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China hits back at US on rights !

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Read a bit more economics will help you analyze China's economy.
If either the US imposes a sanction on Chinese export or China stops exporting, China will be better off in the long run. This is because China has to encourage domestic consumption, this will make China's GDP much more balanced and the economy more competitive. This is the long term effect, but in the short-run the economy will suffer.

If you dont believe and you have access to The Economist magazine, go and search those articles about China's economy, this will give you much better idea.

In a recent article published in Caijing (the term in Mandarin means ‘finance’), Wu Jinglian, an economist at the Development Research Centre of the State Council, writes, “While China’s economic growth continues to accelerate, fundamental problems such as resource consumption, environmental degradation, economic inequity, political corruption and the widening gap between the rich and the poor are becoming increasingly acute and attracting criticism from the public.” Large parts of China are experiencing acute water shortage. In spite of the tremendous developments all around China, its political leadership considers food and water security to be its highest priority. As and when it becomes necessary, and it may already be so, China will start diverting major rivers and glacier melts for its own use, without the slightest concern about the consequences for its neighbouring countries.

There are other ideological issues that continue to trouble China. In the same article in Caijing, Wu Jinglian writes that at the end of 2003 the voice of the “old guard” was suddenly heard, which declared that eliminating the planned economy and instituting marketization are equivalent to changing the socialist system and adapting capitalism. It went on to put the blame for China’s social problems on reform and on the opening up of its economy. In 2006, it even began publicly calling for the posthumous rehabilitation of the “Gang of Four”, the “continuation of the revolutionary line under the dictatorship of the proletariat” and a restart of the Cultural Revolution.

Such moves after thirty years of reforms were strongly countered at the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, where the general secretary, Hu Jintao, unequivocally reaffirmed the success of the reforms and the opening up before the cultural committee of the CPC. His rebuttal declared that reforms brought about China’s transformation from a highly centralized planned economy to a robustly socialist market economy. He went on to say that reforms and opening up are the only ways of developing socialism with Chinese characteristics and of rejuvenating the Chinese nation. All this shows that arguments regarding reforms continue to simmer within China and, to an extent, explain its belligerent attitude to any criticism or dissent.
I dont want to discuss Chinese history with someone who knows nothing about China. Mongols? Yuan Dynasty is only part of the Mongolian Empire (capital Beijing and mainly on traditional Chinese territory), if you dont know this, then dont show off your ignorance on this topic.


Why get embarrassed?
This is really stupid, Indonesia is part of India for how long? Tibet is part of China since 1271 until now (though Ming did not get control of this land at the beginning).

Of you don't understand history, go back to school.

It should be adequate that Bali remains a statement of history.

Your moniker is apt!
Tibet has been an inalienable part of the chinese territory since ancient times.Now China wants to strengthen, but some countries do not want to, they try every means to stop. However, China will strengthen, those countries of the conspiracy will not succeed
There's an easy solution to this: get a Tibetan 20 year old to send a letter in Tibetan telling the Americans to get a 20 year old native to send a reply letter in his native language, or the Americans are a bunch of hypocrites. America obviously can't do this, since they destroyed the culture and annexed the people. Boom. Point proven. Simple as that.
What is happening in Iraq and Afghanistan is a disaster. What is happening in Tibet is also a disaster.

Just because US was wrong in attacking Afghanistan and Iraq and it supports Tibetan freedom(?) doesn't mean that we turn a blindeye to Tibet or the plight of Tibetans.

You forgot to mention the disaster in India occupied Kashmir. Give the repressed people of Kashmir freedom then talk about Tibet.
American hypocrisy knows no bounds. I cringe everything one of the American or Western politicians talking about freedom of speech and human rights. Talks about hypocrisy. We need a media to show the world these war crimes of present and past from Western colonialist and warmongers. Sickening these people. They have no shame.

Given how much territory the Anglo-American-French annexed and how many culture and people they have destroyed - human rights seemed pretty hollow. The native American in America still lives in abject poverty. There are some reservation without any indoor plumbing and internet access. Chinese news reporter need to do a human interest story on these issue for Chinese people to see the true face of America. Chinese news agency are solely lacking in these type of story - Chinese believe America is so great they do anything to get here - once they get here, they landed in the ghetto and their attitude change. America have a totally negative view of China, while the Chinese have too much of a positive of view of America. All because the American knows how to prop their country up in media and tarnished others. Chinese need to the same.
You forgot to mention the disaster in India occupied Kashmir. Give the repressed people of Kashmir freedom then talk about Tibet.
There is no land called as "Indian occupied Kashmir". Kashmir is and was part of Indian Repuplic unlike Tibet. It was captured forcefully in 1950 by China.
There is no land called as "Indian occupied Kashmir". Kashmir is and was part of Indian Repuplic unlike Tibet. It was captured forcefully in 1950 by China.

Indians say there is no such thing as "occupied kashmir". But i think most the Kashmiri's would say otherwise.
The native American in America still lives in abject poverty. There are some reservation without any indoor plumbing and internet access.
The reservations are administered by the tribal leaderships, barely touched by the federal government. Ever been inside any of them? I doubt that you have. But surely you have heard of Indian casinos, right?

Chinese news reporter need to do a human interest story on these issue for Chinese people to see the true face of America.
They probably did and found nothing so hyperbolic as you tried to make it here. They probably found out that the poverty and miseries on some -- not all -- reservations are self inflicted by poorly managed and corrupt tribal leaders.

Chinese news agency are solely lacking in these type of story - Chinese believe America is so great they do anything to get here - once they get here, they landed in the ghetto and their attitude change. America have a totally negative view of China, while the Chinese have too much of a positive of view of America. All because the American knows how to prop their country up in media and tarnished others. Chinese need to the same.
And yet you live in the US enjoying the rights and freedoms most outside the US do not have. So who is really the hypocrite here.
And yet you live in the US enjoying the rights and freedoms most outside the US do not have. So who is really the hypocrite here.

and despite you age living through the american era of atrocities in your country of origin you still do not figure out why this warmonger and its clan can enjoy larger freedom while other country cannot!

it is because there is no another usa over this usa, countable neurons!
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