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Did you used Alipay? How did you get scammed?

i bought from aliexpress. they don't have alipay, but have buyer protection. i paid for 5 x 64gb samsung class 10 micro sd cards and they shipped me 5 fake cards that only 32gb each and super slow class 2. the seller had 5 stars ratings with a lot of good feedbacks and a lot of items sold and has buyer protection for every items on their shop too. lol. how did that scammer got all those? alibaba, what the hell?... when i tried to get my money back, the seller account no longer exist. i had to jump through many hoops and a lot of time wasted to get my $125 back. lol. so much for 50% off on 11.11 lol
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i bought from aliexpress. they don't have alipay, but have buyer protection. i paid for 5 x 64gb samsung class 10 micro sd cards and they shipped me 5 fake cards that only 32gb each and super slow class 2. the seller had 5 stars ratings with a lot of good feedbacks and a lot of items sold and has buyer protection for every items on their shop, too. lol. how did that scammer got all those? alibaba, what the hell?... when i tried to get my money back, the seller account no longer exist. i had to jump through many hoops and a lot of time wasted to get my $125 back. lol. so much for 50% off on 11.11 lol
You're so unlucky,but "5 stars"?(what's that?)
Maybe aliexpress is different from Taobao.
I think its overseas business havent matured,unlike its business in China.
You're so unlucky,but "5 stars"?(what's that?)
Maybe aliexpress is different from Taobao.
I think its overseas business havent matured.

it's like ebay gold stars for trusted sellers that sold a lot of sh1ts and has few complaints from buyers.. so much for trusting that lol
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it's like ebay gold stars for trusted sellers that sold of sh1ts and has few complaints from buyers.. so much for trusting that lol
I only used Alipay for payment. This will give me great protection. So far its fantastic. The seller know they cant used monkey method to scam your money since Alipay acted as a middleman holding on the money until you received and satisfy before passing to seller.
it's like ebay gold stars for trusted sellers that sold of sh1ts and has few complaints from buyers.. so much for trusting that lol
Different from Taobao...
Sorry,I can't fully understand what u r talking...
I only used Alipay for payment. This will give me great protection. So far its fantastic. The seller know they cant used monkey method to scam your money since Alipay acted as a middleman holding on the money until you received and satisfy before passing to seller.
that's same as aliexpress buyer protection and it's not easy to get your money back like advertised:D
that's same as aliexpress buyer protection and it's not easy to get your money back like advertised:D
I am not sure abt that. Alipay hold your money and will not send to seller first until you are satisfy with product with positive feedback. And that's how Jack Ma setup a huge online banking with billions of dollar. That mean the seller cant shut down his account and run off with your money, cos he havent received your money yet. If he runs off, Alipay just give you back your money.
I am not sure abt that. Alipay hold your money and will not send to seller first until you are satisfy with product with positive feedback. And that's how Jack Ma setup a huge online banking with billions of dollar. That mean the seller cant shut down his account and run off with your money, cos he havent received your money yet. If he runs off, Alipay just give you back your money.
aliexpress just added alipay few weeks ago. i'll try that.
Source ; finlandtimes.fi

Nokia networks announced on Friday the signing of euro 930 million deal with China Mobile, said Nokia in a release.

Under the agreement Nokia will sell network equipment and support services to the Chinese operator.

Nokia network will also support China Mobile's 4G network rollout during 2015 and beyond.

State-owned China Mobile is the world's largest operator.

The agreement was signed on Thursday evening.
Hairy crabs help China’s solar industry flourish

A worker inspects solar panels at a farm in Dunhuang, Gansu Province. This year, China will become the world’s largest installer of solar panels. The price of the panels has plummeted due to oversupply. Photo: REUTERS

Power plants are teaming up with farmers to grow plants and rear seafood such as hairy crabs under the solar cells, capitalising on the large areas the panels require. Photo: REUTERS

PUBLISHED: 4:25 AM, OCTOBER 30, 2015

XICUN (CHINA) — As she plucks the weeds ensnaring a nascent crop of honeysuckle, farmer Yang Xinfeng makes an unlikely pioneer in the global renewable-energy revolution.

This year, China will overtake Germany to become the world’s biggest installer of solar panels, but as companies increasingly struggle to secure the vast land banks they need for solar farms, they are turning to an innovative solution: Growing everything from plants to hairy crabs underneath the solar cells.

This helps them to get around government restrictions on the conversion of agricultural land, win the support of local farmers and generate an extra income stream.

“This makes a lot of sense as solar can be incorporated into agricultural land pretty effectively and non-invasively,” said Mr Charles Yonts, an energy analyst at stockbroker CLSA in Hong Kong.

At the Xicun power plant in Yunnan province, Hong Kong-listed CLP has teamed up with local farmers to grow honeysuckle, which is used in traditional medicine, below the solar cells that sprawl across hill after hill in this mountainous region.

“It’s not easy to look after this crop because I didn’t know about it before, but I’m making much more money now,” said Ms Yang, whose earnings have trebled to 3,000 yuan (S$662) a month since she started working for the honeysuckle contractor brought in by CLP. “In the past, I had to take on extra jobs to survive, but now I’m more secure and I’m planning to buy a new sofa and refrigerator.”

As it doubles the capacity of the Xicun plant to 100 megawatts, enough to power thousands of homes in the nearby city of Dali, CLP is also working on a similar project in another part of China, where it will rear hairy crabs, an expensive delicacy, in ponds under its solar panels.

“Solar plants take up a big area, and one of the hardest challenges we face is obtaining land near major population centres,” said Mr Roger Yang, the company’s director for new energy in China. “Integrating food production helps us to convince the farmers to lease the land at a reasonable price and get local government support.”

With the price of solar panels having collapsed because of huge oversupply, a growing number of Chinese companies see an opportunity to make money while also earning political brownie points by helping the government meet its ambitious renewable energy targets.

Market research group IHS predicts that China will add a record 17.3 gigawatts of solar panels this year, slightly less than the total installed capacity of Italy, the world’s fifth-biggest generator of power from the sun.

Even after this breakneck expansion, China will be producing only 1 per cent of its power output from solar, but it will be far and away the world’s biggest generator.

While China has vast expanses of available land in its western desert regions, it lacks the high-voltage transmission lines to bring electricity to its main cities, and such a network would require billions of dollars and years of planning.

A government drive to solve the problem by putting more “distributed” solar cells on the roofs of houses and factories has stalled because of the lack of a smart-grid system that allows people and businesses to feed power into the grid and get paid easily.

In the meantime, more companies around China are launching integrated agriculture ventures, with plans to grow everything from mushrooms to animal feed under solar cells.

While CLP, which is part-owned and chaired by Hong Kong billionaire Michael Kadoorie, has long-term experience in building conventional and renewable energy plants around Asia, many of the other Chinese companies expanding into solar have a less impressive record.

Recent entrants include Evergrande, a property developer, China Oceanwide, a finance group, and Huiyuan, a juice maker. Solar-panel maker Hanergy regularly appears at promotional forums for greenhouse-mounted solar panels.

As in most other countries, solar plants in China can only turn a profit because of government subsidies, but it can currently take a year or more for new plants to win the necessary approvals before they receive their first payments.

Mr Frank Xie, a solar analyst for IHS in Shanghai, said those with strong financial backing or international businesses can ride out the subsidy delay, but some weaker companies will struggle to complete their projects, particularly given the wider slowdown.

Mr Yonts of CLSA said that despite the potential for financial problems in the short term, China’s huge solar investment will transform the industry globally by driving down costs, which are presently about 60 per cent higher than coal-fired power.

“That will make solar particularly attractive for countries such as India and Indonesia,” which both currently suffer from damaging electricity shortages, he said.


Hairy crabs help China solar industry flourish - FT.com

Hairy crabs help China’s solar industry flourish | TODAYonline
SEOUL, Oct. 31 (Xinhua) -- The free trade agreement between China and South Korea is a starting point to an economic integration in Asia and the world, a South Korean research fellow said Saturday.

"The Korea-China free trade agreement is now about a bilateral trade but is anticipated to play a pivotal role that will affect Asia and the whole world," Han Jae-Jin, a senior research fellow at Hyundai Research Institute (HRI), said in an interview.

Seoul and Beijing signed their bilateral FTA in June after three years of negotiations. The two countries agreed to eliminate tariffs on more than 90 percent of traded goods each other within 20 years after implementing the deal.

In her recent parliamentary address for next year's budget plan, South Korean President Park Geun-hye prompted lawmakers to ratify the trade pact with China rapidly, saying that the delayed ratification will make local exporters lose an export opportunity worth 4 billion won (3.5 million U.S. dollars) on a daily basis.

"The Korea-China FTA has a significant meaning in the region as it will not be confined to South Korea and China and can be connected to other Asian nations," said Han.

Both Seoul and Beijing have already signed FTAs with ASEAN member states, raising chances for the Asia's No.1 and No.4 economies to expand economic cooperation with Southeast Asian countries through their bilateral FTA.

If the trilateral free trade accord, including Japan as well as South Korea and China, is inked, it would help further strengthen economic cooperation in Northeast Asia.

China's "One Belt One Road" initiative has many in common with Eurasia initiative, advocated by President Park, in terms of aim, strategy and target areas. It raises possibility for an expanded cooperation in trade and investment between the two countries.

"China's 'One Belt One Road' initiative provides a good opportunity for Asian countries as well as China," Han said, noting that the initiative would offer many opportunities for South Korean companies as Seoul entered the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) as one of founding members.

South Korea expected the free trade accord with China to raise its real GDP by 0.95 percentage points and create 53,800 new jobs in the next 10 years.

Economic cooperation between South Korea and China has persistently expanded in the past 23 years since the two nations set up diplomatic ties in 1992. After the 2008 global financial crisis, Seoul and Beijing have strengthened cooperation further via the won-yuan currency swap deal to stabilize foreign exchange market and the signing of the bilateral FTA.

Now, China becomes South Korea's largest trading partner while Seoul is Beijing's third-biggest trading partner as a single country. Trade volume between the two countries increased to 235.4 billion U.S. dollars in 2014.

"I think it is important to remove regulations like tariff barrier and trade quota on goods, mainly traded between the two countries, in order to expand bilateral trade persistently. In that sense, the Korea-China FTA will affect the bilateral trade positively and result in a trade volume expansion," said Han.

Han said that if the FTA takes effect, it will upgrade high value-added industries via increased exchanges between industries of the two countries, forecasting that trade items between the two countries would rapidly change from low value-added to high value-added ones.

Interview: China-S.Korea FTA starting point to regional, global economic integration - Xinhua | English.news.cn
Country's poorest to get a helping hand
2015-10-30 08:52 | China Daily | Editor: Qian Ruisha


A farmer harvests grapes in Gelongshan village, Huaying, Sichuan province, where incomes have been rising because of a government-lead vineyard program.

China is determined to lift more than 70 million people and 592 impoverished counties in rural areas out of poverty by 2020, according to a statement released on Thursday following a four-day meeting of the Communist Party of China Central Committee.

The statement said that by 2020 the country will complete tackling regional poverty to build China into a moderately prosperous society in all aspects.

"It is a challenging goal," said Xiang Deping, director of Wuhan University's China Poverty Alleviation Development Academy.

"Because of historical, natural and environmental reasons, China has a large area of impoverished regions. It will not be easy to realize the commitment by 2020," Xiang said.

However, Xiang said China has faith in facing the challenge.

"China's anti-poverty achievements have been recognized by the world," he said. "International organizations are promoting China's experiences and are introducing some of China's ideas to other developing countries," Xiang said.

China has accumulated wealth in the past 30 years and now has the power to tackle poverty completely, the professor added.

President Xi Jinping reiterated the Chinese government's determination to lift 70 million people above the poverty line by 2020 at the Global Poverty Reduction and Development Forum in Beijing on Oct 16.

Xi said the Chinese government will enact more policies to fulfill the goal and also engage in the global poverty alleviation plan.

By the end of last year, China still had 70.17 million people in the countryside living below the country's poverty line of 2,300 yuan ($376) in annual income by 2010 price standards.

Hong Tianyun, deputy director of the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development, said the government will carry out measures such as improving financial policies and services to enable more impoverished farmers to obtain loans for business startups. China was the first developing country to meet the target set by the UN's Millennium Development Goals program of halving the number of people living in poverty before 2015.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that the UN welcomed Xi's proposals and looked forward to further progress through partnership with China.

"It may be easier to eradicate poverty, but it is difficult to improve the education of people in a short time, which is at the root of reducing poverty," Xiang said.

Thursday's proposal also promoted gradually providing free vocational education to all students. The plan would first target students from low-income families.
Another example of integrated solar farm.

枣树撑起“保护伞” 光伏开启新模式

发表时间:2015-10-22 16:05来源:新华网

光伏开启新模式 已经建成的枣树光伏大棚(10月21日摄)。

近日,位于黄河岸边的山西永和县红枣光伏大棚试点项目顺利完工。该项目将太阳能发电与红枣种植融为一体,在实现清洁发电的基础上解决了当地红枣的裂果问 题,同时,还配套雨水收集设施用于农业灌溉,达到了红枣收益与发电收益的最佳结合。此外,光伏大棚除利用顶部发电外,还可在棚下开展林下经济和家禽家畜养 殖,为扶贫开发注入新的活力和动力。新华社记者武敌摄
Google translate:
Recently, located in the Yellow River in Shanxi Yonghe County dates photovoltaic greenhouse pilot project was successfully completed. The project will integrate solar power and planting dates, based on the realization of clean power generation to solve the problem of local dates fruit rupture, while also supporting rainwater collection facilities used for agricultural irrigation, to achieve the best combination of income and generating earnings by dates farming. Furthermore, in addition to the use of photovoltaic greenhouses on top, but also to carry out forest economy and poultry and livestock farming in the shed for poverty alleviation and development to inject new vitality and motivation. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wu Di photograph



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