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MTK6588时间或推前 联发科明年推8核MT6599 ?


来源:本站原创 mtk手机网


联发科明年第一季度即将推出四核MTK6588的消息早就传遍业界,MTK MT6588拥有4个1G主频的A7架构核心,28nm制程,据台湾工商时报最新消息显示,巴克莱资本证券陆行之在昨天指出,联发科MTK6588推出时间可望由明年第一季度提前至今年第四季度!而且由于MTK6588单片价格仅18美元到20美元竞争力十足,千元以下四核智能手机将不再是“神话”

巴克莱资本证券陆行之还称,联发科除了会提前推出的四核MTK MT6588与同样28纳米双核MT6583之外,明年第四季度还将推出8核心ARM架构、支持 LTE同样支持TD-SCDMA与WCDMA网络的MT6599。联发科的进度加快,一反迟入3G智能手机市场的态势,直追其它芯片厂商。 本文来自MTK手机网MTK

二、以能量消耗较少的 A7取代A9;
三、绘图效能加倍,且藉由Imagination SGX544提供3D功能;
六、价格仅18至20美 元,与高通S4芯片30至40美元相比具竞争力;

一、可以将中国4核心智能型手机价格由目前的320美元马上降到150美元 以下;
二、未来将看到更多与双核心Krait 1.7Ghz MSM8960A与4核心MSM8974相同的产品,而非接下来才要推出的8225Q。
三、预估MT6583/MT6588明年第四季占整体智能型手机芯 片出货比重将达50%,即便后年第四季推出MT6599后,也有50%的水平,因而调升出货预估值;
四、MT6588将有助于整体ASP维持在10美元以 上的水平,且客户能统一系统设计;


MediaTek Launching 8 Core MT6599 With LTE Early Next Year!
SEP 26, 2012

English link

MediaTek announced to pieces of great news today, the first is that they have moved the launch of the quad-core MT6588 CPU from early next-year to the 4th quarter of 2012 instead, which means low-cost Chinese quad-core phones are a matter of months away, in fact Lenovo are already testing theirs!

Even better than that though is news that MediaTek are planning to unleash its 8-core MT6599 CPU’s on the world as early as the first quarter of next year!

The 8-core MT6599 is not only going to bring some phenomenal performance increases to Chinese Android phones but also some great new never seen before features too, features which international customers are likely to be very excited about.

The MT6599 8-core CPU will be the first low-cost chip easily available to Chinese OEM’s wich offers support for LTE and TD-SCDMA / WCDMA which means that not only are we on the cusp of super powered 8 core phones but, super powered 8 core phones with LTE 4G support!
China's PMI Increased in October
China's PMI Increased in October

National Bureau of Statistics of China 2012-11-02 10:33:21
Department of Service Statistics of NBS

China Federation of Logistics and Purchases (CFLP)

In October, China's manufacturing purchasing managers index (PMI) was 50.2 percent, up by 0.4 percentage points month-on-month, back above the threshold.

In view of the sizes of enterprises, the PMI of large-sized enterprises was 50.9 percent, increased 0.7 percentage points month-on-month, stayed above the threshold for two consecutive months, and was the main driving force for the overall recovery of the manufacturing economy in October. That of medium-sized enterprises was 49.3 percent, decreased 0.5 percentage points month-on-month, That of small-sized enterprises was 47.2 percent, increased 0.5 percentage points month-on-month.

In October, the five sub-indices composing PMI all increased.

Production index was above the threshold, which was 52.1 percent, increased 0.8 percentage points month-on-month, indicating that manufacturing production kept expanding, and the growth rate kept increasing for two consecutive months. In view of different industries, textile and apparel industry, processing of timber and furniture manufacturing, processing and coking of petroleum, electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing, ferrous metal mining and processing increased, and in particular, the production of ferrous metal mining and processing rose again significantly this month after falling sharply for three consecutive months. The production indices of tobacco manufacturing, paper and printing industry, cultural, educational, sporting goods manufacturing, foods, liquor, beverages and fine tea manufacturing, fabricated metal products manufacturing, special equipment manufacturing, chemical fiber manufacturing, rubber and plastic manufacturing, positioned below the threshold, and the production outputs fell back.

In October, the new orders index was 50.4 percent, up by 0.6 percentage points month-on-month, positioned above threshold for the first time since May 2012, showing that the manufacturing product orders from customers turned to increase from decrease, and market demand has improved. In view of different industries, the market demand of textile and apparel industry, processing and coking of petroleum, ferrous metal mining and processing, pharmaceutical manufacturing increased. The new orders indices of special equipment manufacturing, fabricated metal products manufacturing, tobacco manufacturing, paper and printing industry, cultural, educational, sporting goods manufacturing, foods, liquor, beverages and fine tea manufacturing, chemical fiber manufacturing, rubber and plastic manufacturing, positioned below the threshold, and the market demand decreased. The survey results showed that foreign new orders index which reflects the situation of foreign trade of manufacturing was 49.3 percent, increased 0.5 percentage points, month-on-month; the import index was 48.4 percent, increased 0.7 percentage points month-on-month. Although both the indices were still below the threshold, they showed a continuous trend of rebounding, indicating that the foreign trade situation of manufacturing has improved.

Main raw materials inventory index was 47.3 percent, up by 0.3 percentage points month-on-month, still below the threshold, which indicated that the raw materials inventory continued to reduce, while that of decreasing amplitude narrowed. In view of different industries, the main raw materials inventory indices of pharmaceutical manufacturing, processing of timber and furniture manufacturing, textile and apparel industry, foods, liquor, beverages and fine tea manufacturing, gained increase; that of fabricated metal products manufacturing, textile industry, smelting and processing of non-ferrous metal ores, special equipment manufacturing, chemical fiber manufacturing, rubber and plastic manufacturing, non-metallic mineral products manufacturing, were below the threshold, the main raw materials inventory continued to decrease.

Employed person index was 49.2 percent, increased 0.3 percentage points month-on-month. In view of different industries, employed person indices of pharmaceutical manufacturing, tobacco manufacturing, agro-food processing industry were above the threshold, employment increased; employment of fabricated metal products manufacturing, textile industry, processing and coking of petroleum continued to decrease.

Supplier delivery time index was 50.1 percent, 0.6 percentage points higher month-on-month, slightly higher than the threshold, which indicated that the manufacturing supplier delivery time has got shorter a little bit.

Main raw material purchase price index was 54.3 percent, up by 3.3 percentage points month-on-month. This index rose month by month since August 2012, and stayed above the threshold for two consecutive months, which indicated that the overall manufacturing main raw material purchase price continued to increase. In view of different industries, the month-on-month prices of chemical fiber manufacturing, rubber and plastic manufacturing, processing and coking of petroleum, tobacco manufacturing, ferrous metal mining and processing, manufacture of raw chemical materials and chemical products, increased with a significant move; that of automobile manufacturing, manufacturing of general equipment, continued to stay below the threshold, and main raw material purchase price declined sequentially.
China's import and export value of 319.15 billion U.S. dollars in October

The General Administration of Customs released the import and export in the first 10 months of this year.According to customs statistics, from January to October, China's import and export value of $ 3.16157 trillion, an increase of 6.3% from the same period last year (the same below). Which exports $ 1.6709 trillion, an increase of 7.8%; 1.49067 trillion U.S. dollars of imports, up 4.6%; trade surplus of $ 180.23 billion.
Customs statistics show that in October, China's import and export value of 319.15 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 7.3%. Among this, exports 175.57 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 11.6%; imports 143.58 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 2.4%. Picked up by one percentage point year-on-year growth rate of China's foreign trade import and export value in October than in September, 1.7 percent rebound in exports, import growth was unchanged from September. The monthly trade surplus of $ 31.99 billion.
Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 01:46

China Oct export growth 5-mth high, trade surplus swells

China's trade surplus ballooned to its biggest in 45 months in October as export growth darted to a five-month high above 11 percent, surpassing expectations and adding to other data that suggest a less urgent need for new economic stimulus measures.

China's trade surplus ballooned to its biggest in 45 months in October as export growth darted to a five-month high above 11 percent, surpassing expectations and adding to other data that suggest a less urgent need for new economic stimulus measures.

The figures provided further signs for the country's top policymakers meeting in Beijing to anoint new leaders for the coming decade that a long slide in economic growth may be over.

Still, the trade figures don't point to a swift recovery either.

Analysts said exports may have been amplified by a weak year-earlier month and one-off orders from customers for Christmas.

China Commerce Minister Chen Deming was also wary about reading too much into the figures, saying on Saturday that while exports suggested the world's No. 2 economy is stabilising, global demand would remain anaemic next year.

"I think the October export rebound is mainly due to the delivery of orders for Christmas season," said Wang Han, an analyst at Industrial Securities in Shanghai.

"I would stay cautious about the export outlook in the coming months as demand from the United States and European countries has not fully recovered."

China customs data showed exports climbed in October by 11.6 percent from a year earlier, the fastest pace since May and beating expectations for a 9 percent rise.

Imports were more lethargic, growing 2.4 percent, in line with September but below forecasts for a 3.1 percent rise.

Reflecting the mixed picture, the data showed exports growth to the United States picked up in October from September. Exports to the European Union fell from a year earlier for the fifth month running but the slide was the smallest since June.

Imports from Australia, China's biggest supplier of raw materials, fell 21.8 percent, the deepest fall since January 2009. The value of the imports was the lowest since February 2011.

Analysts said iron ore and coal purchases from Australia may have been dented by a week-long Chinese holiday in October, but the data underscored worries the trade outlook is uncertain at best.

"Looking into November and December and considering the volatility in US and European markets, as well as the recovery in domestic investment, we feel export growth will pull back," said Chen Hetian, an analyst at Rising Securities in Beijing.

Brisk export sales alongside flagging import shipments are both a political and economic problem for China.

Beijing wants domestic consumption to replace exports and investment as the key driver of growth. At the same time, China's major trade partners want it to import more to help right global economic imbalances.

Beijing has made good headway in cutting China's current account surplus to 2.6 percent of gross domestic product this year from 10.6 percent in 2007 and under a 4 percent bar deemed by Washington to be appropriate.

But the jump in October's trade surplus to $32 billion, the largest since January 2009 and well above forecasts for $26.9 billion, showed China still risks having exports driving too much of its growth.


Chen had flagged the trade figures on Friday, telling reporters on the sidelines of China's Communist Party congress that exports rose more than 11 percent and imports grew by 2.8 percent.

However, he also said it would be difficult for China to hit a 2012 target to grow total trade by 10 percent, a line he reiterated on Saturday.

"January through October export growth was over 6 percent, so it will be very difficult to meet our target, but we will still try," Chen said at a press briefing.

"The outlook for the next few months is relatively serious and the difficulties will extend into next year."

This year's weakening demand for China's exports was reflected in the just-concluded Canton Fair, China's largest biannual trade exhibition, where total transactions this autumn season dropped 9.3 percent from a year earlier.

Still, other Chinese economic data suggest the worst may be over, even if a sharp rebound is not at hand. Two factory purchasing managers' reports last week showed a contraction in new orders eased in October.

Figures on Friday, including industrial production and investment, suggested the economy was picking up after growth fell for seven straight quarters through the third quarter.

Despite efforts to rebalance the economy towards domestic consumption, exports generated 31 percent of gross domestic product in 2011, World Bank data shows, and supported an estimated 200 million jobs.

To steady the economy, Beijing has tried to help exporters and importers by speeding up payments of tax rebates, cutting red tape, and giving exporters more access to bank loans.

More broadly, it has also cut interest rates twice this year and lowered banks' reserve requirements twice. But as the economy pulls out of its downturn, economists expect Beijing to stand pat on policy for now.

China's exports surge, trade surplus widens - CNN.com
Financial Times - China data heralds end of slowdown

Chinese industrial production, investment and retail sales all accelerated in October, confirming that the world’s second-largest economy has ended its nearly two-year slowdown.

China is still on track for growth of under 8 per cent this year, which will likely be its weakest in more than a decade, but it now appears set for a relatively strong finish to 2012 thanks to an increase in government spending and looser monetary policy in recent months.

The positive numbers came at an opportune time for Beijing.

With the Communist party gathered for a congress that will unveil the country’s leaders for the next decade, officials can point to the rebound as evidence of their sound economic management.

Zhou Xiaochuan, central bank governor, made that case to reporters on Thursday, speaking a day before the data were released to the public but after he had already seen the numbers.

“October data are showing signs of improvement. The domestic economy is evolving in a good direction,” he said.

Industrial output growth rose to 9.6 per cent year on year in October from 9.2 per cent in September, while retail sales increased to 14.5 per cent year-on-year growth from 14.2 per cent.

Fixed-asset investment also picked up, as did newly started projects, an important predictor of future spending.


Where is that Gordon Chang now, he predicted that China's economy would definitely collapse in 2006, 2010, 2011 and now most recently by 2012?
2012-11-09 18:42来源:NTTV新闻

Link and video





今天上午,江苏熔盛重工成功交付了土耳其船东Geden Lines公司的第8艘苏伊士油轮。熔盛重工坚持自主研发,向海工和高附加值船舶市场进军,取得不俗佳绩。


Rongsheng Heavy Industries delivered the Turkish shipowners eighth Suezmax crude oil tankers
2012-11-09 18:42: NTTV News

his morning, Jiangsu Rongsheng Heavy Industries, the successful delivery of the Turkish shipowner Geden Lines 8 Suezmax crude oil tankers. Rongsheng Heavy Industries adhere to independent research, to enter the market to marine and high value-added ships, achieved impressive success.

The delivery of "Royal" tanker, 156,000 MT a total length of 274.5 meters, 48 meters Breadth molded depth of 23.7 m. Ship design and performance to meet the common norms including the structure of the ship CSR including international conventions and norms. The face of the downturn in the international shipping industry, RSHI active optimization and upgrading of a large number of orders.
Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 01:46

China Oct export growth 5-mth high, trade surplus swells

China's trade surplus ballooned to its biggest in 45 months in October as export growth darted to a five-month high above 11 percent, surpassing expectations and adding to other data that suggest a less urgent need for new economic stimulus measures.

China's trade surplus ballooned to its biggest in 45 months in October as export growth darted to a five-month high above 11 percent, surpassing expectations and adding to other data that suggest a less urgent need for new economic stimulus measures.

The figures provided further signs for the country's top policymakers meeting in Beijing to anoint new leaders for the coming decade that a long slide in economic growth may be over.

Still, the trade figures don't point to a swift recovery either.

Analysts said exports may have been amplified by a weak year-earlier month and one-off orders from customers for Christmas.

China Commerce Minister Chen Deming was also wary about reading too much into the figures, saying on Saturday that while exports suggested the world's No. 2 economy is stabilising, global demand would remain anaemic next year.

"I think the October export rebound is mainly due to the delivery of orders for Christmas season," said Wang Han, an analyst at Industrial Securities in Shanghai.

"I would stay cautious about the export outlook in the coming months as demand from the United States and European countries has not fully recovered."

China customs data showed exports climbed in October by 11.6 percent from a year earlier, the fastest pace since May and beating expectations for a 9 percent rise.

Imports were more lethargic, growing 2.4 percent, in line with September but below forecasts for a 3.1 percent rise.

Reflecting the mixed picture, the data showed exports growth to the United States picked up in October from September. Exports to the European Union fell from a year earlier for the fifth month running but the slide was the smallest since June.

Imports from Australia, China's biggest supplier of raw materials, fell 21.8 percent, the deepest fall since January 2009. The value of the imports was the lowest since February 2011.

Analysts said iron ore and coal purchases from Australia may have been dented by a week-long Chinese holiday in October, but the data underscored worries the trade outlook is uncertain at best.

"Looking into November and December and considering the volatility in US and European markets, as well as the recovery in domestic investment, we feel export growth will pull back," said Chen Hetian, an analyst at Rising Securities in Beijing.

Brisk export sales alongside flagging import shipments are both a political and economic problem for China.

Beijing wants domestic consumption to replace exports and investment as the key driver of growth. At the same time, China's major trade partners want it to import more to help right global economic imbalances.

Beijing has made good headway in cutting China's current account surplus to 2.6 percent of gross domestic product this year from 10.6 percent in 2007 and under a 4 percent bar deemed by Washington to be appropriate.

But the jump in October's trade surplus to $32 billion, the largest since January 2009 and well above forecasts for $26.9 billion, showed China still risks having exports driving too much of its growth.


Chen had flagged the trade figures on Friday, telling reporters on the sidelines of China's Communist Party congress that exports rose more than 11 percent and imports grew by 2.8 percent.

However, he also said it would be difficult for China to hit a 2012 target to grow total trade by 10 percent, a line he reiterated on Saturday.

"January through October export growth was over 6 percent, so it will be very difficult to meet our target, but we will still try," Chen said at a press briefing.

"The outlook for the next few months is relatively serious and the difficulties will extend into next year."

This year's weakening demand for China's exports was reflected in the just-concluded Canton Fair, China's largest biannual trade exhibition, where total transactions this autumn season dropped 9.3 percent from a year earlier.

Still, other Chinese economic data suggest the worst may be over, even if a sharp rebound is not at hand. Two factory purchasing managers' reports last week showed a contraction in new orders eased in October.

Figures on Friday, including industrial production and investment, suggested the economy was picking up after growth fell for seven straight quarters through the third quarter.

Despite efforts to rebalance the economy towards domestic consumption, exports generated 31 percent of gross domestic product in 2011, World Bank data shows, and supported an estimated 200 million jobs.

To steady the economy, Beijing has tried to help exporters and importers by speeding up payments of tax rebates, cutting red tape, and giving exporters more access to bank loans.

More broadly, it has also cut interest rates twice this year and lowered banks' reserve requirements twice. But as the economy pulls out of its downturn, economists expect Beijing to stand pat on policy for now.

China's exports surge, trade surplus widens - CNN.com

Having big trade surpluses does not mean that china is back to being run by net exports.
You can be a consumption based economy and still have large trade surpluses.

Western analysts are utter ignorant fools.
These clowns think being a consumption based economy means consumption has to contribute 100% to GDP growth and must run trade deficits :lol:
No wonder western economies are bankrupt with such clueless analysts advising their politicians.

Btw china does not give a rats arse about what Washington thinks. If the US ever, I mean ever threatens china with economic or financial sanctions, the US will be the biggest loser because china will retaliate by denying access to the Chinese markets, reduce dollar-denominated debts and conduct trade in non-dollar currencies.

The US requires the world to demand for dollars due to their QE program's, otherwise US will have massive inflation if countries like china has no demand for dollars to conduct trade.

The US is EXTREMELY reliant on the world for DOLLAR DEMAND and US DEBT DEMAND.
That is they want the world to absorb all the dollars they print to keep their inflation low (world gets all the inflation instead) and then use those dollars countries accumulated from trade to be recycled into US bonds to keep US interest rates low.

Chinese exports to the US is about 17% of total Chinese exports. That means china had 83% other customers from around the world. US is not as important to the global economy as many in American media wants you to believe. There used to be a theory made up by the west that without the US economy growing full speed the rest of the world cannot grow. Well that theory has proved to be a total fallacy since emerging markets have grown at their normal fast pace even while US and Europe are in stagnation.

Only area the US is important is the use of dollars to conduct international trade due to dollar monopoly. And their QE policies hurt the global economy by causing exchange risks. But countries around the world are taking steps to conduct trade in bilateral currencies. BRICS being one major group.
Financial Times - China data heralds end of slowdown


Where is that Gordon Chang now, he predicted that China's economy would definitely collapse in 2006, 2010, 2011 and now most recently by 2012?

You can probably locate him in 青山 :azn:

10 November 2012 Last updated at 14:42

China to launch next manned spaceship in 2013

China plans to launch its next manned space mission in June next year, state media reports.


China's first female astronaut returned from her mission in late June

A senior official in charge of the manned space programme said the three-person crew could be made up of a woman and two men.

China became only the third country to independently send a person into space in 2003, after the US and Russia.

The launch plan follows the flight of the Shenzhou 9 spacecraft, which returned to Earth in late June.

The Shenzhou 9 took part in the country's first manual space docking mission, a major milestone in China's ambitious space programme.

It also carried China's first female astronaut, Liu Yang.

According to Niu Hongguang, deputy commander-in-chief of the manned space programme, next year's mission could happen as early as June, but back-up launch windows have been identified for July or August.

China plans to develop a full orbiting space station by 2020 and has also raised the possibility of sending a man to the moon.

There has been discussion of China joining the International Space Station project, but this is considered unlikely given political tensions between Beijing and Washington.

BBC News - China to launch next manned spaceship in 2013
China Focus: Online shopping bonanza breaks records - Xinhua | English.news.cn
China Focus: Online shopping bonanza breaks records in singles day

Employees of "Qi Gege" (literally "The Seventh Princess"), an online women's wear retailer, celebrate over increased transactions in the company's office during a sales promotion for the "November 11 Singles' Day" in Hangzhou, capital of east China's Zhejiang Province, early Nov. 11, 2012. (Xinhua/Huang Zongzhi)

By Xinhua Writers Ji Shaoting and Zhang Yao

HANGZHOU, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- More than two billion yuan was spent in the first 70 minutes of a 24-hour shopping bonanza at China's largest business-to-customer online purchase website on Sunday.

More than 10 million people swarmed to Taobao.com, for its 24-hour 50-percent-off carnival because of "Single's Day." November 11 (11/11)represents four single people.

The sale has been initiated by the e-commerce company Alibaba Group with Taobao.com and Tmall.com, based in Hangzhou, capital of eastern Zhejiang Province.

As of 11:18 a.m. Sunday, trade volume reached 7.9 billion yuan (1.265 billion U.S. dollars), exceeding the 5.2 billion yuan in the 24 hours on Nov. 11 last year.

Volume reached 10 billion yuan as of 1:38 p.m., which was the target for the 24 hours. It was realized 10 hours in advance, according to the company's statistics.

The sales carnival is also testing the banking system and express delivery systems.

Wu Liying, a bank employee in Hangzhou worked overnight to avoid any collapse of the banking system.

"It's been too hustle and bustle," Wu told Xinhua. "The scale has exceeded the daily volume, which has brought great challenges to our system."

Payment channels at some banks appeared to falter, just as they did last year on the same day.

Although the Alipay.com, payment platform of Alibaba Group connecting the website to banks, has had a project team in place since August, the online system of China Construction Bank broke down for a while due.

Systems of the Bank of China and Industrial Bank were alerted as being too busy.

According to the China Construction Bank, transaction flow exceeded six times than usual during night hours. The system failed from 1:15 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. in branches in Sichuan Province and Beijing.

The event has also triggered a busy day for logistics industries.

"I can only slept two hours at night. Some online shops needed to start deliveries at 3 a.m.," said Wang Yunda, a courier of Shentong Express in Hangzhou.

Last year, 20 million packages were delivered with some customers having to wait three months for their goods.

Other e-commerce companies, including 360buy.com, suning.com and dangdang.com have joined in marketing on the same day to form a real tide sweeping the whole Internet purchase, said Lu Zhenwang, observer of e-commerce.

Consumer habits have been changing in the country and new online space emerged in the world's largest market with the largest population, Lu said.

The number of netizens reached 538 million in June while the popularity rate is only 39.3 percent in China, according to the latest statistics of China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC).

"The rate is 70 percent in western countries, which indicates China's large potential for online purchasing," said Jing Linbo, researcher of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Although exports continued to improve in October it was only described as a "slight improvement" by Chen Deming, minister of commerce.

"China's economy cannot only count on exports, which is still hard to predict, while investment is influenced by policies and macroeconomic environment. Thus, domestic demand carries more expectation to stimulate China's economy," Jing said.

"Online purchases shows the potential of China," he said.

The report of 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) raised a new goal to double people's income by 2020 from 2010. This requires the Party to not only stimulate domestic demand but also balance supply and demand, said Huang Hao, associate professor of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

"The online purchase platform shows great consuming capacity, which offers a channel to balance supply and demand as some commodities were

transferred from traditional sellers," Huang said.

Some companies transferred their storage from downtown department stores to e-commerce depots right before Single's Day, which created a new way to decrease the storage of traditional retailers, he said.

"The large social collaboration triggered by e-commerce marketing pushes the limits of each one in the chain. More peaks will come to be both tests and chances," said Zhang Yong, president of Tmall.com.

Ma Yun, board chairman of Alibaba Group, which runs Taobao.com, said that e-commerce is complementary to advanced traditional retailer in the U.S..

"However, China's infrastructures and traditional retail industry is not perfect enough, which gives e-commerce a chance to become mainstream to stimulate domestic demand, while logistics and other supporting facilities can improve and match up," Ma told Xinhua.


A cartoon image of business-to-consumer (B2C) online retail website Tmall.com is placed at its headquaters in Hangzhou, capital of east China's Zhejiang Province, Nov. 11, 2012. As the Chinese grassroots' self-proclaimed Singles' Day, which falls on November 11, gains popularity, the country's e-commerce websites have grasped the chance to make money. The burgeoning online retail website Tmall.com launched a 24-hour sales promotion beginning Nov. 11. By the end of 14:00 (0600 GMT) on Sunday, the transaction volume of Tmall.com and its consumer-to-consumer (C2C) counterpart Taobao.com has surpassed 10 billion RMB (about 1.6 billion U.S dollars), higher than the single day on-line sales volume record of the United States in 2011. (Xinhua/Huang Zongzhi)


People select electrical equipment at an electric home appliance store in Yinchuan, capital of northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Nov. 11, 2012. As the Chinese grassroots' self-proclaimed Singles' Day, which falls on November 11, gains popularity, the country's merchants have grasped the chance to make money. (Xinhua/Peng Zhaozhi)
You can probably locate him in 青山 :azn:

Yeah no doubt about that! :lol:

My fellow Chinese members, you MUST read this prediction by Gordon Chang (the American with a half-Chinese face).

The Coming Collapse of China: 2012 Edition- By Gordon G. Chang | Foreign Policy

By Gordon Chang:

I admit it: My prediction that the Communist Party would fall by 2011 was wrong. Still, I'm only off by a year.

So after being wrong in 2006, 2008, and 2011.... he now says that China will definitely collapse by the end of 2012.

Time is running out Gordon. :azn:
Good stuff CD, especially the last sentence at the end "Not long ago, everything was going well for the mandarins in Beijing. Now, nothing is. So, yes, my prediction was wrong. Instead of 2011, the mighty Communist Party of China will fall in 2012. Bet on it."
He should be betting on himself winning the lottery than the collapse of China, that's more likely to come true lol
?????????????? ???????---?????????
中国首台全断面岩石掘进机下线 先用于海外工程
China's first full-face rock tunnel boring machines rolled off the assembly line, For the oversea project first






秦皇岛天业通联重工股份有限公司始创于2000年,是集研发设计、制造安装、销售服务为一体的重大装备制造骨干企业。(王宝德 尹永吉)

Google translate:
China's first new full-face rock tunnel boring machine (TBM) 9 in Qinhuangdao, Hebei off the assembly line, and will first be applied to the China Gezhouba Group's overseas construction projects - Ethiopia GD-3 hydropower project. The experts said, which marks China in the field of full face rock tunnel boring machine has broken the pattern of foreign monopoly.

According to reports, the full-face rock tunnel boring machine, such as the Qinling Tunnel into the Yellow River in Shanxi and other large-scale water conservancy and hydropower projects, subway, highway and railway construction related to the national economy and people's livelihood is widely used, its safe, efficient and does not destroy the earth's surface ecological environment construction advantages and play an increasingly important role in the large-scale projects in the tunnel construction. Ethiopia GD-3 hydropower project total investment of 3.067 billion yuan, including hard rock tunnel boring machine excavation segment long 10398.673m construction segment are mainly located in the Precambrian and Archean granite folder schist and gneiss rock body belongs to the hard rock mass.

Off the assembly line this new full-face rock tunnel boring machine, by Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Qinhuangdao Tianye Communications Holdings Italy SELI joint design, production, is the world's most advanced rock tunnel boring machine equipment to earth and rock structure where hard rock smashed fast boring.

The tunneling machinery branch president of the China Construction Machinery Industry Association, Yu Ju, Secretary-General Chen-Hwa Song Prior to the seminar, said the new full-face rock tunnel boring machines geological adaptable and has the characteristics of both open TBM Double Shield TBM facilitate container transport, installation, commissioning convenient, on behalf of China has entered the advanced ranks of international rock tunnel boring machine.

Qinhuangdao Tianye of QSO Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. was founded in 2000, combines research, development, design, manufacturing, installation, sales and service as one of the major equipment manufacturing enterprises. (ORE Yin Yongji)
Efforts made to revive China's cultural heritage

11-15-2012 08:22 BJT

Play VideoDriven by the goal of reviving China's traditional culture, the government has been pouring resources into preservation efforts. Special funds have been set aside at all levels of government to finance protection, restoration, maintenance as well as promotion of China's cultural heritage.

Cultural heritage is like a people's signature written in time. Thanks to new technologies, the government has been able to gain an upper hand in the battle against time.

One recent example is the digitalization of the Longmen Grottoes in the central China’s city of Luoyang. The grottoes are one of the finest examples of Chinese Buddhist art. They contain over two thousand caves, 100,000 Buddhist statues and around 2,800 tablets. Using 3D technology, statues and carvings from the grottoes have been collected into a computer database that can be used to preserve and renovate the site.


Longmen Grottoes in the central China's city of Luoyang

The Yuzhen Temple is another example. To avoid being submerged by the Danjiangkou Reservoir, the temple’s gates, weighing thousands of tons, have slowly been raised at the break-neck speed of 75 centimeters per day.

But historic sites all over China are coming under stricter protection.

China joined the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Heritage in 1985. And one of the first enlisted groups is Imperial Palace, which is lying behind me. And since then the number continues to grow. At present, the country has a total of 43 world heritage sites, out of which 30 are cultural heritages. As the great philosopher Confucius once said, you can always learn something new by reviewing the old. So it is definitely more than just saving these spectacular marks that we human beings put on this planet, but also to inspire new thoughts by reviving the traditional arts and culture.


Longmen Grottoes in the central China's city of Luoyang

Unlike the huge historic sites built by tiles and bricks, China’s intangible cultural heritage is seen mostly through people’s traditional ways of living and aesthetic tastes. And it can only be preserved by passing on the traditional routines of daily life.

In June 2011, the "Law of Intangible Cultural Heritage" was enacted. More than 10,000 provincial and national relics have been collected under the law.

"Since being put into effect, the law has generated a very good social influence. More and more people started to pay attention to traditional arts and culture. It's not just what we keep behind the window of the museum, but rather, everything in our daily lives, from dressing to eating, from living to transporting."

China's cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, is being protected more closely than ever before. The hope is that these efforts will re-infuse China's history with modern vitality.


Yuzhen Temple
京东方110英寸UHD级ADSDS显示屏亮相高交会 (全球最大)
2012-11-17 15:15:12 来源: 南方网



近日,全球最大尺寸ADSDS超高清显示屏亮相高交会,成为本次高交会的一大亮点,也是我国在平板显示领域的最新突破性进展。这款由京东方科技集团自主研发的超大尺寸、超高清显示屏凭借其178度超宽视角、4倍于FHD的UHD(Ultra HD)超高清级别(分辨率高达3840*2160),以及大尺寸超高清视频显示效果,给现场观众身临其境般的逼真视觉享受。


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BOE 110-inch UHD level ADSDS screen debut high-tech fair (World's Largest)
2012-11-17 15:15:12 Source: it.southcn.com

Recently, the world's largest size ADSDS ultra-high-definition screen debut high-tech fair has become a major highlight of the high-tech fair, is our latest breakthrough in the field of flat panel display. This independently developed by BOE Technology Group oversized, ultra-high-definition display With its ultra-wide viewing angle of 178 degrees, 4 times in FHD UHD (Ultra HD) ultra-high-definition levels (resolution up to 3840 * 2160), as well as the large size super HD video display to the audience immersive lifelike visual enjoyment.

In addition to the ultra-wide viewing angle and ultra-high-definition resolution, this 110 inches ADSDS ultra-high-definition display brightness up to 1000nits, products in outdoor public display spaces to achieve high-quality display, 10bit color technology can present 1.07 billion colors, far higher than the mainstream display the number of colors, makes colors more rich and colorful, to the maximum extent possible to restore the true color.
At the same time, the product set a number of large-size panels, high-end technologies in one: oversized panel stitching exposure technique, oversized advanced process technology, high frame rate panel design technology, super-size mosaic mirror synchronous scanning technology, 120Hz high frequency drive technology , local dynamic backlight technology and other advanced technology. Full realization of the a delicate really beautiful display.
BOE official said, will the subsection 110 inches ADSDS ultra-high-definition display in BOE 8.5 generation line put into operation, and can be widely used in office spaces, large digital display boards, high-end theaters and other places.
Edit: Anke

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我成功自研阻止飞机冲出跑道技术 打破美垄断

2012-10-22 16:04 中国民航报




  画面中呈现的这项技术叫做特性材料拦阻系统(Engineered Material Arresting System,简称EMAS),这项技术长期以来都被国外公司所垄断。2012年7月12日,由中国民航科学技术研究院研发的,具有完全自主知识产权的EMAS正式通过了中国民航局的合格审定并获得工程应用批准,这是中国民航在涉及飞行安全的重大系统研发方面取得的重要进展,也是世界上第二个取得政府民航主管机构批准的EMAS。这一成果的取得,将大幅降低机场安装该系统的成本,从而推动我国众多高原机场和特殊地形机场有效提升安全保障能力。



















We successful self-development to prevent the aircraft overran the runway technology to break the US-monopoly

China's civil aviation 2012-10-22 16:04

Not long ago, Mr. Chen, on the Discovery Channel to see a novel thing: Americans shop at the end of the airport runway arresting bed, and actually be able to stop the aircraft overran the runway. On the TV screen, the end of the runway clad material to prevent the success of an upcoming runway Boeing to protect the aircraft, but also to ensure the safety of passengers.

The characteristics of this technology is called Material Arresting System (Engineered Material Arresting System, presented on the screen EMAS), this technology has long been monopolized by foreign companies. July 12, 2012, developed by the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China Institute of Science and Technology, with completely independent intellectual property rights EMAS formal certification by the Civil Aviation Administration of China and the approval of the project application, which is a major system of China's civil aviation flight safety R & D has made important progress, but also the world's second-to obtain the approval of the competent authority of Civil Aviation EMAS. This has been achieved, will significantly reduce the cost of the airport to install the system, and thus promote the many plateau Airport in China and the the special terrain Airport effective to enhance the security capabilities.

How to prevent the aircraft overran the runway?

With the rapid development of the world civil aviation industry fast flight movements increased significantly, the upward trend in the number of aircraft overran the runway, and how to avoid aircraft overran the runway after a serious accident, has become an important issue for the safety of civil aviation. In order to solve this problem as early as in the 1960s, the British started research and development of related technologies Elam parked aircraft runway, but for various reasons failed to form the product. By the 1980s, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the U.S. company jointly developed the EMAS system.

In fact, EMAS is formed of a specific mechanical properties of the foam concrete is laid on the extension line of the runway in the ground to a thickness of several tens of centimeters, the formation of an arresting bed. Consistent width and runway length in tens of meters to over 100 m. Once the aircraft overran the runway into which foam of broken wheel RCC concrete, in order to absorb the kinetic energy of the aircraft, under the premise to guarantee the safety of the aircraft and crew, the aircraft gradually slow down and eventually stop arresting bed.

In the 1990s, FAA validation of the the EMAS system design methods. The first time in 1996 at New York's Kennedy Airport, the pilot laying, and successfully stopped three aircraft parked. Subsequently, FAA its issued licenses, and to promote the use of civilian airports in the United States need. As of now, there are 35 civil airports in the United States laid 55 sets EMAS system successfully pulled over eight aircraft. At the same time, the United States in the global promotion of EMAS system. In recent years, China's Sichuan Jiuzhaigou Huanglong Airport and Taiwan Songshan Airport has installed the system.

To solve the problem of runway

Sichuan Jiuzhaigou Huanglong Airport cut mountain built, surrounded by mountains, due to the complex terrain and high altitude, pilots often perform Jiuzhai Huanglong Airport mission feeling the runway is short, especially in the rain and snow weather conditions, aircraft landing and rejected takeoff once the anti-spray, brake failure or out of the runway, the consequences could be disastrous. Therefore, in 2006, Jiuzhai Huanglong Airport Phase II Expansion Project in the north and south ends of the runway were installed two sets of EMAS system.

In China, there are considerable number of airports cut the mountain and built, commonly known as the "Desktop airport. These airports are standard runway end safety area, but outside the security zone for scarp or cliff, once the aircraft out of the runway end safety area, machine crash tragedy must be staged. In addition, some Riverside, Linhai, temporary residential area of ​​the airport is there such a problem.

With the rapid development of China's civil aviation, the sharp increase in the number of flights, to maintain the level of security, you need to update the security means. ICAO statistics show that the number of runway incidents the first row in the type of civil aircraft accidents statistics worldwide red wide. China's civil aviation in recent years red runway event also ranks first in the number of serious incidents of civil aircraft type statistics. Shows that the airport runway end safety area is not long enough install EMAS system to solve aircraft to overshoot the runway of the problem, can significantly improve the level of safe operation.

The technical problems

Institute of Science and Technology in China's civil aviation research and development EMAS be obtained prior to the examination and approval of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, the domestic similar products, our airports, if you want to install, you need to face three problems: the high price of the product, the transport distance and system maintenance difficult.

It is reported that in 2010, Taiwan Songshan Airport plans to lay 1 sets the system budget of up to NT $ 430 million, compared with the 2006 Sichuan Jiuzhaigou Huanglong Airport laying the system, the substantial increase in the price. Such a high cost, even if the government gives most of the subsidies, the most difficult burden on the to install EMAS system of small and medium airports.

China needs its own EMAS system! In 2010, under the instructions of the Deputy Secretary for the Civil Aviation Authority, Li Jian, Air EPRI organized by the School of the principal leaders in command, dozens of research backbone to participate in research and development team, the United Nations related units invested tens of millions of dollars of funding. After 2 years, the capture of material production and the technical problems of the system design methodology. In order to effectively validate product performance and system security, Air ASTRI design and construction of a dedicated test bench, wheel roller compacted material process dozens of pilot testing, made a lot of valuable data, and ultimately establish a comprehensive process of arresting simulation model and design methods. Air EPRI also specifically purchased from Air China Boeing 737, starting from the fourth quarter of 2011, the Tianjin Airport second runway has launched a large-scale real machine verification test. The test results show that the the Air EPRI research and development of EMAS system has an effective blocking effect, and to ensure the safety of aircraft and personnel.

Developments and Prospects

"For the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China, EMAS project is a new, groundbreaking project, also only master the technology in the United States, we do not have any experience can learn and reference. Well this project, the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China output standards to the international aviation community, to enhance the international status of the Chinese civil aviation, and to enhance the margin of safety of the complex airport for the construction of civil aviation power, has a very important significance. "the CAA Li Jian, deputy director of China has repeatedly emphasized on different occasions the significance of the civil aviation research and development of the EMAS system.

The person in charge of the Air Research Institute (Beijing) Technology Development Co., Ltd. told reporters domestic EMAS system successfully developed significantly reduce the laying costs, complex terrain Airport in many plateau Airport in China, due to special reasons difficult to extend the runway end safety area airport, reasonably priced and engineering solutions. It has a very broad market prospects the The Tengchong airport have been identified to install EMAS system, while the number of domestic and international airports also expressed a keen interest in the product. "We are in the Tianjin Airport Economic Zone has more than 10,000 square meters of production plants, blocking material to meet the production, conservation of environmental requirements, can guarantee the stability of the material properties a month to produce a set of materials required by the EMAS system."

This year, the International Civil Aviation Organization "International Standards and Recommended Practices to improve the standard of the length of the runway end safety area to reduce overran the runway caused significant flight safety accident. However, because of geographic or other environmental factors, many airports is difficult to meet the new runway end safety area length requirements, EMAS has written to the ICAO "International Convention on Civil Aviation Annex 14" Airport "Volume I" airport design and run the first 3.5 .5 become the international equivalent security measures.

It is understood that, although the domestic EMAS system price compared to similar foreign products have decreased substantially, but for many airports, especially small and medium-sized airport, this fee is a huge expense. The purpose of laying view of the EMAS system is to improve the safety of the operation of the airport, the Civil Aviation Administration of China is working on the development of policies related to subsidies, in order to support the promotion of the use of the EMAS system.

Editor: Liu Kun

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