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China Energy/Power Technology, Strategic Layout of Resources: News & Discussions

Maintenance team walks the wire to replace insulators on UHV power line in east China
Aug 2, 2020
New China TV

What do you think is the most dangerous job in the world? We believe this could be a contender: A team in east China maintains ultra-high-voltage (UHV) power lines. They have to work 90 meters above the ground, under the scorching sun, on live power lines!
今天 09:50 来自 微博 weibo.com
世界首个124万千瓦超超临界火电机组建成投产】据中国能建最新消息,世界首个124万千瓦高效超超临界火电机组全面建成投产。该项目是目前国内已投产机组中单轴全速单机容量最大、蒸汽参数最高、单位发电煤耗最低、单位污染排放量最少的124万千瓦高效超超临界燃煤机组,是绿色火电标杆示范工程。项目的安全、环保、能效等指标均处于火电机组世界最高水平;同时机组在参数、容量、模块化设计等多方面,突破了国外技术限制,拥有完全自主知识产权,获得专利授权28项,整体国产化率达90%以上。(科技日报记者 瞿剑)
Science and Technology Daily
Today at 09:50 from Weibo

[The world's first 1,240 MW ultra-supercritical thermal power unit is completed and put into production]

According to the latest news from China Energy Construction Corp., the world's first 1,240 MW high-efficiency ultra-supercritical thermal power unit has been completed and put into production. The project is a high-efficiency ultra-supercritical coal-fired unit of 1,240 MW with the largest single-shaft full-speed single-unit capacity, the highest steam parameters, the lowest coal consumption per unit power generation, and the lowest unit pollution emissions among the domestic units that have been put into operation. It is a green thermal power bench-marking demonstration project. The safety, environmental protection, energy efficiency and other indicators of the project are all at the highest level in the world for thermal power units. At the same time, the units have broken through foreign technical restrictions in terms of parameters, capacity, and modular design. They have completely independent intellectual property rights and have obtained 28 patent authorizations. The localization rate is over 90%. (Science and Technology Daily reporter Qu Jian)

Technology 22:06, 14-Sep-2020
China's first offshore platform for heavy oil recovery put into operation


China's first large offshore platform for heavy oil thermal recovery. /CCTV

China's first large offshore platform for heavy oil thermal recovery was put into production in the Bohai Sea on Monday, marking a key step in the country's development of offshore heavy oil.

Heavy oil is a kind of crude oil with high density and viscosity, poor fluidity, and is easy to solidify. Lyuda 21-2 the platform is expected to produce about 400 tons of crude oil daily.

The average depth of the oil wells put into production this time is about 2,500 meters under the sea. Looking like "black mud," it is unconventional heavy oil with viscosity 300 times that of edible oil, and is very difficult to exploit.


Zhang Chunsheng explains heavy oil. /CCTV
The heavy oil recovered by the platform is "highly vicious and poor in liquidity," which "cannot be poured out of the glass without heating it," explained Zhang Chunsheng, general manager of Liaodong Operating Company, Tianjin Branch of the China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC).

"It sets extremely high requirements for the production technology, process treatment, pipeline transport to exploit such heavy oil from underground to the ground and then transport," said Zhang. "The sea makes the recovery process even harder."

China started the pilot test for the thermal recovery of offshore heavy oil in 2008, and successively solved a series of challenges, including limited space of offshore platform, difficult safety control of high-temperature well, and large heat loss in the well.

For the first time, researchers developed seawater desalination system and boiler heat injection system based on the experience from onshore oil fields with actual characteristics of offshore platforms, and successfully applied offshore for large-scale heavy oil recovery.

"The two systems are highly integrated and downsized," said Wang Wenqi, director of the platform. "Compared with systems of the same type and size on land, the offshore ones cover only a fifth as much land and weigh only a fifth."

"It took us 30 days to complete the joint commissioning of 43 systems, the stand-alone testing of more than 200 equipment, the on-site testing of more than 900 instruments, and the emergency response plan for 56 times," Wang added.

The world's proven heavy oil reserves are about 815 billion tons, accounting for 70 percent of the world's remaining oil reserves, which is an important superseding resource.

China holds about 19.87 billion tons of onshore heavy oil, with 3.55 billion tons proved. The average heavy oil recovery is less than 20 percent, indicating huge development potential.

The country's offshore heavy oil is concentrated in the Bohai Sea area, where the proven geological reserves of crude oil have reached 4.2 billion tons.

The annual oil and gas production in the Bohai Sea exceeds 30 million tons, yet the unconventional heavy oil production accounts for less than one percent. Converting the country's heavy oil reserves into production is of great significance in enhancing domestic oil and gas exploration and development, and an indispensable part of national energy security.

Following Lyuda 21-2, several platforms will be put into production, and the heavy oil thermal recovery will reach three million tons in the Bohai Sea area by the end of 2025.
CNOOC unveils state-of-art FPSO vessel to tap oil, gas reserves in South China Sea
Source:Global Times Published: 2020/5/15 19:18:40

A worker monitors a pipeline carrying liquefied natural gas (LNG) from a tanker at the CNOOC Tianjin Port LNG receiving terminal in North China's Tianjin on Monday. Photo: IC

Chinese state-owned China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) unveiled a home-grown floating production storage and offloading vessel, known as an FPSO, with the deepest working depth, at 420 meters underwater, on Friday.

CNOOC said the vessel will help boost oil and gas exploration in the South China Sea.

The 256-meter-long vessel, Hai Yang Shi You 119, is a start-of-art oil and gas exploration and extraction platform and the newest to join CNOOC's FPSO fleet, now reaching 17 units and has a world-leading total tonnage.

The FPSO, delivered at the Qingdao Port in East China's Shandong Province after 22 months of construction, will serve at the Liuhua 16-2 offshore oil field in the South China Sea.

Dubbed as a seaborne oil and gas process plant, FPSO handles the extraction, storage and output of oil and gas and is self-propelled. It is considered the crown jewel of marine engineering.

The Hai Yang Shi You 119 can handle 21,000 cubic meters of crude oil and 540,000 cubic meters of natural gas per day and can withstand typhoons.

CNOOC said the specialist vessel can be deployed under rough sea conditions in the South China Sea for a long time due to its advanced single point mooring system, the company said, adding there were only four such systems globally.

Wang Dongjin, chairman of CNOOC, said the company will make South China Sea the "main battleground" for future oil and gas exploration and promote its seven-year action plan to boost production.

As of the end of 2018, CNOOC had two large 10-million-ton oil and gas projects in the South China Sea, with their combined output accounting for one third of the company's total.





Update: video
CNOOC puts Liuhua cluster into production early in South China Sea
Source: Global Times Published: 2020/9/20 21:03:41

Photo taken on June 13, 2015 shows the Xingwang deep-sea semi-submersible drilling platform at Liwan3-2 gasfield in the South China Sea, south China. China's largest offshore oil and gas producer CNOOC Ltd. announced on July 3, 2015 that its Xingwang deep-sea semi-submersible drilling platform has started drilling at 1,300 meters underwater level in Liwan 3-2 gas field in the South China Sea. (Xinhua/Zhao Liang)

China's largest offshore oil producer China National Offshore Oil Corp (CNOOC) on Sunday announced that its Liuhua 16-2 oilfield cluster commenced production in the South China Sea ahead of schedule.

Liuhua 16-2, China's first domestic-support deepwater oil and gas project, is expected to achieve a maximum output of 4.2 million cubic meters of crude oil annually, equivalent to one year's gasoline consumption by more than 4 million cars.

The cluster is located in the eastern South China Sea, about 240 kilometers southeast of Hong Kong. The cluster includes Liuhua 16-2, Liuhua 20-2 and Liuhua 21-2 with an average depth of 410 meters, the deepest-water project in China's offshore oil sector.

The project is equipped with the FPSO (floating production storage and offloading) platform Haiyangshiyou119, which can process 21,000 cubic meters of crude oil and 540,000 cubic meters of natural gas per day, equivalent to the capacity of an onshore oil plant covering 300,000 square meters.

The central government has asked national oil companies to enhance oil exploration to raise production. Even with a low oil price scenario, CNOOC increased oil and gas output in the first half of 2020 by 6 percent and 16 percent year-on-year, respectively, showing its efforts to safeguard China's oil security.

Faced with China's foreign oil dependency ratio reaching 72.5 percent in 2019, CNOOC is further stepping up efforts to increase oil output. By 2025, its output in the eastern South China Sea is expected to reach 20 million tons, and the Liuhua16-2 project will play a key role in achieving the target.
Northwest China's Xinjiang Achieves Full Coverage of 750kv Ultra High Voltage Power Grid
Oct 14, 2020
CCTV Video News Agency

Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has achieved a region-wide coverage of 750kv ultra high voltage power grid after an inter-provincial power transmission project wrapped up in Altay Prefecture on Wednesday.

Recently, the 100k m3/a hydrogen production from natural gas facility of Sinopec Tianjin Petrochemical Company successfully started trial runs and produced high-purity hydrogen, marking a new breakthrough in China's large-scale steam reforming hydrogen production technology.

Completed on May 30, 2020, the unit is China's largest domestically-produced single unit for producing hydrogen from natural gas with a purity of 99.99%. For now the operation remains constant and steady.
Large, High-quality Oil, Gas Resources Ascertained in Xinjiang
Nov 28, 2020
CCTV Video News Agency

A preliminary exploratory well in Junggar Basin of northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has recently been confirmed to be a high-yield oil and gas well, thus ascertaining over 500 million tons of high-quality light crude oil and natural gas resources underground in the region. http://www.cctvplus.com/news/20201128...
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