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China Economy Forum

The deal will go through the parliament. Economy is not going particularly well (In September, GDP shrunk, actually), any government that does not provide good economic performance is doomed to lose.

And Taiwan's sole chance is the Mainland.

Greater economic integration is a basis for later geopolitical integration.


Taiwan commodity center opens in Shanghai FTZ
November 2, 2015

A Taiwan commodity center opened Sunday in the Shanghai free trade zone (FTZ) amid efforts to help small and medium-sized Taiwanese firms to seek business opportunities in the mainland.

Entrepreneurs across the Taiwan Strait initiated the idea of setting up the Taiwan commodity center to take advantage of preferential policies in the Shanghai FTZ at a summit in Taipei in December last year.

Authorities in the Shanghai FTZ will offer facilitation measures in customs clearance, inspection and quarantine.

Taiwanese businesses will also be allowed to sell their products at a direct sale center of Shanghai FTZ for half a year. Meanwhile, the FTZ will sell their products on its e-commerce platform.

Zeng Peiyan, president of the mainland-based Council of the Zijinshan Summit for Entrepreneurs across the Taiwan Strait, said he hoped the commodity center will become a window and platform to showcase Taiwanese brands and thus boost trade and exchanges across the strait.
The deal will go through the parliament. Economy is not going particularly well (In September, GDP shrunk, actually), any government that does not provide good economic performance is doomed to lose.

And Taiwan's sole chance is the Mainland.

Greater economic integration is a basis for later geopolitical integration.


Taiwan commodity center opens in Shanghai FTZ
November 2, 2015

A Taiwan commodity center opened Sunday in the Shanghai free trade zone (FTZ) amid efforts to help small and medium-sized Taiwanese firms to seek business opportunities in the mainland.

Entrepreneurs across the Taiwan Strait initiated the idea of setting up the Taiwan commodity center to take advantage of preferential policies in the Shanghai FTZ at a summit in Taipei in December last year.

Authorities in the Shanghai FTZ will offer facilitation measures in customs clearance, inspection and quarantine.

Taiwanese businesses will also be allowed to sell their products at a direct sale center of Shanghai FTZ for half a year. Meanwhile, the FTZ will sell their products on its e-commerce platform.

Zeng Peiyan, president of the mainland-based Council of the Zijinshan Summit for Entrepreneurs across the Taiwan Strait, said he hoped the commodity center will become a window and platform to showcase Taiwanese brands and thus boost trade and exchanges across the strait.

Ever growing economic cooperation and integration is indeed the best and only way forward for both sides of the Strait。
Beijing, Seoul sign 17 deals, boost economic partnership
November 2, 2015

China and the Republic of Korea moved toward a closer economic partnership with deals to synchronize development strategies and speed up the ratification of a bilateral free trade agreement.


Premier Li Keqiang attends the welcoming ceremony hosted by Republic of Korea President Park Geun-hye in Seoul on Oct 31,2015. [Photo /Xinhua]

The two sides agreed on Saturday to launch a direct transaction market for their currencies in Shanghai, according to a statement released by the People's Bank of China.

China also supported the ROK in a plan to issue a yuan-denominated bond in China's debt market.

Beijing also decided to expand the renminbi qualified foreign institutional investor quota, commonly known as the RQFII quota, held by Seoul to 120 billion yuan ($18 billion).

Premier Li Keqiang and President Park Geun-hye witnessed the signing of 17 deals after a one-on-one meeting at the presidential Blue House in Seoul.

The two sides agreed to synergize economic development strategies, especially on innovation and the upgrading of the manufacturing sector, to encourage better understanding of each other's policies. They also agreed to encourage more cross-border projects among businesses.

The two economic allies agreed to help facilitate the passage of the bilateral free trade deal in their own legislatures, in addition to expanding the ROK's food exports to China and strengthening industrial cooperation.

Talks to mark maritime boundaries will be initiated as soon as possible to resolve issues stemming from overlapping exclusive economic zones in the Yellow Sea, the leaders agreed.

According to Seoul-based Yonhap News Agency, China and the ROK have designated Samsung Everland, which operates ROK's largest amusement park, as the host for two pandas to be delivered on loan by China next year. Sending pandas is a time-honored goodwill gesture by Beijing.

"My visit aims to take bilateral cooperation in all regards to a higher level and together maintain the stability in Northeastern Asia," Li said at the meeting.

Park said the ROK is willing to expand cooperation with China on trade, finance, innovation, manufacturing and medical care.

It was Li's first visit to the ROK in his capacity as premier.

China is the ROK's largest trading partner, and the ROK is China's third-largest trading partner. The two countries are the largest source of overseas students and the two most popular tourism destinations for their residents, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Huo Jianguo, former president of the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation under the Ministry of Commerce, said it is likely that the bilateral free trade agreement could take effect by the end of this year, since both sides are facing great export pressure in light of the global economic slowdown, and they hope the FTA will facilitate trade and investment.

Huo said the FTA will help stabilize the economy of China and the ROK, both of which are facing economic difficulties at the moment.

A closer economic partnership between the two countries is expected to energize all of Northeastern Asia and play an active role in the economic recovery of the region, a traditional industrial hub burdened by outdated industries.
The two economic allies agreed to help facilitate the passage of the bilateral free trade deal in their own legislatures, in addition to expanding the ROK's food exports to China and strengthening industrial cooperation.

Surely this means more kimchi、dried seaweed、kalbi and pulgogi in the Chinese market :D
Jingdong Group to build China's biggest e-commerce zone
2015-11-2 12:37:22

Chinese e-commerce powerhouse Jingdong Group will build an e-commerce industrial park in a north China city as a regional integration plan gains steam.

The business park, the biggest of its kind in China, will be located in Langfang City, Hebei Province. It will be built with Jingdong's investment, technology and human resources, while the Langfang government will help with infrastructure, according to a memorandum inked on Sunday.

The park will serve as an important logistics center for Jingdong Group, while Langfang hopes it will boost the city's e-commerce development.

The two also agreed to cooperate in government purchasing.

Jingdong Group is a major e-commerce player in China, with its subsidiary JD.com accounting for 25.1 percent of the country's online business-to-consumer market during the first half of this year, second only to rival Tmall under Alibaba at 57.7 percent, according to China e-Business Research Center.

China is encouraging the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration program, with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang saying on Saturday that the plans should be accelerated to explore growth potential.
The two economic allies agreed to help facilitate the passage of the bilateral free trade deal in their own legislatures, in addition to expanding the ROK's food exports to China and strengthening industrial cooperation.

Surely this means more kimchi、dried seaweed、kalbi and pulgogi in the Chinese market :D

From economic partnership there must be a road to strategic partnership. China is indeed blessed to have at least one developed, business-minded nation across its borders. :tup:
Chinese high speed railway line opens opportunities in Italy
2015-10-30 9:19:47

High speed railway line took central stage here at the Expo Milano 2015, where before the world exposition's ending day on Saturday, China left to Italy a legacy of collaboration opportunities.

High speed railway line is closely related to the China-proposed "Belt and Road" initiative, Wan Jun, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation (CRRC), said in his remarks at a round table dedicated to opportunity collaboration between China and Italy in the sector.

Wan recalled the fundamental role of the ancient Silk Road in making cultural and economic exchanges possible between the East and the West. More than 2,000 years later, the vision of a new Silk Road launched by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013 has revived the need for more collaboration in the era of technology, he said.

With 17,000 km high speed railway line, above 60 percent of the global total and extending at pace of 8.2 km each day, China offers huge collaboration potential in particular to countries with a vocation for innovation, such as Italy, Wan went on saying.

Among the six collaboration projects signed during the expo event, involving important companies and institutions from the two countries, a memorandum of cultural communication was signed between CRRC and Politecnico di Milano, a world-renowned scientific and technological university based in Milan.

Giuliano Noci, marketing professor at Politecnico di Milano, underlined the importance of the "Belt and Road" initiative, that he defined an "occasion to relaunch a connection which has made the history of the world's economic and technological development."

"China has become my second home, and going so often to China, my Chinese friends have taught me that events are the starting point and not the arrival point... I believe that Italy and China have the possibility to develop an extraordinary synergy as concerns innovation," Noci said.

How can this happen? "Italy's creativity perfectly combines with China's ability to build projects on a massive scale," Noci said, wishing that what he called a "Sino-Italian Way of Innovation" will be born from such a complementarity.

Riccardo Rosa, Vice President of UCIMU - the Italian machine tool, robots, automation systems and ancillary products manufacturers' association - said he was impressed by the rapid development of China's high speed railway line. "China infrastructures represent a fundamental opportunity of collaboration for our members, which produce the components of high speed trains," he said.

High speed railway line is closely linked to increased transport capacity of goods, underlined Paolo Besozzi, the head of the infrastructure company of Lombardy region, considered the wealthiest region of Italy and one of the most developed in Europe, of which the capital city is Milan.

Road and sea routes, Besozzi explained, are undergoing significant transformations at the global level, which needs new shared projects. Logistics, from ports to railways and airports which have strategic positions both in Italy and in China, plays a central role in this new scenario, he added.

The energy sector, for example, can also open high speed railway line-related opportunities, commented Claudio Nucci, General Manager of Ansaldo Energia, which provides plant engineering for turnkey power plants, including process, mechanical, civil, installation and start-up engineering.

Nucci recalled the long-term strategic agreement signed last year between Ansaldo Energia and Shanghai Electric, a world leader in the manufacture of power generation equipment and other machinery.

"This was the beginning of a great collaboration with China which we believe can have strong development, also in the field of green energies," he said.

The round table was part of the event dedicated to "Belt and Road" initiative and Chinese brands, held at the expo's China Pavilion and organized by CRRC in collaboration with China Corporate United Pavilion, one of the two corporate pavilions that China has besides its national pavilion at the Expo Milano 2015, the Italy-China Chamber of Commerce and People's Daily Media Group.

@Andrew jin , @cirr
Samsung Opens Lithium-Ion Battery Factory In China

October 31st, 2015 by James Ayre

Originally published on EV Obsession.

An inauguration ceremony for Samsung SDI’s newly completed electric vehicle battery production facility in the Gaoxin Industrial District in Xi’an, in Shaanxi Province, China, was recently held by the Korean company.

Worth noting here is that Samsung SDI is now the first “top” battery manufacturer to develop an electric vehicle (EV) battery production plant in China; and to initiate mass production in the economic powerhouse.

Green Car Congress provides more:

The Xi’an plant has initiated its operation from September. It has finalized battery supply agreements with 10 local personal and commercial vehicle companies and is already delivering. Some of these companies include bus manufacturer Yutong and leading truck manufacturer Foton.

The finalized Samsung SDI Xi’an Plant can manufacture batteries for approximately 40,000 full electric vehicles per year. The plant is capable of producing cells and modules. Preparing for increased market demand in the future, Samsung SDI will invest US$600 million into the Xi’an battery plant until 2020 with the goal of achieving US$1 billion in sales.

Impressive numbers. Not quite on the scale of the Gigafactory, but still quite notable. On that note, it should probably be remembered that, while operations are set to begin at the Gigafactory next year, full operational capacity isn’t expected to be reached for several more years. The opening next year is simply of the first phase.

Samsung Opens Lithium-Ion Battery Factory In China | CleanTechnica
Samsung Opens Lithium-Ion Battery Factory In China

October 31st, 2015 by James Ayre

Originally published on EV Obsession.

An inauguration ceremony for Samsung SDI’s newly completed electric vehicle battery production facility in the Gaoxin Industrial District in Xi’an, in Shaanxi Province, China, was recently held by the Korean company.

Worth noting here is that Samsung SDI is now the first “top” battery manufacturer to develop an electric vehicle (EV) battery production plant in China; and to initiate mass production in the economic powerhouse.

Green Car Congress provides more:

The Xi’an plant has initiated its operation from September. It has finalized battery supply agreements with 10 local personal and commercial vehicle companies and is already delivering. Some of these companies include bus manufacturer Yutong and leading truck manufacturer Foton.

The finalized Samsung SDI Xi’an Plant can manufacture batteries for approximately 40,000 full electric vehicles per year. The plant is capable of producing cells and modules. Preparing for increased market demand in the future, Samsung SDI will invest US$600 million into the Xi’an battery plant until 2020 with the goal of achieving US$1 billion in sales.

Impressive numbers. Not quite on the scale of the Gigafactory, but still quite notable. On that note, it should probably be remembered that, while operations are set to begin at the Gigafactory next year, full operational capacity isn’t expected to be reached for several more years. The opening next year is simply of the first phase.

Samsung Opens Lithium-Ion Battery Factory In China | CleanTechnica

China continues to collapse. :D:tup:
LG Chem also opened its li-ion battery factory in Nanjing,China a couple of days ago。

The plant has an annual capacity of manufacturing batteries for 100,000 full electric vehicles。

China continues to collapse. :D:tup:

:D yes,no wonder Korean battery makers are falling over themselves to make the drive of tomorrow in China。
Strong demand to lift EV battery production in China

Staff Reporter 2015-10-31 10:09 (GMT+8)

While government policy has spurred the explosive growth of the electric vehicle (EV) market in China, the industry's development has been constrained to a certain degree by an inadequate supply of batteries to power the vehicles, reports Shanghai's China Business News.

To meet the strong demand, many companies have been scrambling to invest in EV battery production, the report said, citing industry experts.

Several EV brands have turned down orders placed from August-October due to a short supply of lithium ion batteries and cells for electric vehicles, Fang Jianhua, the head of Hefei Guouxan High-Tech Power Energy Co, said recently at the Battery China 2015 trade show.

Fang said that for the first eight months of this year, China's EV output reached 123,500 units, but added that the shortage of EV batteries is estimated to reach 2 gigawatt hours (GWh).

The battery capacity, in short, could meet the needs of only about 100,000 passenger EVs and 30,000 business EVs, Fang said.

However, the government has established a target of having 5 million pure electric and hybrid electric vehicles on the road by 2020, suggesting that the demand for EV batteries will be enormous in the future.

Fang attributed the shortfall in EV battery supplies to lags in the implementation of government subsidy policies to promote the EV sector, which has made some battery manufacturers unwilling to go into full production as scheduled.

The inadequate supplies might also have resulted in the rapid development in the market for EVs for business purposes.

The huge potential of the battery market has prompted many manufacturing companies to rev up production, giving rise to concern over excess production of lithium ion batteries and cells, said Wu Hui, an investment division head of a consulting firm.

According to statistics compiled by a Chinese battery website, for the first half of this year, listed companies have invested an additional 60 billion yuan (US$9.46 billion) in lithium ion battery production. It has also been estimated that additional investments in the field for the whole of this year are likely to breach 100 billion yuan (US$15.7 billion).:coffee::hitwall::D

Strong demand to lift EV battery production in China|WCT
In China, solar farm could be a real FARM
English.news.cn | 2015-11-01 12:48:51 | Editor: huaxia

A Xinhua photo on June 30, 2015 shows a farmer rowing his boat at a solar/fish farm in east China's Zhejiang Province.​

BEIJING, Nov. 1 (Xinhua) -- In a place like this, you can see rows of solar panels like in a regular solar farm. But you may be surprised to find it is a farm that actually produces food: underneath the solar panels there are vegetables growing, or hairy crabs crawling.

This perfect marriage of renewable energy and agriculture is an innovation by Chinese solar power operators looking for ways to circumvent the country's tight restrictions on the conversion of agricultural land.

Solar farms take up a big area and one of the hardest challenges the sector face is to obtain land near major population centers. "Integrating food production helps us to convince the farmers to lease the land at a reasonable price and get local government support," Roger Yang, head of new energy business in China for Hong Kong-listed utility company CLP, was cited by Financial times as saying.

Solar industry has witnessed gigantic development in China over the past few years. Solar power capacity in China will reach 150 GW in five years, up from 35.8 GW at the end of June, Dong Xiufen, director of new energy for China's National Energy Administration, told Xinhua earlier . The government' s goal is to boost photovoltaic-power capacity by 20 GW annually from 2016 to 2020, she said.
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