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China hesitant over J-10C barter deal with cash-strapped Iran

When you deal with Chinese companies, and often around payment for products or services, they are v.v.v.v adamant that you pay then in USD, or EUR and NOT Yuan ... they have no interest for the most part in being paid in their own local currency.

Chinese are money merchants - it does not suprise me that they dont want to get paid in Oil - they want cash upfront ...
They can resell the oil. There are many other options for China getting its money.
If Iran wants it, (a big if since Iran generally isn’t interested in Chinese fighters) then China refusal to provide a MERE 36 fighters should be a wake up call to those on this board who advocate for closer China ties
International politics dont work like that.
Both countries would like to leverage out of the deal hence its called negotiations.
No need to get emotional about it.
Fake news!

China is currently working on the 6th gen fighter, and why keep hoarding the 4.5th gen fighter like the J-10C?
Try actually reading the article. Its not about the technology, its about the money.

If such a thing was being talked about, China would be very much in the right to refuse to barter oil for fighters.
Try actually reading the article. Its not about the technology, its about the money.

If such a thing was being talked about, China would be very much in the right to refuse to barter oil for fighters.

If China is importing almost 1M barrels per day from Iran based on latest data. Then that Means they are paying Iran somewhere around $500M a day

So why Would they not barter oil for fighters. It would basically be the cost of a weeks worth of oil at those levels.

Answer: China doesn’t want to provide controversial arms to Iran. Just like the past.

Or else paying 3B in cash or 3B in J-10’s is the same thing at the end of the day monetary wise for China.In fact you can say the J-10 sale stimulates Chinas factories and supply chain. Cash is just a net debit from central bank account.
Unfortunately Iran has no interest in J-10. The article is completely based on unproven claims of a kid.
When did any of Iranian authorities in defense ministry announced interest in buying J-10 which will add zero technological edge for IRIAF considering the fact that Iranian adverseries are already armed with F-15-16-35?

Mind blowing thread, mods please close this childish thread.
don't know about that, a few million barrels of free oil & gas in exchange for J10Cs sounds like a pretty lucrative barter for both sides. if Iran sells them $10 billion dollars worth of oil but turns around and buys $10 billion dollars worth of J10Cs, heck, just let China keep the $10 billion and so the barter directly...cut out the dollar middleman.
China is making enemies fast. If it needs to be a super power it needs to make some good allies. To do that China has to open have a bigger heart and do somethings just to gain allies.
Unfortunately Iran has no interest in J-10. The article is completely based on unproven claims of a kid.
When did any of Iranian authorities in defense ministry announced interest in buying J-10 which will add zero technological edge for IRIAF considering the fact that Iranian adverseries are already armed with F-15-16-35?

Mind blowing thread, mods please close this childish thread.
If Iran is smart they should not announce any weapons deal. Just induct them quietly. And trust me J-10 C is one of the most easiest and viable options for Iran.
China is making enemies fast. If it needs to be a super power it needs to make some good allies. To do that China has to open have a bigger heart and do somethings just to gain allies.

If Iran is smart they should not announce any weapons deal. Just induct them quietly. And trust me J-10 C is one of the most easiest and viable options for Iran.
China is...and besides, it's list of enemies is primarily limited to the u.s. australia japan uk & india...hardly most of the world.
China recently committed to invest $400bn in Iranian infrastructure projects against oil, coughing up $1.5bn shouldn't be a issue financially.
However China is focusing on infrastructure related investment rather than military and that is how it should be, if Iran regains its military strength Israel will feel threatened again jeopardizing China's long term goals.
If China is importing almost 1M barrels per day from Iran based on latest data. Then that Means they are paying Iran somewhere around $500M a day

So why Would they not barter oil for fighters. It would basically be the cost of a weeks worth of oil at those levels.

Answer: China doesn’t want to provide controversial arms to Iran. Just like the past.

Or else paying 3B in cash or 3B in J-10’s is the same thing at the end of the day monetary wise for China.In fact you can say the J-10 sale stimulates Chinas factories and supply chain. Cash is just a net debit from central bank account.
The price of oil is volatile. Covid and the trade war also hurt China's economy, so they need cash more than they need oil. You can't pay workers in oil.
If China is importing almost 1M barrels per day from Iran based on latest data. Then that Means they are paying Iran somewhere around $500M a day

So why Would they not barter oil for fighters. It would basically be the cost of a weeks worth of oil at those levels.

Answer: China doesn’t want to provide controversial arms to Iran. Just like the past.

Or else paying 3B in cash or 3B in J-10’s is the same thing at the end of the day monetary wise for China.In fact you can say the J-10 sale stimulates Chinas factories and supply chain. Cash is just a net debit from central bank account.

Also not just about controversial arms deal which may offend some countries but also because this news is bullshit. There may be some interest from Iran but both countries have not really discussed this. It's not a problem of barter with oil. China has no point to refuse barter like you said. It's even better than cash payment because it is just one less step to take for both sides even if paying and accepting in Chinese Yuan.

First this news of refusing barter is bullshit. If both countries decide to actually do the trade, the politics is more concerning. USA will lose its cool even more and use as excuse to make more moves maybe perform military action. Israel and Saudi will also come to China with angry messages but lucky it is just 36 J-10C.
Why are people talking about a fake news?

Zhou Chenming, a researcher with the Yuan Wang think tank

If you Google all titles and name, there are only a few sites, except SCMP, which leaves two Indian sites.


If you Google his name, only the first two search as a result.


It looks as if this is a "
Chinese expert " who is only available when India needs him.

Remember that India has at least 750 fake news websites and has faked a non-existent UN and EU agencies and dozens of experts.
The price of oil is volatile. Covid and the trade war also hurt China's economy, so they need cash more than they need oil. You can't pay workers in oil.

Worst analysis I have seen on this forum.

China is sitting on trillions of cash. So no they don’t “need” cash. And oil contracts are negotiated for a period of time to smooth volatility.

Again use your brain, China importing oil from Iran will happen regardless of it needs cash or doesn’t (which it doesn’t). So 3B it receives from Iran would go right back out the door to pay for oil/gas from Iran/Qatar/Saudi Arabia.

Again use some critical thinking skills

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