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China establishes air-defence zone over East China Sea

MANILA, Philippines -- The Philippines on Thursday rejected China's newly declared air defence zone in the East China Sea as infringing on the freedom to fly in international airspace and compromising the safety of civil aviation.

Department of Foreign Affairs spokesman Raul Hernandez said China's Air Defence Identification Zone threatens the national security of affected states and "transforms the entire air zone" into China's "domestic airspace."

The U.S. and Japan have said they don't acknowledge the zone. Taiwan and South Korea have also rejected the zone, where foreign aircraft could be asked to identify themselves and accept Chinese instructions.
China and the Philippines have had territorial spats over South China Sea areas for years.

Filipino aviation official John Andrews says China can declare a similar zone over contested South China Sea areas where Philippine aircraft fly

Read more: http://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/philippines-rejects-china-s-newly-declared-air-defence-zone-1.1564595#ixzz2lxSRGNPy
Philippines need not worry. Uncle Sam has cut China to its size.

Good time to reactivate the Subic bay base for US Navy?:coffee:
Department of Foreign Affairs spokesman Raul Hernandez said China's Air Defence Identification Zone threatens the national security of affected states and "transforms the entire air zone" into China's "domestic airspace."

Well, Raul Hernandez obviously doesn't know what AZID is.
Anyone given thought as to why CHina never intercepted those flights?

1. An ADIZ requires that all aircraft to be identified. The Chinese have done so using its radars already. There is no apparent need for interception if radars are sufficient. An ADIZ is not an ADZ.

2. The aircraft were flying at the very edges of the zone and were no travelling towards Chinese airspace. This is significant, since the MOD clearly stated that they will only instigate a response based on the severity of the threat. Clearly, the B-52s, South Korean, and Japanese aircraft were of little threat value to the Chinese since they did not actually venture far into the zone. Also, the aircraft were flying at the very edge, which means that by the time the Chinese scrambled the aircraft would have already left the zone.

3. China knows that these nations are only there for political purposes and seriously does not think that wasting aviation fuel is a wise idea to respond to an empty threat.

4. In other words, China has already achieved the effect of interception by lighting them up with radar.

yes,skimmed the very edges for 2hrs.LOL.

The aircraft flew and outlined the edges of it. Why is there confusion over this?

Well, Raul Hernandez obviously doesn't know what AZID is.

Neither do any forum members.
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1. An ADIZ requires that all aircraft to be identified. The Chinese have done so using its radars already. There is no apparent need for interception if radars are sufficient. An ADIZ is not an ADZ.

Exactly, most western media deliberately confused their readers regarding china's ADIZ and most of their readers, not know better, just went along with the circlejerking; as shown by many posters on these forums.
Interesting discussion, just want to add my 2 cents.

It appears to me that China really has everything to gain and not much to loose here, the following being the reason:

1. China did not have a ADIZ before this while Japan, Taiwan, US and pretty much everyone else around it does. So really, by doing this it just kind of letting everyone know this is what I considered as my comfort zone and will watch anyone coming in so don't come too close. Also it marks the boundary where China feels it can effectively project its power militarily. Now whether it chooses to enforce this law is up to China, but now it can say it has warned everyone so no one can just go straight up to its border and claim ignorance as before.

2. Even if China don't want to mess with everyone coming into its zone or no one respect it now doesn't mean the situation will not change later. The zone will still there there. As time goes by and China increases its influence, others will know where not to tread if they want to remain on good term with China. Off course respect for ADIZ is all voluntary, but could carry economic and other consequences if not respected.

3. China's ADIZ by the way it is drawn neglects Japan's ADIZ over the disputed island so that put Japan and China on the same term. If japan throws a storm over China's intrusion into its ADIZ, China can claim the same for Japan.

4. The US move on China's ADIZ with the B52 may seem like a victory now, but it also lets China to do the same to the US ADIZ in the future. Even if China can't do this now to US, but keep in mind that China is developing its own carrier fleet. With the tech advancement, who says China wouldn't have a long range bomber fleet like US that could do so in the future?

The down side off course is that it gives other people leverage politically as we are all seeing today. But really, what does the Chinese leadership really lose here? They are not elected by the populous, and with Xi in control for the next 10 years he is not afraid of losing face in public. On the contrary, Obama is forced to pull off the B52 stunt because he is accountable to the public so even if the move is meaningless he has to do it so he wouldn't look weak and loose votes.

So really, China is the winner here in a long term game of strategy.
In addition, I feel that US and China were in bed together and made an agreement on the ADIZ already before this whole thing got started. Think about it, if you are Obama, would you risk another international incident by sending a US warplane into the new Chinese ADIZ if you have no idea what the response will be? Isn't Syria already bad enough? What would Obama do if China decided to sent out warning and escort to the B52? At that point all of the remaining choices for Obama will be bad i.e look like he wimped out against China when the B52 returns home or ID itself since I doubt he is willing to risk WWIII here.

Also if US really wanted to challenge China, the best way to say "F""K you and your ADIZ" would be to sent an unannounced B52 loaded with bombs head straight towards Chinese air space. Why would he just sent 2 planes to go along the border of the ADIZ? That is like you walking along your neighbor's driveway and claim you have entered his warning zone. So really, I feel this is just a pre-planned political stun to show US allies and US public we are not afraid of China. But in reality, China and US have already negotiated a deal under that table regarding how to play this. All of this is just a show for US ally and internet warriors like us.

The fact that US is accepting this zone can be seen by the fact that US airlines are advised to submit flight plan to China (US cautions airlines crossing China air zone - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English cause that is economic gain/loss at stake there.

In contrast, I doubt China notified Japan of this ADIZ because unlike US, Japanese government is stupid enough to advise its airline to ignore the ADIZ (Japanese Airlines Defy China Demand for Data in Air Zone - Bloomberg

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.
In the long run, the Chinese ADIZ is a fait accompli, whether anyone like it or not. It's no different than the ADIZ the US, Japan or SK or any other nation has.
In the long run, the Chinese ADIZ is a fait accompli, whether anyone like it or not. It's no different than the ADIZ the US, Japan or SK or any other nation has.
correct, there is unfair rule between developed group and developing group hundred years. though the developing country rise soon, but it's not so easy for developing country to get same right as what developed country has. US and his thugs will try their best to stop it, and criticize developing countries change the status of the world.
but in the long run, develop countries will share the wealth of the world with developed country toghether.
The same Words came out of the Soviet officials...
Take care of your own business, you are not smart enough to predict China's future. The truth is, only few of members in PDF know what's going on in China. I remember last time the Korean war Turkey sent in some Battallions of soldiers, non of them returned alive. We remember every bit of your wrongdoing, and we will pay back in some other day.

Six wars China is sure to fight in the next 50 years | Page 6

Now they will include Australia and make it 7 wars !

You could include any one you just name it, don't forget to join the show by yourself.

No one in CHina expects some positive relationship with Australia, now this time The Aussie show their real face to China.

We will discard any delusion and prepare for engagement.

The harder you contain China, the Stronger China will be.

More important, Russia is with China. Mr president Putin is always with China.

If China and Russia stick back to back, only aliens could undertake us.

If China falls, comes after Russia, and then India follows. The reason why Indian so happily flattered by western sly is due to so-called China threat. When China falls, you guys will know how precious China is to the rest of the Asia.
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China is a giant magnanimous panda wishing for peaceful life, but those fcukers never allow us to do that. You guys have tasted how Japan acted as boss of Asia in WW2. People always have very bad memory to the past, lots of idiots can't wait to let it happen all over again.

We will smile to face any type of challenge. Those Indians wanna topple China in order to be the boss of Asia shall think twice whether Yankee will let you achieve that final target. China is always there in the past 5000 years, and will be there until the world doom day.

If anyone wanna take away China's land, step over my body first.

People will aways sell his soul to the Deveil as long as interests and Aspiration promised. Abe Shinzo is a Devil, i can see his face clearly. He can cheat the rest of the world, not me.
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In 1962 war, PLA never killed a surrender or a innocent Indian soldier. Japan killed millions of innocent Chinese civillian to envade our land. When you spit venom to China, ask your benevolence and Conscienciousness. Are you a man of justice or not?

The only mercy show by God is he mighty forbid those Japanese live on the mainland, they cal haullicinate the entire human race if they put there.

History tells everything, time to read more books.

Shame on you guys and keeps benevolence out.

Japan set up ADIZ in 1969, why you blame us when 44 years have been past?

What else if it is not playing double standards?

Don't tell me India will just tolerate when PAF's survillience aircrafts fly only 130 KM far from your coastal line 500 hundreds time per years.
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You won't recieve any respect if you take others' as shit.

中国人有句老话:你敬我一尺,我敬你一丈。 朋友来了有美酒,敌人来了有猎枪。
Now Japan have to deal with Chinese fighters above the Daioyu if they want to play hard ball.

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