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‘China given evidence of its aid to NE insurgents’

You may find the answer to above question here:
Maoist Insurgency in India: Emerging Vulnerabilities - globalECCO
Long Live Mao: Modern Insurgency in the Republic of India | Small Wars Journal
India’s Approach to Counterinsurgency and the Naxalite Problem | NewAmerica.org

Kashmir as a disputed territory is in play as well as NE states due to difficult access, but the insurgencies in rest of "mainland India" will at best undermine Indian economic growth rate and at worst destabilize the entire "mainland India" bringing it closer to a failed state which over time may become ripe for disintegration. Once there are too many fires in too many places, it will be difficult for the state to put theb

of the people of the region (230 million in Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and NE states) to reach the masses will be important, just like Radio Free Europe played a role in bringing down the Soviet bloc in Eastern Europe.

and then you woke up, right?

Billi Ko Khwab Mein Chhichde Hi Nazar Aate Hai
Thank you for the words of hope for the future. Just wanted to mention one technicality that Bangladesh is still officially an independent and sovereign country (although the real situation on the ground is it is under virtual Indian occupation), so China has as much right to meddle as do India. 80-90% people of the country would rather support and welcome Chinese meddling so we can reduce Indian influence and eventually keep India out of our affairs.

There have been instances of bangladeshi's ruling party sympathizers being referred to as "dalal's" on the forum which roughly translates into broker, or construed as "pimp"

Now your rhetoric is to invite china to "meddle" in your own country... i have never heard of such nationalism which is quite ready to invite others "meddle" in their out of misconstrued fears...

The popular term for such people dealing in such offers are even more derogatory than the frequently used "dalal" on the forum. I hope you get the gist.

As far as disintegration of India is concerned, your theory is nothing more than wallowing in self pity.
Many thanks!
The future of the country is in the people's hands!
How are the chances of Bangladesh to reunite with Pakistan like E and W Germany did?

You are welcome!

A reunification will be difficult as there will be enough opposition from some people in both countries and it may not even be that important, but many people who drank the Indian Koolaid and thought 1971 separation was a good idea, have already come back to their senses. A decorated well known military leader from 1971 war, Kader Siddiqui, declared recently that it took him 42 years to understand India's reason for pushing and promoting our so called "independence" in 1971. Now he thinks that it was a bad idea that weakened the security of our country and people:
Kader Siddique - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

With recent naked Indian aggression inside our country (using their agents), we know more than ever, why India wanted us to separate from Pakistan, so it can weaken both wings of then Pakistan and try to make us a vassal state under full Indian control.

This Indian virtual occupation will continue for at least 5 years till next election or even more till Hasina (64), the current Prime Minister and the leader of Awami League (pro India political party), is too old to hold power:
Sheikh Hasina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And in a way it is good, more lessons for our clueless masses from misrule by Hasina and other Indian agents. This interim time should be used for preparation for the future by building public opinion against India and their agents.

Once these pro-India forces can be defeated and the real voices of the people come back to power, Bangladesh should and will get closer to Pakistan, as we share many things, specially the biggest existential threat which is our big bully neighbor. Essentially with the right amount of support, Bangladesh will go back to the role of being an eastern Pakistan and secure Chinese and mutual geopolitical interest of 230 million people of this region in Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and NE states, all of whom are currently suffering due to aggression of "mainland India".

Please note that for the three land locked entities (Nepal, Bhutan and NE states), Bangladesh provides the crucial alternate possibility of sea access via our sea ports, for which they are currently dependent on India, where the ports are much farther than Bangladesh ports.
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You are welcome!

A reunification will be difficult as there will be enough opposition from some people in both countries and it may not even be that important, but many people who drank the Indian Koolaid and thought 1971 separation was a good idea, have already come back to their senses. A decorated well known military leader from 1971 war, Kader Siddiqui, declared recently that it took him 42 years to understand India's reason for pushing and promoting our so called "independence" in 1971. Now he thinks that it was a bad idea that weakened the security of our country and people:
Kader Siddique - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

With recent naked Indian aggression inside our country (using their agents), we know more than ever, why India wanted us to separate from Pakistan, so it can weaken both wings of then Pakistan and try to make us a vassal state under full Indian control.

This Indian virtual occupation will continue for at least 5 years till next election or even more till Hasina (64), the current Prime Minister and the leader of Awami League (pro India political party), is too old to hold power. And in a way it is good, more lessons for our clueless masses from misrule by Hasina and other Indian agents. This interim time should be used for preparation for the future by building public opinion against India and their agents.

Once these pro-India forces can be defeated and the real voices of the people come back to power, Bangladesh should and will get closer to Pakistan, as we share many things, specially the biggest existential threat which is our big bully neighbor. Essentially with the right amount of support, Bangladesh will go back to the role of being an eastern Pakistan and secure Chinese and mutual geopolitical interest of 230 million people of this region in Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and NE states, all of whom are currently suffering due to aggression of "mainland India".

Please note that for the three land locked entities (Nepal, Bhutan and NE states), Bangladesh provides the crucial alternate possibility of sea access via our sea ports, for which they are currently dependent on India, where the ports are much farther than Bangladesh ports.

if China actively involves in Bangladesh's politics it is like what is exploding in Ukraine today as you have enough people and leaders who follow indians policies

As for the land locked states and regions, Bangladesh is an excellent escape route for them so your building up of closer ties with them are just natural things to happen
if China actively involves in Bangladesh's politics it is like what is exploding in Ukraine today as you have enough people and leaders who follow indians policies

As for the land locked states and regions, Bangladesh is an excellent escape route for them so your building up of closer ties with them are just natural things to happen

The situation in Ukraine is not comparable, because there is significant Russian speaking population concentrated in eastern half of the country who can breakaway. While in Bangladesh the main support group for India are:
- 9% Hindu population
- 1-5% Awami League supporters and activists
and they are scattered through out the country unlike Ukraine.

The overwhelming 85-90% Muslim Bangladeshi's will support China and Chinese role in Bangladesh.

And I am not saying that something drastic should be be done. Chinese role should be built up in phases starting with the right political parties, TV and print media and key personnel within the state institutions. India took 5 decades to come to this level in Bangladesh landmass today so it will take time, at least a few decades for China to build up presence. Its a matter of buying up people, most of whom sell their soul for pittance. But if it is done for the right cause, which is to secure the future of the people and the country, then there will be a lot of people who will come aboard even without incentives.

People in Nepal, Bhutan and NE states already know well that Bangladesh is an alternate escape route for them, but without active Chinese role, none of them see hope for such a future.
The situation in Ukraine is not comparable, because there is significant Russian speaking population concentrated in eastern half of the country who can breakaway. While in Bangladesh the main support group for India are:
- 9% Hindu population
- 1-5% Awami League supporters and activists
and they are scattered through out the country unlike Ukraine.

The overwhelming 85-90% Muslim Bangladeshi's will support China and Chinese role in Bangladesh.

And I am not saying that something drastic should be be done. Chinese role should be built up in phases starting with the right political parties, TV and print media and key personnel within the state institutions. India took 5 decades to come to this level in Bangladesh landmass today so it will take time, at least a few decades for China to build up presence. Its a matter of buying up people, most of whom sell their soul for pittance. But if it is done for the right cause, which is to secure the future of the people and the country, then there will be a lot of people who will come aboard even without incentives.

People in Nepal, Bhutan and NE states already know well that Bangladesh is an alternate escape route for them, but without active Chinese role, none of them see hope for such a future.

Based on your warm and friendly endorsement it is worthwhile that both of us should meet at the highest governmental levels so that more involved cooperations can be mapped out
Let us strenghen the camaraderie through trade, cultural, educational and scientific exchanges and bring our cooperations to higher levels!
But just a matter of interests why a pro indian government was elected at all?
Based on your warm and friendly endorsement it is worthwhile that both of us should meet at the highest governmental levels so that more involved cooperations can be mapped out
Let us strenghen the camaraderie through trade, cultural, educational and scientific exchanges and bring our cooperations to higher levels!
But just a matter of interests why a pro indian government was elected at all?

Briefly this is the chain of events:

- anti-India opposition BNP-Jamat was elected govt. from beginning of 2002 to 2006 end led by Khaleda Zia:
Khaleda Zia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
essentially the two key personalities, KZ a former house wife and her son, Tarique Rahman, a sort of spoiled child, their incompetence and short-sighted ways caused the loss of the country to India and their puppet Hasina
- with the excuse of US supported War on Terror, with Indian behind the scenes advice, an elite anti-terror security force RAB (Rapid Action Battalion) was created with combination of officers from Armed forces and Police forces
- using this force India eliminated many loyal BNP party activists in extra judicial killing, right under the nose of KZ, this is how India weakened BNP
- right before election in 2007, Awami League created political disturbance and a traitor Indian agent Army cheif of staff Gen. Moeen took over power and kept power for 2 years
- during these 2 years BNP was further weakened by the Armed forces under Indian advice
- 2009 election was widely known as rigged by this Gen. Moeen so pro-India Hasina of AL could win
- Now Indian agent Hasina had 2/3 majority in Parliament from this fake election, so they went on and abolished a key provision, Care Taker Govt. from the constitution:
Caretaker government - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Caretaker government of Bangladesh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- in 2009 India, Hasina and Gen. Moeen eliminated 57 Army officers who could stand in the way of full Indian control of Bangladesh:
Bangladesh Rifles revolt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- with the above and further removal of anti-India and patriotic armed forces officers, Armed forces are now fully loyal to India and Hasina (I have connection with retired armed forces officers and know the inside story)
- ULFA activists were caught and handed over to India by Hasina (Paresh Barua escaped)
United Liberation Front of Assam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- during 2013, BNP-Jamat opposition sensed that India and their agent Hasina want to rig this election as there is no Caretaker govt. (CTG) and the election will be held under Hasina govt., so they decided to boycott the Jan. 5 election if there is no CTG
- in 2013 Hasina govt. conducted several massacres - peaceful protesters were gunned down, opposition party activists were imprisoned, tortured and killed, all under instruction from India behind the scenes. In total thousands lost their lives.
- in 2014 Jan. 5, there were 1-5% voter participation, 150+ out of 300+ positions, people were selected 30 days before the election, since there was no competing candidates

So this is how they won the "election", because it was no real election, but a sham and farcical one, with no opposition participation and less than 5% people voting. But you will not hear much about it, because Bangladesh media is under Indian control and India is promoting them as the legitimate govt.

Bangladesh is now an open air Indian prison, worse than Gaza, at least they have their own rulers, but we are ruled by Indian agents who eliminate and kill anyone who they feel could be a threat to their existence. 85-90% Bangladeshi's know this, but cannot do anything because the Army, Security forces, TV and print media is under their full control.
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Briefly this is the chain of events:

- anti-India opposition BNP-Jamat was elected govt. from beginning of 2002 to 2006 end led by Khaleda Zia:
Khaleda Zia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
essentially the two key personalities, KZ a former house wife and her son, Tarique Rahman, a sort of spoiled child, their incompetence and short-sighted ways caused the loss of the country to India and their puppet Hasina
- with the excuse of US supported War on Terror, with Indian behind the scenes advice, an elite anti-terror security force RAB (Rapid Action Battalion) was created with combination of officers from Armed forces and Police forces
- using this force India eliminated many loyal BNP party activists in extra judicial killing, right under the nose of KZ, this is how India weakened BNP
- right before election in 2007, Awami League created political disturbance and a traitor Indian agent Army cheif of staff Gen. Moeen took over power and kept power for 2 years
- during these 2 years BNP was further weakened by the Armed forces under Indian advice
- 2009 election was widely known as rigged by this Gen. Moeen so pro-India Hasina of AL could win
- Now Indian agent Hasina had 2/3 majority in Parliament from this fake election, so they went on and abolished a key provision, Care Taker Govt. from the constitution:
Caretaker government - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Caretaker government of Bangladesh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- in 2009 India, Hasina and Gen. Moeen eliminated 57 Army officers who could stand in the way of full Indian control of Bangladesh:
Bangladesh Rifles revolt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- with the above and further removal of anti-India and patriotic armed forces officers, Armed forces are now fully loyal to India and Hasina (I have connection with retired armed forces officers and know the inside story)
- ULFA activists were caught and handed over to India by Hasina (Paresh Barua escaped)
United Liberation Front of Assam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- during 2013, BNP-Jamat opposition sensed that India and their agent Hasina want to rig this election as there is no Caretaker govt. (CTG) and the election will be held under Hasina govt., so they decided to boycott the Jan. 5 election if there is no CTG
- in 2013 Hasina govt. conducted several massacres - peaceful protesters were gunned down, opposition party activists were imprisoned, tortured and killed, all under instruction from India behind the scenes. In total thousands lost their lives.
- in 2014 Jan. 5, there were 1-5% voter participation, 150+ out of 300+ positions, people were selected 30 days before the election, since there was no competing candidates

So this is how they won the "election", because it was no real election, but a sham and farcical one, with no opposition participation and less than 5% people voting. But you will not hear much about it, because Bangladesh media is under Indian control and India is promoting them as the legitimate govt.

Bangladesh is now an open air Indian prison, worse than Gaza, at least they have their own rulers, but we are ruled by Indian agents who eliminate and kill anyone who they feel could be a threat to their existence. 85-90% Bangladeshi's know this, but cannot do anything because the Army, Security forces, TV and print media is under their full control.

Right now Bangladesh's government is like Bhutan or Nepal

Bangladesh is situated at the estuary delta, you need to spend a sizeable portion of your budget building infrastructures to fight against natural disasters that frequently ravage your country
Yes I seldom to see the ravage of floods on TV and I can not tell differences between Indian and Bangladeshi.
Right now Bangladesh's government is like Bhutan or Nepal

Bangladesh is situated at the estuary delta, you need to spend a sizeable portion of your budget building infrastructures to fight against natural disasters that frequently ravage your country

Yes, current Bangladesh govt. is Indian puppet.

Most of Bangladesh land is low lying delta. So we get problems from two sides. Tidal waves during cyclone from Bay of Bengal and flood from too much rain during monsoon in Bangladesh and the NE states. We are also loosing land due to sea level rise from global warming.

Eventually it will become a densely populated manufacturing zone with agriculture in remaining land. So we will need a lot of infrastructure for water management.

But none of that will happen if India keeps controlling politics in Bangladesh. I think China-Myanmar relation need to improve first and only then we will see some change in NE states, when Myanmar becomes more sympathetic to their cause without worrying about backlash from India. So things has to start from Myanmar end. But then US pivot is standing in the way there. So as long as US is going along with this crazy pivot, things may not improve.
Yes, current Bangladesh govt. is Indian puppet.

Most of Bangladesh land is low lying delta. So we get problems from two sides. Tidal waves during cyclone from Bay of Bengal and flood from too much rain during monsoon in Bangladesh and the NE states. We are also loosing land due to sea level rise from global warming.

Eventually it will become a densely populated manufacturing zone with agriculture in remaining land. So we will need a lot of infrastructure for water management.

But none of that will happen if India keeps controlling politics in Bangladesh. I think China-Myanmar relation need to improve first and only then we will see some change in NE states, when Myanmar becomes more sympathetic to their cause without worrying about backlash from India. So things has to start from Myanmar end. But then US pivot is standing in the way there. So as long as US is going along with this crazy pivot, things may not improve.


Bangladesh is situated in a low lying area where the rivers are both blessings and curses like many other rivers in the world
It is one of the best places for agriculture and navigation as well
May be Bangladesh is already doing it if not start mobilising your people to reinforce the banks, to build a lot of dykes, barriers dams, catchwaters, channels, canals etc to effectively manage the river and irrigation
I think this is your top priority

We can borrow many cutting-edge engineering ideas and constructions from Holland:


The Maeslant Barrier
Credit: english-online.at
What is happening in Bangladesh, NE states and Myanmar are tied together. There is struggle for control of this region by various actors:
Burma Ready To Play Ball With US
Great Game East: India, China And The Struggle For Asia’s Most Volatile Frontier
India’s Treacherous Northeast
Is China Backing Indian Insurgents? | The Diplomat

My own personal views, India is trying to take advantage of US Pivot to Asia in this theater. India has a 14 mile wide connection to NE states (Siliguri corridor):
Siliguri Corridor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


sorry for above wrong map, as Azad Kashmir is shown included in India, but this is expected as it is from an Indian site describing Indian nightmare scenario of Chinese-Pakistani two front invasion of India, perhaps at a good moment when NE population rise up and revolt against Indian occupation:
Nightmare 2012: Chinese Special Forces cut off Siliguri corridor

Correct map:

So justifiably Indians are nervous about their hold on Indian Occupied NE states (IONE) just as they are nervous about IOK (Indian Occupied Kashmir). While there is close to 800,000 armed and security forces in IOK, there is close to 600,000 in IONE. India has installed a puppet dictator in Bangladesh against Bangladesh people's will, who is helping India to catch NE rebels in Bangladesh landmass. Also India uses this same puppet to create bad relation with Myanmar. I think India is instigating anti-Muslim Buddhist radicals to create anti-Muslim riots and killings (Rohingya as well as Chinese origin Muslims). Speaking of creating anti-Muslim opinion, I have a suspicion that some countries do not want Chinese to get close to Muslim majority countries of the world, so I would not be surprised if one or more these countries had some hand behind Xinjiang incidents - India, US and Russia. No Muslim nations would be interested to pick a fight with China (their biggest potential ally) and stoke the Xinjiang insurgency and would do anything to eliminate this nuisance.

As the US looses their edge in next one or two decades, China needs to reorganize this region in cooperation with ASEAN countries and reduce undue Indian influence in this region. And only logical way to do that is bringing Myanmar under full Chinese control together with other ASEAN heavy weight countries like Indonesia and Malaysia. Once Myanmar is out of Indo-US sphere of influence, then it will be easy to push for NE states independence and free this 50 million people (the same size of population as Myanmar) from Indian yoke. If such a feat can be achieved, under a Sino-ASEAN regional negotiation, Bangladesh may make a deal with Myanmar about Rohingya, in return for the inclusion of Bangladesh among the group of nations under Chinese sphere of influence, together with the ASEAN group.

The possibilities look good for the future for this region, but for now China needs to gain strength, prepare the ground work and wait for the US to loose comparative strength.

@Wholegrain , would appreciate your kind opinion on above.

Nepal has a large part of the population with strong anti-Indian feelings, even though those Nepalese are Hindu. You haven't mentioned Nepal anywhere in your analysis, it plays a big role in India security concerns around the chicken's neck area.
Nepal has a large part of the population with strong anti-Indian feelings, even though those Nepalese are Hindu. You haven't mentioned Nepal anywhere in your analysis, it plays a big role in India security concerns around the chicken's neck area.

I have mentioned Nepal and Bhutan in these two posts:
‘China given evidence of its aid to NE insurgents’ | Page 5
‘China given evidence of its aid to NE insurgents’ | Page 6

I am interested to hear your kind opinion about the topic of this article:

Specially about page 12, 13 and 14. Only with a change in Chinese policy of noninterference, I can see things changing in North East South-Asia - Myanmar theater. China is not in a position to confront the Western Pivot (to Asia) yet, but preparations should be made. A "democratic India" is working to install and keep their puppet dictator in Bangladesh, so it should not be difficult to imagine "a one party state" PRC to support "democracy" where it fits China's geopolitical interest. Ukraine is also a great model for South Tibet integration. All of these are of course linked with what is happening and will happen in Myanmar, Nepal and Bhutan. When Myanmar, Nepal and Bhutan have been solved, then it would not be difficult to solve problems in NE states and Bangladesh. The demographics in the 230 million people of this region is in China's favor, but China needs to take matters in its own hand, slowly working from within the region. I am hoping the big embassy staff in these countries are collecting data and monitoring the situation and the politburo in Beijing are paying attention and soon we will see results in the field, but looking at the present situation, things look a bit disappointing. If things do not start changing in the right direction in time, the opposing forces and their influence in this region I am afraid will become too entrenched to dislodge and remove. Time and tide wait for no one.
TIME AND TIDE WAIT FOR NO ONE | Essays and articles
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