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China 'firmly opposes' PM Modi's Arunachal visit; India hits back

Cannot reply with facts it seems.

How will IAF provide air support to IA when the 5th gen J-20 will control the skies with impunity for a start?

Tell me the maximum sortie rate and max energy delivery for the theatre in question first....which you obviously have not calculated....much less even thought about applicability wise.

Then tell me how it makes any real impact on the logistics Chinese troops have to confront on the ground. Or do the J-20s have mine clearance as an option too? LOL. @randomradio

Trust me, I know where this all (keyboard warrior STRONK analysis...chosen few = be-all end-all) comes from. You are eternally butthurt that no Bangladeshi got to sign that piece of paper that created your country in first place....and orders by Dada given for the 90,000 to get sent back scot-free no matter what your feelz mobs brayed for.

Exacerbated by the recent Myanmar action of "99 problems but rohingya ain't one". That is your shame that you take to the grave. Not our fault. You are responsible for yourselves.....crying about countries that actually matter in the world just gives away your shirking of that.
Tell me the maximum sortie rate and max energy delivery for the theatre in question first....which you obviously have not calculated....much less even thought about applicability wise.

Then tell me how it makes any real impact on the logistics Chinese troops have to confront on the ground. Or do the J-20s have mine clearance as an option too? LOL. @randomradio

Trust me, I know where this all (keyboard warrior STRONK analysis...chosen few = be-all end-all) comes from. You are eternally butthurt that no Bangladeshi got to sign that piece of paper that created your country in first place....and orders by Dada given for the 90,000 to get sent back scot-free no matter what your feelz mobs brayed for.

Exacerbated by the recent Myanmar action of "99 problems but rohingya ain't one". That is your shame that you take to the grave. Not our fault. You are responsible for yourselves.....crying about countries that actually matter in the world just gives away your shirking of that.

Just answer how IA will fare against PLA when it will get bombed with impunity by PLAAF?
Just answer how IA will fare against PLA when it will get bombed with impunity by PLAAF?

Just answer what is the actual frontier envelope ordnance projection of the "impunity"? Give me the thermobaric number/ day.

You have done zilch in ORBAT wargaming....it shows. Run along mr "we will shoot down the very next MAF violator"....yet continues to show his face here.

@Aung Zaya @VCheng @Dante80
Just answer what is the actual frontier envelope ordnance projection of the "impunity"? Give me the thermobaric number/ day.

You have done zilch in ORBAT wargaming....it shows. Run along mr "we will shoot down the very next MAF violator"....yet continues to show his face here.

@Aung Zaya @VCheng @Dante80

As @Joe Shearer just said in another thread, some members insist on being at the top of the compost heap, or was it the bottom? I forget. :D
As @Joe Shearer just said in another thread, some members insist on being at the top of the compost heap, or was it the bottom? I forget. :D

I like to stir up and mulch the compost heap I have going in the summer...so it doesnt really matter in my case lol.
No we will not start any nuclear war, because we hold full conventional superiority in the area....and both sides know that. We control the essential passes and logistical routes... and can easily mine them/booby trap them at moments notice and make things very difficult for those trying to send any forces in through narrow passes (winter especially, but any time of year). Once velocity is slowed down like that, it becomes easy to interdict efficiently on our terms and turn into a massacre until they turn tail and return right back where they came from. The Chinese know this.....they cannot in the first place use their favourite PLA human waves as @Viva_Viet describes.

This is the basic reason you have your flag on your account right now. We knew very well what we could commit to liberating your lot back then as quickly as possible....knowing full well paper dragon could huff and puff (even with "i am not a crook" Nixon promising them help if they "intervened" after sending a CBG to the area himself)...but not blow anything down.

Thus they release the same statement each time an Indian PM visits....and we make the same one back (your complaint has been dutifully accepted and filed in our "dont give a F" department).

Its just a little game. Nothing changes on the ground....except more logistical +economic integration of Arunachal Pradesh with rest of India as time goes on (which tends to be the thing bringing Indian PM to visit the state in first place).

@jbgt90 @Vibrio @Joe Shearer @Sam. @Tshering22 @padamchen @anant_s @Soumitra @jamahir @Peshwa @Jackdaws

But to answer his questions, yes, loss of a landmass like Arunachal would be a nuclear redline.

And no, we do not need to wait to be able to launch thousands or hundreds of thermonuclear weapons to bring China back to middle kingdom days.

Cheers, Doc
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India has fissile atomics carried by aircraft iron boms. China already has DF-41 each with dozens of MIRV thermonuclear warheads. We deployed railguns to the Tibetan plateau to rain shells on New Delhi from 400 km away.

Indians didn't expect such a bold response from China. Modi now will cancel his trip because he is meek and pussilanimous.
Buddy read the article. Modi Came, He inaugurated a bunch of projects including Airports, Highways, Railway Lines, and went back. You missed your chance.

BTW elections are happening in April-May. He will come many more times in the next few months . Ask your warning giving department to work over time. We dont give an F
Buddy read the article. Modi Came, He inaugurated a bunch of projects including Airports, Highways, Railway Lines, and went back. You missed your chance.

BTW elections are happening in April-May. He will come many more times in the next few months . Ask your warning giving department to work over time. We dont give an F
COWARD MODI is smart.
He knows when to TURN TAIL.
He will turn DEAF and DUMB to what is happening in Donglang/Doklam when he knows China will really pummel India if he don't keep his tail and slither away.

As for South Tibet, the time is not ripe to take it back now or in the near future.
Priority now is to keep the $50billion trade surplus from the dumb Indians flowing.
COWARD MODI is smart.
He knows when to TURN TAIL.
He will turn DEAF and DUMB to what is happening in Donglang/Doklam when he knows China will really pummel India if he don't keep his tail and slither away.

As for South Tibet, the time is not ripe to take it back now or in the near future.
Priority now is to keep the $50billion trade surplus from the dumb Indians flowing.
Yeah Mighty China can just try to bully tiny country like Bhutan and still not be able to build the road which started the whole dispute

And time is not right now or in the near future .When you can't do it you give excuses

There is a saying in Hindi "Naach na jaane Aagan Tedha" (You don't know how to dance so you say that the stage is crooked) This fits the Chinese excuses to a T
Yeah Mighty China can just try to bully tiny country like Bhutan and still not be able to build the road which started the whole dispute

And time is not right now or in the near future .When you can't do it you give excuses

There is a saying in Hindi "Naach na jaane Aagan Tedha" (You don't know how to dance so you say that the stage is crooked) This fits the Chinese excuses to a T
Bully Bhutan?
Where is the MIGHTY GANGU who wants to protect Bhutan's land?
Why is MIGHTY GANGU HIDING behind Tiny Bhutan?
ONLY the BLIND or pretend to be BLIND cannot see the Chinese Military Base coming up on the Donglang Plateau.

Jawans at the Doka La base situated on a sliver of land next to a precarious cliff are trembling with fear that China will lob a bomb that will sent the whole contraption to their DOOM down the cliff.
ONLY IQ82 people will STUPIDLY build a base on such a vulnerable site instead of the smart Chinese who build their military base on a high plateau at Donglang.
Yeah Mighty China can just try to bully tiny country like Bhutan and still not be able to build the road which started the whole dispute

And time is not right now or in the near future .When you can't do it you give excuses

There is a saying in Hindi "Naach na jaane Aagan Tedha" (You don't know how to dance so you say that the stage is crooked) This fits the Chinese excuses to a T
Lol. They are still waiting for the weather to get better.
Lol. They are still waiting for the weather to get better.
This is a good example why India is accorded IQ 82.
Keep fixated on a tiny spot and pretend to be BLIND when a WHOLE MILITARY BASE is coming up in Donglang Plateau.
India is ONLY GOOD at bullying small neighbors.
Conjuring phantom "Surgical Strikes".

That India had to resort to DEVIOUS TRICKS and cannot beat much smaller Pakistan, face to face is a DISGRACE.
India reduced to Boasting about how they foment internal strive in Pakistan and DESPICABLY took advantage of the ensuing civil war in 1971.

Will China use military force to solve this issue once and for all?
China may want to do it before India is able to launch many hundreds of thermonuclear warheads at China.

@Nilgiri Will India risk starting a nuclear war if China was to launch a conventional attack?
No, if China wants to solve the border issues via military means, it would have not ceasefire unilaterally in 1962 after local superiority was achieved. It opted to end to flighting. To this day, China maintains its position of solving the issue through negotiation. We prefer a peaceful and mutually acceptable solution.

No we will not start any nuclear war, because we hold full conventional superiority in the area....and both sides know that. We control the essential passes and logistical routes... and can easily mine them/booby trap them at moments notice and make things very difficult for those trying to send any forces in through narrow passes (winter especially, but any time of year). Once velocity is slowed down like that, it becomes easy to interdict efficiently on our terms and turn into a massacre until they turn tail and return right back where they came from. The Chinese know this.....they cannot in the first place use their favourite PLA human waves as @Viva_Viet describes.
Just want to make a side comment on that human wave story, which is simply a myth. In modern war fighting, no attack in dense formation can survive in front of sustained machine gun and quick mortar fire. Anyone who has some knowledge of tactical fighting would know it is just a lame excuse. IMHO dismissing PLA’s tactical competency with such simply term equals to dismiss the quality of Indian troops who fought the 1962 border conflict, it is like saying they didn’t know how to operate their machine guns.

At the peak of that conflict, there were 25000-28000 combatants from PLA in the east (including artillery, engineering, etc) , which was not that much more than the number of Indian soldiers in the same area (check my reply to Joe for detailed explanation if you have time).

I have read the official war notes in that war that in most engagements that the PLA planners would like to bring about 1.5 number multiplier into the battle when they were attacking a strong Indian defense position (with machine guns, mortar, artillery guns etc). They tended to add some margin due to various unfavorable factors eg unexpected encounter, disorientation, slowed by difficult terrain etc. These Indian positions were generally breached through attacking from weak side or into the gaps between the units, rather than massive front assault.
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