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China has huge naval advantage to others in S. China Sea

As Viva_Viet said Vietnam itself would be a great threat you since you are underestimating them like anything . Even if US wouldnt intervene other international bodies will not keep quiet to Chinese aggression .I know what are you thinking now . Trying to give an example . Buddy this is not 1970 its 2012 so dont beat round the bush and try some thing new . Though we/If US/NATO may not help Vietnam directly Anti Chinese Countries will make sure that the resources through Malacca strait are cut and you are likely to be attacked by any country .

haha,the whole world wont listen to Vietnam and you Indians,dream on.
He may didn't used rifle to shot dead someone else, but he involved to duty in transportation of guns, weapons or food to PLA murders then he is indirect involved to crime.:angry:

killing low life monkey is not a crime against humanity, but animal cruelty, we will make sure next time to find a better way to treat those citizens from the jungle barbary ape kingdom to our south
killing low life monkey is not a crime against humanity, but animal cruelty, we will make sure next time to find a better way to treat those citizens from the jungle barbary ape kingdom to our south

How many Tibetant, Uijguhr are killed by PLA in uprising for independent state or how many young Chinese are killed by Tienanmen massacre ? Chinese citizens is low life monkey ?
Talk as human being ! don't show low level brain same as monkey.
haha,the whole world wont listen to Vietnam and you Indians,dream on.
but when China attacks Vietnam whole world will not tolerate you
Then try to drill oil in disputed zone if both of you have the Guts , we wanna test our Yakhont-Shaddock missile now, don't just beg VN to sell more oil to you to avoid economy collapse :coffee:
Vietnam clown play monkey business again.
killing low life monkey is not a crime against humanity, but animal cruelty, we will make sure next time to find a better way to treat those citizens from the jungle barbary ape kingdom to our south

Lol that why your Govt Treat you like this , animals are always controlled , master trained them by showing what they want to show, the same your govt do, show you what they want you. everything is banned in china other then govt propounds, wake up.
From Last 50 years they are trying for Taiwan..... and still trying........
Lol that why your Govt Treat you like this , animals are always controlled , master trained them by showing what they want to show, the same your govt do, show you what they want you. everything is banned in china other then govt propounds, wake up.
Indians fear us, so they talk to stay secure.
Indians fear us, so they talk to stay secure.
i can express my feelings to govt
Indians fear us, so they talk to stay secure.

We Fear you or you fear us , you claiming AP, then why didn't you taken till now and why you claiming when you can't take.

" If you have to Shoot, Shoot , don't talk."
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