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China Energy/Power Technology, Strategic Layout of Resources: News & Discussions


Xinjiang sees record new energy power generation efficiency
Source: Xinhua| 2021-06-06 00:35:20|Editor: huaxia

URUMQI, June 5 (Xinhua) -- Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in northwest China has achieved a record-high new energy power generation efficiency rate, according to the regional commission of development and reform.

Data from the commission showed that in the first four months of this year, the utilization rate of its wind and solar power generating capacity hit 93.2 percent and 98.8 percent, up 4.5 and four percentage points year on year, respectively. Generation of wind and solar power increased significantly to 22.43 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity in the period.

The region's utilization rate of new energy power generating capacity had sustained growth for five consecutive years to reach 91 percent in 2020, recovering from a record low of 63 percent in 2016.

By the end of April, Xinjiang's installed capacity of wind and solar power generation came to 23.55 million kilowatts and 12.06 million kilowatts, respectively, accounting for 34.3 percent of the region's total installed power capacity, latest data showed.

With abundant natural endowments in the hinterland, Xinjiang has transmitted 27 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity generated by new energy to 20 other Chinese provinces, regions and municipalities in 2020, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 23.32 million tonnes, according to data by the State Grid's Xinjiang Electric Power Co. Ltd.
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David F. @pretentiouswhat

China's Ultra-High Voltage Lines - Thread 1/14

China is building the world's most advanced UHV grid right now. UHV lines are good for carrying power over long distances. The high voltage level reduces line loss. But they are very expensive to build.

China's UHVDC Network now:
3:50 PM · Dec 22, 2020
David Fishman: My white paper on China's UHV development has been published.

It covers many of the topics from my previous thread below in more detail, as well as a few additional subjects relevant to UHV network growth including energy storage.

Read it here:

David Fishman is doing economic analysis in China's electricity sector, especially solar, wind, nuclear and storage.
Tarim oilfield discovers 1-billion-tonne oil, gas area
Source: Xinhua| 2021-06-18 20:59:04|Editor: huaxia

URUMQI, June 18 (Xinhua) -- The Tarim oilfield branch of PetroChina, China's largest oil and gas producer, said Friday they had discovered a new ultra-deep oil and gas area with reserves of 1 billion tonnes.

The new area is the largest petroleum discovery in the Tarim Basin in the last ten years, the company said.

Located in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Tarim Basin is a major petroliferous basin in China. It is one of the most difficult to explore due to its harsh ground environment and complicated underground conditions.

In the past six years, the annual crude oil output of the oilfield --where the newly discovered reserves locate -- had increased from more than 30,000 tonnes to 1.52 million tonnes in 2020, and it is expected to produce 2 million tonnes of crude oil in 2021, the company's general manager Yang Xuewen said.



何文表示,该项目的顺利投运,为燃煤电站实现真正意义上的近零排放提供了技术支撑,也为国内火电厂开展百万吨级大规模碳捕集项目积累了实践经验,对落实“碳达峰”“碳中和”目标具有重要的意义。据悉,该项目是国家重点研发计划项目、陕西省重点建设项目、国家能源集团重大科技创新项目。(通讯员 莫冰 董心 李严 科技日报记者 何亮)​

Science and Technology Daily
Today at 11:31 from 360 Safe Browser

[China's largest coal-fired power plant carbon capture demonstration project is put into operation]

On June 25, the annual 150,000-ton carbon capture and storage (CCS) demonstration project (hereinafter referred to as the "demonstration project") passed a 168-hour trial run at China National Energy Group Jinjie Company. This is currently the largest domestic demonstration project for the entire process of carbon dioxide capture and storage of coal power plants for CO2 flooding enhanced oil recovery. During the trial operation, the demonstration project continuously produced industrial-grade qualified liquid carbon dioxide products with a purity of 99.5%, and successfully achieved large-scale capture of carbon dioxide in the flue gas of coal-fired power plants.

It is understood that the demonstration project started construction on November 1, 2019, and the installation and construction will be completed in January 2021. Relying on Jinjie Company’s No. 1 600 MW subcritical unit, which integrates enhanced plastic packing, falling film stripping reboiler, supergravity regeneration reactor and other new technologies and new equipment, it carries out chemical absorption carbon dioxide capture in coal-fired power plants. Integrating technology research and industrial demonstrations, a new technology system suitable for high-efficiency and low-energy-consumption capture of carbon dioxide from flue gas from coal-fired power plants in China has been formed.

"This project uses a compound amine chemical absorption method. The flue gas is washed by a water washing tower, and then enters the absorption tower for low-temperature carbon dioxide absorption. After the carbon dioxide gas is desorbed at the high temperature of the regeneration tower, it is compressed, dried and cooled to make liquid carbon dioxide, it is then transported by vehicles to the oil field for CO2 flooding oil recovery." He Wen, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Jinjie Company, said, "This set of device is to make the carbon dioxide in the flue gas emitted by the power plant up to the standard, and conduct centralized recycling and use to "turn waste into treasure" for oil recovery. "

He Wen said that the smooth commissioning of the project has provided technical support for coal-fired power plants to achieve true near-zero emissions, and has also accumulated practical experience for domestic thermal power plants to carry out mega-ton large-scale carbon capture projects. It is of great significance to implement the "carbon peak" and "carbon neutral" goals. It is reported that the project is a national key research and development plan project, a key construction project of Shaanxi Province, and a major scientific and technological innovation project of the National Energy Group. (Correspondent Mo Bing, Dong Xin, Li Yan, Science and Technology Daily reporter He Liang)


China completes domestically-built NGH drilling equipment test in the South China Sea
By Global Times
Published: Jul 12, 2021 03:58 PM



A trial program focused on domestically made Natural Gas Hydrate (NGH) exploration equipment has been completed in the South China Sea, Global Times learned from China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) on Monday, marking a forward step in China's NGH detection and exploration development.

CNOOC said the trial program had obtained valuable NGH drilling statistics with low cost and high efficiency. In addition, the trial also broke two records in China's NGH exploration sector of maximum NGH drilling depth and maximum operation water depth.

NGH, also known as flammable ice, is mainly stored on the seabed of the South China Sea at a depth of 800 meters. China had been hiring oversea professional operators and equipment to complete sampling NHG due to the complex nature of the work.

The trial was started in June 2021, which helped CNOOC received various first-hand data including landform, temperature and size of the drilling well relying on domestically built investigation boat, deep water drilling system and measure equipment.

"The successes of the trial helped China become the third country that domestically seize the drilling and sampling techniques of NGH in deep water," said Zhou Shouwei, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering.
Coal reserves to release supply for summer peak electricity demand
By Global Times
Published: Jul 15, 2021 09:20 PM

Photo: Xinhua

Photo: Xinhua

China will distribute more than 10 million tons of coal from its reserves to guarantee supply across the peak summer season, as the country has reserve facilities with a storage capacity of 100 million tons, that can be arranged by the government, the Xinhua News Agency reported on Thursday.

China has already distributed more than 5 million tons to the market on four occasions this year to meet demand, according to Xinhua, which cited sources from the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC).

It emphasized that more than 10 million tons of coal are expected to be released to the market to safeguard supply. The coal is stored at major reserve bases and ports across the country.

Electricity consumption in June rose 9.8 percent to 703 billion kilowatt hours (kwh) from a year earlier, with total consumption in the first half hitting 3.93 trillion kwh, up 16.2 percent year-on-year, according to data released by the National Energy Administration on Wednesday.

China has consolidated coal reserves with a capacity of 100 million tons, which can be arranged by the government, with reserve bases currently storing about 40 million tons of coal, according to media reports.

The major reserve bases are mainly located in coal production and distribution centers, consumption centers, major railway transportation nodes and ports, China Central Television (CCTV) reported on Thursday, citing officials from the NDRC.

The CCTV report said that China allocates 1 billion yuan ($155 million) every year from the central budget to support the construction and maintenance of coal reserve facilities.

China has also established a reserve management information system and distribution mechanism to better to ensure the effective management of coal distribution and stabilize the market, according to CCTV.

The coal reserves will be organized and distributed to the market in an orderly manner in the near future to ensure stable supply, and China will further accelerate the construction of coal reserves to reach a capacity of 100 million tons, per media reports.
CNOOC unveils state-of-art FPSO vessel to tap oil, gas reserves in South China Sea
Source:Global Times Published: 2020/5/15 19:18:40

A worker monitors a pipeline carrying liquefied natural gas (LNG) from a tanker at the CNOOC Tianjin Port LNG receiving terminal in North China's Tianjin on Monday. Photo: IC

Chinese state-owned China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) unveiled a home-grown floating production storage and offloading vessel, known as an FPSO, with the deepest working depth, at 420 meters underwater, on Friday.

CNOOC said the vessel will help boost oil and gas exploration in the South China Sea.

The 256-meter-long vessel, Hai Yang Shi You 119, is a start-of-art oil and gas exploration and extraction platform and the newest to join CNOOC's FPSO fleet, now reaching 17 units and has a world-leading total tonnage.

The FPSO, delivered at the Qingdao Port in East China's Shandong Province after 22 months of construction, will serve at the Liuhua 16-2 offshore oil field in the South China Sea.

Dubbed as a seaborne oil and gas process plant, FPSO handles the extraction, storage and output of oil and gas and is self-propelled. It is considered the crown jewel of marine engineering.

The Hai Yang Shi You 119 can handle 21,000 cubic meters of crude oil and 540,000 cubic meters of natural gas per day and can withstand typhoons.

CNOOC said the specialist vessel can be deployed under rough sea conditions in the South China Sea for a long time due to its advanced single point mooring system, the company said, adding there were only four such systems globally.

Wang Dongjin, chairman of CNOOC, said the company will make South China Sea the "main battleground" for future oil and gas exploration and promote its seven-year action plan to boost production.

As of the end of 2018, CNOOC had two large 10-million-ton oil and gas projects in the South China Sea, with their combined output accounting for one third of the company's total.





Update: video
China's First Large-scale Integrated Ethane-to-ethylene Project Put into Operation
Aug 4, 2021
CCTV Video News Agency

China's first large-scale integrated ethane-to-ethylene project was completed and put into operation on Tuesday at Lanzhou Petrochemical Company, with an expected annual output of 800,000 tons of ethylene, according to the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) on Tuesday.
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