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China Energy/Power Technology, Strategic Layout of Resources: News & Discussions

Zhongwei compressor station starts operations
Published on Dec 20, 2018

The West-East Gas Pipeline's Zhongwei compressor station started operations in northwest China. The station is a key project at the western section of the third pipeline for transmitting gas from China's west to east. At the station, three 20 megawatt centrifugal compressor units powered by electricity were established. The pipeline measures 7,378 kilometers in length and crosses 10 provinces and regions.
来自 微博 weibo.com​
Polaris Power Network
12-6 16:21 from Weibo

[State Power Investment Corp's fully independently control proton exchange membrane production line was put into operation]

On December 5, the commissioning ceremony of the 300,000 square meter proton exchange membrane production line of SPIC Hydrogen Energy Company was held in Wuhan. It is reported that the 300,000 square meter proton exchange membrane production line of SPIC Hydrogen Energy Company is the first fully independent and controllable proton exchange membrane production line in China. Every stage does not rely on foreign parts and technologies, and has realized the localization of key hydrogen fuel cell components. Breaking the long-term monopoly of the domestic proton exchange membrane market by foreign manufacturers.
21-12-10 17:51 来自 Android​
#陕西新闻# 【我国首座大型超临界二氧化碳循环发电试验机组在西安投运

Shaanxi Net
21-12-10 17:51 from Android

[China’s first large-scale supercritical carbon dioxide cycle power generation test unit was put into operation in Xi’an]

On December 9, the reporter learned from Xi’an Thermal Power Research Institute: China’s first large-scale supercritical carbon dioxide cycle power generation test unit that can effectively reduce carbon emissions successfully completed 72 hours of trial operation and was officially put into operation in Xi’an on December 8.

It is understood that the unit has an operating power of 5 MW and the largest capacity in the world. The localization rate of core equipment has reached 100%. It has applied for more than 400 technical patents, breaking the long-term monopoly of foreign companies in this field. (Shaanxi Daily) For details ☞Web link



来自 海洋强国路超话​
海洋强国路超话#国内首台大缸径斯特林发动机取得重大突破# 】国内首台大缸径斯特林发动机基础样机近日在中国船舶集团七一一所顺利完成性能试验。基础样机额定功率达320kW,热功转换效率达40%,是目前国际上已知单机功率最大的斯特林发动机。​

China Ocean Shipping Magazine
21-12-21 20:48

[The first domestic large-bore Stirling engine made a major breakthrough]

The first domestic basic prototype of a large-bore Stirling engine has successfully completed its performance test at China Shipbuilding Corporation 711. The basic prototype has a rated power of 320kW and a thermal power conversion efficiency of 40%. It is currently known as the Stirling engine with the largest stand-alone power in the world.

The successful development of the basic prototype indicates that my country has made an important breakthrough in the key technology and manufacturing process of large-bore Stirling engines, laying a good foundation for the development of subsequent megawatt-level Stirling engines.

The Stirling engine is a closed-cycle reciprocating power machine, and its theoretical efficiency is equal to that of the Carnot cycle, which is the highest efficiency that can be achieved by all thermodynamic cycles.

At the same time, as a closed-cycle power machine with external heating, the Stirling engine can be combined with any heat source such as conventional energy and nuclear energy. The structure is flexible and changeable. It has a compact structure and simple system within the range of megawatt power levels. , Fast start-up, modular layout and other significant advantages. Especially in combination with metal reactors such as sodium-cooled fast reactors, it can fundamentally eliminate the risk of sodium-water reaction in the traditional sodium-cooled fast reactor power generation system, and has inherently high safety.

In addition, through serial design, it can meet the power supply requirements of hundreds of kilowatts to several megawatts, and is especially suitable for portable micro-reactor power generation scenarios. It has good application prospects under special environmental conditions such as polar regions, islands, and Gobi.

Yicai Global) Dec. 22 -- Shanghai has begun operating the world's first more than one-kilometer-long 35-kilovolt superconducting power cable project, which should mark China's advance in the highly efficient electric transmission technology.

The 1.2-km-long demonstration project that is located in the eastern city's Xuhui district is global No. 1 in both distance and capacity, Shanghai Securities News reported today. The cable connects two 220 kV transformer substations with a current rating of 2,200 amperes and a mega-volt rating of 133.

Construction of the main part began in April 2020 after the project was first launched in 2016. The technology includes a liquid nitrogen cooling system to make sure a minimum amount of electricity is lost in the transmission process. Moreover, it has other advantages.

The power cable equals four to six conventional cables of the same voltage level and thus uses 70 percent less underground pipe space, said Xie Wei, an engineer working for the project's builder State Grid Shanghai Municipal Electric Power.

"Such an advantage makes the superconducting cable very suitable for application in the downtown urban area where an inch of land equals an inch of gold," Xie added.
来自 海洋强国路超话​
sCO2循环发电技术是一项采用二氧化碳为工质的闭式循环涡轮机发电技术,同现有的蒸汽循环等传统热力发电技术相比,具有功率密度大、热电转换效率高、热源灵活性好等特点,在船舶动力等领域具有广阔的应用前景。 @共青团中央 @国资小新 @微博政务 @中国船舶

China Ocean Shipping Magazine
21-12-27 10:15

【Institute 711 independent research and development of supercritical carbon dioxide power generation system successfully generated power】

Recently, the 300kW supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) Brayton cycle power generation system jointly developed by Shanghai Electric Power Plant Group, CSSC Institute 725, 467 Plant and other units, and led by Institute 711. This is a major breakthrough in the research of sCO2 power generation technology and it has laid the technical foundation for the subsequent engineering application of this technology.

After 3 years of scientific research, the project team has overcome many key technologies such as overall system design and performance simulation, compressor-turbine integrated design, sCO2 high-efficiency flow and heat exchange, high-speed and high-pressure shaft end sealing, key component manufacturing processes, and completed the development of the prototype of the 300kW sCO2 Brayton cycle power generation system.

sCO2 cycle power generation technology is a closed-cycle turbine power generation technology that uses carbon dioxide as the working fluid. Compared with the existing steam cycle and other traditional thermal power generation technologies, it has the characteristics of high power density, high thermoelectric conversion efficiency, and good heat source flexibility. It has broad application prospects in ship power and other fields.

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