help. it is now the legit government of your former country NOW! read the link in my post if you want to purge your chronic bigotry on China!

and you steer away the horrendous usa atrocities on your people decades after the end of the war just because of the pittance you received from your master for keeping you alive and giving you a job while tens of thousands of your former fellow s vietnamese are born dead, deformed while the others are still living under the fear of Agent Orange!
But we are not afraid to go again to another war if someone provokes or attacks us. Remember, as a small nation we defeated 3 of 5 members of UNSC. The list of our victories is long.

so Vietnam is a warlike country.
You make enemies all over the world,e.g. 3 of 5 members of UNSC
That´s not the reality. Vietnam itself is too proud to become a puppet of someone. Don´t worry, we decide our destiny. That´s true, there were enough wars and deaths, that pushed us into poverty for decades. No one from us wants another confrontation.

But we are not afraid to go again to another war if someone provokes or attacks us. Remember, as a small nation we defeated 3 of 5 members of UNSC. The list of our victories is long.

no one country would like to be under the rule of another race. you cannot deny vietnamese cannot unify itself without our immense help. again after the vietnamese war we have taken nothing from you.

that mentality befits perfectly of vietcongs hegemony of trying to control indoChina!

gambit is a classic example of how the us' infusion of colonial mastery on vietnamese.
Bullshi1t! we didnt want to get involved until the north vietnames begged us for help. it is now the legit government of your former country NOW! read the link in my post if you want to purge your chronic bigotry on China!
Bullsh1t is correct. Just because someone asked you for money, how does that become a burden? Did China not have the right to refuse? China meddled in Viet Nam out of selfish need. It is on record that the US wanted Indochina (Viet Nam, Laos, and Cambodia) to be under UN trusteeship towards independence. Stalin and Chiang Kai-shek agreed. For China, granted that Mao gained control of China, Mao could have conceded to the same agreement and China would have lost NOTHING. Let the US and the rest deal with France. China's meddling in Viet Nam contributed to the event known as the Vietnam War.

and you steer away the horrendous usa atrocities on your people decades after the end of the war just because of the pittance you received from your master for keeping you alive and giving you a job while tens of thousands of your former fellow s vietnamese are born dead, deformed while the others are still living under the fear of Agent Orange!
The Japanese and US are close allies despite two nuclear bombs dropped on the Japanese. This is a dead argument.
no one country would like to be under the rule of another race. you cannot deny vietnamese cannot unify itself without our immense help. again after the vietnamese war we have taken nothing from you.

that mentality befits perfectly of vietcongs hegemony of trying to control indoChina!

gambit is a classic example of how the us' infusion of colonial mastery on vietnamese.
Bullsh1t. This is a typical case of circular logic from 'the Party'. Viet Nam did not 'need' China's so called 'help' post WW II to be a unified people.
China's meddling in Viet Nam contributed to the event known as the Vietnam War.

Blaming China for the Vietnam War is a pathetic attempt to brainwash other people. Why don't you go read some real history Gulf of Tonkin incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ungrateful Vietnamese probably don't even know how many troops China send to help the Vietcongs
North Vietnam: 287,465 (January 1968)
China: 170,000 (1969)
Soviet Union: 3,000
North Korea: 300–600


South Vietnam: 850,000
United States: 536,100
Free World Military Forces: 65,000
South Korea: 50,000
Australia: 7,672
Thailand, Philippines: 10,450
New Zealand: 552

Source wikipedia Vietnam War
Blaming China for the Vietnam War is a pathetic attempt to brainwash other people. Why don't you go read some real history Gulf of Tonkin incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ungrateful Vietnamese probably don't even know how many troops China send to help the Vietcongs
North Vietnam: 287,465 (January 1968)
China: 170,000 (1969)
Soviet Union: 3,000
North Korea: 300–600


South Vietnam: 850,000
United States: 536,100
Free World Military Forces: 65,000
South Korea: 50,000
Australia: 7,672
Thailand, Philippines: 10,450
New Zealand: 552

Source wikipedia Vietnam War
Har...The ones who are brainwashed here are the Chinese, which unfortunately led to the destruction of critical thinking skills as well.

The Gulf of Tonkin incident was AFTER China had meddled in Viet Nam. Explain to us:

- What was China doing in Viet Nam in the first place?

- Put yourself back in WW II. The US, Russia, and China (Chiang Kai-shek) agreed that Indochina (Viet Nam, Laos, and Cambodia) should be placed under UN trusteeship towards independence. So would you oppose China's role in that agreement? If yes, why? The alternative of independence was to return to France as colonial property, so would you have Indochina returned to France for China's interests?

The reason all of you brainwashed Chinese continues to post arguments AFTER World War II is because none of you brainwashed Chinese can explain adequately on why China meddled in Viet Nam and why did Mao reneged on Chiang Kai-shek's agreement about Indochina.
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