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‘China given evidence of its aid to NE insurgents’


Credit: aljazeera 24 Oct 2011

On a scale of 1(the least) to 10 (the most troublesome), how do you assess the insurgency problems in india as a whole (Kashmir, the red corridor (pictured) etc) currently?

You may find the answer to above question here:
Maoist Insurgency in India: Emerging Vulnerabilities - globalECCO
Long Live Mao: Modern Insurgency in the Republic of India | Small Wars Journal
India’s Approach to Counterinsurgency and the Naxalite Problem | NewAmerica.org

Kashmir as a disputed territory is in play as well as NE states due to difficult access, but the insurgencies in rest of "mainland India" will at best undermine Indian economic growth rate and at worst destabilize the entire "mainland India" bringing it closer to a failed state which over time may become ripe for disintegration. Once there are too many fires in too many places, it will be difficult for the state to put them all out and thus overwhelm the state machinery. And that will be the time for NE states to break away first and then it might be Kashmir's turn.

The irony of geopolitics is that a so called "largest democracy" is interfering in neighboring countries and areas to suppress people's will and subvert people's interest and a one party led China could empower people if it is in their geopolitical interest. Principles and ideals should not stand in the way of people's liberation and mutual geopolitical gain.

So possibilities are there, but people need to hear messages of hope. So media access by web, radio and satellite TV in the native language of the people of the region (230 million in Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and NE states) to reach the masses will be important, just like Radio Free Europe played a role in bringing down the Soviet bloc in Eastern Europe.
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Indeed, once in a radio show in the US I heard from a China expert that the net worth of all US politicians in both senate and congress is around $ 8 billion, but 100 members in top echelons of CPC is worth $200 billion. And the biggest worry of CPC leaders is how to keep their own population under control from increasing inequality, not how to advance the national interest of the nation.

I think this leadership problem at the top is the biggest weakness of PRC and because of this your allies and potential allies are suffering while the enemies are taking full advantage.

Sometimes I think the drama in SCS and ECS are engineered at least in part to keep the attention of the gullible and excitable masses to hide the incompetence and corruption of the leaders.

In any event, we Bangladeshi's like many others do not have too many alternatives, so we will keep praying, hoping and waiting for a better leadership in China.

The conflict in NE states is very hard to loose, as "mainland India" has a only a 14 miles wide access to this area from their main landmass, whereas on 3 sides, NE states (7 originally annexed states + more recently annexed Sikim) is surrounded by Nepal, China, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar. Both Bangladesh and Nepal have long borders with "mainland India", so out of future necessity, both of these states should remain neutral. The most they can do is deny access to Indian armed forces during any conflict. Bhutan and Myanmar have no common border with "mainland India", so they are free to take active role.

Total population currently suffering due to Indian occupation of NE states:

Nepal + Bhutan: 30 million
NE states: 40 million
Bangladesh: 160 million

Total: 230 million

These states can potentially get integrated with ASEAN+Chinese economy creating a huge free trade zone on the eastern border of ASEAN, just south of China. Currently a secure and prosperous future is being denied and put on hold for the above 230 million people, due to interference of "mainland Indian" imperial/colonial interest in this region. If China can free these people from Indian yoke, in addition to strategic benefits that cannot be counted with money, the financial benefit to Chinese economy will be enormous as the market for 230 million people is not small and it is only going to get bigger with more prosperity and growth in the future.

I don't think Xi is the problem. So far I find him to be the most non *** kissing of the chinese leaders since Deng. the other guys were a joke imo. But it is going to take time for him to try and break this corruption culture of he CPC.

The SCS problem is real, not media generated. Japan is gambling that China will back down due to US presence and China is betting that in actual conflict with Japan, US will not help Japan as it's not worth it. Japan has been trying to remilitarize for sometime now and use this "China threat" as an excuse to allow them to do so.

There's no doubt that China will eventually control the SCS and its best for Nepal, Bangladesh and other smaller neighbouring countries to be pro-China as China always help out friends without strings attached in the form of $$ and infrasctructure building, and military.
And you are going to be their slaves as you are now of USA, guess you are already progressing in that direction. :omghaha:
Agents of the Chinese...
DIGNITY ...???? & INDIA..... ?? Doesn't make any sense at all. Try to recall tht American female student who bacame phsyco after xperiencing ur so called DIGNITY. :p
And here in this thread one indian ws claiming tht indian is champion of covert operations.. n 2nd indian(You) r saying tht india hs dignity n we don't do this.. My dear neighbour ALMOST EVERY COUNTRY IS INVOLVED IN THESE DIRTY WARS.... wether accept or not.
And mind it INDIA itself is nothing but just with the support of WEST n USA trying posing like a Policeman of the region. You couldn't even pose well. You couldn't get back even your kargil hills n tiger hills ...but then USA came into play n corrupt leaders of PAK decided to retrieve. . But still Pak is holding one key post there. You couldn't do anything.:cool:
So stop comparing yourself with a country like CHINA. its going to be a big POWER.
I don't think Xi is the problem. So far I find him to be the most non *** kissing of the chinese leaders since Deng. the other guys were a joke imo. But it is going to take time for him to try and break this corruption culture of he CPC.

The SCS problem is real, not media generated. Japan is gambling that China will back down due to US presence and China is betting that in actual conflict with Japan, US will not help Japan as it's not worth it. Japan has been trying to remilitarize for sometime now and use this "China threat" as an excuse to allow them to do so.

There's no doubt that China will eventually control the SCS and its best for Nepal, Bangladesh and other smaller neighbouring countries to be pro-China as China always help out friends without strings attached in the form of $$ and infrasctructure building, and military.

Japan re militarization could be a blessing in disguise for China, I think it will help expedite the departure of the US from East Asia. But at the same time, I have a feeling Japan and Philippines will be the last outpost for the West in East Asia.

An increasingly integrated Korea will come back to the Chinese camp slowly. Vietnam will become manageable.

But the key will be to create an integrated region with an integrated economy as much as possible in East Asia and deny or at least limit the access of this integration to India. Note how the US is working on TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership):
Trans-Pacific Partnership - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nepal, Bangladesh and other smaller states population will remain pro-China by necessity, no one else can save us from this obnoxious entity called India. But govt. and political leaders are sometimes pro-India, because they have been installed by overt Indian interference, which is the case with current govt. in Bangladesh for example.
Then why you post some thing happened on Indian land,what for?

read the title of the thread
you are still not answering post # 62

You may find the answer to above question here:
Maoist Insurgency in India: Emerging Vulnerabilities - globalECCO
Long Live Mao: Modern Insurgency in the Republic of India | Small Wars Journal
India’s Approach to Counterinsurgency and the Naxalite Problem | NewAmerica.org

Kashmir as a disputed territory is in play as well as NE states due to difficult access, but the insurgencies in rest of "mainland India" will at best undermine Indian economic growth rate and at worst destabilize the entire "mainland India" bringing it closer to a failed state which over time may become ripe for disintegration. Once there are too many fires in too many places, it will be difficult for the state to put them all out and thus overwhelm the state machinery. And that will be the time for NE states to break away first and then it might be Kashmir's turn.

The irony of geopolitics is that a so called "largest democracy" is interfering in neighboring countries and areas to suppress people's will and subvert people's interest and a one party led China could empower people if it is in their geopolitical interest. Principles and ideals should not stand in the way of people's liberation and mutual geopolitical gain.

So possibilities are there, but people need to hear messages of hope. So media access by web, radio and satellite TV in the native language of the people of the region (230 million in Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and NE states) to reach the masses will be important, just like Radio Free Europe played a role in bringing down the Soviet bloc in Eastern Europe.

Correct. The article quoted in my post # 71 hasnt mentioned anything about Kashmir and the mass graves and bloody upheavals there
So the % should be more than 40%
india is a brutal and hegemonial regime.
how can they open fire and kill Bangladeshis who crossed the borders albeit without permits?
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No answer needed for post # 62 and what I have said anything wrong?

do you care to explain or to re-phrase # 62 which I didnt understand what you said?! or if my guessing in the followup post is correct then forget it!
do you care to explain or to re-phrase # 62 which I didnt understand what you said?! or if my guessing in the followup post is correct then forget it!
Yes I found it correct,I mean your attitude.India how it is who cares?
read the title of the thread
you are still not answering post # 62

Correct. The article quoted in my post # 71 hasnt mentioned anything about Kashmir and the mass graves and bloody upheavals there
So the % should be more than 40%
india is a brutal and hegemonial regime.
how can they open fire and kill Bangladeshis who crossed the borders albeit without permits?

I am not sure about exact number. But India is a big country with 1.2 billion population and most places are relatively peaceful, so 40% sounds too high.

India is brutal and hegemonical with mainly 3 sets of people,
- Advasi untouchables who are mainly revolting as Maoist rebels against upper caste injustice
- Muslim majority in Kashmir who want independence
- NE states population who want independence

As mentioned earlier, I am not sure how much potential there is for Maoists to disintegrate "mainland India", but they definitely have the potential to weaken Indian state and suck up precious resources so economic growth rate is reduced and control over restive regions such as Kashmir and NE states is reduced.

India also has about 200 million Muslims scattered and concentrated in different places, they are another huge oppressed minority population who are being discriminated against as a standard natural way of doing things in majority Hindu India. In 1947 Pakistan was created to avoid this oppressive majority Hindu rule, but Indians and their agent traitors and short sighted fools among our people and political leadership among us Bangladeshi's, managed to break Pakistan apart in 1971. And Bangladeshi emotional and short sighted people did not realize that surrounded on 3 sides by India, breaking our bond with Western wing (Pakistan) was a huge mistake.

About Bangladeshi's crossing the border to India and getting shot, there are cattle and drug smugglers that go back and forth regularly and they get fired on by Indian border guards when there is payment issues.

But a much bigger problem is, in Bangladesh Indians have essentially taken over the country using their agents and intelligence assets who have killed thousands of opposition activists in recent years. Everyday people who are independent minded and are against Indian control of Bangladesh, are being abducted, tortured and killed by Indian controlled security forces. As the largest so called democratic country, they have killed democracy in Bangladesh and installed their puppet dictator there.

Many people in the opposition are frustrated and upset about inaction from China. Everyone had high hopes that China would help us, but eventually we saw that China did nothing to help us and even recognized this newly "elected" govt., which was a sham and farcical election (Jan. 05, 2014) with no participation from opposition.

Capitalizing on Chinese inaction and absence, Indians have essentially infiltrated bought loyalty from people in every branch of our state, Armed forces, Political parties, Bureaucrats etc. If we can suffer like this just by being a neighbor and despite having our own so called "independent" country, I can only imagine what people in Kashmir and NE states are suffering from under Indian boot. I think much smaller Bhutan has a similar situation. Only Nepal and Sri Lanka seem to have resisted Indian hegemony to some extent and both places have significant Chinese presence.

China has a much bigger economy, a more developed population and a lot of technological lead over India, but at least in this region, India seem to have won in the geopolitical game, while China seems to be on the back foot. Not sure about the reason, but I think Chinese leadership need to pay attention to this region more and allocate resources if they want to secure their immediate neighborhood and protect Chinese as well as local people's interest from "mainland" India's aggressive imperialistic ambitions in area's where they truly do not belong and have no right to be present.
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I am not sure about exact number. But India is a big country with 1.2 billion population and most places are relatively peaceful, so 40% sounds too high.

India is brutal and hegemonical with mainly 3 sets of people,
- Advasi untouchables who are mainly revolting as Maoist rebels against upper caste injustice
- Muslim majority in Kashmir who want independence
- NE states population who want independence

As mentioned earlier, I am not sure how much potential there is for Maoists to disintegrate "mainland India", but they definitely have the potential to weaken Indian state and suck up precious resources so economic growth rate is reduced and control over restive regions such as Kashmir and NE states is reduced.

India also has about 200 million Muslims scattered and concentrated in different places, they are another huge oppressed minority population who are being discriminated against as a standard natural way of doing things in majority Hindu India. In 1947 Pakistan was created to avoid this oppressive majority Hindu rule, but Indians and their agent traitors and short sighted fools among our people and political leadership among us Bangladeshi's, managed to break Pakistan apart in 1971. And Bangladeshi emotional and short sighted people did not realize that surrounded on 3 sides by India, breaking our bond with Western wing (Pakistan) was a huge mistake.

About Bangladeshi's crossing the border to India and getting shot, there are cattle and drug smugglers that go back and forth regularly and they get fired on by Indian border guards when there is payment issues.

But a much bigger problem is, in Bangladesh Indians have essentially taken over the country using their agents and intelligence assets who have killed thousands of opposition activists in recent years. Everyday people who are independent minded and are against Indian control of Bangladesh, are being abducted, tortured and killed by Indian controlled security forces. As the largest so called democratic country, they have killed democracy in Bangladesh and installed their puppet dictator there.

Many people in the opposition are frustrated and upset about inaction from China. Everyone had high hopes that China would help us, but eventually we saw that China did nothing to help us and even recognized this newly "elected" govt., which was a sham and farcical election (Jan. 05, 2014) with no participation from opposition.

Capitalizing on Chinese inaction and absence, Indians have essentially infiltrated bought loyalty from people in every branch of our state, Armed forces, Political parties, Bureaucrats etc. If we can suffer like this just by being a neighbor and despite having our own so called "independent" country, I can only imagine what people in Kashmir and NE states are suffering from under Indian boot. I think much smaller Bhutan has a similar situation. Only Nepal and Sri Lanka seem to have resisted Indian hegemony to some extent and both places have significant Chinese presence.

China has a much bigger economy, a more developed population and a lot of technological lead over India, but at least in this region, India seem to have won in the geopolitical game, while China seems to be on the back foot. Not sure about the reason, but I think Chinese leadership need to pay attention to this region more and allocate resources if they want to secure their immediate neighborhood and protect Chinese as well as local people's interest from "mainland" India's aggressive imperialistic ambitions in area's where they truly do not belong and have no right to be present.

Thank you, very insightful!

the "40%" was written by the author of Global Research (post 71)
I am not a stranger to know of india's situations
Thank you again for your trust on China but I think we have had more than enough on our own plate right now
and I wonder if we interfere into the matter between Bangladesh and india, this will be perceived as meddling into the internal affairs of 2 countries. But I am sure we will strengthen Bangladesh's stance against the bully through economic and other means
Dont lose hope!

The title's first word confused me,I give up okay?
no worries!
Thank you, very insightful!

the "40%" was written by the author of Global Research (post 71)
I am not a stranger to know of india's situations
Thank you again for your trust on China but I think we have had more than enough on our own plate right now
and I wonder if we interfere into the matter between Bangladesh and india, this will be perceived as meddling into the internal affairs of 2 countries. But I am sure we will strengthen Bangladesh's stance against the bully through economic and other means
Dont lose hope!

Thank you for the words of hope for the future. Just wanted to mention one technicality that Bangladesh is still officially an independent and sovereign country (although the real situation on the ground is it is under virtual Indian occupation), so China has as much right to meddle as do India. 80-90% people of the country would rather support and welcome Chinese meddling so we can reduce Indian influence and eventually keep India out of our affairs.
Thank you for the words of hope for the future. Just wanted to mention one technicality that Bangladesh is still officially an independent and sovereign country (although the real situation on the ground is it is under virtual Indian occupation), so China has as much right to meddle as do India. 80-90% people of the country would rather support and welcome Chinese meddling so we can reduce Indian influence and eventually keep India out of our affairs.

Many thanks!
The future of the country is in the people's hands!
How are the chances of Bangladesh to reunite with Pakistan like E and W Germany did?

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