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China Economy Forum

It is not advisable so long as alternatives (including favorable international market) exist. They are best kept as strategic reserves for the worst case scenario.

Fracking is especially not good for water aquifers.
I guess they are already doing it in USA, God saves americano.
China ranks No 1 in global online retail trade
10-29-2015 20:18 BJT

China's online retail trade now ranks first in the world and the number of Internet shoppers has surpassed 360 million, the China Internet Network Information Center reported today.

The Internet has been a boon to China's economy, contributing 7 percent to the country's GDP last year, said the center's report, which reviewed the Web industry's influence on the economy over the past five years.

Retail trade online more than doubled to 2.79 trillion yuan ($438 billion) in 2014, the report said, pushing China past the United States as the biggest online market in the world.

Sales in the electronics industry, which includes smartphones and cloud storage services, also were driven by the Internet from 2011 to 2014, the report said.

Mobile networks have taken the place of computers as the entry point for users surfing the Web over the past five years. By 2014, China had 594 million netizens using mobile networks, up nearly 90 percent year-on-year, it said.

The report also noted there are currently more than 4 million application stores, helping users to shop, search and book tickets through their mobile terminals.
Georgia can help build a Silk Road of trade from Brighton to Beijing

By Irakli Garibashvili, Prime Minister of Georgia

Making it easier for goods to travel overland to and from China will enrich both Europe and Asia


10:28AM GMT 28 Oct 2015

Shortly before Xi Jinping, the Chinese president, made his state visit to the UK, Georgia was hosting the inaugural Tbilisi Silk Road Forum.

Just as the Chinese president’s visit was historic for the UK, the two-day Tbilisi forum was momentous for Georgia and our region. The stakes attached to both events are huge. The UK aspires to become a leading trade partner for China, while Georgia seeks to boost investment and economic growth through the revival of the ancient Silk Road.

For centuries, the Silk Road was the most important land route connecting Europe and Asia. This distinctive path became a source of prosperity and intensive trade relationships. It also promoted the exchange of knowledge, experience, and cultural interactions among different countries. We are today breathing new life into this corridor of global prosperity and cooperation.

My government’s goal is to build Georgia into a prosperous country that leverages its geographic location as a vital crossroads connecting East and West, and North and South. A regional hub and centre for exchange, Georgia is Europe’s natural gateway towards Asia.

As Europe’s eastern-most entry point by both land and sea, we are Europe’s “shortcut” to the Silk Road and trade with China. With our deep ties to the European Union, including our new Association and free trade agreements, our historical links throughout the region, and our burgeoning trade links with China, India, and elsewhere in the Middle East and Asia, Georgia is the ideal platform to foster investment and economic exchanges.


To that end, Georgia earlier this year hosted the annual meeting of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the inaugural meeting of the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

Global interest in Georgia is snowballing, particularly because of our strategic location and welcoming business environment. From Georgia, individuals and companies have easy access to billions of consumers in Asia and Europe; through Georgia, Asian products and energy resources reach Europe faster.

This project is not just about highlighting Georgia’s role as a bridge between Europe and Asia. It is about creating a shared benefit for all people from Beijing to Brighton and beyond.

The Silk Road region accounts for two thirds of the world’s population and 60 per cent of its GDP. It has the potential to become a key force to expand trade, develop new energy resource and supply chains, and increase cultural exchanges. The countries of the Silk Road are dynamic, and, thanks to reforms undertaken in recent years, we have strong and growing economies.

Nevertheless, no matter how much we can achieve individually, regional cooperation is critical to reaching our full potential. Our success will depend on our ability to fully harness the capacities and potential of the Silk Road, by generating new initiatives and ideas which boost competition – while avoiding conflict.

Significantly, the Chinese Government was a co-sponsor of our forum, the first time Beijing had helped organise an international event about the Silk Road outside China. Under the leadership of President Xi, this support shows China’s strong commitment towards Georgia and driving the restoration of the Silk Road.

Today, most goods travel from China to Europe via a long sea route. By working together, the countries along the Silk Road can transport goods from China to Europe significantly faster and at a fraction of the cost.

However, this means we must work together to simplify tariff and customs policies as well as integrate and modernise our infrastructure. We therefore concluded the forum with a work programme for how to deepen integration along the Silk Road, with a view to reporting next year on the significant progress made in implementing this plan.

A new era is opening for our region. We have much work to do, but I am excited at the prospect of future forums to spur our progress towards a bright future together.

By the same token, the UK has much to gain from embracing the investment and trade opportunities offered by the Chinese president’s visit. If the UK is as successful at this as Georgia was at our forum, we will all have made great strides in building a seamless and efficient trade network across two continents, launching a new era of peaceful and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Irakli Garibashvili is Prime Minister of Georgia
China ranks No 1 in global online retail trade
10-29-2015 20:18 BJT

China's online retail trade now ranks first in the world and the number of Internet shoppers has surpassed 360 million, the China Internet Network Information Center reported today.

The Internet has been a boon to China's economy, contributing 7 percent to the country's GDP last year, said the center's report, which reviewed the Web industry's influence on the economy over the past five years.

Retail trade online more than doubled to 2.79 trillion yuan ($438 billion) in 2014, the report said, pushing China past the United States as the biggest online market in the world.

Sales in the electronics industry, which includes smartphones and cloud storage services, also were driven by the Internet from 2011 to 2014, the report said.

Mobile networks have taken the place of computers as the entry point for users surfing the Web over the past five years. By 2014, China had 594 million netizens using mobile networks, up nearly 90 percent year-on-year, it said.

The report also noted there are currently more than 4 million application stores, helping users to shop, search and book tickets through their mobile terminals.
What will be the total of China's domestic retail sales for 2016/2017?
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Any guess of the sales number of singles' day on 11. 11.?

Everybody is readying for the battle :)

March on! The Double 11 is becoming an international shopping festival.

The New Normal.


Battle stations readied for ‘Double 11’: Alibaba’s logistics arm Cainiao prepares for China’s ‘Singles Day’ with military-scale campaign

Company plans to use over 1.7 million delivery personnel, 400,000 vehicles, 5,000 warehouses and 200 aircraft to support massive e-commerce event on November 11

PUBLISHED : Thursday, 29 October, 2015, 6:44pm

Preparations have intensified for Alibaba Group’s “Double 11” day, the world’s biggest online shopping festival slated for next month, as its affiliate Cainiao Logistics unveiled a vast operation for the campaign that could rival the size of a full-scale military exercise.

“The massive number of delivery orders [expected to be] generated from this great online shopping event really pushes us and our delivery partners to do our very best,” Cainiao chief technology officer Ben Wang said on Thursday.

Cainiao estimated that it will deploy more than 1.7 million delivery personnel, 400,000 vehicles, 5,000 warehouses and 200 aircraft to support Alibaba’s Double 11 campaign, which is held on November 11 as part of the much-anticipated Singles’ Day event in mainland China.

To speed up international deliveries, Cainiao has launched its “Hassle-free Logistics Service” - a programme supported by 49 cross-border delivery partners, which have set up 16 dedicated cross-border delivery routes and 74 warehouses to handle 4 million packages a day.

Cainiao said it has also made arrangements to expedite customs clearance for cross-border packages via bonded warehouses, while integrating logistics data-sharing with local customs agencies in the four Chinese cities of Shanghai, Hangzhou and Ningbo in Zhejiang province, and Guangzhou in southern Guangdong.

This year’s Double 11 festival is shaping up to be the most international campaign organised by Alibaba as over 5,000 international brands from 25 countries are joining the event.

These brands will be able to sell directly to consumers in more than 200 countries and regions through Alibaba’s domestic and international online shopping platforms.

According to Alibaba, this year’s campaign will have about 40,000 participating merchants from around the world and 30,000 brands offering more than 6 million different products through its various online shopping platforms, including Tmall, Taobao Marketplace, group-buying site Juhuasan and the AliExpress global retail site.

Wang said Cainiao, which was established by Alibaba and a consortium of Chinese logistics companies in 2013, will leverage so-called big-data technology to deliver fast, world-class logistics services to both sellers and buyers during Double 11.

Alibaba posted total sales of US$9.3 billion, settled through its Alipay mobile and online payments platform, last November 11 as consumers from 217 countries and territories placed some 278 million orders for about a million different products during that 24-hour period.

That represented nearly 10 times the average daily volume of 30 million package deliveries generated on Alibaba’s China retail marketplaces in 2013.

New York-listed Alibaba kicked off two weeks ago the upcoming seventh anniversary of its promotional festival, which will be hosted in Beijing next month.

Jefferies equity analyst Cynthia Meng said in a report that Cainiao has formed partnerships with 49 logistics providers, including Chinese firms EMS, ZTO Express and YTO Express, as well as national providers the United States Postal Service, Singapore Post and Britain’s Royal Mail.


According to Cainiao, it connects and coordinates a network of more than 3,000 partners in mainland China and overseas.

It has also established more than 300,000 pick-up stations where consumers can take delivery of online-ordered goods in more than 190 Chinese cities. In rural areas, Cainiao is working with regional “last-mile” delivery firms.

“Alibaba will cooperate with more than 180,000 physical stores across 330 cities nationwide to provide an online-to-offline (O2O) integrated service, offering seamless shopping experience to its customers,” Alicia Yap, the head of China internet research at Barclays, said in a report.

The O2O support from Chinese electronics retailer Suning Commerce Group, in which Alibaba recently invested US$4.63 billion to take a roughly 20 per cent stake in the company, will go live on November 11, Yap said.

Suning, which is based in Nanjing in China’s eastern Jiangsu province, has more than 1,600 stores in about 600 mainland Chinese cities.

It has also become a partner of Cainiao after Alibaba’s strategic investment. The combined logistics resources of Suning and Cainiao is expected to speed up deliveries outside of the major Chinese cities as these cover almost all of the 2,800 counties and districts in the country.

“Alibaba will have Suning warehouses help Tmall fulfil deliveries of fast-moving consumer goods on November 11,” Yap said.

“Suning will also help handle delivery of bulky items purchased from Alibaba.”
China-Georgia relations are seeing significant warming lately.
Georgian Parliament Speaker Visits China

Georgian Parliament Speaker Davit Usupashvili, who is visiting Beijing, met head of China’s parliament Zhang Dejiang on October 14.

Usupashvili is in Beijing to participate in the two-day Asian Political Parties’ Special Conference on the Silk Road, which is hosted by the Communist Party of China.

“Cooperation between our two countries has intensified in recent years,” Usupashvili said. “We are ready to engage in specific projects, which will be beneficial for the both countries… Georgia is a small country, but has a significant location, which can serve as a link between Asia and Europe.”

According to the Georgian Parliament’s press office, during the meeting Usupashvili thanked his Chinese counterpart for supporting Georgia’s territorial integrity, spoke about relations with Russia, ongoing “occupation” of the Georgian territories by Russia, and also noted that despite of challenges Georgia continues on its path towards the European integration.

Meanwhile Tbilisi will be hosting the first Silk Road Forum on October 15-16, which the Georgian government is co-organizing with the Chinese government. 800 participants from about 31 countries, among them 300 representatives from China, will be attending the two-day forum in Tbilisi, according to the Georgian government. The Chinese delegation is led by governor of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Xuekerat Zakir.

Georgia’s PM Irakli Garibashvili, who visited China in September, said in his speech before the UN General Assembly earlier this month that that Georgia is “developing strong economic and trade relationship with China.”
Aha. Whether Taiwan likes it or not, it is slowly being assimilated/integrated economically with China.

That's one way for Taiwan to prosper.
Aha. Whether Taiwan likes it or not, it is slowly being assimilated/integrated economically with China.

That's one way for Taiwan to prosper.
You speak the true.But taiwanese may dont think so.They still hope Taiwan 's reincarnation will help them back to the gold era in 90s.With the fall of Clothing trade agreement,Taiwan lost the advance of competiton with south korea.In the furture , ten years,I dont think we will see any good indication for Taiwan.Specially the economic measure is kidnaped by the politic ideology.:what:
I like Alipay!
Last week I was in a guesthouse in rural Sichuan.
I didn't have enough cash, and they didn't provide credit card payment.
At last I transferred my room charge to the owner via Alipay APP.
And I transferred another 1000yuan, he gave me 1000yuan cash.
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