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China gets 40-year rights at Pakistani port

Americans are going away from you so does the Saudi Arabia .Even if the things get normal between u and the gulf countries the damage is already done in terms of trust

USA has never been a friend of Pakistan. All countries care for their own interest. KSA is going nowhere, neither the gulf countries, don't take media too seriously, media is a tool used by elites to fool the general public. China is not stupid, making an enemy out of a nuclear powered neighbor is just an stupid move. They know what Pakistan did to US in Afghanistan. China is even friends with NK, they have to maintain a positive image in the region to ascend to greatness, so does India and so does Pakistan. They are not our that big of friends as Pakistanis suppose them to be, but they are not as evil as Indians think either.

Besides can you please point me to any article from a neutral source which considers this deal a colonization technique. India is hostile towards both Pakistan and China and hence their views cannot be considered seriously.
Wow, I don't know so many Chinese ports are among top. I think AIIB can also help developing countries build world-class ports.
And I couldn't really understand Modi's strategy, using most money to buy stuff instead of building their own(they seem to have Make in India strategy). They need build more ports and expressways connecting ports to factories.

What do you mean by but stuff
Modis man strategy is to build up
Indian infra fast & invite Manufactring from all over the world to India

What are those strategic requirements?

Thanks for the link. The biggest Indian port was JNPT with a volume of 4.161M TEU, ranked #34 according to World Shipping Council, behind SL's Colombo Port (undergoing expansion). Total for whole of India (13 major ports, 200 notified minor and intermediate ports) was 7.465M TEU, about 4% of China's volume.

Despite India has a very underdeveloped manufacturing base and a very low trade clout, given the size of population some works need to be done to boost the infrastructures like ports.

According to new strategy there is a renewed focus on infra development all over india & we will see results in a couple of years
For eg
During the previous regime average road construction speed was 2 kM per day now it is 14 KM a day in just 10 months& we are aiming to achieve 30 km per day
Keep the funds in AIIB to finance chinese companies one they become bankrupt due to the coming Chinese economic collapse.

@MilSpec What's your view?

According to new strategy there is a renewed focus on infra development all over india & we will see results in a couple of years
For eg
During the previous regime average road construction speed was 2 kM per day now it is 14 KM a day in just 10 months& we are aiming to achieve 30 km per day

Thanks for the info, please allow me to go off-topic for a while. Indeed roads (urban and rural), and Expressways (controlled-access), are surely an important infrastructure we can discuss. By now India has 1,208 km~1,324 km of expressways, that's like 1.1% of China's 111,950 km, why is India so underdeveloped in this arena?

Back to topic, by measurement in TEU, the whole country of India's capacity (13 major ports + 200 notified minor and intermediate ports) is only 7.465M, less than one Xiamen Port (which only ranks #10 within China), how does this happen given similar population size? What are the future plans in terms of TEU volume?
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@MilSpec What's your view?

Thanks for the info, please allow me to go off-topic for a while. Indeed roads (urban and rural), and Expressways (controlled-access), are surely an important infrastructure we can discuss. By now India has 1,208 km~1,324 km of expressways, that's like 1.1% of China's 111,950 km, why is India so underdeveloped in this arena?

Back to topic, by measurement in TEU, the whole country of India's capacity (13 major ports + 200 notified minor and intermediate ports) is only 7.465M, less than one Xiamen Port (which only ranks #10 within China), how does this happen given similar population size? What are the future plans in terms of TEU volume?
You know building control-access expressway is not merely about construction but a comprehensive project, cement and steel, tunnel and bridge, how to cope with extreme weather, etc. We have built the most difficult expressways in geologically complicated regions like western Hubei(G42 national expressway) . And we can use our expertise to help other developing countries design best expressways with financial support from AIIB.
@MilSpec What's your view?

Thanks for the info, please allow me to go off-topic for a while. Indeed roads (urban and rural), and Expressways (controlled-access), are surely an important infrastructure we can discuss. By now India has 1,208 km~1,324 km of expressways, that's like 1.1% of China's 111,950 km, why is India so underdeveloped in this arena?

Back to topic, by measurement in TEU, the whole country of India's capacity (13 major ports + 200 notified minor and intermediate ports) is only 7.465M, less than one Xiamen Port (which only ranks #10 within China), how does this happen given similar population size? What are the future plans in terms of TEU volume?

I can answer your question in single sentence
Corny capitalism combined with Socialism & Communism
Thankfully the situation is now improving & the new govt is on war footing to build infra of almost every kind,also Sino-Indian relations are quite strong as opposed to what you see on PDF
Eg us joining AIIB as a founding member

As for your port question demand & supply comrade
Since the independence we never quite focused on exports so what ever capacity you see now (a major part of it) was built from in the last 20 years under a shitty govt for most of the time
I can answer your question in single sentence
Corny capitalism combined with Socialism & Communism
Thankfully the situation is now improving & the new govt is on war footing to build infra of almost every kind,also Sino-Indian relations are quite strong as opposed to what you see on PDF
Eg us joining AIIB as a founding member

As for your port question demand & supply comrade
Since the independence we never quite focused on exports so what ever capacity you see now (a major part of it) was built from in the last 20 years under a shitty govt for most of the time

Thanks for your reply, simple and precise. I used to assume that the progress of infrastructure development in India would be roughly in accordance to the GDP, i.e. 1/5 of China's, and hence I was quite stunned to find out the staggering difference in reality.

And you are right, AIIB could be a useful platform to boost infrastructure development, which is the very purpose of its establishment. The obstacle would be hostility towards China or China-led investment.

Other than infrastructures in Pakistan, focus of this thread, some countries are experiencing fast development. Sri Lanka is a very good example, here are a short-list of infrastructures (that has Chinese involvement):
Bangladesh is also progressing fast.


China offers Bangladesh soft loans of $15-20b
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I wonder if at the end of 40 years China will hand Gwadar back to Pakistan as nicely as the Brits handed H.K. back to China.
@MilSpec What's your view?

I am not sure of the road map of this port project, If it brings economic development to Pakistan and China then it is a great development and I wholeheartedly welcome it, If it intends to create a security risk for Indian Navy by stationing PLAAN platforms for bolstering PN capabilities, Surveillance of Indian systems, and a proxy deterrence against India , then it will be a big cause for concern for us.
Thanks for your reply, simple and precise. I used to assume that the progress of infrastructure development in India would be roughly in accordance to the GDP, i.e. 1/5 of China's, and hence I was quite stunned to find out the staggering difference in reality.

And you are right, AIIB could be a useful platform to boost infrastructure development, which is the very purpose of its establishment. The obstacle would be hostility towards China or China-led investment.

Other than infrastructures in Pakistan, focus of this thread, some countries are experiencing fast development. Sri Lanka is a very good example, here are a short-list of infrastructures (that has Chinese involvement):
Bangladesh is also progressing fast.


China offers Bangladesh soft loans of $15-20b

Infrastructure in india is dominated largely by the Japanese till now the good news is there is a lot of room for growth & china can make huge bucks by participating in India Infra development & Make in India
At the sane time it would be really appreciated if you would allow us greater market access in Pharma,Agriculture & IT
Also keep in mind that the main drivers of
In the 80's you did have a big rental fleet from the US and US bases all over pakistan, how did that work out for you?

Yes frigates were leased and returned in mid 90s. So your point in saying 'how did that work out for you'?
as if indian navy never leased any subs from russia.
Like u make no sense right here.
@MilSpec What's your view?

Thanks for the info, please allow me to go off-topic for a while. Indeed roads (urban and rural), and Expressways (controlled-access), are surely an important infrastructure we can discuss. By now India has 1,208 km~1,324 km of expressways, that's like 1.1% of China's 111,950 km, why is India so underdeveloped in this arena?

Back to topic, by measurement in TEU, the whole country of India's capacity (13 major ports + 200 notified minor and intermediate ports) is only 7.465M, less than one Xiamen Port (which only ranks #10 within China), how does this happen given similar population size? What are the future plans in terms of TEU volume?
Only 1200 km of express way in India is not true....I just traveled from Bangalore to Coimbatore (360 km) and out of 360 km 350 km was express way.......even there is Bangalore-Chennai and Bangalore-Hyderabad express also which will be around 1200 km it self.
now this routes are not even mentioned in Wiki
@MilSpec What's your view?

Thanks for the info, please allow me to go off-topic for a while. Indeed roads (urban and rural), and Expressways (controlled-access), are surely an important infrastructure we can discuss. By now India has 1,208 km~1,324 km of expressways, that's like 1.1% of China's 111,950 km, why is India so underdeveloped in this arena?

Back to topic, by measurement in TEU, the whole country of India's capacity (13 major ports + 200 notified minor and intermediate ports) is only 7.465M, less than one Xiamen Port (which only ranks #10 within China), how does this happen given similar population size? What are the future plans in terms of TEU volume?

What you call a expressway??

4/6 lane highways right??

So this is the official government data from 2010

National Highways/Expressway 70,934 km
State Highways 1,54,522 km
Major and Other District Roads 25,77,396 km
Rural Roads 14,33,577 km

Annual Report 2010-2011 - Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Government of India
We need to have multi-lines connection with China via Gilgit.

One pink line is not enough. 4-5 lines would be strong enough to double our economy.
That's because of high low terrain region with lots of mountains that's why I don't think if ot can be more thAn one route through there....it's difficult to find a way through GB to China..
Listen pal! You can use China as a crutch when trying to stand up to India.

But the fact remains that without them your nation is pretty much an example of a failed state.

Now selling yourself to the highest bidder in order to stand up to India may make you feel proud. I guess you were converted at some point by the sword so psychologically have lost all self respect and will worship any new master.

So we can therefore fathom your relationship to your new master.

Indian sour grape of Sino-Pakistan cooperation:rofl:, China has all weather friend relation with Pakistan for over 50 years :pakistan:and not Master-slave as you claim to be, we have never lecture Pakistan internal affaire nor favor any party within Pakistan, any party come into power we will welcome them regardlessly....Sino-Pak relation is unique in this world and have make Indians so envy because India has no reliable friend beside been disposed by US or USSR when it serve no purpose.:disagree:

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