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China gets 40-year rights at Pakistani port

Sounds good, but I believe most of the money which Pakistan will get through Gawadr port should be spend on Balochistan province & people of Balochistan, they deserve it & the province should be developed at rapid pace.
The real nightmare is that a country like Pakistan becoming a modern, and one of the top 20 economies. Pakistan is 4-5 times smaller than India, and with 5 times less population. So it'll require significantly less capital and growth to cross India, in terms of quality of life, and richness (take an example of Dubai or Singapore).

But the real issue is, if Pakistan's economy crosses 1.5 or 1.9+ trillion dollars GDP, that would allow them to take their defense budget to $ 15-20 billion (already expected by 2021-2025). So if that happens, what are the regional implications?

With $ 15-20 billion defense budget, a 4-5 times smaller country can have a big enough air force and big enough of a navy that it can pretty much match India's Pakistan specific forces, by 1:1.25 (1.25 for India). Even if India decided to leave her other areas empty (crazy idea), and go for an all out war with Pakistan, it would be very difficult to win, as there won't be a whole lot of gap in capability, and India still has to protect herself from China, etc.

$ 15-20 billion worth of defense budget existing for just a few years, can buy a LOT of modern weapons and can create a very superior force (specially, with Pakistan's ability to produce many weapons internally). Similarly, with this much budget, Pakistan's navy, facing the Indian fleet towards Pakistan (not including an aircraft carrier for apples to apples comparison), will be only 10-15% less in numbers. Which is marginal. So India loses all these military advantages she may have right now.

Now add another dimension to this, another one of the fastest growing economy, still cheaper than India, right on India's doorsteps, supported by the Chinese and the new relationships that Pakistan will form by then (with Russia, Central Russian States, African nations, the West, etc). So its an interesting situation for India. Just the Chinese trade route alone, will start to generate enough money every year that it'll take care of Pakistan's budget gaps and losses right now, through taxes, new cities which will form around the trade route, hundreds of thousands of new businesses, jobs, schools, universities, hospitals, etc, etc.

Note that Mexico's GDP is around $ 1.2 trillion and Australia's is $ 1.4 Trillion, with KSA at $ 777 Billion, but all these countries are 20-30 times smaller in terms of the Pakistani population. So there is no doubt that Pakistan can't grow her economy to $ 1.5+ trillion.

If only pigs can fly.
Sounds good, but I believe most of the money which Pakistan will get through Gawadr port should be spend on Balochistan province & people of Balochistan, they deserve it & the province should be developed at rapid pace.

Agreed 100%. Indian sponsored terror in Baluchistan can also be squeezed that way.

Yes. This coming from a country that has a bright future.

Why else would you be participating in this particular thread? It does worry you... Admit it.
Agreed 100%. Indian sponsored terror in Baluchistan can also be squeezed that way.
There is going to be no development in Baluchistan. China wants the port just to build a naval base. Not for development of Pakistan.

Agreed 100%. Indian sponsored terror in Baluchistan can also be squeezed that way.

Why else would you be participating in this particular thread? It does worry you... Admit it.
I am not worried. I am a messenger on new India under Modi.
:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha: :stop::stop: I've been to many, many places in my life. Many cultures, people and all. There are two things that happen everywhere you go, the Arabs, no matter where they live, hate the Israelis. Indians, no matter where they live, where they work, etc, hate the Pakistanis. Its just the truth and very natural. There is no if or but around it.

It is as obvious as daylight. On the one hand these Indians pretend that they don't care about Pakistan. Yet, when you look at their sheer numbers on Pakistani forums and topics you come to an entirely different conclusion. Hypocrites and liars are the only words coming to my mind. They not only care, but are overly obsessed with anything Pakistan attached to it. Just look at this thread for example... How hard these slum dog dwellers are trying to convince us...
We are not obsessed. We are here to educate Pakistan.

Of course not... You are just here to serve tea...

There is going to be no development in Baluchistan. China wants the port just to build a naval base. Not for development of Pakistan.

I am not worried. I am a messenger on new India under Modi.

You don't know anything about Gwadar, China or Pakistan. You are just a jealous meaningless foreigner. Your opinion means zilch to us Pakistanis. Gwadar is going to be a huge success. As a slum dog Indian you are terrified of this prospect.

Fvck you and Modi.
Pakistan Roads.jpg
You an Indian by any chance? That would explain a lot regarding your swallow problems...

No I'm not Indian. It's just a huge deal to give a foreign country so much power over your land and it can be a risky thing too. I think the reason for handing it over to China is not because China is an expert, I think it's because the current Pakistani government is clueless on what to do with the land.
Money will come to invest(Aid) from China
Contract will come to China
Labours will come from China
Remittance go back to China
Unlimited free access for ship goes to China
And Pak pay back Aid money with interest ?? Right ??
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