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China: COSCO Delivers Wind Turbine Installation Vessel
Posted on Nov 12th, 2012

China: COSCO Delivers Wind Turbine Installation Vessel >> Offshore Wind


The Board of Directors of COSCO Corporation (Singapore) Limited announces that COSCO (Nantong) Shipyard Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of the Company’s 51% owned COSCO Shipyard Group Co., Ltd, has delivered one windmill turbine installation vessel (WTIV) “SEA INSTALLER” to its European buyer ( see below)

The delivery documents were signed by and between COSCO Nantong and the buyer recently.

The “SEA INSTALLER” is designed to transport, lift and install wind turbines and their foundations. It measures 132.34 meters in LOA (length of all), 39 meters in breadth and 9 meters in depth.


China: COSCO Names Wind Turbine Installation Vessel for A2SEA
Posted on Aug 27th, 2012



On July 24th, 2012, the third generation wind turbine installation jack up, N370, was named SEA INSTALLER at COSCO (Qidong) Offshore base. This vessel is being designed and built for the Danish owner A2SEA as part of the Dong Energy Power A/S.
It is the world’s most advanced wind turbine installation vessel, which, along with a high of degree of automation, also provides an additional and fully integrated-ability in transportation, lifting and installation of a wide range of large scale generator components.
COSCO Shipyard Group has the independent intellectual property rights of this series of marine offshore vessels, in both basic and detailed design. The successful building of SEA INSTALLER truly marks the establishment of a full capability in the design & construction of advanced third generation wind turbine offshore installation jack up units in China.
As demanded in the specification, the design and build fulfils all the strict specifications of both DNV Class and the Danish Maritime Authority rules. In the design, a number of advanced marine technologies were adopted, including a DP-2 dynamic positioning system and an all-electric propulsion system, so the vessel has excellent mobility between the pier and wind farm, and accurate dynamic positioning ability in the floating condition.
It is equipped with four cylindrical hydraulic leg lifting systems and an 800 tonne heavy hydraulic crane. This greatly increases the main deck loading area making it suitable for 5MW to 7MW windmill installations. The hydraulic leg lifting system can load 10 sets of windmill components each time, which fulfils the DNV CLEAN requirements for environmental protection. This vessel is very suitable for future European offshore wind power projects and has very broad market prospects.
Following the successful delivery of two second generation wind turbine installation jack ups, the third generation wind turbine installation jack up SEA INSTALLER series is now being designed and constructed by COSCO Shipyard. The yard has also started construction of the second vessel in this series. The COSCO Shipyard constantly works to enrich its experience in this field.
At the naming ceremony, the Godmother Mrs. Jonna R. Lausen named this vessel SEA INSTALLER. Mr. Jens F. Hansen, the CEO of A2SEA, highly praised the high quality construction standards and capabilities of COSCO Nantong Shipyard and expressed his desire to further strengthen cooperation in developing more and higher level Green and low carbon offshore products together.
Asian economies turn to yuan
Updated: 2012-10-24 00:57

A "renminbi bloc" has been formed in East Asia, as nations in the region abandon the US dollar and peg their currency to the Chinese yuan — a major signal of China's successful bid to internationalize its currency, a research report has said.

The Peterson Institute for International Economics, or PIIE, said in its latest research that China has moved closer to its long-term goal for the renminbi to become a global reserve currency.

Since the global financial crisis, the report said, more and more nations, especially emerging economies, see the yuan as the main reference currency when setting their exchange rate.

And now seven out of 10 economies in the region — including South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand — track the renminbi more closely than they do the US dollar. Only three economies in the group — Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Mongolia — still have currencies following the dollar more closely than the renminbi, said the report, posted on the institute's website.

The South Korean won, for example, has appreciated in sync with the renminbi against the dollar since mid-2010.

China has long vowed to raise its currency's global sway, along with the rise of its economy, which became the world's second-biggest last year.

The goal has seen significant development in recent years as the country promotes renminbi-denominated cross-border trade and gradually loosens control over its capital accounts.

As a result, Hong Kong has quickly risen to be the world's biggest offshore renminbi trading center, with about 600 billion yuan ($95 billion) in deposits.

According to the latest report by the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, or SWIFT, renminbi-denominated trade accounted for 10 percent of China's total foreign trade in July. The figure was zero just two years ago.

From July 1 to Aug 31, global payments in the renminbi rose 15.6 percent, according to SWIFT, as payments in other currencies fell 0.9 percent on average.

The renminbi had a market share of 0.53 percent in August and has overtaken the Danish krone to become the 14th-highest global payment currency, the member-owned cooperative said.

Cross-border trade settled in renminbi will triple to 6.5 trillion yuan ($1.03 trillion) within three years as relations with the world's second-largest economy grow, Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC was quoted as saying by Bloomberg on Oct 9.

Settlements will grow 12 to 20 percent this year, reaching $1.03 trillion in two years, up from $330.8 billion in 2011, said Janet Ming, head of the China desk for RBS in Europe, Middle East and Africa.

"We're seeing a lot more customers starting to practice in renminbi," Ming was quoted as saying by Bloomberg. "For most companies and banks, China and India is where the growth is. If you're dealing with China, ignoring renminbi is not the right thing to do."

Wang Jianhui, chief economist with Southwest Securities Co Ltd, agreed. "Investors are looking for new reserve currencies at a time when both the dollar and euro are under pressure. This is a good opportunity for the yuan," he said.

The Royal Bank of Scotland predicted in a report on Monday that renminbi will become a fully convertible currency in 2015.

The PIIE said that renminbi could rise to the status of an international currency in 10 to 15 years if the country can reform its financial market and allow greater access for foreigners via capital account liberalization.

Forming the new renminbi bloc is the result of China's rise as the main trading partner in the region. China's share in East Asian countries' manufacturing trade has risen from 2 percent in 1991 to about 22 percent this year, according to the PIIE report.

In fact, trade is also propelling the rise of the renminbi outside East Asia. The currencies of India, Chile, Israel, South Africa and Turkey all now follow the renminbi closely, in some cases, more so than the dollar. The renminbi would be more attractive if the country could further liberalize its financial and currency markets, the report said.

Some fear that China might follow Japan's rise and fall over the past decades, but the institute thinks otherwise.

"They should take note that even during the heady days of the Japanese miracle, the yen never came close to rivaling the dollar as a reference currency. There was never anything close to a yen bloc in East Asia," the report said.

Asian economies turn to yuan |Economy |chinadaily.com.cn
China launches environment-monitoring satellite Huanjing-1C
11-19-2012 09:34 BJT


Long March-2C carrier rocket carrying an environment-monitoring satellite Huanjing-1C blasts off from the launch pad at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in Taiyuan, capital of north China's Shanxi Province, Nov. 19, 2012. The Huanjing-1C satellite and the other two satellites Huanjing-1A and Huanjing-1B, which were sent to the outer space in 2008, will be used to monitor the environment and help reduce natural disasters. (Xinhua/Liu Chan)
Home prices in China drop in past year
11-18-2012 10:53 BJT


Fresh data on China’s property market has been released by the National Bureau of Statistics, indicating slight price increases over the month of October but an overall drop for the year.

New home prices rose in fewer than half the cities monitored by the government in October, compared to a month earlier. Out of the 70 cities monitored, 17 saw decreased prices, 18 remained steady, and 35 saw higher prices. The price increase in these cities is minimal, all gaining less than 0.5 percent.

On a year-on-year basis, 56 cities saw home prices drop, 2 remained steady, while 12 saw prices increase. The price increase in these cities is less than 1.5 percent compared to October 2011.
Chinese Shares Fall To Over Three-Year Low
SHANGHAI, Nov 19, 2012 (AFP) -Chinese stocks fell through a key support level in afternoon trading on Monday to hit a more than three-year low for the first time in more than seven weeks on economic worries, dealers said.
The Shanghai Composite Index was down 0.78 percent, or 15.62 points, to 1,999.11 in afternoon trading, breaking through the 2,000 point level that dealers had pegged as support.
The benchmark index last fell to a more-than-three-year low of 1,999.48 points on September 26 this year.
"It's difficult for the index to stay above the 2,000 point level because of a lack of substantial pro-market policies at the moment," BOC International analyst Shen Jun told AFP.
"There are also uncertainties in both the domestic and global economies," he added.
Chinese Shares Fall To Over Three-Year Low
SHANGHAI, Nov 19, 2012 (AFP) -Chinese stocks fell through a key support level in afternoon trading on Monday to hit a more than three-year low for the first time in more than seven weeks on economic worries, dealers said.
The Shanghai Composite Index was down 0.78 percent, or 15.62 points, to 1,999.11 in afternoon trading, breaking through the 2,000 point level that dealers had pegged as support.
The benchmark index last fell to a more-than-three-year low of 1,999.48 points on September 26 this year.
"It's difficult for the index to stay above the 2,000 point level because of a lack of substantial pro-market policies at the moment," BOC International analyst Shen Jun told AFP.
"There are also uncertainties in both the domestic and global economies," he added.

There is also the factor of the new capital gains tax used to dampen speculation that drives away punters
Preparing for a 4G network across China

11-19-2012 14:48 BJT

BEIJING, Nov. 19 (Xinhuanet) -- Engineers test new mobile grid ahead of launch of revolutionary technology.


China Mobile demonstrates its Four Generation Time Division Long Term Evolution technology at a telecommunication fair in Nanjing, the capital city of Jiangsu province. (Photo: China Daily)

A bus installed with professional testing equipment is driven slowly along the main roads in Qingdao's Huangdao development zone. Engineers watch a screen in the center area of the vehicle, checking ever-changing numbers that reflect the status of a TD-LTE 4G trial network.

The average download rate is around 35 megabits per second, with the maximum rate sometimes reaching 95 mbps. When engineers open a popular TV drama on the Chinese video website Youku.com, there is almost no download waiting time and the picture quality is good.

It is a common scenario for Ericsson China's engineers on the newly constructed TD-LTE trial network. TD-LTE stands for Time Division Long Term Evolution technology, one of the international 4G mobile telecommunication standards. It is a homegrown technology largely promoted by China Mobile Ltd, the nation's biggest telecom carrier.

Li Jiangli, senior customer solution manager at Ericsson China, said the TD-LTE trial network Ericsson built in Qingdao has been very successful and demonstrated a much superior performance than the current 2G and 3G mobile networks.

"Compared with 2G and 3G networks, the TD-LTE network will enable people to do more things with mobile phones. For example, you can watch movies, have video conferences and complete tasks that use large data traffic," Li said.

Telecom equipment vendors including Ericsson are closely cooperating with China Mobile to deploy and test TD-LTE trial networks. Only through various tests under different circumstances can equipment suppliers gather experience and prepare well for their future commercial use, she added.

In Qingdao, Ericsson tested the possibility of updating GSM 2G base stations directly to the 4G TD-LTE base stations. "The solution does not only provide quality 4G functions but also greatly reduces the construction cost for telecom operators," said Chang Gang, chief marketing officer of Ericsson China.

China Mobile owns most of the nation's GSM base stations and operates one of the world's most efficient GSM networks. The number of China Mobile's GSM stations is more than double the carrier's TD-SCDMA 3G base stations. By making better use of its GSM 2G resources, China Mobile can deploy a 4G network in a much shorter time because it takes only one hour to update a 2G station, Chang said.

China Mobile has been officially running the second phase of its scale-trial of TD-LTE technology in 13 Chinese cities since June. In addition to Ericsson, other leading telecom equipment vendors such as Huawei, ZTE and Alcatel Lucent have all participated and come up with new solutions and applications for the TD-LTE network.

In Hangzhou, people can experience TD-LTE network's high-speed data transfer in buses. In Shenzhen, when the 26th Summer World University Games opened last year, media reporters were already able to shoot videos and send them back to editing platforms immediately via a TD-LTE trial network.

"The world's 4G network development is gaining momentum. There is a clear trend in that all telecom equipment vendors are actively joining China's 4G development," said Huang Meng, a telecom analyst at Beijing-based research firm Analysys International.

The increasing 4G activity is largely driven by positive signals released by Chinese government and telecom operators recently, analysts said.

Miao Wei, minister for industry and information technology, revealed the Chinese government would soon grant 4G licenses to telecom carriers. The government will issue 4G licenses over the coming year, Miao was quoted as saying in a China National Radio report.

The ministry officially defined the TD-LTE spectrum - 2,500-2,690 MHz - in China in October, paving the way for future TD-LTE network commercial use.

Xi Guohua, chairman of China Mobile, said in June that China Mobile plans to have a total of more than 200,000 TD-LTE base stations through new builds and upgrades by 2013.

Rumors have circulated in Chinese media that China Telecom, the nation's smallest mobile carrier, will probably adopt TD-LTE technology when it starts to deploy its 4G network. If true, it would be a great boost for the TD-LTE industry both at home and abroad.
High speed goes high altitude
Updated: 2012-11-19 10:24 ( chinadaily.com.cn)



A train passes the construction site of a high-speed railway line linking Lanzhou city and Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region in Zhangye city in Northwest Gansu province, on Nov 18, 2012. The high-speed line will be 1,776 kilometers long crossing the Northwest China's Gansu, Qinghai and Xinjiang and the country's first the high-speed railway in a high altitude areas. Trains on the line are designed to run faster than 200 kilometer per hour. [Photo/Xinhua]


Technicians measures the width of a completed rail base at a section of the new high-speed railway linking Lanzhou city and Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region on Nov 18, 2012. [Photo/Xinhua]


The new rail base of the high-speed railway[Photo/Xinhua]
On top of the PC world

Updated: 2012-11-19 13:30 ( bjreview.com.cn)


Lenovo has overtaken HP to become the world's top computer maker, but the company has even greater ambitions

China's personal computer manufacturer Lenovo Group Ltd overtook US-based Hewlett-Packard Corp, or HP, in the third quarter to become the largest seller of personal computers in the world measured by shipments, said the IT research company Gartner Inc in October

According to the internationally recognized research firm, Lenovo accounted for 15.7 percent of all PC shipments in the third quarter, while HP held 15.5 percent. Another US-based PC maker, Dell Corp, controlled about 10.5 percent of the market during the period.


Lenovo intros IdeaCentre Q190 HTPC, new C-series all-in-ones for the space-saving set


Yang Yuanqing, Lenovo Chairman and CEO, said Lenovo would not become complacent.

"Although competition has been fierce in the PC market, I firmly believe there is still room for continuous profit growth," Yang said at a news conference on Lenovo's quarterly financial results held in Beijing on Nov 8. "Becoming a leading enterprise in the PC market is just a milestone in Lenovo's development, as it is also looking to become a leader in other markets."

Lenovo's success is attributed to its long-term focus on emerging markets and successful overseas M&As. Facing a low profit margin in the PC business and fierce competition from tablet PCs and smart phones, the company is embarking on plans to diversify its businesses.

Reasons for success

HP stood atop the rankings as the world's biggest PC maker for the past six years, but its market share loss came amid upheavals in its management and changes in its business plans. At one point, the company had considered spinning off its PC unit, a proposal that was later abandoned by Meg Whitman, HP CEO.

The company has also been hit hard by the world's economic malaise and a shift among customers away from older types of computers toward mobile tablet devices.

Despite a gloomy outlook for PCs, Lenovo's net profit from April to September totaled $303 million, up 20 percent year-on-year. During the same period, its sales revenue amounted to $16.68 billion, up 22 percent, according to Lenovo's quarterly financial statement. PC sales of the company surged 17 percent while those of the whole world shrank by 5 percent.

Lenovo defied the odds because of some of its acquisitions and relatively high exposure to emerging markets, which are outperforming developed markets in sales, Brent Bracelin, an analyst at Pacific Crest Securities Inc, told China Daily.

In the past, Lenovo learned from HP, IBM and other Western IT companies, Wang Jiping, a senior analyst from the US-based research firm International Data Corp, told China Daily.

Lenovo started to develop its own sales and operations model in 2004 and then acquired IBM's PC division in 2005. Now its business model and strategy have spread to global markets

Wang said Lenovo in 2009 became the first PC company to classify countries into two categories: emerging markets, such as China, India and Brazil, and mature markets, such as the United States and Japan. Lenovo then developed a different strategy for each. Such a strategy has now been widely adopted among multinational IT companies.

The main reason the company is the top PC seller is its strategy of penetrating into lower-tier cities in China and emerging markets, Wang said.

About six years ago, Lenovo started selling more of its products in China's rural areas, a step that Wang believes will contribute to the company's development in the next five years.

In China, Lenovo has a 34-percent share of the PC market, up 2.4 percentage points year-on-year, and shipments increased 8 percent year-on-year in the second quarter of 2012, according to a company statement.

In other emerging markets, Lenovo surpassed Dell and HP earlier this year to occupy the top spot in India and announced a few weeks ago that it would cooperate with a company in Brazil to expand its presence there.

Meanwhile, Lenovo has become the top PC shipper in India and is aggressively expanding in Latin American countries with factories in Brazil and Mexico.

While some Chinese IT industry players have tumbled in overseas M&As, Lenovo has witnessed enormous success from its overseas deals.

In 2005, Lenovo acquired IBM's PC business for $1.25 billion, and it also shouldered $500 million of the latter's debt. The takeover provided the company with American know-how to expand globally. By making Lenovo the third largest PC producer worldwide, the acquisition gave Lenovo's PC business a boost.

"We benefited in three ways from the IBM acquisition," said Liu Chuanzhi, former board chairman of Lenovo, in an interview with China Central Television, the country's national TV station. "We got the ThinkPad brand, IBM's more advanced PC manufacturing technology and the company's international resources, such as its global sales channels and operation teams. These three elements have shored up our sales revenue in the past several years."

In August 2012, Lenovo signed an agreement with the US-based data-management company EMC Corp to develop and sell server and storage technologies.

In September 2012, Lenovo delved into software development after buying the US-based cloud-computing company Stoneware Inc for an undisclosed amount. Stoneware has millions of users in the educational field and the US public sector.

The same month, Lenovo agreed to buy the Brazilian consumer electronics maker CCE in a cash-and-shares-deal worth about 300 million Brazilian reals ($147 million). The purchase of CCE, Brazil's largest domestic maker of electronics, will allow Lenovo to more than double its share of the PC market in the world's sixth largest economy - from 3.7 percent to 8 percent - and diversify its product portfolio from single PCs to other electronic products such as tablet PCs and smart phones.

The deal will also add mobile phones and televisions to its product line in Brazil, where it recently announced plans to build a factory at a cost of $30 million.

Lenovo will continue to make acquisitions to boost its growth in global markets, said Lenovo's Chairman Yang.

A larger ambition

Despite Lenovo's market performance in the PC business, worries abound that the sector's low profit margins will eventually become a burden for Lenovo with the increasing popularity of tablets and smart phones.

In the third quarter, 87.5 million PCs were shipped in the world, down 8.3 percent year-on-year, said Gartner.

Because of the current global economic slowdown and competition from mobile Internet products, PC shipments have been feeling the squeeze.

Some analysts say tablets will outsell PCs by 2016 or possibly earlier.

"Becoming the clear leader in global PC market of course remains one of Lenovo's aspirations, but it only represents one more milestone in our journey as a company. We are setting our sights on delivering long-term profitable growth, while leading the way forward into the PC Plus era," said Yang.

Lenovo launched a new strategy this year called "PC Plus" to focus more on other product lines such as mobile devices and build its cloud-computing offerings that allow users to access data remotely or control different devices via a single computer.

Yang said that Lenovo is looking to expand its tablet and smart phone businesses.

In the third quarter, the sales revenue from Lenovo's Mobile Internet and Digital Home Department, such as tablet PCs and smart phones, totaled $718 million, accounting for 8 percent of the company's total sales revenue between July and September. During the period, Lenovo smart phones held 13 percent of the market share in China, up 11.6 percent year on year and second to Samsung's market share of 15 percent.

The company also plans to sell smart phones in Indonesia, the Philippines and Viet Nam in the near future.

Lenovo will place a greater emphasis next year on increasing profits "rather than grabbing more market share", and aim to lift its pre-tax profit margin by at least 1 percentage point in three years, said Yang.
Investment in Our Kids - Our Future!

南京科学嘉年华 Nanjing Science Carnival


The picture shows a child in the Science and Technology Museum in Nanjing, Nanjing Public Security Education Concept experience how to properly hedge the step voltage. (Dong Jinlin)


November 18, 2012, the two-day 2012 Jiangsu Province Youth Science Carnival closed in Nanjing Science and Technology Museum, the active site has scientific experience, the scientific living area, health food exhibition area, an exhibition of science fiction movies, has attracted manyThe kids come to "touch" Science, Institute of healthy living. The theme of the event to touch science, healthy living activities during the Nanjing Science and Technology Museum is open to the community free of charge. The picture shows two children in Nanjing museum visit the the simulation demonstration the sun, Earth and moon among sports "three-ball instrument". (Dong Jinlin)


a kids experience the use of the voice sensor technology control spray "shout springs"



地球构造模型 Earth's tectonic model


体验动物视角 Experience animals Perspective


漩涡发生装置 vortex generating device

google translation

和机器人“对话” A "dialogue" with a robot


公共安全教育观内观看空防演示 Air defense presentation is viewed within the concept of public safety education



舞蹈机器人 dancing robots


蜗杆机构的力学原理 Mechanical principle of the worm gear


滑轮机构的力学原理 The mechanical principle of the pulley mechanism
2012 low price Runbo X5 IP67 GPS/3G/Bluetooth/Wifi/Walkie-Talky waterproof android mobile phone


- Original Runbo X5
- MTK6577 Dual Core 1GHz
- Walkie-Talky: PTT within 5km 400-470MHZ
- 4.3"capacitive touchscreen
- 3G (WCDMA 850/900/1900/2100)(You only can choose one between 850/900 frequency)
- GPS (SUPPORT IGO GPS Navigation)
- Waterproof,dustproof and shockproof
- Android 4.0 OS
- IP67
- Support Multi-languages Support Russian

NOTE: Unlocked for Worldwide Use This quad-band phone will work on GSM network frequencies 850/900/1800/1900 MHz and WCDMA 850/900/1900/2100 Always confirm with your carriers or providers before buying this item. To check the specific network frequency for your carrier and region.




2G GSM850/900/1800/1900

3G 850/900//1900/2100(you only can choose one between 850 and 900 frequency)

Theory rate download:7.2Mbps Upload:5.6Mbps

OS Android 4.0

CPU MTK6577 Dual core 1GHz

Frequency 1GHz

Memory 4G ROM+1G RAM

Tf card Max to 32GB

Battery capacity 3800mAH

Talking time 20h via 2G network

Standing time More than 200H

Color Black+Yellow

Size 155x75x25mm

Weight: 312g Net weight

Common functions SMS MMS Video Auto-lock,Calendar,Clock,Calculator

GPS Built in GPS,Support A-GPS

E-compass Support

Interphone Up to 10KM when it is open

Specification Light-sensor,distance-sencor,G-sensor,Laser,waterproof

Camera 5.0MP &0.3MP Autofocus with flashlight

Picture size Max 3264*2448

Video Support 3GP/MP4


Game Built in and support download

Flash Support flsh player 10.1

FM Support

Third-Party E-book Java SNS

Bluetooth Support Bluetooth 2.1+EDR



Earphone 3.5mm

Microsoft TXT,Quick Office,Adobe PDF

Other email,worldtime etc

Languages:Russian,Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional Dansk,German, English, Spanish, French,Italiano, Nederlands,Polski,Svenska,Portuguese (Brazil), Vietnamese, Turkish, South Africa, Thai, Japanese









Runbo X5

Super durable 3800 milliampere battery

The completion of the first flight test of UAV for transmission line inspection in high altitude areas.


近日,国家电网公司山东电科院科研攻关团队在青海高海拔地区完成了输电线路巡检用无人机海拔4500米的飞行测试。至此,全国输电线路巡检用无人机在高海拔地区首批飞行测试全部完成,为今后在高海拔地区实施无人机常规巡线奠定了良好基础。  国家电网公司科技项目“高海拔地区无人机巡检适用性研究”于2012年3月8日正式启动,该项目由山东电科院所属的国家电网公司电力机器人技术重点实验室主要承担。  新华社发

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Recently, the State Grid Corporation of Shandong EPRI scientific research team completed the flight test of UAV for transmission line inspection at the altitude of 4500m areas of Qinghai.
So far, The first batch of UAV for the national transmission line inspection at high altitudes are completed, and laid a good foundation for usage of UAV in routine line patrol at high altitude. Technology projects of the State Grid Corporation, Applicability of UAV for patrol in high altitudes, was officially launched on March 8, 2012, which is mainly undertook by Key Laboratory of Power robotics which belong to the State Grid Corporation of Shandong EPRI. Xinhua News Agency issued


China's manufacturing growth quickens; HSBC flash PMI at 13-month high


Reuters) - China's vast manufacturing sector saw expansion accelerate in November for the first time in 13 months, preliminary results from a factory survey showed, a sign that the pace of economic growth has revived after seven consecutive quarters of slowdown.

The China HSBC Flash Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) rose to a 13-month high of 50.4 in November, the latest indicator of recovery in the real economy after data showing solid credit growth, firmer exports and rising industrial output in the previous month.

A sub-index measuring output rose to 51.3, also the highest since October 2011.

"This reflects that conditions for smaller firms, especially exporters, are looking up," said Li Wei, a Shanghai-based economist for Standard Chartered. "The consensus in the market is already for a small, gradual improvement."

An uptick in key economic activity indicators in October, following encouraging signs in September, cemented the view of many analysts and investors that a rebound in the world's second largest economy gathered momentum as it entered the fourth quarter, thanks to a raft of pro-growth policies rolled out by the government over recent months.

China is currently shuffling its senior officials after the seven top leaders of the ruling Communist Party were selected at a congress last week. The new appointments should end months of uncertainty in the highest ranks, although economic policy is not expected to change abruptly in the near-term.

Even before the congress, the central bank had moved to ease liquidity by pumping short-term cash into money markets rather than resorting to the interest rate cuts or reduction in banks' required reserve ratios that many investors had expected.


This month's PMI reading above 50 is likely to be seen as a turning point by the market, particularly if it is born out by the final reading due on December 1 and by official indicators.

Asian shares extended gains slightly after the data to stand up nearly 1 percent on the day and the Australian dollar, sensitive to demand from the biggest customer for Australia's resources, rose as far as $1.04.

"This confirms that the economic recovery continues to gain momentum towards the year-end," Qu Hongbin, chief China economist at index sponsor HSBC, said in a statement accompanying the data.

"However, it is still the early stage of recovery and global economic growth remains fragile. This calls for a continuation of policy easing to strengthen the recovery."

With a one-month exception in October 2011, the HSBC PMI -- which largely reflects the private manufacturing sector -- has remained stubbornly below the 50-point level separating accelerating from slowing growth since June 2011.

Unlike the patchy results seen in previous months, in November almost all the sub-indices in the HSBC survey concurred in showing an improving economy.

The one exception was a fall in the sub-index measuring output prices, demonstrating that manufacturers are still struggling with overcapacity and relatively weak domestic demand.

That could also reflect the weight in the survey of exporting firms, which have less ability to raise sales prices, said Standard Chartered's Li.

Indeed, China's exporters are increasingly squeezed by rising domestic costs and competition from new international suppliers, Zhou Haijiang, head of Chinese textile exporter Hodo Group, told reporters this month.

"Not only Western countries manufacture industrial goods, but also a lot of developing countries including former socialist countries who now have market economies are all exporting, thus creating a global surplus that cannot be changed," Zhou said.

"Because of this it is hard to raise sales prices, everyone is selling and it is hard for manufactured goods prices to rise. In some cases prices have even fallen."

Analysts expect no further cuts to interest rates this year or next after back-to-back cuts in June and July, and only one more 50 basis point cut to banks' required reserve ratios (RRR) in 2012 after three since late 2011 that have freed an estimated 1.2 trillion yuan for new lending.

Chinese banks are on course to make new loans worth more than 8.5 trillion yuan ($1.4 trillion) in 2012, expansionary versus the 7.5 trillion of new loans extended in 2011 and above the 8 trillion yuan that sources told Reuters back in February was the target for 2012.

Total social financing aggregate, a broad measure of liquidity in the economy, weakened to 1.29 trillion yuan in October, down from 1.65 trillion yuan in September, but still remained on track to hit a record 14 trillion yuan this year.

China also opened many previously-closed sectors to private investment with a view to funding new infrastructure projects and supporting economic growth without piling on more debt that local governments can ill-afford.

Although analysts expect fourth quarter GDP growth to outpace the 7.4 percent seen in the third quarter, full-year expansion for 2012 is expected to be the slowest in 13 years.

China's manufacturing growth quickens; HSBC flash PMI at 13-month high | Reuters
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