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China for greater Indian role in United Nations' Security Council


Feb 25, 2009
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China for greater Indian role in United Nations' Security Council
Chinese President Hu Jintao on Thursday declared Beijing's support for India's candidacy for a non-permanent seat in the United Nations' Security Council for 2011-12. This is expected to lead to China backing India's bid for a permanent seat in SC.
Seen as a breakthrough in India-China relations, Beijing's support for "India's aspiration for a greater, substantial role in the UN" followed a meeting between President Pratibha Devisingh Patil and Jintao at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.
The Great Hall, on the western edge of Tiananmen Square, is China's political hub. It functions as the headquarters of the National People's Congress as well as the parliament of the People's Republic of China.
"Our President specifically raised the (SC) point. China said it understands and supports India's aspiration for greater role in the UN, particularly the SC. And it has sought India's cooperation for reforming and expanding the SC," Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao said in a briefing.
Expansion of SC means room for India as a permanent member, something New Delhi has been pursuing for years. The shot at the non-permanent seat for 2011-12 has given New Delhi a reason to up the ante.
"Our assessment is that the Chinese leadership was not guarded or diplomatic in supporting India's UN aspiration. They said they were listening very carefully to what we say, and that there was a legitimacy in our bid for permanent seat in the SC," Rao said.
She added Beijing's tone carried the cooperation India and China initiated at the Climate Change conference in Copenhagen and later at the BRIC (Brazil Russia India China caucus). "The undertone is to carry the cooperation to the next climate change conclave in Cancun (Mexico)."
Patil and Jintao "reiterated that the relationship between India and China was a diplomatic priority for both countries". The context of discussions between the two heads of states was "in keeping with" the 60th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic ties between New Delhi and Beijing.
Patil did touch up the boundary issue that needles the two countries off and on. Her counterpart agreed both countries needed to maintain peace and tranquility along the border pending settlement of the issues.
The meeting also focused on expanding bilateral trade. Beijing "understood" India's concern over increasing the volume of trade and addressing the adverse balance of trade. Bilateral trade, at present, is loaded heavily in favour of China.
The Patil-Jintao meeting culminated in the signing of an agreement and two MoUs. The agreement was on visa-free access to airlines staff of both countries. The MoUs were on cooperation in public administration and sports including anti-doping.
Earlier, rain saw Patil being given a guard of honour inside the Bei Da Ting (Northern Hall) of the Great Hall of the People. Visiting heads of state are normally welcomed ceremonially on the Dong Guangchang or courtyard facing Tiananmen Square.
Our Sri Lankan and Bangladeshi members are most apt in their observation that India is full of deceit and treachery.

After telecom, the Indian government is applying the brakes on the import of cheap Chinese power equipment that is hurting domestic manufacturers, since the Chinese government provides high subsidies to its power equipment suppliers.

Chinese power equipment manufactures have zeroed in on India's planned addition of 60,000 mega-watts of power capacity from 2007 to 2012 and hope to corner 30 per cent of the capacity by supplying equipment to local power companies at 15 per cent lower than what it would cost to source from Indian power manufacturers.

With equipment costs making up for almost 80 per cent of the cost of setting up a power plant, Chinese companies like Dongfang Electric Corporation, Shanghai Electric, Harbin Power Equipment Company Ltd and SEPCO are thriving in India due to the economies of scale, and the Chinese government's export subsidiesas and the undervalued yuan.

Domestic equipment manufacturers like state-owned BHEL and L&T have raised the issue of the advantages Chinese equipment suppliers have over them, with the Indian government.

Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham) has been asking the Indian government since June last year, to impose tariff barriers on Chinese power equipment imports.

The Chamber had said that domestic power equipment manufacturers have lost business opportunities to supply power equipment to Indian power producers of 50,000 MW of capacity.

Domestic power producers like Reliance ADAG, Adani and Jindal Power have placed orders with Chinese power equipment companies worth Rs2,50,000 crore since Chinese equipment are 10-15 per cent cheaper due to China subsidising its exports by completely exempting them from internal duties.
Assocham says, "Chinese government provides incentives and rebates of 14 per cent to it's power plant manufacturers for exports and at the same time when such power equipment is imported into India, it does not suffer from customs duty or countervailing duty (CVD) and special CVD, etc."

''On the other hand, Indian manufactured equipment, even when given 'deemed export' status for supply to specified projects, suffers duties and taxes to an extent of nearly 6 per cent of the equipment cost.''

According to Assocham, if Indian manufacturers have to export power equipment to China, the Chinese government imposes tariff and non-tariff barriers as high as over 50 per cent of equipment cost.

BHEL and L&T officials admit that Chinese companies have a 14 per cent price advantage over Indian companies.

India's current power generation capacity is 153,000 MW and expects to add an additional 62,000 MW by 2012, which has thrown up tremendous opportunities for power generation companies and equipment suppliers.

Since Indian power equipment companies do not have the capacity to meet local demand, domestic power producers have placed orders with Chinese firms for projects worth 44,000 MW.

Stae-owned BHEL, India's largest power equipment manufacturer, has annual manufacturing capapcity of of generation equipment of upto 10,000 MW and hopes to double this capacity to 20,000 MW. (See: BHEL to hire 4000 people a year amid expansion)

The government now wants local companies to enhance their capacities in order to meet its power generation targets for 11th and 12th five-year plans.

India is now bypassing Chinese companies in favour of local manufacturers as the government is also concerned about the Chinese companies bringing in their workforce into the country, which could pose an added security problem.
The government is also concerned about the operations, maintenance and availability of spare parts of Chinese power equipment sold in India, especially after many power companies complained of the cheap quality of Chinese equipment.

In 2008, the turbine blades at the 300-MW Sagardighi thermal power station in West Bengal supplied by Dongfang collapsed within weeks of the station commencing commercial generation.

Sterlite Industries, which had installed a 540-MW (4x135 MW) captive power plant using equipment supplied by SEPCO of China, was so unhappy with the equipment that it placed an advertisement in the papers seeking reputed and experienced agencies to help improve boiler availability and efficiency, review of design and to improve reliability and augmentation of output.

India is now trying to block Chinese power equipment imports just as it informally asked Indian mobile operators last month not to import and install any telecom equipment manufactured by Chinese companies like Huawei Technologies, and ZTE.
domain-b.com : After telecom, India halts Chinese power equipments suppliers

An overview of the so called Chinese fair trade practices.No wonder chinese exports flooding world over due to as many hidden subsidies and tax exemptions.. and ofcourse low quality is the key
Read it carefully...it says cheap and low quality chinese products:rofl:

We are not under an obligation to buy low standard products...BTW why didnt your country reached WTO in case of telecom ban and this ban?? Any idea??
Our Sri Lankan and Bangladeshi members are most apt in their observation that India is full of deceit and treachery.

Come on , we dont need to Lick Anyones foot to Get what we want, We wan the Chinese to Support us In UNSC seat, but at the same time we dont want to Degrade Ourselves....

Chinese too Like that attitude as , India is straight forward, Not praising in its front and Stabbing on the back, what ever we are doing we are doing it in front of them....

No Country would Question us For that Attitude Of Ours
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Our Sri Lankan and Bangladeshi members are most apt in their observation that India is full of deceit and treachery.

So what exactly is your point rehashing a currently discussed thread here?

Anyway, Sri Lankan and our BD members don't dictate Indo-Chinese policies. They made their observations based NOT on facts but their preconceived notions. And they are entitled to their views, just that their views shared by some other ill-informed members is not the reality.

Both India and China will look forward to and formulate policies to suit their own interests. Its good when some of the interests are identical and both will work together to achieve it.
Our Sri Lankan and Bangladeshi members are most apt in their observation that India is full of deceit and treachery.

I second that. Labor in India is dirt cheap comparing to China. Its probably the inefficient manufacturing processes that jacks up the cost. Then these cry babies run to the Govt. for help, "Mommy, Mommy, the Chinese are mean to us" .
I second that. Labor in India is dirt cheap comparing to China. Its probably the inefficient manufacturing processes that jacks up the cost. Then these cry babies run to the Govt. for help, "Mommy, Mommy, the Chinese are mean to us" .

Then Who do we complaint to? Should the Indian companies report to WTO and Sue both India and China??? I do not Know about bangladesh, but India is Happy with its Products and We are paving our path to growth.
I have never seen made in india anywhere in my life. I've bought more stuff made in Nicaragua or Jordan than made in India. What is made in india besides disease, call centers and babies?
Yes, sure, 100% indigenous Indians, what about those illegal ones in US, why don't all of you indigenous Indians stay in your lovely country? stop taking jobs away from us, we definite will have a better life without you "indigenous Indians", just go back to where you belong. :angry::usflag::usflag:
Indian illegal immigrants in US up 64 percent last decade | TopNews

Yup, thats exactly what we want, Please send 36% Of our Scientists working In NASA Back to India,30% of Doctors In USA are Indians,Indians own 50% of all economy lodges and 35% of all hotels in Your country...

Send them all Back, This proves that Our indigenous People are worth a Lot compared to Local's there... Why dont you Start a mass Protest to Kick them out??

Your country cannot afford to function without Indians...
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Yup, thats exactly what we want, Please send 36% Of our Scientists working In NASA Back to India,30% of Doctors In USA are Indians,Indians own 50% of all economy lodges and 35% of all hotels in Your country...

Send them all Back, This proves that Our indigenous People are worth a Lot compared to Local's there... Why dont you Start a mass Protest to Kick them out??

Your country cannot afford to function without Indians...

I am talking about "illegal Indian immigrant" in US here, speak up against an unfair competition, we are being out class by illegal Indian immigrants in their game of taking "Cheap pay".

The increasing rate of "illegal Indian immigrants" is just alarming, i got every right to show my concern as a common American.

And yes, you bet, we did organized protests against you "illegal immigrants" a good start to eliminate "unfair competition"
Arizona Illegal Immigrant Law Ignites Bay Area May Day Rally
Arizona Immigration Law SB 1070 Sparks Protest
Bikers protest against illegal immigration
I am talking about "illegal Indian immigrant" in US here, speak up against an unfair competition, we are being out class by illegal Indian immigrants in their game of taking "Cheap pay".

The increasing rate of "illegal Indian immigrants" is just alarming, i got every right to show my concern as a common American.

And yes, you bet, we did organized protests against you "illegal immigrants" a good start to eliminate "unfair competition"
Arizona Illegal Immigrant Law Ignites Bay Area May Day Rally
Arizona Immigration Law SB 1070 Sparks Protest
Bikers protest against illegal immigration

A good Move, But You must also Send back those who are professional and Are back bone to the Nation, Like scientists and doctors, you cannot be Selective in Picking up and throwing which You do not Like....

Your concern should be Expressed to Indian embassy there, whats the use talking to me here??

So you want our Educated people to run your country, but not poor. And About Cheap pay, your govt must do something about it, Those Illegal Indians which u call , How can U permit them to work without working visa? So your companies Are hiring them as they are cheap...
Yup, thats exactly what we want, Please send 36% Of our Scientists working In NASA Back to India,30% of Doctors In USA are Indians,Indians own 50% of all economy lodges and 35% of all hotels in Your country...

Send them all Back, This proves that Our indigenous People are worth a Lot compared to Local's there... Why dont you Start a mass Protest to Kick them out??

Your country cannot afford to function without Indians...

i thought those BS data had already been debunked many times on this forum alone? not again pls.
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